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01-01-2009, 11:10 PM
Dear Wisconsin,
You better be good! At least for the next 6 months. I'm counting on you to be a real life Pine Hollow, but I know that won't happen. Just as long as I get some good times and riding time.
We'll see,

Where in Wisconsin is that?

01-02-2009, 05:41 AM
dear you, this is a big decision, and i'm scared. i never saw myself as a parent, i had bad parenting, mediocre parenting is all around and from what i've seen from the outside is that good parenting is a gutsucking, all encompassing full time involvement, and yet despite my fears, we cannot leave you in the home of a drug selling excon who neglects you and is one of the stupidest humans i've ever met. she'll be back in prison soon or shot in a drug robbery you're precious and we maybe your only chance at escaping that mess. are we up to that job and joy? signed joyce

Suki Wingy
01-02-2009, 02:32 PM
Where in Wisconsin is that?

Just outside of La Cross.

01-02-2009, 03:28 PM
Dear snow...

Go away.:mad:

01-02-2009, 11:55 PM
Dear You,

I know it's bad, and I know it probably won't happen.

But all I want right now is one more night with you. Just one more.

I need you. Please.


01-03-2009, 10:13 AM
Meg...any news on that therapist you were gonna see? ;)

I don't know about you, but I'd rather be wanted than needed. Otherwise that just makes me a drug, not a human being in the other person's eyes.

But I know what you mean.


01-03-2009, 02:01 PM
Dear You,

We talked today, finally... you said you didn't want to hurt me, you couldn't destroy me... you want me, but you can't do that to me.
I don't know what to say. I want YOU. I want YOU to be happy, and if that doesn't include me, I'm going to have to deal with it. That's all I've ever wanted for you, is to find happiness.
I still love you, even if you won't let me.


01-03-2009, 02:02 PM
Confused and Puzzle==== confuzzled:)

01-03-2009, 02:24 PM
Dear internet service,

...I hate you:mad:

...and the one I had before you too:rolleyes:

01-03-2009, 11:21 PM
Dear Me,

Get on track with your resolutions, will ya?
No soda today, you've done good on that. But the pizza you ate wasn't the best choice.
Go start laundry. And while that's going, pop some Tylenol for your headache and get your pilates DVD in!

Tough love,

Suki Wingy
01-04-2009, 12:22 AM
Dear Tudou.com,
F!@K YOU! I WANT TO WATCH ANGEL RIGHT NOW! I mean, I don't care about the Chinese subtitles, but you can't refuse to load some of the best episodes. I can NOT miss this one, there's too much going on and it's the second to last of the season! ARGHHHH
No love at all,

01-04-2009, 12:48 AM
Dear World,

I have just made one girl's world better by letting her know that I'm not mad at her...
I'm learning to stand up on my own and not let Kate judge who I am friends with. Just because Kate is mad at her, doesn't mean I am.
Right now, she just needs a hug and someone to talk to. I'm glad I could be that person. It'll be okay, Sarah. I promise.


01-04-2009, 04:32 AM
Dear You,

Dan: I loves mah meg...

Thank you. That was all I needed to hear.
I love you too, even though I won't say it.
Our "I love you"'s mean two different things, I'm afraid.

I still love you and your stupid cruise ship... ;)

01-04-2009, 07:14 PM
Dear New Year's Resolutions,

You seemed like such a good idea before the first of the year. But I'm having trouble keeping up with you.

01-04-2009, 09:56 PM
Dear Anger,
Why are you so difficult to get rid of? I can't calm you, I can't push you away anymore, yet I can't express you. You dig yourself deeper into my heart every day and I don't know what to do.

Dear source of said anger,
I can't think about you without completely shutting down. I can't talk to you without being nearly brought to tears. I can't reason with you without just giving in - and that's NOT an option. This whole situation has hurt me beyond all words and reason, and I cannot stand you because you weren't there to hear me out, to actually listen to me and actually, honest-to-God hear what I had to say. Now? I don't even want you to be there. I just don't care anymore. And you hate me for that, too. You force me to say "I love you" just for your own peace of mind but that's not the truth. You know it, and you refuse to admit it to yourself. Just leave me alone, step out of my life. Everything about you stresses me out and then you get mad at me for that, too. I am tired of your inconsistancy and narrowmindedness. Maybe if you would open your eyes and your heart you would realize that, yeah, maybe I'm right and maybe God DOES want this thing to happen. He shows me signs and opportunities every day and it hurts more than I can describe to turn those opportunities down.

