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  1. pets and bay windows?!?
  2. stuborn husky tips.. please!!!
  3. Dose Any1 Kno The Aprox. Amount Of A Chihuahua?
  4. Dog Training...a few questions
  5. Poor Prancer :(
  6. Odd thing
  7. dogs in cars
  8. Dogs and pregnancy?
  9. Yeah, Dale asked to go out to potty !! :)
  10. Bathing problems
  11. Chewing on himself?
  12. How do I get him to stop humping?
  13. Suggestions, please!!!
  14. Max is Pissing me off.
  15. Please Help!!
  16. Chewing on wires?
  17. Buddy's Afraid of my Hubby Still!!!
  18. Play-biting
  19. What's the most embarassing thing your dog has ever done?
  20. Bad day at Nebo's class :(
  21. Gimme that leash!!
  22. Poodles? Am I missing something?
  23. ...and I thought I had it bad!
  24. why doesn't my dog play?
  25. how do you know if your dog is depressed
  26. help my dogs begg!!!
  27. Skunk!!
  28. Question about being alone
  29. About Bandit
  30. Please help my dog's barking/aggression problem!! :(
  31. Bandit's walk
  32. Boxers....
  33. Does your dog dream?
  34. Thinks he's playing
  35. Dog agression
  36. Dog fears
  37. jefe and buck got in a fight
  38. Nipping
  39. How dogs see=How dogs behave
  40. Personality
  41. Does your dog do this??
  42. Collar problem
  43. Not a good day at the dog park
  44. Bandit's day at PetCo
  45. Welcome back, Carrie!
  46. Dog personality
  47. Puppy Agression
  48. Buddy afraid of stairs
  49. Bad Behavior
  50. Can't get him to come!
  51. Need advice for a friend
  52. problem digging
  53. I've Figured it Out!
  54. Dog Bites!!
  55. Puppies feuding over food
  56. To Carrie
  57. NO JUMP!!! (Help PLEASE!!)
  58. My puppy urinates in his "bed"
  59. Smokey just had a fit ??
  60. Maurice is out of trouble!!!
  61. new dog urinates on floor
  62. Penny Lane Update
  63. Smokey's Strange Behavior ?
  64. Having some challenging pack leader problems
  65. Competition obedience....
  66. Jailbreak! Again!
  67. steaming
  68. still can't find THE perfect toy
  69. Dog to human translator
  70. Good Behavior
  71. Jasper's Biting
  72. Dusty is humping all of a sudden.
  73. what has gottin into my angel?
  74. Is Jasper aggressive??
  75. Which collar??
  76. Need herbal advice
  77. Digging Up Flowers!?
  78. Has me baffled
  79. He licks instead of chews
  80. Need help and/or suggestions!
  81. Kaedyn's growling/attacking Kai
  82. anxious dog
  83. My dog brought us a rabbit!
  84. Millie's issues with larger dogs
  85. Rosie sleeps a lot..
  86. Best doggie treats?
  87. strange behavior category
  88. question about adopting a dog
  89. i need help
  90. Dog Found entering cars
  91. dog eating my plants
  92. When Your Dog Wants A Hug
  93. Merlins new and distrubing behavior
  94. Aggressive Dog if woken up help
  95. [FONT=century gothic]help i have a dog that hates to takes baths[/FONT]
  96. my dog
  97. How do you handle the 'playing deaf' game?
  98. tactful way to handle a problem before I lose my temper
  99. My dachsund is overaggresive!!!!! PLEASE HELP THIS IS HIS LAST CHANCE!!!!!!!!
  100. Blind, tunnel vision, or inattentive?
  101. Strange post-kennel behavior
  102. snoring!
  103. A barking Neghbor
  104. New "Bad" Behavior
  105. Help with Buffy's whining, and whining, and whining ...
  106. help w/a dog
  107. Tommy's cringing to held objects
  108. the girls aren't getting along
  109. what can I do?
  110. Sampson's obsessed with....soap?
  111. Pebbles is lethargic
  112. How'd you teach your dog to bark?
  113. House trained...
  114. Will a Citronella spray collar help?
  115. Abbey's nipping
  116. Tasha's morning theatrics
  117. Turning around and around and around....
  118. Finally got buck to lay.
  119. Help. Animal Behaviorlists can they really help.. Please Respond
  120. barking at nothing
  121. potty training
  122. nervous habit?
