View Full Version : Happy Anniversary Goldie!

04-24-2005, 12:53 PM
Today is three years since Miss Goldie joined the pack. Goldie took a long, difficult road to get here. She turned up in a local breeders yard as a young adult in heat. Obviously, malamutts were not what this lady was breeding! So Goldie was taken to the shelter. She was an emotional basketcase. Several kennels needed extensive repair after Goldie tried to escape from them. She was fine until a man approached her kennel, then she
had to try and flee. Months went by and Goldie waited. This was in early 2000, right about the time I moved here and started volunteering at the shelter. The very first time I saw Goldie I wanted to bring her home, but my husband actually said "you have three dogs, that's enough". He's changed his tune a little over the past few years!

Eventually Goldie got a foster home who kept her for close to a year. They went away for Christmas and without explaination never returned to pick Goldie up. Goldie became very depressed. All she did was eat and turn into a little pudgeball!

In late April 2002, more than 2 years after she had first arrived at the shelter, Goldie came to stay here as a foster--well, that's what I told my husband. We both knew she wasn't going anywhere; we just had to convince him! It took her awhile to find her place here. She had a nasty run in with a dog aggressive foster. She hated and continues to hate Preacher. It
took her a long time to trust my husband, but she does now. She even likes a few of his friends who visit regularly, although strange men are still scary.

This is the first picture I ever took of Goldie. She was tied in the porch while she met the kitties.

For awhile Goldie went on a trolley tie-out system as she was becoming increasingly aggressive to the other dogs and the vet bills were getting to be a bit much. Then we finally discovered the reason for Goldie's miserable mood. She was in pain. Goldie has deformed front legs. She looks like she may have the dwarf malamute disease. I assumed that if anything was going
to hurt her, it would be those legs, but it is actually her back legs. My vet thinks that Goldie was kicked underneath her back hips. The injury was never treated and has left her with chronic hip problems.

Last year, Goldie went on a daily dose of Meloxicam. At long last, the sweet dog I always knew was in there is free to come out. The drug has been a miracle for her. She runs and plays so much that she's actually lost weight.

She gives kisses occasionally and wants attention. She has a big pen now where she lives with a couple of male dogs. Goldie likes her boys submissive! She gets along great with Delta, Ozzy, and Mac. She adores Chase. They are a funny looking couple as he has a long, lean physique and Goldie will always be a short, round little thing! But they definately love each other! Chase breaks trail for Goldie in the deep snow and when they go for walks together, he slows his pace so she can keep up with him.

Happy Anniversary pretty girl. I'm sorry it took so long to get you here, but I'm delighted you found your way! New tennis balls (Goldie's favorite) and moose bones for everyone!

Ginger's Mom
04-24-2005, 01:12 PM
Aww...I'm a sucker for happy endings. :) You may have had a rough start Goldie, but you have a good home and a good man now. Happy Anniversary, sweetie.

04-24-2005, 01:16 PM
Happy Anniversary Goldie! You're a beauty! :D

04-24-2005, 01:25 PM
Happy Anniversary! I am glad you and your mommy found each other :)

04-24-2005, 01:33 PM
Goldie, your heartbreaking story has me teary eyed. I'm so glad that you have finally gotten the life you deserve. Being pain free must make you so happy. You and Chase make a very cute couple and it really sounds like you're both in love. Happy Anniversary!

04-24-2005, 05:42 PM
I'm so glad that Goldie found her place in this world. She is
beautiful. Happy 3rd year sweet girl.:)

04-24-2005, 10:59 PM
Happy Anniversary Goldie!

04-24-2005, 11:04 PM
Awww. A sad story with a happy ending! Goldie is so lucky to have landed such a loving family.. she couldn't have asked for more :D

04-24-2005, 11:13 PM
Happy anniversary Goldie, such a pretty girl.:)

04-25-2005, 12:06 PM
Happy anniversary, Goldie!!!
It's great to read that after your bad beginnings you now have all the love you deserve and so many friend to play with you.
Best wishes for a long and healthy life.

Queen of Poop
04-25-2005, 12:57 PM
I too was left very teary eyed by your story Goldie. So very, very glad your doggie prayers were answered by your new/forever mommy/daddy. You're a very lucky girl. Congrats on your anniversary!!! Looks like you've got LOTS of love now. Good girl!!:)