View Full Version : Mother abandons child at Wallmart

05-15-2007, 01:09 AM
This happened to my mom tonight a few hours ago. She phoned me and told me this story...how anyone could do this is beyond me! :(

A little boy (maybe 7 or 8) came up to my mother. My mom thought at first he was just going to ask a question, but instead of asking a question he told her he couldn't find his mom, that the mom DROVE AWAY without him! My mom asked if he knew for sure if it was his moms car, and he said yes. She called the police and the police came down. Luckily the boy knew his mothers cell phone number. The police phoned it many times but it was either busy or no answer. Finally they got ahold of her. You know what her excuse was? She thought the boy was in the car with her! Uh, ya right lady. She drove away knowing damn well her child wasn't in the car. It was more than an hour before the police were able to get ahold of the women. :mad: :rolleyes: How could you just leave your child at a Wallmart? What is wrong with people?

The mom finally came to get the child. My mom said he was the cutest boy, with long curly hair. I'm sure she would have taken him home lol. Just pray the mom didn't beat the boy when he got home and hopefully she doesn't try this stunt again. I'm hoping social services were called or something. I for one wouldn't have let the mother take the child home. Anyone could have ubducted that child. :(

If anyone sees anything about it in the paper let me know. This was in New Mexico btw. So sad isn't it?

Pawsitive Thinking
05-15-2007, 04:33 AM
In over an hour she didn't realise her son wasn't with her!!! Likely story....
Poor little lad - is your Mom going to make a follow up call to the police?

05-15-2007, 09:18 AM
Oh goodness me, just when I think I've heard it all, some idiot does something even nuttier!

Thanks goodness that little boy chose your mum, a safe person, to approach for help.

05-15-2007, 09:57 AM
Let's hope she gets a visit from social services.

05-15-2007, 10:12 AM
Lots of people use thoe kind of places as a babysitting service.

I have seen lots of kids wandering around the toy section all alone while the parents shop and run errands.

05-15-2007, 10:40 AM
Well, you can "hope" that Children's Services gets involved -- or you can make it happen. Why to people always wait for someone else to do these things?

You guys have the information (name, phone number, etc.) to report your concerns. It could be a drug problem. It could be a mental health issue. It could be an airhead for a mother. Who knows? But, Children's Services are trained to do these investigations. You could make a real difference in this child's life.

05-15-2007, 11:15 AM
That woman should be thrown in jail!! Certain people shouldn't be allowed to have kids, INCLUDING this idiot. Poor kid :(

05-15-2007, 11:45 AM
You guys have the information (name, phone number, etc.) to report your concerns. It could be a drug problem. It could be a mental health issue. It could be an airhead for a mother. Who knows? But, Children's Services are trained to do these investigations. You could make a real difference in this child's life.

Actually we have no information, the police have all the info. :( If my mom had her name and everything you can bet your dollar she would call and say something! Poor kid, my mom was about to take him home herself. I'm just hoping the police get social services involved. It just surprises me that the police even let the mom take the child away with her. My mom didn't see what the mother looked like as the police waited outside for her to get there, so she could have been a major druggie. Who knows. Meth runs rampant around there. They live in Alb.

When I talk to my mom today I will ask her if anyone plans on making a follow up call to the police to see what's going on.

05-15-2007, 11:48 AM
Lots of people use thoe kind of places as a babysitting service.

I have seen lots of kids wandering around the toy section all alone while the parents shop and run errands.

I know, this is so dangerous! I am a protective mother, some say over protective, but I never let Dylan out of my site when he plays outside or anytime we go shopping etc. He is always there holding my hand. My eyes are on him like a hawk. I couldn't imagine just letting him roam a huge store like that...too many bad things can happen.

A lot of stores here now have a babysitting service/daycare type thing where you can check in your children while you shop. It's very convenient and a lot better than just letting your child roam. Oi!

05-15-2007, 12:08 PM
I remember the days of working in the Toy Store at the mall -- we were the 'drop off centre' for all the parents who wanted somewhere free to leave little Billy while they went to Sears and the rest of the Mall for a few hours. And or course, as soon as i noticed kids unattended in my store, right off with Security they went. And these weren't big kids either, we're talking little tykes about 4 years old.

Eventually, the parents would return, and frantically scour the store for their kids - and of course to no avail. The usual line from me was 'Well, they left the store with a man in a suit' (meaning the Security Guard(s) who were my buddies by that time) 'maybe you should go talk to security'. And then, we could stand in the doorway to the store and watch the fireworks at the security desk as they yelled down the parents a-la public humiliation, threating CPS and the polices.

It actually got to the point where I got my buddies in the Pet Store nextdoor doing the exact same thing with the kids who were left in their store as if it was a day trip to the zoo.

I have no patience for that kind of thing - and I still can't believe that someone would just leave their kids unattended like that. I just feel sorry for the kids since its not their fault their parents are (to put it mildly) incompentent so-and-sos :mad: