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  1. Chasing Oz: The Reality Series (videos) (20 replies)
  2. Some pictures of my girl :) (19 replies)
  3. Gracie tore into Beanie today!!! HELP! (20 replies)
  4. 5 border babe PICTURES! (13 replies)
  5. My Rescued Doggie From Last Week... (2 replies)
  6. -My sleeping beauty- (10 replies)
  7. Help me decide. (18 replies)
  8. ~Not a Killer just his name~ (14 replies)
  9. BigYummy dogs mom! (2 replies)
  10. Question about Frontline (6 replies)
  11. Neighbor dilemma-and a few questions.. (7 replies)
  12. ok, your turn to laugh..... (11 replies)
  13. Guess what? I've got pictures! (24 replies)
  14. Dogmobile Update #2! (24 replies)
  15. Vote for me, Vote for me <winning grin> (0 replies)
  16. Do YOU look like YOUR pet? (5 replies)
  17. Which dog is ur fave.? (27 replies)
  18. Two pictures of Jada (50 replies)
  19. Dog Collars (9 replies)
  20. ~*~ Happy 1st Birthday, Sahara ~*~ (26 replies)
  21. Snoozies (5 replies)
  22. We're Back! (7 replies)
  23. 9 Yellow Lab Puppies !!! (22 replies)
  24. Katie and Tori Pics!! (30 replies)
  25. More silly pics of your dogs (24 replies)
  26. Has anyone heard of Defend? (1 replies)
  27. -Random Pictures- (15 replies)
  28. Sahara video.... (14 replies)
  29. {* Lexi's GOTCHA DAY Pics! *} (15 replies)
  30. pics of my RB boy, Bruno (4 replies)
  31. Animal Cruelty: Reported (12 replies)
  32. funny pics of me and finn! (12 replies)
  33. could save your dogs life!! (15 replies)
  34. Peej and the groomer (18 replies)
  35. pics of Finn (yawning, giving paw, funny ears, and, barking) (11 replies)
  36. Omar and Guapo (8 replies)
  37. When is the Sunglassed Contest? (4 replies)
  38. Where is...........??? (5 replies)
  39. (*The Muttlies-new trick-12Pics/1Vid*) (14 replies)
  40. talk about false info! what an idiot! (5 replies)
  41. are tums bad for dogs? (7 replies)
  42. Online Dog Photo Contest (32 replies)
  43. Elvis is now titled :D. (18 replies)
  44. Finn and his pal, Ray (13 replies)
  45. Has anyone heard from Foam (Cayter)? (0 replies)
  46. Wizdog! (2 replies)
  47. Fritz half-sleeping (5 replies)
  48. Silly homemade pics (26 replies)
  49. Zeus & Annabelle got together again today! *1* (7 replies)
  50. [[*Curly, Wavy & Snort.. *15*]] (14 replies)
  51. If you voted ~ Here's your sign! *pics* (14 replies)
  52. {* Happy Gotcha Day Lexi!!! *} (21 replies)
  53. Cami, Casey and Bennie *1pic* (11 replies)
  54. does anyone have their dogs on video? (20 replies)
  55. A day at the flea market (19 replies)
  56. To dogsit or not to dog sit? long but important (16 replies)
  57. Pet Escort Services (6 replies)
  58. I saw an awful thing this AM :( (4 replies)
  59. Disney's new 'do (22 replies)
  60. Pics!! (15 replies)
  61. I Need H.e.l.p (6 replies)
  62. Thank you all, Pettalkers... (14 replies)
  63. Twitching foot :) (5 replies)
  64. the waterdish part 2 (2 replies)
  65. Tiggerino the border collie *PICS* (9 replies)
  66. *****Pics of Foxy***** (12 replies)
  67. we went to our first conformation class! (2 replies)
  68. Testing out the new camera... New pictures of the Shelties! (30 replies)
  69. *_*_* The Solar Litter *_*_* Eyes Open! (32 replies)
  70. ***Free Greenie Samples!*** (5 replies)
  71. I need cute dog pictures please! (39 replies)
  72. {* Playin' Frisbee & Walkies!! -Pics + 2 Videos- *} (18 replies)
  73. A Golden + a tennis ball = pictures! (22 replies)
  74. What do you guys think of this? (18 replies)
  75. Vote for NiƱo too! (7 replies)
  76. Waiting by the door <pics> (18 replies)
  77. Happy Birfday, Sadie May!!! (19 replies)
  78. Stupid doggie words (8 replies)
  79. Daisy.. for everyone to see! *15 pics* (16 replies)
  80. Pics of Micki, Mini, Jack, Kyra and Shadow!!!! (10 replies)
  81. Sara? (buckner) (5 replies)
  82. Prayers needed for my sweet Keegan (48 replies)
  83. Nitro & Mini (26 replies)
  84. Judy(Shutterbug) (2 replies)
