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Thread: Prednisone has any one taken it?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA

    Prednisone has any one taken it?

    Yesterday my doctor gave me a prescrip for Prednisone for my arthritis. The pain is getting hard to control. He thinks I'll have good luck with it. Frankly, I'm scared of it. Just wondering if any one has taken it.

    I am to take one pill a day for 5 days then half a pill for 15.

    I did have a dog years ago who had sezures and took it. She took massive doses for several years. It affected her liver and it exploded more or less.
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    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

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  2. #2
    Join Date
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    My Dad has to take it, 5 mg daily, for Addison's disease. At this low dose, the risks are almost non existent. Dad does have blood wok done every 6 months to ensure no liver issues.

    If you are on a low dose, OR if you are taking it for a short time, you will be fine. Sounds like you are on it just for 20 days? I wouldn't worry.

    It is a concern long term. My Sugar was on it, half a 5 mg pill daily for 2 years, while I struggled to find an alternate and get her off it. I pray she does not have any side effects due to that! She needed it for a nasal polyp and it kept the swelling down so she had no breathing difficulties. Lo, I found she was allergic to my laundry detergent! Switched that, the swelling stopped and she doesn't need the pred OR any alternative either, lol.

    Take it and meantime try to find other arthritis meds. Have you been on an arthritis forum? Folks on there will have lots of info to help you out. I was on one, briefly, 2 years back when my knees were so bad I could barely walk with a cane in each hand. It will help if you know what you have, as the treatment for each type varies quite a bit: rheumatoid, osteo, etc. We -- Dad and I -- just recently attended a great presentation by an arthritis expert, at our senior center. I think she said there ae 7 most common types; and the drugs vary for each one.

  3. #3
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    Oct 2003
    I was on a steroid taper for about a week after my craniotomy.

    Steroids can raise your blood sugar, but that's only a problem if you're Diabetic (I am), or if you are on large doses, for a long time.

    I had a couple of steroid injections into my right ankle 15 years ago - and it gave me immediate relief of the pain, and the pain didn't come back for about a month. In that case it was used as a diagnostic tool. The fact that I had relief proved his diagnosis. Then I had surgery to fix the problem.

    I think you'll be fine for the time frame your doctor is prescribing.

  4. #4
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    I've had prednisone prescribed several times over the years for a few things; respiratory issues, sinus infections, psoriasis, psoriatic arthritis, general inflammation. My husband just got off a short term dose they thought might calm the spasms in his back (didn't help).

    I've never had a problem, nor has my husband, but my sister can't take it. Just be aware of any significant changes in your behavior or agitation levels and report them to your doctor. You should be fine on a low dose for that period of time. Good luck!

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  5. #5
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    I have had to take it several different times for short periods of time - the main side effect was it made me ravenously hungry. At least it made me *think* I was! But each time I was on a big dose then an immediate draw down, so 2 weeks total each time. No damage and it helped me breathe again - each time it was because my asthma had gotten so bad I wasn't getting enough oxygen.
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  6. #6
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    When my nephew was on it at first for his Chrons. It does make you eat and gain weight. After all these years I believe he is on something different for management.
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    I have had to take it several different times for short periods of time - the main side effect was it made me ravenously hungry. At least it made me *think* I was!

    I have taken it many times over the years and it always helped me. I had
    no side effects except for the hunger thing that Karen mentioned. It doesn't
    give off any "buzz" type feeling, but it will help with inflamation in your hands
    or fingers. It helps relieve the pain, so you should feel better with it.
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  8. #8
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    I take pred every time I get one of my sinus infections. It seriously helps with the inflamation and makes my headaches a zillion times better. I felt like I was on a revolving pred prescription last year.... just as I weane myself off I started a new pack.

  9. #9
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    I never knew they prescribed it for arthritis, i have two types of arthritis, i can well understand the pain you are in, i take a anti-flammatory drug called arcoxcia, but only when it is unbearable, i only ever have five pills a month in my cabinet, as they cost 3.50 a pill, but they are really good and the most gentle on the stomach.

    Like all drugs none are without side effects, i know long term they can give you like a moon shaped face and you are very hungry and do gain weight, my nieces husband is on them permanently and many other drugs for his rare illness, he has gained so much weight , especially in the face, however i am sure on the lose dose you mentioned that probably will not happen.

    So don't be frightened, give it a go, see how it works, what side effects your experience, if any, and take it from there, i wish you success and pain free days, you have my utmost empathy,take care now.
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  10. #10
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    Thanks everyone! I'll start it tomorrow. I sure hope I don't gain weight. I've finally lost 14 pounds.

    I think he is hoping it will help my inflammation. I have lots of trouble with that. I was on high doses of ibruprophen for years and that started to damage my kidneys. The other pain meds we've tried don't help the inflammation and other arthritis drugs I've tried, I can't take. He did check my vitamin d levels the other day and I had a bone scan a little over a year ago so I'm good that way.

    My back has been cramping up so bad I can hadly sit up. I sure hope this helps. Fingers crossed. Thanks again.
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by momoffuzzyfaces View Post
    Thanks everyone! I'll start it tomorrow. I sure hope I don't gain weight. I've finally lost 14 pounds.
    If it gives you the hungry horrors, just remind yourself it's all an illusion, your stomach isn't any bigger than it was yesterday, and get yourself some hard candies (sugar free if your body will tolerate them - mine won't) to give your mouth something to do. It may have the opposite effect - when Lady's Human (my brother) has been on prednisone, he loses any appetite at all, and has to be reminded to eat. Curious critters, we humans are!

    And it does reduce inflammation quite effectively - that's why it had such an immediate effect on my asthma attack.

    Oh - it also sometimes gives folks a "butterfly rash" - pinkness in the cheeks, harmless, don't let it worry you, it'll go away. It sure freaked out my boss, who visited me once in the hospital - I'm normally a pasty white person, so he blurted out "Your cheeks are pink! I know that usually means someone is healthy, but on you ..." and only calmed down when I explained it was a normal phenomenon with prednisone.
    I've Been Frosted

  12. #12
    I took it for arthritis and fibromyalgia in a fairly large dosage and then tapered off. In the beginning, it was a miracle. I had zero pain and inflammation. It only lasted for about a month, however. Then I was on it again a few months later, same dosage and it was half as effective. I took it again a third time and it had no effect whatsoever. My last dr. wanted to put me on a low dose forever and she told me that I would gain weight and become moon faced. Now that's something to look forward to, eh? I said "no" and I've dealt w/the pain as best I can since. Good luck w/it. I do hope that you get some relief.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  13. #13
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    Prednisone is a steroid. It will make you put on weight. I'd get a second opinion. How about trying a Homeopathic Doctor. They can find something natural that won't hurt your other organs and will help with your arthritis.

    If the CONS outweigh the PROS in taking Prednisone, then I say it's not worth it. But that's only MO.

    Please keep us posted!! And feel better!!

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  14. #14
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    Took my first dose today. After about an hour I felt relaxed. I didn't take any other meds because I want to document if I have any side effects. Oddly, my shoulder and knees do feel better. (wishful thinking?)

    Around 11:30 I started having temors in my left hand. I think I scared myself though. I had been on a 45 minute phone call and held the phone in that hand. I use my left hand for my computer mouse. When I tried moving the mouse after that call, my hand shook. (it's better now)

    I called the dr office just in case because by then, I was hyper. The nurse is to call me back later. Turned out it was a good thing I called. She had been trying to call me while I was on the phone.

    The blood work the dr did is back. I still have mild kidney problems. Not sure if they are worse than they were when they checked in Aug or not. Will need to ask.

    My sed rate is way way up. I knew it was and told him that the other day.

    BUT I didn't know I am extremenly low on vitamin D. I need to go on a prescrip for that. 50,000 twice a week for I think 6 weeks then have it checked again. Since our bus will not run again until Monday, I'll have to wait to start that next week. I'll take some otc vitamins that have 400 mg D and hope that helps until then.
    Thanks for all the help. Oh, Donna, we have no Homeopathic doctors in our town and I have no way of getting to one in a different one. so, I just have to do the best I can. Thanks though.
    Last edited by momoffuzzyfaces; 12-26-2010 at 03:17 PM.
    No matter what anyone does, someone some where will be offended some how!!!!
    Grandma (RB), Chester, Angel, Chip

    Leonardo (RB), Luke (RB), Winnie, Chuck,



  15. #15
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    "hyper"... that could be from the pred- let's see what happens after the next couple of doses
    vitamin D - I found 1,000 IU capsules at Target that are small and easy to swallow. I'm also taking Drisdol once a week. (the doc specifically told me to continue the vitamin D, 1,000 IU 3x/day in addition to the Drisdol)
    I took a Medrol dosepack the last time my sciatica flared up. Nothing else works as well. Correction... Flexeril works well but it makes me so drowsy and dopey that I can't function normally, so I don't take it anymore.
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