View Full Version : I want to check you for ticks Thursday-216

06-13-2007, 02:56 AM
THanks to Cmayer for posting this song in the Gen Area,
I heard it a few days ago and laughed, then thought-
There is a Thursday Theme Song!

Every time you take a sip
In this smoky atmosphere
You press that bottle to your lips
And I wish I was your beer
In the small there of your back
Your jeans are playing peekaboo
I'd like to see the other half of your butterfly tattoo.

Hey that gives me an idea
Let's get out of this bar
Drive out into the country
And find a place to park.

'Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks.

I know the perfect little path
Out in these woods I used to hunt
Don't worry babe I've got your back
And I've also got your front
Now, I'd hate to waste a night like this
I'll keep you safe you wait and see
The only thing allowed to crawl all over you when we get there is me.

You know every guy in here tonight
Would like to take you home
But I've got way more class than them
Babe that ain't what I want.

'Cause I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks.

You never know where one might be
There's lots of places that are hard to reach
I gotcha.

I'd like to see you out in the moonlight
I'd like to kiss you baby way back in the sticks
I'd like to walk you through a field of wildflowers
And I'd like to check you for ticks.

I'd sure like to check you for ticks...


And we'll have a Salty Dog as the DOTD?

Rub lime on the rim of a glass, dip in kosher salt.
3/4 glass of ice, 2 oz. of vodka and grapefruit juice to top it off...

Magnifying glasses are at the end of the bar...Start looking...


Killearn Kitties
06-13-2007, 04:31 AM
You started early because it will take a whole day to clean up! I thought we were getting firemen with hoses???

grumble grumble - I will get out my scrubbing brush.

Lady's Human
06-13-2007, 06:00 AM
<Pokes head in the door>

Is it safe in here yet?

Come on, Orc, Let's help KK and Richard clean up this mess. We don't need KK flouncing off in disgust.

06-13-2007, 06:36 AM
who knew mashed blackbeans, corn and cilantro could dry to such a hard crust? :eek: ...picks up paint scraper...may i have a strong latin american coffee with double cream please...scrape,scrape....hehehe ;)

06-13-2007, 10:14 AM
I'd love to take credit for the original post, but I just bumped it up in gen. Sparks19 deserves the credit for the original post. :)

I think some thick french toast made of sourdough bread and lots of powdered sugar sounds awesome this morning for breakfast, and some nice fresh squeezed lemonade to rinse it down. :)

06-13-2007, 10:23 AM
<Pokes head in the door>

Is it safe in here yet?

Come on, Orc, Let's help KK and Richard clean up this mess. We don't need KK flouncing off in disgust.

I'm here too, with the mops and buckets and a whole little red wagon full of cleaning supplies. Where would you like me to start?

06-13-2007, 10:26 AM
I'd love to take credit for the original post, but I just bumped it up in gen. Sparks19 deserves the credit for the original post. :)

I think some thick french toast made of sourdough bread and lots of powdered sugar sounds awesome this morning for breakfast, and some nice fresh squeezed lemonade to rinse it down. :)

Wow that French Toast sounds good, may I have a plate please? Do you think it would go good with that Salty Dog? :)

Edwina's Secretary
06-13-2007, 10:38 AM
RICHARD, you ole romantic you......I bet that song wins the girl every time...

Here's a drink to go with it...called the Redneck

1/4 - 1/2 part Southern Comfort® peach liqueur
fill with Mountain Dew® citrus soda

Fill a mason jar 1/4 to 1/2 full with Southern Comfort, depending on how strong you want the drink. Fill the jar the rest of the way with Mountain Dew. Stir and enjoy! Add some ice if you plan on drinking this over a period of time

06-13-2007, 10:54 AM
Wow! Sara? Is that one of Don's recipes? Who woulda thunk it.......he drinks out of mason jars? Somehow it just doesn't suit his image.

Yeah, Richard's lyrics kinda make you tear up don't they?