You don't understand, you never will. So stop pretending to care and then pitying yourself when you tell your friends, "My daughter just doesn't like me." It's too late now. I am done.

Scooter's Mom
01-04-2009, 10:30 PM
Dear migraines:

Please go away.

Thank you.

01-04-2009, 11:12 PM
Dear Monday,

Please let this be a good day.



Suki Wingy
01-04-2009, 11:31 PM
Dear anybody,
Woo hoo! I beat the system! http://dgold.info/emoticons/best-from-pf/dance3.gif a few quick google searches and I found a way to make fanvideos without waiting for each dvd to come from Blockbuster Online and without paying close to $200. :D The PTB must like the fans :cool:

01-06-2009, 02:36 AM
Dear Dan,

Please. Please, please please please please please.
What don't you get? You're not a horrible person. You need to erase that idea from your head. LET SOMEONE LOVE YOU, Dan. You need to be loved. You can't keep putting up that stupid wall of yours.
Love, Megs


Dear Justin,

I'm sorry things were so damn awkward with us tonight. I don't know how to act around you. You're madly in love with me, and I just don't feel the same way, and I know telling you would kill you. You did move here for me, so the guilt I'm feeling right now is pretty immense. I'm so sorry. I don't know what to do anymore.
Love, Meg


Dear Sarah,

We actually sat and spoke at Perkins tonight! :D Go us. Kate still doesn't like me being friends with you, but bah, who cares. My life, not hers. =]
Besides, our love for Sex and the City put together... that's pretty epic.


01-06-2009, 06:14 PM
Dear team that is conducting my interview tomorrow:

I really want this job a LOT. Please like me enough to hire!

Thank you,

M&M's Mommy
01-06-2009, 07:21 PM
Dear letter T key on my keyboard,

You annoy the heck out of me today. Please work properly as I have a report to turn in this week, and I really need your cooperation.


Aspen and Misty
01-06-2009, 08:17 PM
Dear Haines Alaska,

I miss you and all your snow! When I get back please let there be more, maybe 5 or 6 feet? Come on, when I left you were half way there at 3 feet. I don't think this is to much to ask!

Tired of the brown Georgia landscape

Dear National Animal Control Officer Association,

THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU, for offering your classes to make me a better Animal Control Officer. I simply love my job, thanks for teaching me how to do it more efficiently!

A very happy ACO –Ashley

01-07-2009, 03:10 AM
Dear Self,

You just cut your thumb wide open because you're STUPID.

Way to go.


Dear Dan,

I don't even know what to say. you found out that Sarah and I are sort of friends now. I didn't expect you to get that mad. You told me you liked it better when I hated her... that you felt betrayed... and when I told you I valued our friendship more than the friendship between her and I... you blew me off. You said, "Whatever. I'm going to bed."

I am so so sorry. I didn't see it turning out this way. I though making things better with Sarah would create less tension, and it did exactly the opposite. I cried the whole way home because I know how much I upset you and I feel like the scum of the earth for the way I hurt you tonight. You have no idea how much you mean to me. You've taught me so much in the time we've been friends. Please don't throw it away over a stupid girl.

I LOVE you, Dan. Please don't let me go.


Suki Wingy
01-07-2009, 02:20 PM
Dear Comcast,
Thanks for giving up Halmark channel back! Now I can watch M*A*S*H again regularly until I move.

01-07-2009, 02:53 PM
Dear 2009,

please be good to me... 2008 did a last very bad turn on me... I lost one of my fids and two furries are MIA...

a lil help would be so appreciated..


:( me

01-07-2009, 05:27 PM
dear you, this is a big decision, and i'm scared. i never saw myself as a parent, i had bad parenting, mediocre parenting is all around and from what i've seen from the outside is that good parenting is a gutsucking, all encompassing full time involvement, and yet despite my fears, we cannot leave you in the home of a drug selling excon who neglects you and is one of the stupidest humans i've ever met. she'll be back in prison soon or shot in a drug robbery you're precious and we maybe your only chance at escaping that mess. are we up to that job and joy? signed joyce

Dear you ~ Just reading this now. I just have to say you are my hero.

