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  1. Holiday Anyone ?????? (2 replies)
  2. Funnest Accident Story I Ever Heard (5 replies)
  3. Adult Only Beach Area (86 replies)
  4. Man Survives Bobcat Attack - Chokes It To Death (4 replies)
  5. 16 year old student marries 40 year old (53 replies)
  6. The Deer Hunter (31 replies)
  7. Watch the Watch !!!! (5 replies)
  8. I hate to cheat...but... (0 replies)
  9. What gets into some peoples heads? (3 replies)
  10. A rant about risk. (5 replies)
  11. No Pro Choice License Plates in Florida (24 replies)
  12. Another attack! Utah! (11 replies)
  13. The Ignore Feature - crosspost :-) (1 replies)
  14. Clambake at Thursdays-217 (96 replies)
  15. 11 Year Old Killed by Bear (18 replies)
  16. This Is Such Bad Taste !!!!!!! (5 replies)
  17. THAT'S it - Cremation for me!!!! (10 replies)
  18. I hope they find the owner....... (5 replies)
  19. I Am Australian (3 replies)
  20. I can't imagine handling this as a parent (19 replies)
  21. Eyes Wide Open (23 replies)
  22. Doggie ear piercing???? (14 replies)
  23. District attorney in N.C. was disbarred (2 replies)
  24. "When Pets Need Anti-Depressants" article (7 replies)
  25. Dog beat to death :( (3 replies)
  26. fur trade/cats & dogs (23 replies)
  27. LOLOLOL, This one is against teachers and the system (1 replies)
  28. Woman dies in hopital waiting room (46 replies)
  29. New Paris Fragrance (11 replies)
  30. Free Paris !!!!! (4 replies)
  31. A Very Sad Day !!!!!! (5 replies)
  32. Does anyone know the words... (8 replies)
  33. Ya Gotta luv those Irish (5 replies)
  34. I can't believe this is making it to court (33 replies)
  35. Another teacher/student scuffle. (7 replies)
  36. Setting Priorities In Child Rearing (5 replies)
  37. Disabled Man Killed...with bat....so sad & horrific (0 replies)
  38. Lies, Lies, & more Lies... I'm not as stupid as you think I am. -Rant (14 replies)
  39. The good ol days !!!! (5 replies)
  40. I want to check you for ticks Thursday-216 (96 replies)
  41. Flat tire *RANT* (0 replies)
  42. Now I'm pissed! (16 replies)
  43. A drink, a dame and a dunk? (0 replies)
  44. Dogs, drugs and dollies? (2 replies)
  45. Sadly, another pit bull story (9 replies)
  46. Just trying something out here !!!! (3 replies)
  47. Katrina Pet Law Suits (8 replies)
  48. New Paris Video (9 replies)
  49. Kids shot in WI (2 replies)
  50. Well, it was only 51 years ago !!!!! (4 replies)
  51. The REST of the Lohan kids are doome... (2 replies)
  52. Oxyclinton (1 replies)
  53. The Best !!!!! (0 replies)
  54. Unique funeral poem....written by the deceased! (4 replies)
  55. For Mugsy.... (4 replies)
  56. Poor Paris Goes Back To the Slammer (41 replies)
  57. Gas for Blood? (7 replies)
  58. Kitty Litter Cake (18 replies)
  59. did George phone Paris (5 replies)
  60. For once NJ might make me proud (6 replies)
  61. Blondes ARE smarter !!!!! (10 replies)
  62. The Poor Dog !!!!! (20 replies)
  63. The Ant and the Grasshopper: 2 Scenarios (2 replies)
  64. Paris is free (63 replies)
  65. Thursdays #215: Thursdays Gets Offensive! (107 replies)
  66. Couldn't resist! (2 replies)
  67. Rob Lowe gets Real "Birdie" in Pro-Am! (1 replies)
  68. Cat poo latte??? (20 replies)
  69. I think this belongs HERE :-D (5 replies)
  70. Equality.....yeah right (53 replies)
  71. A teacher's rant.... (46 replies)
  72. Polish Girl's Holocaust Diary Unveiled (14 replies)
  73. The world of dog fighting (4 replies)
  74. Digital camera rant -- Amended 6/21 (21 replies)
  75. Grrrr - GE and the refrigerator saga ... (38 replies)
  76. So Much For The Brave Wild Game Hunter (8 replies)
  77. bullets or breathing? (4 replies)
  78. Man steals puppy from child (4 replies)
  79. China’s top drug regulator gets death sentence (3 replies)
  80. You have to have heart? (2 replies)
  81. And We Are Well Educated???? (22 replies)
  82. Jack Kevorkian released from prison (16 replies)
  83. Banned from grad for senior prank (94 replies)
  84. Air traveler with tuberculosis (12 replies)
  85. Ever Hear Of This? (26 replies)
  86. Dog Nappers (5 replies)
  87. Why I love America! (3 replies)
  88. Sgt. Kills His Own K9 (7 replies)
  89. Thursday #214- Once in a Blue Moon! (88 replies)
  90. Protesting the fox hunt by.....eating a dog?? (25 replies)
  91. Robbery 101 (3 replies)
  92. menu foods/tainted dog & cat food (24 replies)
  93. Big Brother show in Australia (6 replies)
  94. Menu Foods harassed Pet Owners (6 replies)
  95. Maggie, the lone elephant in Anchorage, Alaska (4 replies)
  96. Real estate and fake what? (4 replies)
  97. Why I hate America! (31 replies)
  98. Animal killings/cruelty (2 replies)
  99. Lindsay Lohan "cited" for drunk driving. (34 replies)
  100. Dog nurses baby squirrl (0 replies)
  101. Slavery in the U.S.A. (0 replies)
  102. Rose is gone from The View! (12 replies)
  103. Cat nurses puppy (5 replies)
  104. Missing wife (2 replies)
  105. Cat Shot In Head With Arrow - SURVIVES! (3 replies)
  106. School Shooting in Toronto - 4 blocks from MY House!! (0 replies)
  107. Thursdays #213: On the road again! (51 replies)
  108. Wow a new low (16 replies)
  109. Body armor for American troops (11 replies)
  110. Pill That Stops Monthly Period (33 replies)
  111. Honor Killings??? (14 replies)
  112. I saw Circus of the Damned. It was ummm... Pass-out-tastic! (16 replies)
  113. One more over the cuckoo's nest (1 replies)
  114. Four Presidents visit the Wizard of Oz (1 replies)
  115. Woman who booby trapped road for motorcyclists gets 5 years (9 replies)
  116. The Massachusetts Leg. has finally lost their minds (17 replies)
  117. Why I love my job & the people in it. (4 replies)
  118. CT Legislature trying to pass a bill... (8 replies)
  119. Its official, I get to keep my car!!!!!! (4 replies)
  120. "New" Immigration Deal (0 replies)
  121. Open and Honest eh? (0 replies)
  122. Troops Lost In Firefight (0 replies)
  123. Prince Harry stays at home (17 replies)
  124. Thursday #212 - Anniversary of the first Kentucky Derby (17 May 1875) (35 replies)
  125. You know it's a no-frills airline... (2 replies)
  126. Oh Jose, Jose, Jose......... (6 replies)
  127. Cats in distress?? (4 replies)
  128. It's LH's Birthday today !!!!!!!! (19 replies)
  129. Bush Impersonation (3 replies)
  130. Aliens amongst us !!!!! (6 replies)
  131. Dog the Money Hunter. (11 replies)
  132. Teacher beaten over confiscation of ipod. (14 replies)
  133. mother gets prison for not reporting child abuse (4 replies)
  134. Family in Desperate Need!! (7 replies)
  135. Schools getting into kid's business (25 replies)
  136. Mother abandons child at Wallmart (9 replies)
  137. Old Man Gets Beat Up...People Stand There and Watch! (11 replies)
  138. Little Becky.......... (2 replies)
  139. What is going on? (15 replies)
  140. House Of Horrors (20 replies)
  141. Actual Letter to Proctor and Gamble re: Aunt Flo and Wings... (8 replies)
  142. Great stuff !!!!! (4 replies)
  143. Hmmmmmmmmmm............ (10 replies)
  144. Baby "plays" with Cobra. (23 replies)
  145. Lesbian couple split up and sue sperm donor (15 replies)
  146. Hallelujah!!!! (1 replies)
  147. This is so interesting !!!!! (0 replies)
  148. Indiana man bitten by pet rattler (1 replies)
  149. A little boy attends his first wedding... (2 replies)
  150. Oil Price Fun (27 replies)
  151. Custody Battle Over A Dog (0 replies)
  152. Bye Tone...... (8 replies)
  153. The Ant and the Grasshopper (1 replies)
  154. redemption of an evil person (9 replies)
  155. Do All Vegans Think This Way? (45 replies)
  156. This is a bit unnerving... (2 replies)
  157. Thursday #211 time to get away (68 replies)
  158. O J Bounced (21 replies)
  159. Girl Bitten by Rottweiler (0 replies)
  160. Dog starved to death in cage (11 replies)
  161. This Poor Dog Was Stolen From It's Car! (5 replies)
  162. Church destroys neighbor's yard (8 replies)
  163. Dubya & Queenie (26 replies)
  164. Poor Bear (1 replies)