06-13-2007, 11:00 AM
Let me put on my cleaning woman kerchief before I get started. I really don't need monkey hands checking my head for ticks thank you very much (no offense Mario dear). Sara, no offense to you if I decline the Southern Comfort and, and.. Mountain Dew? :eek: *erk* Rather difficult to combine checking for ticks and sophistication come to think about it ... so BRING ER ON :p

06-13-2007, 11:04 AM
Checked for ticks??? OK, here's $20. Frisk me!!!!!! :p :D

Edwina's Secretary
06-13-2007, 11:06 AM
A true story....a manger once called me....had an employee going out to his car and pouring something from a Barney shampoo bottle into his Mountain Dew. Manager checked and found it was vodka. Wanted to know what to do? :confused: :confused:

I suggested...
............fire him for keeping his vodka in a Barney shampoo bottle
............fire him for mixing vodka and Mountain Dew or
............fire him for drinking on the job.

Everyone knows Mountain Dew only goes with Southern Comfort!

smokey the elder
06-13-2007, 02:51 PM
<puts on Level 4 biohazard gear> I'll help clean up, then make some raspberry mojitos to help cool down!

Lady's Human
06-13-2007, 02:56 PM
STE, the tyvek suits are a great idea, but I don't think we need the respirators.

Raspberry mojitos sound great!

I'll get the slushie mixer going as well.

Killearn Kitties
06-13-2007, 02:59 PM
Can we stop yet? Have we scraped enough guacamole and other yuk off the walls yet? Please may I have a salty dog, or a raspberry mojito, or anything really?

06-13-2007, 03:11 PM
I'm with you KK, that yummy breakfast gave us the energy to clean this place up thank goodness, but a nice raspberry mojito really would hit the spot. While I sip I'll think of something special food-wise. We deserve it!! :cool:

06-13-2007, 03:15 PM
...scrape, scrape...scrape.....

Killearn Kitties
06-13-2007, 03:19 PM
You're doing a grand job there Joycenalex! Why not join Laurie and I on the seats on the terrace for a raspberry mojito? I think we've earned it!

06-13-2007, 03:41 PM
Hey, I just had an idea!....since all the stuff from the food fight is edible, why not let all the PT dogs in to lick the place clean? Isn't that what a "working" dog does? (At least in my house, LOL!)

Lady's Human
06-13-2007, 03:46 PM
What's with all the salty dogs? Who seasoned Lady???

06-13-2007, 03:56 PM
*lets Spanky loose to lick up some of the food*

*goes to work scrubbing off walls with a sponge and cleaner*

Could I get a Chocolate Raspberry Martini? :D:D Or anything with raspberry!

Chocolate Raspberry Martini recipe
Source: The Mediterranean

1 1/2 ounces Stoli Rasberi
1 ounce Godiva White Chocolate liqueur
Splash of dark crème de cacao
Splash of Chambord

Put all ingredients into a pint glass with ice and shake well. Strain contents into a chilled martini glass.

06-13-2007, 04:18 PM
...drops scraper...whistles...ALEX!!! PEANUT!!! in here!!!, accepts mug of frosty cold raspberry mojito..ahhhh!

06-13-2007, 04:33 PM
What's with all the salty dogs? Who seasoned Lady???

:p What you mean Salty Dog?! Wait a minute Mario thinks I am a Salty Dog && I thought he was checking for ticks.. :D


Over Here Look I think I have a Big Tick


06-13-2007, 04:39 PM
Just what have you all been doing to get covered in ticks??? :eek:

On second thought, I don't wanna know!!! :D

My doctor told me today I'm getting better. Then he gave me a prescription for a new medicine.

Please give me a BIG cherry vanilla coke??? oh and 4 catnip teas for my fuzzy nurses who have taken great care of me during this!!! :D

06-13-2007, 04:42 PM
Oh, what cute pictures. :) I love the look on this pup's face :D


Edwina's Secretary
06-13-2007, 05:07 PM
Am I left to drink my Red Necks out of mason jars all by my lonesome???

I'm offering tick-free chitlins and greens to go with the Red Necks...

06-13-2007, 05:14 PM
I'd love to take credit for the original post, but I just bumped it up in gen. Sparks19 deserves the credit for the original post. :)

I think some thick french toast made of sourdough bread and lots of powdered sugar sounds awesome this morning for breakfast, and some nice fresh squeezed lemonade to rinse it down. :)

LOL thank's.... but I only made a thread... the real credit goes to the man that wrote that song hahaha without it where would we be :D

When I first heard it I said "Ew he wants to check her for ticks?" and hubby replied with "Hey.... he didn't say he wanted to find any." Can't argue with that logic.

