View Full Version : Bringing the dog along..

04-16-2005, 09:44 PM
Just a boredom thread..

What places do you most often bring your dogs? Zeus is mostly our "Traveling dog," Because he's small and he apprecciates it. :p

We bring Zeus to the barn a lot, and also to Pet stores and the park.

04-16-2005, 09:48 PM
Buster and CoCo are the ones that go to the pet stores. The others bark at the other dogs so I learned not to take them.

Then Buster, CoCo, Ziggy, Bouncer, Tiger, and Muffin all like the park. I take them their prolly about every day.

I sometimes take the dogs to my parents' work place.

04-16-2005, 09:55 PM
walks with my friends to parks and such, and small stores, obviously she cant come in but she is a good girl and waits just outside the door for me. I dont like going places alone in my area, I live in the murder capital of canada, and next to the hood(which is not far away from me) one of the worst areas of the city, as long as Happy is with me I can feel safe.

04-16-2005, 10:02 PM


04-16-2005, 10:04 PM
Petsmart!:D The kids(especially Kodie) loves petsmart!!He loves the adoption days because he gets to meet all the puppies:p (he looovvveeeessss puppiess:rolleyes: )
We also take them for lots of Car rides,and to outdoor festivals and trade fairs.
and they go for walks 2 times a day:)
AND to the beach

04-16-2005, 10:07 PM
we take MAXIMUS to lake, the mountain, when it gets a little
warmer, we go to a couple creeks that we know to splash and
romp around in...:p he loves to go out on dirt roads, just
driving...we go slow so he can stick his head out...:p

04-16-2005, 10:45 PM
Tango- She goes to parks and to visit family and friends, we occasionally take her to Petsmart but not often because she doesn't behave very well there.
The other 3 go to petstores, fmaily/friend visiting and parks mostly.

PJ's Mom
04-16-2005, 10:47 PM
Peej and Bailey go with me to Petsmart when I go...if I have someone to help me with them. The last time I went alone with them, it turned into some kind of comedy routine. :rolleyes:

We also go to the park and to pick up the kids from school sometimes. :) If the weather's bad and they're really bored, we'll just take a trip around the block or to check the mail down the street. You have no idea how excited they can get with that. :D

04-16-2005, 11:48 PM
Now that the weather is nicer I try to take Gigi to the park everyday. She doesn't play too much, but we enjoy our time outdoor and just walking around. :)

04-16-2005, 11:58 PM
Sadie and Maggie go everywhere they can with me. Just for a ride in the car, to Petsmart (not often since they are a hanful together and Sadie embarrased me there once...she pooped in the store once and outside the front door once:( ), also to visit family and friends. No dog parks around me so we can't go there. We go for walks around the neighborhood as well. I take them everywhere I can. I carry an extra key on me at all times so if I have to I leave them in the car with the car running and A/C. They are perfectly safe in the car for those out there who might get mad at me for that....the car is always running with the A/C on cold. They go everywhere their Mom goes.

04-17-2005, 01:06 AM
I take the shelties almost everywhere.
They go to the park and to petstores...they come to work everyday. They come to most of my pet-sitting jobs as well.
Oh and they come along on road trips... like to Wyoming....:)

04-17-2005, 07:05 AM
Unfortunately, Bijou gets carsick! She gets horribly slobbery and if we drive more than a few blocks, she throws up. Poor baby! The vet said Dramamine was okay but I haven't tried it yet. I'd love to take Bijou out with me more often, but not if she's miserable (she actually seems to like going for rides, but I can't imagine she's happy with all that drippy-drool and throwing up!).

04-17-2005, 08:28 AM
The puppers go with me everywhere, even work since work is basicly.... here lol Their the reason I started making large dog clothes, so they get to wear the work and chew the work, sniff the work, sleep on the work... ;)

04-17-2005, 08:59 AM
I love talking one of the dogs with me when I go somewhere. Nacey, Charlie, and Bitsy have all been to the pet store on separate occasions. They don't get to go too often because we drive 45 minutes to an hour to get there (it's in Orlando) and while we're up there we usually need to go to other stores that the dogs can't go.

