View Full Version : **emergency health question!**

04-21-2005, 08:59 PM
My neighbor has three Doxies. The oldest is the mom, then there is the dad, and the son. Last week she noticed the son, Little, wasn't as playful as normal. He's about 3/4 years old, and VERY active. VERY loving. She noticed him being less kissy and less interested in food. She commented to me yesterday how thin he loked, and how she was starting to worry. Tonight she was in near tear, saying she thinks he's dying. I have to admit, Little was much thinner tonight than yesterday afternoon.

She can't get to the vet any day soon - she just returned after a 4 months pregnancy leave. Her boss would have a fit if she left to take her dog to the vet. I offered to take him for her, but she's not sure if she wants to impose (no imposition, really!)

She was trying to tempt him with Chicken soup tonight, and he turned his nose up at it (of course Nicki slopped it up as soon as he walked away :rolleyes: )

What could be wrong with Little? Could it be emotionally tied to the baby. He was the baby of the house, and now there is a human baby. But she says she's made doubly sure to give him special together time. She also said that if he was to act jealous or upset, why now, instead of right after the baby was born?

Any ideas of what could cause this change in behavior and rapid weight loss? I really want to help her, and help Little.

04-21-2005, 09:06 PM
I would try to take him to the vet ASAP is I were her. He sounds like he has the same symptoms Jesse had when she got pancreatitis, I'm not saying that that's what Little has for sure but Jess lost weight rapidly and wasn't as happy/joyful and she didn't want to eat anyting either. I'll keep your friend and Little in my thoughts, please keep us updated! :(

04-21-2005, 09:07 PM
I'm sorry that I can't help, but I would definately get this little guy to the vets asap!!

Please keep us updated on how he's doing.

04-21-2005, 09:17 PM
How's his coat looking? It could be depression but it seems as if he's losing weight too rapidly. I'm guessing he's extremely lethargic judging by his loss of appetite. How are his eyes? Gums? Teeth? I think the poor baby needs a full blood panel done. If she can't possibly pay for treatment, it's a good idea to know at least what is inflicting Little. By the way, in case this problem is hereditary, has she speutered the dogs yet (including Little)?

An informal survey shows that for a routine blood chemistry panel the dog owner might expect to pay from $17.50 to over $60.00.

That's not too bad. 60$ per vet visit is half what we pay regularly.;)

Edited to add: Many shelters across America offer low-cost veterinary services. Ours does, and I'm sure you can find one in your area.

04-21-2005, 09:20 PM
get to the vet, tomorrow, if it is pancreatitis, it hurts like h^&* and it only gets more painful. alex the wonder dog has had 2 bouts and my skin brother had one, it's awful.

04-21-2005, 09:23 PM
Thanks folks! All three are long ago spayed/neutered. What do I look for regarding eye/teeth? His coat seems as shiny as ever.

Cinder & Smoke
04-22-2005, 12:31 AM
Originally posted by catnapper

She can't get to the vet any day soon -
she just returned after a 4 months pregnancy leave.
Her boss would have a fit if she left to take her dog to the vet.
I offered to take him for her,
but she's not sure if she wants to impose (no imposition, really!)


It's already Friday...
And I'd *Strongly* suggest that you volunteer to get Little
to her White Coat TODAY!

Any sudden change in weight or behavior is reason the See the Vet.

Try insisting that you WANT to take him in for her!

Prayers for Little.

/s/ Phred

04-22-2005, 01:13 AM
There is no excuse for not getting a sick pup to the vet!! I hope he's feeling better soon...

04-22-2005, 10:36 AM
This could very well be an emergency health question & refusing
food is a bad sign. I hope you can convince her to let you take
the dog to the Vet as soon as possible. Good luck to Little.
Could you let us know how he's doing?

04-22-2005, 10:39 AM
I would say get him to the vet today. If he is loosing weight so fast that it is noticable overnight I would fear it is something major.
Sending good wishes her way.

04-22-2005, 02:14 PM
I hope it's nothing serious. :( Please keep us updated.

04-22-2005, 10:43 PM
Any news on Little yet?
My elderly cat is losing weight like crazy -- the vet did a blood panel last week, and in his case, his kidneys are not working too well. They gave him fluids and I was amazed how much he perked up - dehydration could be part of Little's troubles--
I strongly suggest having a vet look at him NOW.
good luck, prayers going out for Little.

04-23-2005, 08:10 AM
Thanks so much guys! I have not seen or heard from my neughbor since Thursday night. Usually I know when they are home because I hear the dogs. I didn't even hear the dogs outside last night. :( I hope everything is ok. I went over and knocked on their doog and no answer.

I'll update you once I know anything