View Full Version : Eyes Wide Open

06-19-2007, 12:24 AM

I wanted to share this in General, but my statement/opinion below belongs here.

I watched this on PBS tonight. Really liked the documentary. Really am glad that people are out there doing this.

I always though i noticed something missing from the news. Something felt different about this war. The individuality in the statistics seemed to be missing. The show tonight specified what had been eating at my subconscious. This freaken administration outlawed the media from showing images of flag covered caskets!!! (and of dead Iraqis.) If you ask me there is so much emotion felt when one is shown. I honestly think it was to keep us numb. To keep us placid. Might get riled up if we see those images. Not that people don't try to stop the war... but i don't think you have as many. I myself feel so detached. I was about eight years old when i was watching the news on Desert Storm. I remember those images of death and sadness. I'm glad to know that i haven't grown cold; that the images just aren't there any more.

06-19-2007, 10:46 AM
Wow, I had heard of this ,but never saw it before. I clicked on the
button called "see it & hear it" to view parts of the exhibit & peoples
responses to it. It is so powerful. No wonder they don't want people
viewing caskets of the dead coming home.

06-19-2007, 12:51 PM
This freaken administration outlawed the media from showing images of flag covered caskets!!! (and of dead Iraqis.)

Yah well......the media just want you to see what they want you to see.....so I guess the freakin administration and the media are on the same wavelength....eh ???

Lady's Human
06-19-2007, 03:05 PM
There were many reasons for the ban on showing the caskets of soldiers who were KIA, but the main reason the ban came about was that family members of soldiers who died were incensed that there were groups using the pictures in anti- war advertisements without the permission of the families.

Edwina's Secretary
06-19-2007, 03:28 PM
There were many reasons for the ban on showing the caskets of soldiers who were KIA, but the main reason the ban came about was that family members of soldiers who died were incensed that there were groups using the pictures in anti- war advertisements without the permission of the families.

Could you give us a credible link where on this LH? I, for one don't believe it.

Lady's Human
06-19-2007, 03:55 PM

Ask and ye shall receive.

The ban actually predates the current conflict.

Edwina's Secretary
06-19-2007, 04:14 PM
You forgot the "credible" part. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: What a bunch of ..... malarkey....

It is censorship whatever else you want to make of it.

If I am killed in a automobile accident and a photographer takes a photo of the car in which I am killed...should the driver of the other car be able to forbid publication of the photo because my family might be upset? Should my family be able to forbid publication of the photo? If a photographer takes a picture of my coffin leaving the church... should the automobile manufacturer be able to forbid publication of the photograph?

Can't they make up anything better than protecting the families???

Censorship...no matter the contrived explanation....

p.s. what next...not releasing the names of those killed in this war so the families won't be hurt???

Lady's Human
06-19-2007, 04:45 PM
I was unaware that you were the sole arbiter of credibility.

The families of the dead soldiers and wounded soldiers I have met want nothing to do with media attention, and would prefer that their privacy remain intact.

The Cindy Sheehans of the world are the minority, not the majority.

Edwina's Secretary
06-19-2007, 05:34 PM
The families of the dead soldiers and wounded soldiers I have met want nothing to do with media attention, and would prefer that their privacy remain intact.

Every Sunday I make a point of reading the obituaries of those who were killed that week. It is my way of honoring them and acknowledging their sacrifice.

Privacy intact? So many issues of the newspaper, news magazines...heck even People magazine....lots of articles....last letters written...etc. etc. Heartbreaking...but I have to figure the info comes from the families of the deceased. That is media attention.

Media attention seems to depend on what you want to spin...Jessica whatever who name....sure got plenty of media attention....

And I am reading of more "Cindy Sheehans" every day. Even worked with one. I'll see if I can find her website if you would like. She devoted so much time to her crusade it cost her her job.

Edwina's Secretary
06-19-2007, 05:35 PM
I was unaware that you were the sole arbiter of credibility.

And this from a guy who doesn't believe Hillary Clinton when she calls the town where her home is her hometown! :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Was that you judging someone's credibility? :D

06-19-2007, 07:09 PM
" In a separate development, an American woman and her husband have been fired from their job with a US cargo contractor in Kuwait after a photograph of flag-covered coffins she took during the course of her work appeared in the Seattle Times newspaper.

We need to stop hiding the deaths of our young

Dead US soldier's mother
Colorado-based Maytag Aircraft Corporation said Tami Silicio and her husband were dismissed for violating US government and company regulations.

"Maytag deeply regrets these actions and fully concurs with the Pentagon's policy of respecting the remains of our brave men and women who have fallen in service to our country," said company president William Silva.

Mr Molino said his office had played no part in Ms Silicio's dismissal.

"I indicated that I didn't think it would be appropriate for the Pentagon to take any sanctions against her," he said.