01-08-2009, 03:45 AM

We finally talked... thank god. It's over and done with, you're not so mad at me. And this? This made me smile bigger than I have in DAYS.

Daniel: Loves meg. Night night

Megan: you do not

Daniel: Dont.... EVER.... say that... You want to piss me off? That is the easiest way. Its like my "instant rage" button

I love you too, Dan.


01-08-2009, 01:20 PM
Dear you

I love you more than words can say. I'll never be content with the mundane trappings of normal reality and you keep reminding me of that. Maybe I should start living and get out of just existing.

I'm glad you still feel the same way I do.

Love always


01-12-2009, 03:15 PM
Dear Dan,

I saw the happy Dan tonight for the first time in MONTHS.

All I could think was, "D*mn... I love that boy."

Stay happy, boy. You deserve it.

-Loves Meg.

Suki Wingy
01-14-2009, 06:40 PM
Dear Julie,
THANK YOU! I'm sure I will love it at the barn and I'll love my new job. I will work hard and learn as much as I can.
Love, An excited new student/employee

01-14-2009, 09:07 PM
Dear World,

I'm moving on,

But I know as soon as I hear that beloved, "Loves Meg," I'm going to lose it all again.


Suki Wingy
01-15-2009, 12:33 AM
Hi Boy,
I miss you. I hate myself for how I treated you in the last few months of your life. I want you to know I love you and it breaks my heart. I did not cry when I heard you died, not until now. When I remember the way you acted when I took you somewhere new, always running back to me and licking me, reasured and protected by me. I feel like I was such a lousy owner, and I was. I let your nails go way too long, let your water get dirty, never took you out of your cage more than 5 times in 3 months... :(
Your body is in our freezer- I don't like it there at all. I don't like to go near the fridge/freezer if I don't have to. Mom opened it up to put something she bought in there, but I couldn't see anything. I miss you. Come back home.
How were you feeling before you died and how long did you have to feel that way? I can't believe I didn't catch on sooner. I was so worried about myself I forgot to worry about anyone else. That happens a lot. When I found you having such a hard time breathing on Thursday I had a feeling I wouldn't see you again. I hate myself for it but for a second I was kind of glad that I might not have to find you a new home. I can't believe myself for being such an idiot. I truly was willing to rack up a big debt if you weren't better by the time I got home from my weekend away. I didn't think by that time that you'd be gone. Could we have saved your life if we took you to the vet that day? You've never been to a vet before.
By the time I got where I was going I forgot you weren't well. I hate myself for it. Hate. By Sunday I was even telling new Julie, my new boss, about the cute little white rabbit I have after you had died. I forgot you were even sick. Thankfully my mom was smart enough not to tell me until I got home to find your cage and carrier empty. That's when I remembered you hadn't been breathing well. I thought they got rid of your body until my mom came in my room that night to tell me "we kept him so you can bury him" I did not want to hear that. At all. I said, "Is he in the freezer?" knowing the answer. I hate that. I hate that your cold, stiff, lifeless body is in my freezer with my food like just another meaningless thing. Of course, it's just a body and means nothing but I can't see you like that. I never want to have to. I was fine with the rats because I never knew them alive, and they were there to feed the snakes. But you are not.
I want you back.
Come home to me.
I see why people believe in religion now.
Come home.
Don't go. I don't want you gone. I don't.
I miss you baby. :love:
Hop free, bunny foo foo.
Come home to me. :(

01-15-2009, 09:16 PM
Dear babyloo,

I read you a couple of my "dear you" threads, because I wanted you to know how much you still mean to me.

And even though I don't post them anymore here (or post much on PT for that matter... oops), it doesn't mean that I don't care about you deeply.

We've had our ups and our downs, and we've had our day separations, but we always come back to eachother. We get aggravated, but I still love you. I'll always love you. You mean more to me than I could ever explain. You're my little child, yes, you are, but it's okay. Boys will be boy, and I accept that.

I love you, and I want to forever be with you.

There are still things about you that I have yet to learn, and I want to spend my life figuring them out. We don't talk much about marriage - we talk about spending a long time with eachother instead. And really, marriage will come when it comes. I just look forward to tomorrow with you, and the next day, and days following that.

There are days where everything goes wrong, and I get frustrated and take it out on you, but you're always there at the end of my rant. You're always there. And that's what is important. That we're there for eachother.