I will have a virgin version of whatever drink is currently being served :D

06-13-2007, 05:37 PM

I really hate it....

I was on my way home and thinking about having Mario check people for ticks.

So, we all think alike, eh?


OK, everyone out on the patio for Rednecks, Salty Dogs, tick inspection and food..

The Thursday's Idea of the Week goes to Cyber-sides......

Release the Hounds! :D


Here we go!

KK, Stop flouncing, THIS is a family bar! :D

Stop and have an SD!

I love cyber cleaning,m you just hit the delete button and DONE!


Un Cafe Latino con doble crema?

Hecho! :D


I'll have to take away the credit I gave you and replace it with French Toast and Lemonade!



Park the wagon outside and pick up your order! Everything goes good in Thursday's!

Checking for ticks beats putting on a flea collar and leaving a gal alone!
One Redneck and I'll have on with you!


Hey Gini,

You have to get down to the nitty gritty if you want to know a woman!

Plus ticks are easier to see. :rolleyes:

One RN?



LOL, as long as you don't show up in one of those RACAL suits...

Let me help you....RM?


A seasoned Lady? WHERE?

LB, everyone knows no sophistication for Thursdays!




You are DONE! Drink UP!


LOL, that pic looks like a Rear Naked Chokehold...

OH OH., Here we go!



A CVC, 4 CNTs- I think you should pass on ordering Onion Rings after the Sopranos ending...



You show up and never say what you want to drink...Next time you do that you'll have to do a whole evening of Karaoke!

One SD?


06-13-2007, 05:38 PM

Credit and a Virgin Redneck.....As if you could find them these days-I have checked the Jerry Springer show for them! :D


06-13-2007, 05:56 PM
Hmm, so picking ticks is kinda sorta like the submarine races the boys used to take me to when I was in high school? We'd sit parked along the side of the Bay trying to spot the submarines .... yeah, right :rolleyes: boy was I naive!

Let's load up that mega water blaster with some Pine Sol and let 'er rip!

I'll take a super ice cold Snapple Diet Peach iced tea. It's HOT here! :cool:

06-13-2007, 07:13 PM
The Thursday's Idea of the Week goes to Cyber-sibes......Release the Hounds! :D DONE!Woooo-wooooo! With all these dogs in here, maybe we better add "Who Let the Dogs Out" to the juke box! Between this team of tongues and all us slightly tipsy cleaners, this place will be sparkling in no time!

Speaking of sparkling....can I have a bottle of sparkling bubblie? And I brought the last jar of the Champaign Jelly I made from my left-over wedding champagin...vintage 1974. The marriage didn't last, but the jelly's still here- LOL! Should be good on those waffles...

Last but not least, Star was at the vet's today & you know what he told me? YOU'D BETTER CHECK HER FOR TICKS! and he's not even a country music fan! :D

06-13-2007, 09:13 PM
I hope the place isn't too clean; Frankie and Riley would like to do some spot lick'n!

That toast sure hit the spot! ES, I'll join you with a Redneck from a mason jar! Earlier this month I was at a western days rodeo and we were drinking out of mason jars, but they weren't authentic by any means. :)

You know you've been dealing with banks too much when someone says they're taking away your credit and you start wondering if you've missed any bills this month! :o :D

06-13-2007, 09:23 PM
My four heard "licking the place clean" and "food" and told me I had to go to Thursdays immediately.

They sure know how to clean dishes... so clean that you can just put them right back in the cupboard!

06-13-2007, 09:31 PM
My four heard "licking the place clean" and "food" and told me I had to go to Thursdays immediately.

They sure know how to clean dishes... so clean that you can just put them right back in the cupboard!

I don't know about putting them right back in the cupboard. Maybe the Moo-man can show off his new found paper throwing technique and wipe them down, there should be some paper towels somewhere 'round here. :p ;)

06-14-2007, 12:18 AM
Moo Man says his paper throwing technique is used for decorating only. Pfft, as if he would be helpful! :p

06-14-2007, 08:22 AM
Woooo-wooooo! With all these dogs in here, maybe we better add "Who Let the Dogs Out" to the juke box! Between this team of tongues and all us slightly tipsy cleaners, this place will be sparkling in no time!