  85. Happy Dog's Bedtime Prayer (10 replies)
  86. the waterdish (5 replies)
  87. How we spent our weekend, by the dogs (15 replies)
  88. News of Jenny (2 replies)
  89. Kirbys new Look (3) pictures (8 replies)
  90. What do you do about dog hair? (18 replies)
  91. Zeus got a kong.. (10 replies)
  92. K9Karen & Logan photos finally (22 replies)
  93. Your Stress and Your Pets (5 replies)
  94. What should we do today? (9 replies)
  95. Trying to post a video... (8 replies)
  96. Trying out my new camera :) (17 replies)
  97. Orangutango-- Kaya? (24 replies)
  98. Happy Anniversary Goldie! (10 replies)
  99. Snow in April???? (10 replies)
  100. How Many Dogs Can You See (23 replies)
  101. {* Lil' Lex - TONS of pictures! *} (14 replies)
  102. Sad news for trayi52 .... (0 replies)
  103. waiting for mommy (4 replies)
  104. PICS! Shadow, Dakota, Happy (7 replies)
  105. *new Digital Camera!* -pics- (20 replies)
  106. Ack! Paxil exploded!!! ;) (17 replies)
  107. Ozzy in posing mode. (13 replies)
  108. [[-Zeus' Bath.. *PICS + 1 VIDEO*-]] (30 replies)
  109. quick question for the groomers-fast! (7 replies)
  110. Update on neighbor's dog :( (21 replies)
  111. Say a prayer for Samantha... (12 replies)
  112. couple pics of finn (13 replies)
  113. Happy got her summer cut! before/after (5 replies)
  114. Begging for treat (3 replies)
  115. Boo boo finger! (11 replies)
  116. Lucy's Home!!! (11 replies)
  117. An encouraging experience (4 replies)
  118. Strange thing going on with dog rescue? (9 replies)
  119. Pics of Holly (16 replies)
  120. question for BC(the place lol) folks (3 replies)
  121. outside shot of Fritz (3 replies)
  122. Revolution? (7 replies)
  123. BIG problem with Max, need major help (24 replies)
  124. (*Our Gift Swap Package! 22/65 pics*) (16 replies)
  125. Pics of all the kids!!! (25 replies)
  126. here's a name (1 replies)
  127. **emergency health question!** (12 replies)
  128. Skye-zie pics!!! And some of the other girls too (20 replies)
  129. *Random PICS of the Girls* (11 replies)
  130. the girls have a shady side lol *PICTURES* (9 replies)
  131. What's the name of your local grooming salon? (30 replies)
  132. Killian's last pics (27 replies)
  133. Bob bared his teeth at the police! (7 replies)
  134. How do I decide if my pup needs obedience classes? (12 replies)
  135. Gracie lost a baby tooth...and i found it! (15 replies)
  136. Dazzi and Taggert's Haircuts (12 replies)
  137. My three (18 replies)
  138. A new group shot (15 replies)
  139. Out trip to Central Park (13 replies)
  140. Pics of our three doggies :-) (25 replies)
  141. Rolling :( (15 replies)
  142. El's best mate is a newspaper star *1 Pic* (6 replies)
  143. Fritz the Washcloth Thief (1 replies)
  144. Isn't this weird? (2 replies)
  145. My dog, Jake--cutest dog in the world (11 replies)
  146. how did you get into dogs? (27 replies)
  147. (*The Muttlies - 17/35 pics*) (22 replies)
  148. Saint Bernard Puppies!!!**PICS** (16 replies)
  149. Kirby Outdoors pictuers (3) (7 replies)
  150. Day at the Beach *pics* (15 replies)
  151. Autumn's trip to the park (4 replies)
  152. Please pray for Lucy (16 replies)
  153. New Pictures of Senorita & Face... (28 replies)
  154. Dog Meeting (2 replies)
  155. I'm So Depressed (2 replies)
  156. Fritz keeping eye out (7 replies)
  157. Diamond & Jada Pictures (17 replies)
  158. new picture of Blizzard (16 replies)
  159. Dog Hairs on Sofa (19 replies)
  160. Sealyham Terrier wins Eukinuba dog show! (8 replies)
  161. Jack Gets His Summer Haircut (21 replies)
  162. *TONS* of Lexi Pics!!! ~By Request!~ (23 replies)
  163. Peekaboo Fritz (6 replies)
  164. Cagney Pictures (14 replies)
  165. Kiara's Sign Pics *20 BIG pics* (22 replies)
  166. Greenies! (11 replies)
  167. Jasper's New Rawhide Baseball *3 Pics* (13 replies)
  168. A shelter near by is closing :( (3 replies)
  169. How much freedom can a 1 year old lab handle? (9 replies)
