View Full Version : question for BC(the place lol) folks

04-22-2005, 11:57 AM
well my mom has decided that we are not moving to BC till NEXT year rather then this year as planned, but alot of things just do not exist here that I am curious about.. does BC have heartworm? it does not exist here so obviously my dogs are not on any preventitive, but does BC have it? also what are the vaccination laws out there, regaurding Rabis mainly, it is not required here thankfully and Happy gets vaccinosis so law or not she cannot be vaccinated for it as it will kill her. we would be on a farm not in the city, does that make a differnce in laws? sorry so many questions lol these things just granerally dont occure to me living out here where half these things dont exist lol

04-22-2005, 02:57 PM
You are moving to Abbotsford, right? The only place in BC where you really have to worry about heartworm is the Okanagan. So unless you moved here, I wouldn't worry about it. The Lower Mainland has all of the factors that support heartworm, but for some reason there is no heartworm there.

I believe that it is illegal for a dog not to have the rabies vaccine in BC...I'm not too sure. It is fairly common to find rabid bats in BC, and just recently they had found a couple of rabid skunks in Stanlyy Park (Vancouver unleashed dog park). So I believe they are trying to encourage people to get their dogs the vaccine. I'm not sure whether or not it is mandatory...I'll see if I can dig anything up for you.

Does this mean that you won't be coming to the Kelowna meeting this year?

04-22-2005, 03:15 PM
thanks lol I had asked my mom about it and she had no idea either, I have just lived here almost my whole life so I have no clue about it in other places lol

I am still going to try and make it to the meeting its the second weekend of July right? I would not have been moved out to BC by then anway so nothing has changed as fare as the meeting goes, I just need to arrange a way to get to vancouver and Slick said she could give me a ride out to the meeting with her. :D

04-22-2005, 03:20 PM
I can't seem to find anything on rabies laws in BC...Even so, I know that most people here don't vaccinate their dogs as it is so it's not like you can't get away with it. The Lower Mainland has tons of holistic vets that like the idea of limited vaccinations so that is your best bet!

Glad you are still trying to make it. :D I was worried that Slick would have to drive here all by herself because Ashley is coming early and going back late. It would be nice for Slick to have some conversation on the way lol.