I don't know about that.... you start playing "Who let the dogs out" and there could be a riot when my two can't find their singing treat jar :D lol

But isn't that the great thing about dogs.... no need to wash the plates before running the dishwasher

06-14-2007, 09:09 AM
:p I meant to ask how in the world does someone from Chicago come up with a Texan Drink & From a Mason jar?? :D Texas is known for RedNeck anything & for sure right out of a mason jar.. :p But I will take one of those drinks too please..
Am I left to drink my Red Necks out of mason jars all by my lonesome???

I'm offering tick-free chitlins and greens to go with the Red Necks...

06-14-2007, 10:13 AM
I've seen short skirts, we got high-techs
Blue-collar boys and rednecks
And we got lovers, lots of lookers
And I've even seen dancing girls and hookers
And we like to drink our beer from a mason jar

Hmm, hmm, hmm I love this bar
Yes I do :D

Edwina's Secretary
06-14-2007, 10:18 AM
:p I meant to ask how in the world does someone from Chicago come up with a Texan Drink & From a Mason jar??

"Y...we do a rite fine lot of cannin' too ya'll know!" :D :D

06-14-2007, 10:30 AM
an' we kin clean erselves up purty gud ~ ;)

06-14-2007, 11:40 AM
"Y...we do a rite fine lot of cannin' too ya'll know!" :D :D

:p Now do ya'll have a RedNeck kitty in Chicago :D


Edwina's Secretary
06-14-2007, 12:04 PM
You had to ask ;) ;) ....Texas isn't the only place with oneupmanship!

Two cowcats....

and a catcow...
:D :D :D

06-14-2007, 12:08 PM
Just when I thought this joint was going to the dogs :rolleyes: ;)

06-14-2007, 12:21 PM
wELL Now Who Would Have Thunk it.. :p I am just nearly in Tears here Laughing so Hard at the CatCow.. Oh poor wittle baby exposesed like this.. :D Thats ok wittle one just put on some sunglasses & look :cool:
You had to ask ;) ;) ....Texas isn't the only place with oneupmanship!

Two cowcats....

and a catcow...
:D :D :D

Edwina's Secretary
06-14-2007, 12:23 PM
Did you say sunglasses????


06-14-2007, 12:44 PM
Did you say sunglasses????


I want you to know I am Still Laughing at the CatCow


Edwina's Secretary
06-14-2007, 01:06 PM
Well....don't have a cow laughing!


06-14-2007, 01:31 PM
I'll take a super ice cold Snapple Diet Peach iced tea. It's HOT here! :cool:


Some of Thursday's finest bubbly, fresh outta the L&F wine cellar?

ONe RN, in a mason jar..

LB, we are past going to the dogs..

Hi Kfamr,
It's been a while!


I too am MOOO-ED by those photos.

Please watch where you put your feet..I think a Kat-tle drive may be breaking out on the dance floor. ;)

06-14-2007, 01:39 PM
I am so jealous!!!
Our Kansas cows don't look a thing like yours!!!
Yours is so cute !!!
Ours are just plain old cow cows! :( :D

Edwina's Secretary
06-14-2007, 01:53 PM
MOFF...have a few of the Redneck drinks RICHARD is serving and all your Kansas cows will look like mine! :D :D :D

Killearn Kitties
06-14-2007, 02:52 PM
If it will make me see the beautiful Lady Edwina in her cow costume again, I will have one of those redneck drinks!

06-14-2007, 02:57 PM
MOFF...have a few of the Redneck drinks RICHARD is serving and all your Kansas cows will look like mine! :D :D :D

:p :p hICuupp UppIhC WoW toess RedNeck drrrkns are ust Grreatt.. Am I clossee.. Is thiss a KS Moorroo..


