View Full Version : Protesting the fox hunt by.....eating a dog??

05-30-2007, 11:40 AM

Artist eats Corgi to protest British royals’ fox hunt; Yoko Ono also tastes it

Man eats dog in protest
May 30: Mark McGowan sat down at a table in the middle of a busy street in London and ate a cooked dog in a protest against the royal family.

Updated: 1 hour, 25 minutes ago
LONDON - A British artist has eaten chunks of a Corgi dog, the breed favored by Queen Elizabeth II, live on radio to protest against the royal family's treatment of animals.

Mark McGowan, 37, said he ate "about three bites" of the dog meat, cooked with apples, onions and seasoning, to highlight what he called Prince Philip's mistreatment of a fox during a hunt by the Queen's husband in January.

"It was pretty disgusting," McGowan said of the meal, which he ate while appearing on a London radio station on Tuesday. Yoko Ono, another guest on the show, also tried the meat.

"I've never tasted anything like it — it was grey and had a very funny smell. It was horrible," McGowan told Reuters.

McGowan said he was angry that the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, of which the royal family is a patron, had not prosecuted Prince Philip for hunting and killing the fox. The RSPCA said the fox did not suffer.

Corgis are the favored dogs of the queen, who has owned more than 30 of them during her reign.

The dog died of natural causes at a Corgi breeder and was prepared and cooked by others for McGowan.

McGowan is well known for his outlandish performance stunts. He ate a swan in another protest against the queen. Swans are protected by the monarchy.

critter crazy
05-30-2007, 11:45 AM
That makes no sense at all!!!! eating a dog, in protest??? WTH!!! Then I read he has also eaten a Swan in protest as well??? This guy is a flamming Idiot!!!:eek: :mad:

05-30-2007, 12:14 PM
That makes me feel physically ill.

05-30-2007, 12:33 PM
That's an odd way to protest, for sure. 0-o

05-30-2007, 01:00 PM
Odd yes, but his words will be heard now.
The dog died of natural causes, so it doesn't bother me at all.

However I have no issues with people eatting dogs where its food.... meats meat. Here in North America its a crime as a dog is not a food item, so I'll be against killing a dog for meat here.

05-30-2007, 01:04 PM
No kidding it didn't taste good. It was probably 16 years old. What a strage way to protest, but at least the dog didn't die for the cause, it died on its own.

Queen of Poop
05-30-2007, 01:10 PM
This is sickening.

05-30-2007, 03:45 PM
I guess I'm not so sure why this is all that bad? The dog dies of natural causes and he cooked the meat. I'm sure there are cultures out there that eat dog meat. Now if he bought and butchered a Corgi then I'd be outraged, but that's not the case.

I guess the sad truth is that I eat dead cow, dead chicken, dead fish, dead pig and other animals that didn't die a natural death and I don't see how that is any less disgusting than eating an animal that passed from natural causes.

That said I think it is a lame way to protest, but at least he didn't harm anything in order to protest, other than maybe his stomach.

05-30-2007, 05:06 PM
It makes no sense to blame the dogs in any way in this protest.
Now if he ate a human Englishman, it would make more sense. :p

05-30-2007, 06:32 PM
This just makes me sick. It's less upsetting since the dog was not killed but still. Yes people eat other animals (I don't) but this guy is in a country that does not consider dogs food, so it is just gross. It's so gross that it distracts from the fox hunt so I don't know how effective of a protest it is.

05-30-2007, 08:04 PM
:mad: :mad: sick bastard!!

critter crazy
05-30-2007, 08:42 PM
I guess I'm not so sure why this is all that bad? The dog dies of natural causes and he cooked the meat. I'm sure there are cultures out there that eat dog meat. Now if he bought and butchered a Corgi then I'd be outraged, but that's not the case.

I guess the sad truth is that I eat dead cow, dead chicken, dead fish, dead pig and other animals that didn't die a natural death and I don't see how that is any less disgusting than eating an animal that passed from natural causes.

That said I think it is a lame way to protest, but at least he didn't harm anything in order to protest, other than maybe his stomach.

I am not bothered by him eating the dog, he didnt kill, it died naturally.
I just dont get what that has to do with a fox hunt??? Makes no sense to me at all! How is eating a dog protesting a fox hunt??:confused:

05-30-2007, 08:58 PM
I am not bothered by him eating the dog, he didnt kill, it died naturally.
I just dont get what that has to do with a fox hunt??? Makes no sense to me at all! How is eating a dog protesting a fox hunt??:confused:

I agree 100% that it makes no sense. That's why I thought it was a lame way to protest. The news article mentions that he protested the treatment of a fox during the hunt, so I don't know that he is protesting the hunt itself. Really, it sounds like he's just trying to irritate the royal family that loves corgi dogs. They mistreat foxes and he performs an act to simulate mistreating something that they are fond of.

Either way, it doesn't really bother me for some reason. The hunt was more cruel than the protest IMO.

05-30-2007, 10:07 PM
I guess I'm not so sure why this is all that bad? The dog dies of natural causes and he cooked the meat. I'm sure there are cultures out there that eat dog meat. Now if he bought and butchered a Corgi then I'd be outraged, but that's not the case.