I mean, I know I talk a lot and stuff, but you know when it's important. And you know when I'm serious.. a nd you know when I'm down, and you're there to pick me up.

And for that, I love you.

Your darling, your angel, your baby.


01-16-2009, 01:42 PM
Dear self,

Please get your sh*t together.


01-16-2009, 04:55 PM
Dear Illness,


I hate you

-Whats left of me

01-16-2009, 09:35 PM
Dear person,
I don't know what happened, you annoy me alot now. I don't even know why, you just do. I've heard the phrase "high school changes people" but it's not really a big change it's just annoying. I hope it stops, you're becoming more like her EVERYDAY. :rolleyes:

love? me

01-17-2009, 03:34 AM
Dear... whoever. I don't care anymore.

You made me sound like a complete scumbag. No, I NEVER BEGGED you for sex, but thanks for making her think that. You threw me under the bus by telling her without telling me... she was mad at me for DAYS, thank you very little.

So yeah, I was obviously pissed at you last night. I was trying really hard not to cry because I pretty much found out you aren't the guy you said you were. Apparently you have a f***buddy relationship with some girl YOU DON'T EVEN LIKE (forgive me, there's no better way of putting it...) and you had been with her three days ago. That's pretty damn pathetic if you ask me. If you try, you can get yourself a decent girl, but you're not doing a whole lot to make yourself look good right now.

We talked tonight. Things are okay between us. I can't do this with you anymore, especially with the aforementioned "buddy" you have. I can't trust you or who you've been with, so as for us? We're through.

I love you, and I really care about you. I hope you start manning up and taking care of yourself. You deserve to be happy as much as anyone else, but this isn't the way to do it. Somethings going to go terribly wrong (i.e. your "buddy" getting pissed off at you and telling everyone she knows... it's coming, I know it is...) and you're going to go back to being the depressed, solitary, independent person you were a couple months ago. I don't want that. I love seeing you happy.

Please start making good decisions. I love you and I don't want to see you get hurt again.

Loves, Meg.



I don't even know what to say to you. You blew up at me AGAIN for some minor crap. Then you turn it around and make it a "poor Kate" pity party. I'm not falling for your stupid sh*t anymore. I'm done not having a backbone with you. You don't control me. No one does. I'm not bending to your rules anymore. I'm done trying to make YOU happy and basing my decisions off of what YOU would approve of.

THIS IS MY LIFE. I DESERVE to be happy once and a while, don't I? You need some serious anger management. You make it painful for me to even be around you. Take that as a hint.

Trying to love you,

01-17-2009, 09:57 AM
Dear Rich,

I feel guilty for taking this job when it's what you always wanted. You say you're not mad, but I find that hard to believe. If it was the reverse way I'm sure I'd be irked, as you have all right to be. I'm dreading going to work, because you've been talking about it for ages. I can't help but hope that Amy gives you a position as well.


01-17-2009, 05:12 PM
These letters are so heartbreaking. Sorry to all of you. I have nothing to write here since I think this is for people only and I love animals than I do myself, my family or any other person. ;)

01-17-2009, 05:19 PM
Dear Illness,

If I could just beat you....But I don't have to beat you once.I have to beat you mulitple times a day.Sometimes I feel like I don't have it in me to beat you.But I know I do.
Someday,Someday...You will be only a little part of my life.

Still Fighting,

01-17-2009, 10:54 PM
These letters are so heartbreaking. Sorry to all of you. I have nothing to write here since I think this is for people only and I love animals than I do myself, my family or any other person. ;)

This thread is for writing to people, places, things and PETS too! Write whatever your feeling, its here for you to vent. Ive written letters on here to my ISP lol...which by the way DEAR CLEARWIRE, quit disconnecting me when the microwave turns on! Thank you...lol

Suki Wingy
01-17-2009, 10:58 PM
These letters are so heartbreaking. Sorry to all of you. I have nothing to write here since I think this is for people only and I love animals than I do myself, my family or any other person. ;)

You can write to anyone. I've written to abstract ideas, to animals, people, etc..

01-18-2009, 02:45 AM
This thread is for more than writing to PEOPLE... Heck, I've written to my aunt's TOILET if you go back a few pages, lmao.