Some of the relatives of service personnel killed in Iraq have criticised the Pentagon stance.

"We need to stop hiding the deaths of our young," said Jane Bright of California, whose son was killed in action last year. "We need to be open about their deaths."

Seems pretty clear to me. The WH huffing and puffing is because of
their public relations concerns. It concerns & depresses many people
and they can't have that. :(

06-19-2007, 08:09 PM
The families of the dead soldiers and wounded soldiers I have met want nothing to do with media attention, and would prefer that their privacy remain intact.

The Cindy Sheehans of the world are the minority, not the majority.

Yup.....gotta agree with that one.
Respect must be given to the soldiers and their families.

Edwina's Secretary
06-19-2007, 08:58 PM
I am not sure that hiding the reality of the death of our military is showing respect to them or their families...

Lizbud...Jane Bright is the woman I worked with! As the mother of a fallen soldier...I'll take her word....

06-19-2007, 09:50 PM
Ya well....I know a Leonard Wahl from Oregon, he's on the opposite side of the fence...and he to has lost a son in the middle east.
From what I've seen, the true patriots are the ones who do NOT seek media attention.

Edwina's Secretary
06-19-2007, 10:49 PM
"True Patriots"....what a lot of rubbish....I have no clue what "true patriot" means but I highly doubt it has ANYTHING to do with whether one seeks, avoid or accepts media attention...sacrificing your child, your spouse, your own life or limb isn't enough to qualify as a "true patriot"...you must also be silent about it....

I realize, Wombat....you want to contradict anything I say...but really...this is going a little too far...to suggest someone whose child dies in combat is not a "true patriot" if they speak of it is so insulting...not to me...but to those who have made the ultimate sacrifice...

06-20-2007, 12:33 AM
I have no clue what "true patriot" means

I've noticed.

06-20-2007, 08:10 AM
I've noticed.

A "true patriot" comes in many forms - promoting peace does not make you NOT a true patriot.

The idea that one can only be a "true patriot" by supporting this war is the idea that has kept many people from voicing their opinions against the war.

Like I said, a true patriot means different things to different people but this is my idea of a true patriot - Someone who loves their country and loves it enough to want what's best for it and the people living there, even if it means NOT supporting the government in every action they take.

06-20-2007, 08:22 AM
A "true patriot" comes in many forms - promoting peace does not make you NOT a true patriot.

The idea that one can only be a "true patriot" by supporting this war is the idea that has kept many people from voicing their opinions against the war.

Like I said, a true patriot means different things to different people but this is my idea of a true patriot - Someone who loves their country and loves it enough to want what's best for it and the people living there, even if it means NOT supporting the government in every action they take.

That is very good.
And I believe that my friend is a true patriot, by his own actions. because he does love his country, and he believes he is doing his best for the country, by objecting strongly and vocally about what he believes is the exploitation of his dead sons photograph submitted onto sites that promote peace.
He knows his son, and he knows his son would object if the situation were reversed. These people are the true patriots in my eyes, not people who blurp off how great they are on a daily basis and would have one believe that patriotism is reading the obituaries on Sunday morning over croissants and orange juice !!!!!

Edwina's Secretary
06-20-2007, 09:06 AM
would have one believe that patriotism is reading the obituaries on Sunday morning over croissants and orange juice !!!!!

I suspect patriotism comes, like idiocy, in many forms. I am glad you don't speak ill of me again as I can't drink orange juice.

Back to the ignore function!

Edwina's Secretary
06-20-2007, 10:14 AM
I read of this family...I guess some people would call them "not true patriots" as they have spoken to the media...

Patriots? (http://hollywoodhalfwits.localweb.com/forums/lofiversion/index.php/lofiversion/t122594.html)

06-20-2007, 10:53 AM
How can anyone lump together what any one family that has lost a child in this war would/does want after the death?

So, if I speak out, vocally, after I have lost my son to war, I am not a patriot? Frankly, I think I am nearly given a 'free pass' to any claim of patriotism.

Edwina's Secretary
06-20-2007, 01:26 PM
How can anyone lump together what any one family that has lost a child in this war would/does want after the death?

So, if I speak out, vocally, after I have lost my son to war, I am not a patriot? Frankly, I think I am nearly given a 'free pass' to any claim of patriotism.

Right you are Cataholic....patriotism is a very personal thing...that I am not sure can or should be measured....

and since what I eat for my Sunday breakfast seems to be way off topic....

back on thread...should the government censor reporting of war casualty?

06-20-2007, 05:09 PM

back on thread...should the government censor reporting of war casualty?

Should they? NO........... Do they? yes and it's not fooling anybody.

06-20-2007, 10:05 PM
I'm glad everyone has agreed to get back on topic. I was about to ask Karen to close this thread. The petty bickering was giving me a headache. *chuckle*