I guess the sad truth is that I eat dead cow, dead chicken, dead fish, dead pig and other animals that didn't die a natural death and I don't see how that is any less disgusting than eating an animal that passed from natural causes.

I see the point of his protest. He's saying "Why are some animals protected and others not?" The reason he used a Corgi because they are the Queen's favorite. He's asking why the Corgis are more special to her than foxes.

While it is not the way I would have protested the hunts, since the dog did die of natural causes I don't think he has done anything particularly wrong, just strange.

Ginger's Mom
05-30-2007, 10:17 PM
It makes no sense to blame the dogs in any way in this protest.
Now if he ate a human Englishman, it would make more sense. :p
I found this very amusing. :D

Actually, the fact that the dog came from a Corgi breeder was very disturbing to me. The fact that someone who supposedly has an interest in the improvement and dignity of the breed handed over one of his/her dogs for this protest is very distasteful (I was trying to find another word but couldn't sorry). I hope someone identifies the breeder and that it causes them to lose any future business.

05-31-2007, 04:16 AM
I'm upset that Yoko Ono is in the news again.

Having seen people on Fear Factor eating raw pig rectum, seeing someone munch on Corgi Balls lets me know that there people far dumber than I am.

what if the dog died of heartworm, rabies, tapeworms or mange?


Pawsitive Thinking
05-31-2007, 04:58 AM
Eating Prince Philip would have been a better idea. Corgis aren't used for fox hunting...

05-31-2007, 07:50 AM
Brody's Mum,

Eating Queenie is a much better idea. She is one ugly a$$, frumpy old broad.

Pawsitive Thinking
05-31-2007, 08:06 AM
Brody's Mum,

Eating Queenie is a much better idea. She is one ugly a$$, frumpy old broad.

Bit tough on the old teeth I would imagine

05-31-2007, 08:21 AM
I found this very amusing. :D

Actually, the fact that the dog came from a Corgi breeder was very disturbing to me. The fact that someone who supposedly has an interest in the improvement and dignity of the breed handed over one of his/her dogs for this protest is very distasteful (I was trying to find another word but couldn't sorry). I hope someone identifies the breeder and that it causes them to lose any future business.

I do not wish that on the breeder. Chances are the breeder is VERY against the horrid killings of the foxes & really wants it to stop. If donating the body of his past loved one has a chance of saving thousands of foxes!

My dad is donating his body to a university, where they are going to hack him a part. He is donating his body hoping that one day it'll save thousands of people.

Both are the same. They are for the greater good.

05-31-2007, 08:30 AM
Brody's Mum,

I'm sure the taste would be quite bitter, actually. :p

05-31-2007, 12:32 PM
I guess I'm not so sure why this is all that bad? The dog dies of natural causes and he cooked the meat. I'm sure there are cultures out there that eat dog meat. Now if he bought and butchered a Corgi then I'd be outraged, but that's not the case.

I guess the sad truth is that I eat dead cow, dead chicken, dead fish, dead pig and other animals that didn't die a natural death and I don't see how that is any less disgusting than eating an animal that passed from natural causes.

That said I think it is a lame way to protest, but at least he didn't harm anything in order to protest, other than maybe his stomach.

Well said.

05-31-2007, 04:07 PM
Actually, the fact that the dog came from a Corgi breeder was very disturbing to me. The fact that someone who supposedly has an interest in the improvement and dignity of the breed handed over one of his/her dogs for this protest is very distasteful (I was trying to find another word but couldn't sorry). I hope someone identifies the breeder and that it causes them to lose any future business.

I agree!!

Ginger's Mom
05-31-2007, 06:37 PM
I do not wish that on the breeder. Chances are the breeder is VERY against the horrid killings of the foxes & really wants it to stop. If donating the body of his past loved one has a chance of saving thousands of foxes!

My dad is donating his body to a university, where they are going to hack him a part. He is donating his body hoping that one day it'll save thousands of people.

Both are the same. They are for the greater good.
:eek: Please! There was nothing noble about this; there were no lives saved as a result of this; there was no knew knowledge gained from him eating three bites of cooked corgi. This was nothing more than a cheap publicity stunt, as witnessed by the fact that it was done "on the air." Do not equate this with donating your body to science. :(

06-01-2007, 12:12 PM
Tony Blair, with a light Bernaise???

06-01-2007, 12:25 PM
:eek: Please! There was nothing noble about this; there were no lives saved as a result of this; there was no knew knowledge gained from him eating three bites of cooked corgi. This was nothing more than a cheap publicity stunt, as witnessed by the fact that it was done "on the air." Do not equate this with donating your body to science. :(

How do you know there wont be lives saved becuase of what he did?
My dad has NO idea if his body will be of any help, but he HOPES it will be of some help. I'm sure the breeder HOPES the fox hunts will stop with his donated dogs body.

A lot of things seem odd & wrong, but look at how much good can come out of things like this! Thousands of people are now more aware of this, it made it to the news, people are sharing the story... so it just might be a good start to get that stupid hunt stopped.