Dear Sarah, Kari, Justin and Adam,

I love you guys. Seriously. Tonight was really fun. It was nice not to have any Dan drama.

Thank you for making me laugh and smile.


01-18-2009, 10:05 AM
Dear Jubilee,

I miss you like I've never missed someone before. I want you back. I should have taken you for surgery, but no. I was too afraid you were going to die since your age was so high.

I should have taken you to the vet to be euthanized since you were in such pain, but no I didn't do that either. I would have missed you too much. And I miss you now more than I ever would have. I miss you so much baby..

01-18-2009, 11:32 AM
Dear Nicole,

Five months. Yep.

I still love you,

01-28-2009, 03:19 PM
Dear *snow*

I :love: you, but please, please stop !!!:(

01-28-2009, 03:35 PM
dear...... you.....

why is it so difficult to deal with simple things... why do you have to "impress" others... why do you unconciously *I think* make things than take the specialness out of things/situations...

why try to look nice to other and look bad to me... don´t I count more??...some nice things DO look bad... please don´t do them!!... even less bad things...

keeping secrets... well... some have made the light... why lie about them.. I ALREADY KNOW!.. man, why is it so hard for you to understand...

this weekend was supposed to be special... and now I´ll be spending it with my lone self while you party... have fun...


01-28-2009, 03:58 PM
Dear Assistant....

Why must you always be so negative??? It's like you are never happy unless you're making someone else unhappy. I swear you feed off of it, and just love to make me more unhappy. I've just gotten back to work, and already you are there to bring me down and make me feel like crap. doesn't help that you also ignore whatever I tell you to do (you are the assistant), and just do what ever it is you feel like doing instead.

Why are you such a racist? You make the nastiest comments, and yet, you profess to be such a "good christian". Would a good christian make the comments you do?? And you get this glee in your eye when I'm having problems with things, and then you say if I wasn't "such a heathen" I'd have it easier if I went to church. What is up with that??? Just because I'm not outwardly religiious does not mean I'm a heathen.

Ugh. You annoy the crap out of me. I wish I could say this all to your face. I can't though, cause I'd get reprimanded, and I'd probably beat the crap out of you in the end. I don't need to be on page one of our local news "Librarian beats assistant senseless". It would not be a good scene.

Please just be more understanding, less racist, less judgemental and just be an understanding, humane person for once. This is your last year of work before you retire, just give it a rest! I wish you could see yourself from the outside to see how hateful you are, and how you impact those around you.

M&M's Mommy
01-28-2009, 08:10 PM
Dear self,

Please get off the internet and focus on your year-end report. It's due tomorrow and you're no where close to finish.


01-29-2009, 02:38 AM
Dear You,

I'm so done.

I can't. CAN'T. keep doing this with you. It's physically and emotionally draining.

It's over, I'm done. I'm not texting you anymore, I'm not going to Perkins just to talk to you. I can't DO IT ANYMORE. I'm sick of crying over you, I'm sick of you getting mad about stupid little things.


Maybe one day you'll realize what you had. You'll realize that I really did love you, and I was right in front of you the whole damn time. That I am capable of being loved and loving you. You're gonna realize what you passed up, and by then it's going to be too late. You had me close, then you slowly started pushing me away. You pushed just hard enough and now I'm not coming back.

You're on your own.

I hope you find someone who can make you happy.


01-29-2009, 06:44 AM
Dear post 300...

Just saying a quick hello!

I wish I had something more profound to say, but sadly I'm not very articulate at 04:45...

I should go to bed. :p


Edit: 301...oops lol.

01-29-2009, 08:51 AM
Dear Meg,
Hugs to you my dear. I hope you stick to your words and don't give this jerk any more of your time. You're worth much more than that, and you don't deserve to be miserable.

Stay strong, and know that you have friends here on PT behind you for support.

Love, Jenn

01-29-2009, 01:36 PM
Dear Dan,

Sh*ts gonna go down.
Be prepared. You deserve it all.
I just have to be willing to let you get mad and NOT want to come and comfort you like always.

You've pissed off a lot of people... now it's all coming back to you.


01-29-2009, 02:13 PM
Dear Someone,

I love you! I always will. I don't know why. You don't love me like you say you do. You don't know it, but you are really bad for me. I know this and just don't care. I'm still sitting here waiting. Waiting sucks. You are all I think about. 24/7. I love you.