  165. The Dollar !!!!! (2 replies)
  166. Global Warming ?? (5 replies)
  167. Poor Paris (54 replies)
  168. Beware.....New Virus (3 replies)
  169. Well, I've Never Heard Such A strange Story (25 replies)
  170. Signs !!!! (5 replies)
  171. Dogs suffocated to death (6 replies)
  172. $50? I'd have to hold out for at least $100 (6 replies)
  173. Chinese Club Feet (16 replies)
  174. This is clever !!!!! (2 replies)
  175. D.C. Madame (3 replies)
  176. Lipstick !!!!!! (6 replies)
  177. For Daisy and Delilah !!!!! (3 replies)
  178. Thursday #210.. Yes, you May! (57 replies)
  179. A five-day weekend?! (1 replies)
  180. Living an environmentally friendly life ... is it possible? (a rant) (22 replies)
  181. Words well spoken...Recieved in Email (84 replies)
  182. Cornelius and Booboo... (3 replies)
  183. Subject: Statements by stressed women for Marigold2 (8 replies)
  184. Final Flight...tissue alert! (15 replies)
  185. Energizer Bunny arrested..... (7 replies)
  187. "Rabbit, Rabbit" Superstition (7 replies)
  188. Embarassing, but true, re: cell phones (14 replies)
  189. A Very Brave Man Wrote This !!!!! (3 replies)
  190. For the Boys....a lesson !!!!! (4 replies)
  191. After all the hoohaa.... (13 replies)
  192. North to Alaska (2 replies)
  193. [B]More Blonde Jokes[/B] (1 replies)
  194. You rat busker! (3 replies)
  195. Croatia, where the sheep ain't dogs!!!!!!! (3 replies)
  196. Ya Gotta Hear This One !!!!! (14 replies)
  197. They replied sheepishly.... (5 replies)
  198. Blondestar (4 replies)
  199. political fun thread. (69 replies)
  200. Accident caused by out of control sewer (5 replies)
  201. a media rant.. (19 replies)
  202. Vick INDICTED! (309 replies)
  203. Thursday #209 - Four years, one week (87 replies)
  204. Lets Hear It For Australia (16 replies)
  205. Dog owners 'fleeced' in poodle scam (50 replies)
  206. The Scumbuckets are at it Again !!!! (1 replies)
  207. Poisoned Alpaca Feed 2003, 100+ die - Judgement 'Win' for the Feed Co. in April 2007 (1 replies)
  208. Just a quick rant (2 replies)
  209. Adult Learning Center For Men !!! (12 replies)
  210. Bankruptcy - Just ranting to keep sane UPDATE: apr 28 (16 replies)
  211. One square will save the world? (49 replies)
  212. Dog Fur common on clothes we buy (2 replies)
  213. Tomatoes !!!!! (9 replies)
  214. Are you a blonde ??? I am....lol (23 replies)
  215. More from Blackburg (3 replies)
  216. Refugee swapping (10 replies)
  217. A car peeve..... (9 replies)
  218. Statement from V Tech killer's family - they hurt too (15 replies)
  219. Baseball (1 replies)
  220. Insensative Reporters ? (14 replies)
  221. I can't say I'm Sorry (159 replies)
  222. Woo Hoo! #208 ~ 4 years of Thursdays!~ (106 replies)
  223. You know you're broke when............. (6 replies)
  224. Bomb, Gun, Unknown threats! (13 replies)
  225. Well done Wills! (5 replies)
  226. Marriage in Heaven (5 replies)
  227. Dinner with the wife !!!!! (6 replies)
  228. Something that bothers me - this is very long (23 replies)
  229. Opinions needed.............. (33 replies)
  230. WHY did this person get a dog???? (5 replies)
  231. "Digger the Wombat" (13 replies)
  232. News Flash! With an update! (32 replies)
  233. Croc bites off vet's arm (15 replies)
  234. How "Animal Welfare" folks kill dogs...*rant* (3 replies)
  235. For Whiska Luva !!!! (2 replies)
  236. Bummer !!!!! (2 replies)
  237. Vietnam war dogs (23 replies)
  238. Thursday #207 -- Happy National Licorice Day (61 replies)
  239. Dannielynn's father revealed... (10 replies)
  240. Illegal Aliens and Their Cost to U.S. (6 replies)
  241. Much Ado About Imus ? (54 replies)
  242. Does anyone knnow... (2 replies)
  243. Singles ad... (8 replies)
  244. Twin Towers Implosion (9 replies)
  245. Ever Wonder Why Men Are Happier ???? (2 replies)
  246. Bugger !!!!! (4 replies)
  247. He Hurt His Hand? (6 replies)
  248. Pets-Bunny-Dog (5 replies)
  249. Oops !!!!! (4 replies)
  250. Doonesbury April 8 - Bush Quote Gallery (2 replies)