View Full Version : The kleenex addict

03-01-2004, 04:04 PM
My dog Buddy is a complete Kleenex addict. He has done this as long as we have had him. He will get them from the trash, out of the box...personally I think he has a secret Kleenex connection somewhere. We can make sure he can't get to them and still I find shredded kleenex under our beds where he has been eating them.

I suppose it could be something worse than Kleenex...Is he the only tissue addict out there?


03-01-2004, 05:32 PM
perky and misty too. perky hunts kleenex out, misty only takes it when she see's it. we dont mind them having a little bit, but if they start having alot, we will pry it out of there mouths lol

03-01-2004, 10:02 PM
Leo does this also. It must be something about the smell - just like the underware and the socks (I should buy stock in both) the way he chews them up! :)

03-01-2004, 11:31 PM
I only wish Charlie was into Kleenex! Instead, I get a dog who'll do anything for a tampon! Usually, he'll grab an unused one while I'm in the shower or if the bathroom door is open, take it into the living room and "kill it". But he'll only settle for the unused ones if (hang on, this is gross!) he can't get a used one. There have been instances with friends and/or family who have thrown them out instead of flushing them and not closed the bathroom door. the rest, as the say, is history. Maybe I should train him to go for the kleenex instead! hehehe :D

03-03-2004, 06:39 PM
My dog and my mom's dog chews up kleenex. I bought a new box, and left it on the table, what a mess when I got home. Who knows what it is about them that they like.

03-04-2004, 08:25 AM
I have 5 kleenex shredders. I also have allergies, so there are vulnerable kleenexes in boxes and wastebaskets all over the house. I try to keep them out of reach, but somehow one of the kids finds them and DESTROYS them regularly. I do have one sock thief. He's never destroyed one, just carries them around.

As long as they leave my shoes alone, I'm OK. Kleenexes don't cost as much as my shoes do.

03-09-2004, 12:26 AM
Keegan will put them out of the boxes or the trash can or your pocket!!
I woke up one morning when she was a puppy and thought it had snowed in my house!!!
She had shredded a whole box!