View Full Version : Aggressive Dog if woken up help

Satchmo 44
12-09-2003, 01:03 PM
Recently my dog has become very aggressive while being woken up.

If he is sleeping in my room and my wife walks in, he get's up and growls at her. He seems to be in a daze and it takes a bit of time for him to snap out of it.

Has anyone ever had this problem.

Please reply

12-09-2003, 01:08 PM
I woiuld probably seek advice from a professional behaviorist on that one because it has the potential to become a serious problem.

Good luck!

12-09-2003, 01:56 PM
i agree with aly, you should take your dog to a behaviorist. It would probably be your best bet to have s professional take a boo at your dogs behaviour.

12-09-2003, 05:01 PM
How does your wife walk in? How old is the dog?

Maybe her walking in just startles him.

As for being aggressive when woken up... I can relate to your dog. :p

Satchmo 44
12-10-2003, 07:43 AM
I've had him for over 4 years and this has just recently started.

My wife walks into the room as any normal person would. The dog somewhat gets into a protective stance and growls though he does NOT bite or get too close to her. He seems a bit out of it (like he is still in some sleep mode) when it happens.

He will be going to the vet for an evaluation.

12-10-2003, 08:02 AM
First of all..... how old is the dog? The dog may be goin deaf or senile. Best to get the dog to a vet and have it checked. If not the dog may get to the point of biteing. I'm sure you don't want that. If the dog is going deaf..... now is the time to sorta retrain him/her to get use to you stamping on the floor when you enter a room where the dog is. I have had dogs that went deaf and that's what I have had to do. As for if the dog is going senile..... theres not alot you can do and there is only 1 road you will be travellin down :( . I hope this helps.

Orlando Bloom's Gal
12-11-2003, 05:54 PM
He has claimed that spot as his now. He knows that that spot is his, and anyone who comes near is on his turf and he will protect it. My dog Kiki does that. When my mom comes to wake me up in the morning(yes, she still gets me up and I'm 24. Kind of sad eh?), Kiki(he sleeps on my bed), will start growling, his ears go back. He's fine when my dad comes in since he knows my dad is pack leader,

12-15-2003, 02:29 PM
Dear ________,
My dog has a biting and barking problem. My mother is afraid we will lose everything in lawsuit. She is at the brink of giving him away and I don’t think I can take that. Nicky is one of my best friends. We got him when I was in second grade and now I am in seventh grade. He really nice and cuddly most of the time but he isn’t good with starngers. I don’t want to give him away. I think he deserves another chance. Doesn’t everybody? I have problems too, but my parents wouldn’t give me away. I just don’t think its fair but my mom isn’t convinced. I just don’t know what to do anymore. We have tried everything, barking collars, leashes, introducing slowly, nothing seems to work! Any advive? Please help me! I need it!

-AnotherChance:( :( :confused:

12-18-2003, 04:03 PM
I haven't read the other replies so if I repeat what others have said or go against anyone....sorry in advance.

The dog is stating, quite clearly, that it believes it has a right to be in the Alpha sleeping place and your wife does not. Either teach your wife to sleep in another room or remove ideas of grandeur from your dog's head - the dog needs to be comfortable, especially as it is getting on, a supportive bed outside the bedroom door would be appropriate - for the dog, not the wife!!

Orlando Bloom's Gal
12-18-2003, 05:05 PM
Also, making your dog sleep in a crate in the room may also solve the problem. I am crate training Kiki, and he seems to be getting it, but the only problem is, he has one of the worst cases of separation anxiety I've ever seen in any of my dogs in my 24 years of life. He barks and howls if left alone. I can't put him in with the other dogs. He's very aggressive with them. Sundays are a pain coming home to him from church. He gets so upset. When we walk in the door, he comes running, barking, and well...making a screaming noise and he jumps up. If anyone has ever had a dog with REALLY bad separation anxiety, and has solved it somewhat/or completely, can you please PM me with advice?

12-18-2003, 07:10 PM
If I sounded like I meant you to crate your dog then please forgive me - that is not what I think you should you do - just gently and frequently take your dog by the collar and lead it to the nice, comfy bed outside the bedroom door and leave it there.

12-23-2003, 03:57 PM
That's a tough situation, maybe you should try putting him in a different place to sleep or not let your wife go near him when he is sleeping. Crating him might be approiate but only as a last resort. Crates might seem like home to some but prison to others