Still Waiting,

01-29-2009, 03:12 PM
Dear J,

You're so f****** hot and cold. One week you can't get enough of me, and the next you don't even have the decency to let me know if we are, or aren't getting together. Thanks for making me wait by the phone. I deleted your number and txt msgs this morning. You can call me if you want to see me. I'm done playing games.


01-29-2009, 04:46 PM
Dear Ashley and Lute,

Looks like we're all in the same boat, huh?



01-29-2009, 05:39 PM
Meg, it sure does!

Dear me,

Seriously. Don't call him. Even though you still have it on your comp, you deleted it off your phone for a reason.

He's just not that into you.

- Me

01-30-2009, 04:23 AM
Dear Dan,

You didn't show up at Perkins tonight.
Part of me wanted to be happy that I didn't have to see you...
part of me wanted to cry.

Trying not to miss you-

01-30-2009, 06:42 AM
Dear Summer,
COME FAST. I HATE THIS SNOW! I thought I would like it when I was in tucson but it's killing me. PLEASE GO AWAY!

Dear Misty,
I love you and you know that. Even though you claw my legs, hiss at me, claw my face, bite my face, climb up on my wrists and cause scars all over.


Dear Self. Why don't you want to go to bed? You can go to bed, you don't have trouble sleeping. But you refuse to go to bed. What is wrong with you?? *cries* :(:(:(:(

01-30-2009, 06:48 AM
Dear Yogurt,

I love YOU. SO MUCH!!

I will NEVER let you leave my life!

Dear Dad,
I love you
I talk to you on the phone everyday.

I want you and Mom to stop fighting. We need to be a family again. I want you to come back, dad. Please come back.



01-31-2009, 09:43 PM
Dear Chris,
You asked me out last year, and I said no. I told you it was because we'd never see each other, but I lied about that. That was the least of my worries, the truth is I thought you were really Emo last year. You acted like you had he worst life, you said you hated your life in every single blog you posted on myspace, and I didn't want someone like that. So you texted me last week on Monday after a year of no talking and I found it cute, and now I like you again, but I don't think you feel the same anymore. You're not the cutest guy but you really are one of the nice ones. Even though I haven't seen you since 7th grade I've known you since 3rd grade and we'd hang out nearly every day now we don't see each other...ever. I still feel we could have something between us and I hope you still see it, whenever you're ready so am I.

love, me

Dear sonic and spyro games and sketch book collecting dust in my room,

I'm so sorry for the neglect I've been putting you guys through. :( I miss video games and sketching. I HATE MIDTERMS AND STUDYING AND CHEMISTRY!! Why must I stay away from my loves, why? :o I will get back to you 3 soon :love::love::love::love:

Sonaspyro sketching nerd :D

02-01-2009, 02:09 PM

02-01-2009, 03:31 PM
Dear Dan,

I came over last night. A friend of yours had passed away the day before and you just needed someone to be with and take your mind off of her.
I shouldn't have done it, I know. I'm trying to let you go, and your cuddling and kiss on the forehead didn't help.
We sat and watched a movie. You barely talked to me the entire time, so I figured you didn't want me there. We got up to go smoke, and I asked if you wanted me to leave. All you said was, "Now? Why?" So we went back upstairs afterwards. More silence, then you look up and me and go, "Can I rest my head on your lap?" I melted. You just needed to feel close to someone. In that moment, you looked so cute and innocent and sad... I couldn't help but smile.
Then the inevitable happened, (no sex, don't worry about it) but we got a little cozier and cuddled. Everything feels so perfect when I'm with you.
You told me I couldn't stay because you didn't want me to see you all crabby in the morning. I can understand, I'm the same way. I drove home at 4 in the morning smiling.
You texted me just now asking if I made it home okay. You've NEVER done that before. It put a huge smile on my face. After I told you I made it home fine (it's a 45 minute drive and I was beyond tired) you thanked me for coming over. You've never done that, either.

I love you, Dan.