06-14-2007, 05:27 PM
:p :p hICuupp UppIhC WoW toess RedNeck drrrkns are ust Grreatt.. Am I clossee.. Is thiss a KS Moorroo..
http://i22.photobucket.com/albums/b335/lvpets2002/28n.jpgHey, we got them kinda cows up the road too. I thought they were either Rhode Island Reds or Red Bulls....or wait....maybe that's what yer 'sposed to drink :confused:

Well....don't have a cow laughing!

OMG, if looks could kill! What a sweetheart! :D

06-14-2007, 06:26 PM
:p :p hICuupp UppIhC WoW toess RedNeck drrrkns are ust Grreatt.. Am I clossee.. Is thiss a KS Moorroo..

My Goodness!!! I've never seen a hairy cow like that in KS! Maybe that's how the look after you drink your RedNeck stuff!! :eek:

ES if drinking that stuff will make our cows look like sweet Edwina, I'll have a bucketful!!! :D It may help kick my cough too! :)

06-14-2007, 07:15 PM
Hey, it's looking so much better at Thursdays with all the little critter
pictures. :) Much better than dodging mashed potatoes right? :eek:

Sorry, I forgot my order last time Richard. Please no singing for me. :o
I would like to try one of those Red Necks too please.

06-14-2007, 07:29 PM
:confused: :confused: huh? What bar am I in anyhoo? Mashed taters and peas one week and weird lookin' critters with clothes and tongues and WHAT ALL?? "I luvs this bar"

06-15-2007, 03:06 AM
Pretty sure I'm tick free, but I could do with a back scratch.......How about it Mario? :)

.............No mate, thats my beer, don't scratch it or even drink it. Not unless your planning on getting another one...

.........Yep, that's the spot................

06-15-2007, 07:22 AM
Hi everybody, LH is off fishing with his Dad out on the ocean today. I'll get the coffee going how about a big breakfast this morning (or evening for those of you in a whole other time zone). So bacon, eggs, sausage, homefries, pancakes with butter and fresh NY maple syrup and some fresh bagels and muffins with all the available fixings. Dig in everyone!

06-15-2007, 07:45 AM
LOH, may I add some beautifully smoked salmon to the buffet? WOW, this looks terrific and I am definately ready to eat!! I also know where the Baileys is "hidden" heh heh

06-15-2007, 09:44 AM
Hi everybody, LH is off fishing with his Dad out on the ocean today. I'll get the coffee going how about a big breakfast this morning (or evening for those of you in a whole other time zone). So bacon, eggs, sausage, homefries, pancakes with butter and fresh NY maple syrup and some fresh bagels and muffins with all the available fixings. Dig in everyone!

:) yUM yUM Lets get Breakfast started.. I need it after last nights drinking RedNecks from Mason Jar.. ES see what you started.. :D





06-15-2007, 12:05 PM
:o :) Ok all lets wake up for that nice breakfast.. Mario stop throwing the pancakes.. :rolleyes: Monkeys = cant live with or without.. Mario what did you do?? :eek: Just look at where that pancake landed!! Glad it wasnt Miss Hoppy..


06-15-2007, 01:14 PM
Major headache here.....
Can I have a virgin-whatever-is-being-served??

Anyone wanna come sit by the pool with Kiki and I? ;)

06-15-2007, 01:39 PM
It looks like rain here YET again.... So can I have a little umbrella with whatever drink is being served?

P.S.- Apples are supposedly great for getting rid of headaches (it was in the book of home remedies) and so are strawberries. Or caffeine.

06-15-2007, 02:10 PM
Oh Oh! Don't let Miss Edwina see this!!! Just think of the decorating possibilities!!! You could put flowers on your pancake or fruit on your pancake or what ever you like and wear it. Then you could eat it if you got hungry. Just think what Miss E could do with one!!! :D

Edwina's Secretary
06-15-2007, 02:21 PM
Oh Oh! Don't let Miss Edwina see this!!! Just think what Miss E could do with one!!! :D

Oh...the pancake hat! So very...well rabbity....

A little wine with my....

06-15-2007, 02:26 PM
Oh Edwina, the indignity of it all! I would demand the Waterford for your wine.

Hmmm, do I hear something "ticking"..................oh, no, it is coming from the Lost and Found.

Killearn Kitties
06-15-2007, 02:29 PM
Oh Miss Edwina, what a fashion statement! It is such fun in here this week with all of these adorable furries! :D

It's Friday night here LOH. Might LH be bringing back a little fish for my dinner? I have the good white wine on ice for us all.