  123. Bad bathroom manners
  124. Sierra's getting snippy with Buddy
  125. my dog is not listening
  126. is it okay when.....
  127. labrador retriever puppy
  128. does your dog ever not want to eat.
  129. can anyone help me with....
  130. Anxiety Wraps For Dogs
  131. New Tricks??
  132. my pug is killing her newborns
  133. Feeding Your Dogs Treats
  134. Rottie growls when happy
  135. Nebo is in trouble
  136. Can anyone help me with .........
  137. Psycho dog?
  138. anyone have miniature pinschers
  139. she chews like crazy
  140. Puppy Vs. Baby!
  141. Short Attention Span
  142. Training my 4 month old pup to pee outside
  143. Nebo is in trouble again..
  144. beloved dogs fighting
  145. The kleenex addict
  146. mother dog is not feeding her pups sometimes
  147. who is sweeter male or female?
  148. new rottie
  149. barks at shadows and people walking by
  150. anyones dog other than mmine lick their wounds????
  151. My dog never licks
  152. Terrified of neighbor..what to do??
  153. need advice
  154. Greta won't get in her crate anymore
  155. dogs that dig
  156. Dog hates/fears to be combed
  157. advice on training for a new puppy
  158. 7 week old puppy with EXTREMELY bad temper... help please!!!
  159. Teaching a dog to bow.. suggestions?
  160. Nala & Duke
  161. Teaching a dog to use a litter box?
  162. APDT Conference
  163. My Dog Runs At People On The Road Can Anyone Help Me
  164. I didn't see it coming!!
  165. Two Dogs Alone?
  166. They don't know what to do with him:(
  167. Need tips for raising a happy, healthy puppy
  168. Greta and aggression
  169. Where does your dog like to take walks?
  170. Obbsessive Licking
  171. Growling dog!
  172. Runaway
  173. weird behavor
  174. barking dog
  175. tricks
  176. peeing EVERY NIGHT
  177. Afraid of Flea Medicine!
  178. Help with newly jealous dog
  179. Need some help.
  180. Is this normal??
  181. Why is Sasha in the closet?
  182. Running paws along snout
  183. Won't come inside
  184. Puppy Running
  185. Male Dog Marking in the House
  186. Sam doesn't like my friend!!
  187. how do you ease a dog's grieving?
  188. Barking
  189. My Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  190. My Cat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  191. Rex bit a dog
  192. Peeing Puppy
  193. Jumping and Barking while Latching Pen
  194. what type of behavior is this??
  195. New Baby - Sad dogs
  196. Problem with rescued dog (please help!)
  197. Harrowing House-breaking Horrors!
  198. My Dogs were expelled from Day Care! Help!
  199. Kodie
  200. Rex chasing bykes, new bad behaviour.
  201. Dog going to the bathroom in my house!
  202. DOg keeps escaping
  203. Maggies bad behaviour. << Need Advice!!>>
  204. Husky puppy...HELP!
  205. Update on my Puppy Sitting Experience!
  206. Protecting my dog while on walks
  207. Tikeya. GRRR
  208. Aggresion towards strangers/children
  209. Good Thing to Remember!
  210. Barking
  211. Adding a new dog to the house
  212. Housebreaking is NOT that hard!
  213. puppy biting!
  214. Won't eat alone!
  215. Male Dog Behavior
  216. New fear of going outside
  217. My dog bit my little brother again!
  218. back up....
  219. peeing at night
  220. shaking themselves out
  221. my new dog isn't eating
  222. Barking at little kids?
  223. Psyco about toenails
  224. Bragging about my boy! *GOOD behavior*
  225. Licking metal objects
  226. eating and chewing
  227. Chewing the deck...
  228. possible Blind addition...
  229. come command..
  230. Dog pees inside on floor every day
  231. help!
  232. Jumping Dogs
  233. My dog wont stop...
  234. why....
  235. getting used to people...
  236. keeping dogs from getting bored
  237. Trimming my dog's toenails...
  238. Chew Chew Chew
  239. introducing a puppy to a 3 yr old cat
  240. Tasha has a vendetta against my neighbors
  241. male dog peeing on everything
  242. Diggers!
  243. Chew Chew Chew
  244. Nail Care...
  245. Is my Dog SICK!!!
  246. She's suspicious of "some" strangers during our walks
  247. Need help with a JRT
  248. Dog refuses to eat dry food.
  249. Dog copies cat?
  250. Skunkhound