02-01-2009, 11:34 PM
Dear Dan,

I came over last night. A friend of yours had passed away the day before and you just needed someone to be with and take your mind off of her.
I shouldn't have done it, I know. I'm trying to let you go, and your cuddling and kiss on the forehead didn't help.
We sat and watched a movie. You barely talked to me the entire time, so I figured you didn't want me there. We got up to go smoke, and I asked if you wanted me to leave. All you said was, "Now? Why?" So we went back upstairs afterwards. More silence, then you look up and me and go, "Can I rest my head on your lap?" I melted. You just needed to feel close to someone. In that moment, you looked so cute and innocent and sad... I couldn't help but smile.
Then the inevitable happened, (no sex, don't worry about it) but we got a little cozier and cuddled. Everything feels so perfect when I'm with you.
You told me I couldn't stay because you didn't want me to see you all crabby in the morning. I can understand, I'm the same way. I drove home at 4 in the morning smiling.
You texted me just now asking if I made it home okay. You've NEVER done that before. It put a huge smile on my face. After I told you I made it home fine (it's a 45 minute drive and I was beyond tired) you thanked me for coming over. You've never done that, either.

I love you, Dan.


Happy for you, Megan!

02-02-2009, 02:51 AM
After all the grief that kid gives me... I can't help but love him.


I have no idea why I write you so many letters in this poor thread. I guess I just need to get my feelings out somewhere, and this is the one place you're sure not to find them.

We were at Perkins tonight. You and Kate managed to ignore me for the better part of two hours. I was angry, obviously. Not that you were talking to Kate, like YOU thought, but simply the fact that you left me alone at a different table to talk to her. I have feelings too, you know.

Then sh*t hit the fan with Kate and Chris and she wanted to leave. I got up to take her home, didn't say much to you and got in the car. You stood outside and yelled, "Meg, get the f*** out of the car."

I get out, and you wrapped me up in the tightest, most loving hug you've ever given me. All I could think of was this quote: "It's like an emotional Heimlich. Someone puts their arms around you and they give you a squeeze and all your fear and anxiety come shooting out of your mouth and you can breath again."

You thanked me again for coming over last night and then you said those beloved words... "Loves Meg, goodnight."

Those words bring me nearly to tears every time I hear them.

You have no idea what you do to me.


02-02-2009, 03:52 AM
Dear Oreo,
I love you still baby, even though you're gone. You were a jumper too, when you jumped in that corner and that fence part was sticking out. It was sharp and hard. When you did that, I watched and I shouldn't, my whole life flashed before my eyes. I loved you like no other dog. I didn't know what to do. I went outside and I saw you bleeding, your back leg had a huge gash on it. You had to go away forever, at that time I was young and I didn't know what was happening. I was sad and you never came back.

02-02-2009, 09:19 PM
Dear Heart,

Please stop hurting.


02-02-2009, 09:45 PM
To S,

There was a time that I thought you hung the moon. I would have done anything you asked of me and still you denied me the only thing I ever wanted from you. To grow old together. You were so horrible to me and I'll never get over it. You made me feel dirty, fat and ugly. You made me feel worthless. You used everything you could to point out that I just wasn't good enough.

Everytime I see pictures of her I get sick to my stomach. I know that they are succeeding in undoing the damages that you created. You used to tell me that she never wanted to sit with me because she didn't like me. You used to make me ask her for permission to do anything (go out for a walk, watch t.v. - anything). Like a sap, I took it. You made me feel so worthless. You failed me. You failed me as a Fiance and you failed me as a friend. You left her to rot in that apartment while you were using my money to air condition the place, after you had already moved downstairs with your new "insta-family." The poor dog only weighed 20 pounds when I got that email. I was the one who saved her and now every time I see her I think of you. I cry. I don't even like seeing the "happy tails" section about her because all I can think about was just how rotten you were to me.

All I ever wanted was a dog to call my own and you ruined even that for me. I feel like there is this big black "x" across my name. You may have ruined my chances for a future showdog and you ruined my credit.

Most of all, you ruined the thought of me ever having another man in my life. I don't want to hurt again like you hurt me. I can't let anyone in and it kills me. I want so much to finally have that "love of a lifetime" but I can't let anyone near me. A hug from a guy makes me retreat inwards and I get so depressed that I feel like I'll never be whole again. I wish you and me had never happened.

02-03-2009, 02:07 AM
Dear Dan,

I love you.
Please let me love you.


Scooter's Mom
02-03-2009, 06:47 AM
Dear migraines,

Go away. You are, effectively, ruining my life. I can't function at home, let alone at work. I don't go to work = I don't get paid = life at home is bad! Please, ease up, stop making me black out and throwup every single day!!! Let me have my weekdays to work, I don't even care if you take weekends. Just please, let me WORK!