06-15-2007, 02:39 PM
mmmmm, fresh fish and chilled white wine (in Waterford of course). What could be better!! I could whip up some hush puppies to sort of keep with the "Southrun' Redneck" theme. Hold the glass of wine with the pinky up in one hand and check for ticks with the other. Ying and Yang doncha know :rolleyes:

06-15-2007, 02:42 PM
It's Friday night here LOH. Might LH be bringing back a little fish for my dinner? I have the good white wine on ice for us all.[/QUOTE]

;) Now are you sure it will be a little fish for dinner.. Now How Big was it.. :D


06-15-2007, 02:52 PM
RICHARD, could I have a giant diet Pepsi ith ice? I'm taking a break from watching coverage of the U.S. Open which is literally being played in my home town! Oakmont C.C. is 5 miles away from me! I'll just go rest in the recliner. Mario! put down Orc's remote! You keep making him raise and lower his arm.

06-15-2007, 03:04 PM
RICHARD, could I have a giant diet Pepsi ith ice? I'm taking a break from watching coverage of the U.S. Open which is literally being played in my home town! Oakmont C.C. is 5 miles away from me! I'll just go rest in the recliner. Mario! put down Orc's remote! You keep making him raise and lower his arm.
:o Ok David = Mario says he will put down the Orc's remote But just look who has your Pepsie.. :p :D


06-15-2007, 06:03 PM
MOFF...have a few of the Redneck drinks RICHARD is serving and all your Kansas cows will look like mine! :D :D :D

Just don't try to milk them!

More rednecks? DONE!


Enjoy a Redneck!


Should you start to see Pink Elephants.. :eek:



Oh no, My brother had the hiccups for 6 days...

A redneck for you!



One redneck for you!



ANother beer for you and a pepsi for mario!



One virgin Red NEck!


If I give you a Redneck will you promise to stop torturing the kids? :eek:


Ms. Gini,

Please have a drink and ignore the ticking......IT'S the lost and found for pete's sake! :eek:



Ice cold Pepsi and the remote!
Enjoy your golf!


One umbrella-ed Redneck?


No one has asked for beer for the horses and whiskey for their men....yet! :eek:

06-15-2007, 06:38 PM
What is that SMELL? :confused: OMD, Orc keeps raising and lowering his arm :eek: QUICK, light the candles. Get the PineSol or something ~ oh my, another drinky-poo while I open some windows please :rolleyes:

06-15-2007, 06:49 PM
:o Ok David = Mario says he will put down the Orc's remote But just look who has your Pepsie.. :p :D

Well, in that case, he's welcome to it! Pour me another, RICHARD!

Lady's Human
06-16-2007, 02:48 AM
Fish fry anyone? :D

11 Haddock and a Cod, and Yes, I will share with the felines in the room!

06-16-2007, 07:04 AM
Fish fry anyone? :D

11 Haddock and a Cod, and Yes, I will share with the felines in the room!
LH, I'm up for a fish fry! OK if I bring Nikki, Daisy, and Marigold? They LOVE fish!

06-16-2007, 07:08 AM
"Cod".. *errck*. Sorry, just had flashbacks of CodLiverOil. Bummer. :(

06-16-2007, 07:22 AM
Fish fry anyone? :D

11 Haddock and a Cod, and Yes, I will share with the felines in the room!

I know the BEST batter for fish. We caught a bunch of Trout and even me - who does not like fried fish - LOVED it when I made the batter.

Potato Chips
Genaric rice crispies
Honey mustard & onion pretzels

All crushed and mixed together with a tiny bit of coconut.

Flour it, egg it, and then put it in the breading. Mmmmm Mmmm!

Hey, my dogs say they want you to share the fish, too! They LOVE their fish.

06-16-2007, 07:28 AM
It's Friday night here LOH. Might LH be bringing back a little fish for my dinner? I have the good white wine on ice for us all.

Sure which would you like Cod or Haddock? There's a huge bag of fresh fish sitting in my fridge right now waiting for me to vacuum pack it for freezing.

