View Full Version : An encouraging experience

04-22-2005, 01:56 PM
Reading about stacwase and her problems with Max reminded me of an encounter that occured just last weekend between Trouble and Sequoia.

On Saturday we spent about 6 hours doing yard work. The whole time we were out in the yard we had Sequoia tied to a tree on a horse lunge line. She was moved from tree to tree periodically and she enjoyed herself digging after chippies and playing in the woods with branches and other debris.

In the afternoon when we were finished we brought her up on the porch and put her on the zip line. The big window in the living room that looks out onto the porch was open and Trouble was sitting on the back of the sofa. Sequoia came up to the window and the two of them sniffed noses. There was actual contact between them...well a screen was actually between them but they exchanged breath and snot. :D

There wasn't a growl or hiss or nothing. It was like they were having a conversation. Now I am not so naive as to think this is the start of a great friendship and Sequoia is going to give up her wanting to snack on the cats. But it was an encouraging experience. For a brief moment I had unity between the canine and felines. The other cats even got brave enough to get on the back of the sofa and take a closer look at the dog.

It is like Glacier has said...a tired dog is a good dog. Sequoia had worn herself out playing most the day and was no longer in the immediate mood to attack the screen like she usually does. And she must have been feeling calmer since Trouble didn't feel threatened at all and didn't growl or hiss. It was a wonderful thing all around!:cool: :D ;)


04-22-2005, 04:56 PM
That is just great. Thanks for sharing this with us. I know that had to be such a great site to see. I would have been so happy to see such a thing. You never know it could be the start of a wonderful relationship;).

Give the furkids a hug from me.

Robin :)

04-22-2005, 07:57 PM
Great story,
You must have been so relieved.
Hopefully this is a just one of many future experiences
with them getting use to each-other.

Keep her tired. ;)

04-22-2005, 08:03 PM
How wonderful for you! I'm so jealous! ;) Good luck, I hope it just opens the door to so much more...

04-23-2005, 01:12 AM
Good Girl, Sequoia!!!! :D :D :D :D

I hope the progress continues!