  170. FizzGiggs Mommy, How is Tobi? (1 replies)
  171. Seinfeld was wrong.... (6 replies)
  172. A Good Article About Pit Bulls (10 replies)
  173. Urgent - Lost dog in Texas (1 replies)
  174. Calendar Models... (24 replies)
  175. A Dogmobile update! (28 replies)
  176. Wanna vote for Lil Ki? (131 replies)
  177. Sadie's turn! (19 replies)
  178. And Boy and his Toy (Spot pictures) (20 replies)
  179. Cincy pictures! (20 replies)
  180. IMPORTANT; Dog fightings lastest victim, Please Help Gyspy (30 replies)
  181. Pray for Snoopy! (41 replies)
  182. Dog Picture Contest (37 replies)
  183. the big snip (6 replies)
  184. Maximus Exposure*** (30 replies)
  185. Two pictures of my special girl! (17 replies)
  186. Pit bulls are aggressive and vicious (34 replies)
  187. Anyone have a dog that likes to do.. (22 replies)
  188. Fritz&Papa (2 replies)
  189. (*The Muttlies-19/40pics-2videos*) (14 replies)
  190. Back after being away much too long (8 replies)
  191. Mini-Meeting! *16* (27 replies)
  192. Sadie & Maggie's Dogster Page (1 replies)
  193. Some Caesar pictures... (15 replies)
  194. Getting a SPOILED dog to accept a new puppy? (2 replies)
  195. action PICTURES! Happy and Misty (17 replies)
  196. Any Chihuahua lovers out there??? (28 replies)
  197. ((**Pug Playdate! *PICS!**)) (24 replies)
  198. We used our free shampoo! (7 replies)
  199. Updated *Pics* of Max and Duke (16 replies)
  200. a Dogster chance to meet new people (5 replies)
  201. fritz made up (9 replies)
  202. Pics of Aww-tumn (10 replies)
  203. Animal Planet Expo.....Florida (4 replies)
  204. Giant dog tries to eat cat! ;o) (12 replies)
  205. It was a quiet Sunday afternoon...... (25 replies)
  206. Bringing the dog along.. (23 replies)
  207. Happy girls, pics (19 replies)
  208. 2 weeks - Gift Swap DEADLINE! (4 replies)
  209. Tiger's Birthday *Pictures* (15 replies)
  210. News Flash! (135 replies)
  211. Rescue greyhounds at the mall today! (18 replies)
  212. Happy Birthday.... (9 replies)
  213. fritz playfighting (4 replies)
  214. No souls? i dont think so *7 Pics* (19 replies)
  215. pics of my happy girls! (16 replies)
  216. she hates football..PICS (3 replies)
  217. Lumps (5 replies)
  218. Bath Time - Possum's first. (19 replies)
  219. On your bed or not? (15 replies)
  220. Oggyflute pictures? (3 replies)
  221. Cropping Skye's Ears?!?!? :p (28 replies)
  222. Oz and Gull-The DoubleMint Twins (video) (14 replies)
  223. please help to find an old thread (2 replies)
  224. Tried my hand at making my own siggy tag! (3 replies)
  225. A new meaning to biting fingers (5 replies)
  226. A few pictures. (18 replies)
  227. alphabet letters for a dog's collar (6 replies)
  228. help with finding a leash (17 replies)
  229. hi mom (9 replies)
  230. I think Bijou was a maid in her former life! (1 replies)
  231. Omg !!!!!!!frosty Paws!!!!!! (11 replies)
  232. Nebo's DOTD pics <25> (31 replies)
  233. New Puppy Pictures! !*! 5 Days Old !*! (31 replies)
  234. Pit Bull heroes..........score one for the "bad" guys. (4 replies)
  235. I'm having way too much fun...*pics* (5 replies)
  236. When do Puppys get out of the Silly puppy stage?! (14 replies)
  237. Maggie & Sadie Pics (7 replies)
  238. My poor little boy and his allergies... =( (15 replies)
  239. I didn't know that someone can look like a girl (17 replies)
  240. Dew Claws (21 replies)
  241. Anyone own animal shelter here? (0 replies)
  242. Funny dog related comic..... (6 replies)
  243. Dining in Style *pics* (14 replies)
  244. looking for people that are willing to make beautiful homepages for their dogs (7 replies)
  245. Help me get my dog back!!! I need a train! (45 replies)
  246. Cookies for you and your dogs? (15 replies)
  247. Rex: one year ago, and now (15 replies)
  248. My precious Lilly is 6 years old today!!! (31 replies)
  249. oh the joys of owning a siberian husky... (9 replies)
  250. Does your dog like oranges? (26 replies)