06-16-2007, 07:35 AM
I was going to vacuum pack the fish but it sounds like we're going to have ourselves a fish fry, I think some onion rings would go good too don't you? I also brought the tartar sauce. I think we should have a good old fashioned clam-bake next Thursday or we could just start it now and make it go all week! :D

06-16-2007, 09:17 AM
EdwinaWhoa, for a minute I thought maybe Edwina was a cheesehead- Go Packers!
Fish Fry? i'll take mine raw (love that sushi!)

I think we should have a good old fashioned clam-bake next Thursday or we could just start it now and make it go all week! :D
Clam Bake? Hey, we live in the land of clams now -- We'll go dig clams & get buckets of em! Star & Sherms can help dig, they're very good at it...
Richard, what kind of drink goes with clamming?
(UGH...please...not the dreaded Klam Juice?!?)

06-16-2007, 12:56 PM
I know it is now well beyond "Thursday" and I am really late to the bar, but last night I heard "Ticks" for the first time. I also heard another song coming out on his album this week...There may have to be a Brad Paisley themed week at the bar. I couldn't find the lyrics yet, but look for "Online" after Tuesday. Too funny!!!

Killearn Kitties
06-16-2007, 01:18 PM
Here I am, ready for my fish! :) Sounds great!

And I'm really looking forward to next week's clam bake. Not sure about the music though ;)

06-16-2007, 01:22 PM
Did I hear Onion Rings? I'm in!!!

The cat kids are brining their plates for some fish too!!! :D

Miss E. you look lovely even in cheese!!! ;)

06-16-2007, 05:12 PM
What is that SMELL? :confused: OMD, Orc keeps raising and lowering his arm :eek: QUICK, light the candles. Get the PineSol or something ~ oh my, another drinky-poo while I open some windows please :rolleyes:

Quick, the remote and Right Guard!



Good for you...BC on the shirt?

I'll fillet and fry...you did the hard work...

Have a drink....

NO problem, bring them on!

LB, Cod liver oil.

none of that here! :eek:


That sounds interesting!


Let me see if Tony Soprano wants some ORs......I'll peel the taters for the fish!

LOL, I don't think we ever served KJ here in the bar! Let me check!

One plate of Sushi?


CM, welcome back...You know that Thursday's runs all week anyway!

I think we'll draw the line at flea music!


Some ORs for you!


06-19-2007, 06:39 PM
dang, it's too quiet in here.....where is everyone?

06-19-2007, 07:38 PM
Allow me to introduce myself... I'm a Twisted Sister and WANT SOME CANDY. Have we some sweetness to offer? I have real whipped cream, fresh picked strawberrys, blueberrys (LOOK OUT FOR MARIO!!) and raspberrys and REAL shortcake.. not that spongy stuff. REAL shortcake is more like a biscuit. This isn't too rich, mostly natural and goes quite well after fish and onion rings... cleanses the pallet don't you know ;)

06-19-2007, 08:09 PM
I know it is now well beyond "Thursday" and I am really late to the bar, but last night I heard "Ticks" for the first time. I also heard another song coming out on his album this week...There may have to be a Brad Paisley themed week at the bar. I couldn't find the lyrics yet, but look for "Online" after Tuesday. Too funny!!!

Well I might be late for last Thursday but I am early for this week. :) I bought Brad's new CD today "5th Gear" (saved $5.00 at K-Mart on special :) ). I just listened to the whole thing and laughed out loud at Online.

I work down at the Pizza Pit and I drive an old Hyundai.
I still live with my mom and dad. I'm five foot three and overweight.
I'm a sci-fi fanatic, mild asthmatic. Never been to second base
but there's a whole nother me that you need to see.
Go check out MySpace.

Cause online I'm out in Hollywood. I'm six foot five and I look damn good. I drive a Maserati. I'm a black belt in karate and I love a good glass of wine.

It turns girls on that I'm mysterious. I tell 'em I don't want nothing serious. Cause even on a slow day I can have a three-way... chat, with two women at one time. Yeah I'm cooler online. I'm so much cooler online.

I get home I kiss my mom and she fixes me a snack. I head down to my basement bedroom and fire up my Mac. In real life the only time I've ever been to L.A.
was when I got the chance with the marching band to play tuba in the Rose Parade.
But online I live in Malibu. I pose for Calvin Klein. I've been in GQ.