The dog park is fun, Charlie and Nacey have been there before, but that's a ways away and we don't go too often. Nova went to a different dog park when we went to visit Kay.

Nacey has been to visit Kay once and Nova has been twice. Both went to the dog beach and had a good time.

I have taken my dogs to work, but I don't like to because I never get anything done while they are there.

The place I take the dogs most often is to our friends house. I've been babysitting their little girl on tuesdays for the last few weeks and Nova has gone with me every time. They have a cocker and Nova likes to play with him.

04-17-2005, 09:33 AM
We take Major to the farm alot. We went yesterday. He is getting to be a better dog... doesn't go over to the neighbors much anymore. (He used to get in their trash...and more than once ripped up their cat's house).

The only problem with taking him to the farm is he suddenly thinks car chasing is fun. Luckily people don't go by too often.

04-17-2005, 09:39 AM
We go to pet stores, dog parks, beach, work, visiting...basically there is always at least one pup in the car with us! They even go to the grocery store and on other errands (but have to wait in the car a lot)

04-17-2005, 09:42 AM
I only take Merlin to the bank or the librairy as he has started anew behavior which makes me a little worry. He refuses to get out of the car when we get home. he'll sat in it for hours even in the cold.

Suki Wingy
04-17-2005, 02:16 PM
NiƱo goes to Petsmart about once a week and to the various parks everyday. We took him to the barn occasionally when my mom was feeling nice.;) but since the barn moved 45 minutes away and my parents refuse to drive there, he can't come. I only even get to go when my friend who is 16 can go.:(

04-17-2005, 10:26 PM
Our dogs go everywhere they possibly can with us.

Tristan ADORED our Van - he helped me pick it out! He would LIVE in the van if I let him - like someone mentioned above, we would often come home, and Tristan would stay in the van.... which was OK - as long as I shut off the lights and it was parked in the garage! whenever I was working outside, or in the garage, Tristan would lie in the open back of the van, watching me. He LOVED rides - even if it was just to turn the van around in the driveway!

Tristan participated in every activity we could include him in. He went on sales calls with me, sometimes to my office when I had to work Saturdays, on scout camping trips, fairs, parades, and fundraisers. We took him canoeing with us, and of course he went on walks in all kinds of parks.

Fizz, having grown up within her Breeders' home and probably one of twenty or more dogs, is a good car rider, but probably didn't get to go on many car rides. She didn't start to 'enjoy' rides until she came to live with us. Now she is learning what a treat the words 'go for a ride?' mean. Fizz's first trip to PetsMart was a little scary for her - many new sights and sounds, but now she's gaining confidence about being out and about.

Her favorite place is probably the large school acreage a block away, where we go daily for walks and off-leash ball chasing. she loves the kids. she hasn't been camping or canoeing yet - but those are in the plans for summer, definately!

my only concern is that if the dogs go with us, it has to be places where they can be WITH us and not left in the car, or if they must be left in the car, that the weather is cool, and that they are not left for more than a very few minutes. We also always carry water and a leash in the car, too.


04-17-2005, 11:50 PM
Since Chico is 75 lbs, the only store I take him to is the pet stores, Petsmart and Petco. I take both of the dogs to parks. Guapo goes EVERYWHERE with me. He has a little doggy purse so I take him everywhere, the bank, shopping, even the grocery store..they said since he wasnt running around it was okay.

04-18-2005, 12:24 AM
I take my dogs to the local Park, beach,
around the neighborhood and most vacations and car rides.
Their too big to take into the stores. :(

04-18-2005, 09:40 AM
My hubby plays on a few softball teams during the summer and I bring my pups to the fields. (Not if it super hot) Most of his games are in the evening.

04-18-2005, 09:48 AM
Autumn goes to the park and the petstore and on short rides when I move my car out of the driveway to the parking lot two houses down when its in my stepdad's way.

Buddy Blaze Lover
04-18-2005, 06:27 PM
Blaze always goes with me on walks, the park, and his best doggie friend-Bandit's- house!:D