I'm single and I'm rich and I got a set of six-pack abs that would blow your mind. It turns girls on that I'm mysterious. I tell 'em I don't want nothing serious cause even on a slow day I can have a three-way... chat, with two women at one time. I'm so much cooler online. Yeah, I'm so much cooler online.

When you've got my kind of stats it's hard to get a date, let alone a real girfriend, but I grow another foot and lose a bunch of weight every time I log in.

Online I'm out in Hollywood. I'm six foot five and I look damn good. Even on a slow day I can have a three way.....chat, with two women at a time. I'm so much cooler online. Yeah I'm cooler online. I'm so much cooler online. Yeah I'm cooler online.

Lady's Human
06-19-2007, 08:16 PM
Being that we had fish for dinner:

Two famous Boston chefs were having a contest to see who could make the best seafood dinner.

Both had similar educations, they were about the same age, same experience.

As they went through the contest the judges were impressed by both. They were neck in neck, until one chef poured a dill and taragon sauce over his fish. After tasting it, the judges declared him the winner.

During an interview, as the winner went up to the podium to claim his prize, the losing chef said.........

"There but for the glaze of cod go I"

06-19-2007, 08:27 PM
Lead me to the shortcake and coffee! Mario! You have a blue mouth again!

06-19-2007, 08:35 PM
"There but for the glaze of cod go I"


Lady's Human
06-19-2007, 08:37 PM
all that typing and just one "Ha"?????????

Not even a :p or a boo hiss?

Durnit, I'm losing my touch

Edwina's Secretary
06-19-2007, 09:17 PM
all that typing and just one "Ha"?????????

Not even a :p or a boo hiss?

Durnit, I'm losing my touch

:D :D :rolleyes: :D :D

(how's that...really I thought it amusing....well cute anyway)

06-20-2007, 08:06 AM
He may not have gotten a boo or a hiss here in the bar but he certainly got them at home.

06-20-2007, 08:54 AM
"There but for the glaze of cod go I"


06-20-2007, 09:01 AM
And "what a friend we have in cheeses" :rolleyes: crackers anyone??

06-20-2007, 08:32 PM
Well I might be late for last Thursday but I am early for this week. :) I bought Brad's new CD today "5th Gear" (saved $5.00 at K-Mart on special :) ). I just listened to the whole thing and laughed out loud at Online.

I work down at the Pizza Pit and I drive an old Hyundai.
I still live with my mom and dad. I'm five foot three and overweight.
I'm a sci-fi fanatic, mild asthmatic. Never been to second base
but there's a whole nother me that you need to see.
Go check out MySpace.

Cause online I'm out in Hollywood. I'm six foot five and I look damn good. I drive a Maserati. I'm a black belt in karate and I love a good glass of wine.

It turns girls on that I'm mysterious. I tell 'em I don't want nothing serious. Cause even on a slow day I can have a three-way... chat, with two women at one time. Yeah I'm cooler online. I'm so much cooler online.

I get home I kiss my mom and she fixes me a snack. I head down to my basement bedroom and fire up my Mac. In real life the only time I've ever been to L.A.
was when I got the chance with the marching band to play tuba in the Rose Parade.
But online I live in Malibu. I pose for Calvin Klein. I've been in GQ.

I'm single and I'm rich and I got a set of six-pack abs that would blow your mind. It turns girls on that I'm mysterious. I tell 'em I don't want nothing serious cause even on a slow day I can have a three-way... chat, with two women at one time. I'm so much cooler online. Yeah, I'm so much cooler online.

When you've got my kind of stats it's hard to get a date, let alone a real girfriend, but I grow another foot and lose a bunch of weight every time I log in.

Online I'm out in Hollywood. I'm six foot five and I look damn good. Even on a slow day I can have a three way.....chat, with two women at a time. I'm so much cooler online. Yeah I'm cooler online. I'm so much cooler online. Yeah I'm cooler online.

Thanks for posting the lyrics, Pam! I heard it ona promo last week and laughed all the way thourgh it! I'll have to see if I can catcha deal at K-Mart!