Very respectfully,

02-04-2009, 04:24 AM
Dear Guitar:

I love you so much. Don't ever leave me.

<3 Ashley


Dear J:

Why'd you come back to me? I just barely accepted it and you're already back. I don't know what to do.


Louie and me
02-06-2009, 12:17 PM
Dear you whoever you are I have bad news.
Your knight in shining armour actually is in his sixties, has a bad heart and two new hips. Hasn't opened a new club or travelled the world solving political crises. In fact he's been married to the same long suffering wife for the past 40 years! I hope you are also living in a fantasy world so this wont be too much of a shock. If it's any comfort - you're not the first, just the most recent.

02-06-2009, 02:59 PM
Dear brother,

Please accept my apology for the rude comment I made when you said you were trying to be indispensable at both your full-time and part-time jobs. I told you I thought it was more important for you to be doing the right work and being indispensable sounded to me like an excuse for you to never be home. Having been unemployed now for several weeks I realize what an insensitive comment that was. I am sorry.

Thank you,

02-06-2009, 03:03 PM
Dear God,

So many of my PT friends have difficult situations going on -- health issues, unemployment, family issues and other kinds of problems. You know them better than I do. Please bless all of my PT friends and their families. Please give them health and strength, relief from pain, and help them find the work they need. Thank You for my PT friends, God. They have been such a blessing to me. (And God, thank You for this sunny, warm day today too!) AMEN

Thank You,

02-06-2009, 03:25 PM
Dear self,

I need to stop saying I hate people, I think it's just me. I'm blind sighted to the good things about everyone. I need to stop SEARCHING for bad things in people that make me hate them. I need to learn how stop searching for bad things in good people and start looking for bad things in bad people. I am not convinced there are no people I should hate, there a several exceptions to that.


02-06-2009, 04:35 PM
Dear heart,
You're hurting, and I know that. There's nothing I can do to make you not hurt but wait. Time heals all wounds, right? Its time to move on from Dan. I know, I know, we say this about once a week, but its time you face the reality. It will never be anything with Dan. Move on, beautiful, he's just not that into you.

02-06-2009, 05:36 PM
Dear Illness,

Everyday you try to run my life.With your making me think things that aren't true and turning my moods form happy to sad at the drop of a hat.I hate you and you have cost me alot but I am still determened to controll you.

Fighting with all my might,

02-06-2009, 05:57 PM
Dear PT family,

Unfortunately I will not be online much at all for the next week or two. My hard drive crashed on my laptop, leaving my only connection with the online word through my mum's computer or my old laptop. I will pop in whenever I can, but without the convenience of my main laptop, I doubt it will be very often.

Hope to see you all again soon enough!

On that note....

Dear Hard Drive,


A laptop-deprived computer addict.

02-06-2009, 06:19 PM
Dear sibling,

Shut off the freakin Spongebob! 4 solid hours of it is driving me mad!

Your loving sister


My bigger self,

Quit being such a chunkybutt and go do something! You are constantly complaining about all the weight you gained back and how your dog show clothes don't fit. Is it really that hard to actually do something about it? You lost 70lbs two years ago! 70 lbs in 6 mos!!! What is so freakin different now?!?! You use to run...all the frickin time. Now you can't run anymore than a block away. Go take those dang dogs hiking everyday! Not only when the weather is nice. OH YEAH! I know that little burger place down by the river is really good, but please resist!

My thinner self

02-12-2009, 06:17 PM

02-12-2009, 06:36 PM
Dear Heart,

Please, get over him. Why can't you see that he'll never care? I don't want you to break anymore...


Scooter's Mom
02-15-2009, 01:59 AM
Dear migraines,

Go away. You are, effectively, ruining my life. I can't function at home, let alone at work. I don't go to work = I don't get paid = life at home is bad! Please, ease up, stop making me black out and throwup every single day!!! Let me have my weekdays to work, I don't even care if you take weekends. Just please, let me WORK!

Very respectfully,

Dear Migraines, again...

Even after my dr. appointments last Thursday, you're still hanging around. New medications aren't even helping! They're just causing horrid insomnia. And of course all the dr's want to do is run test after test... but not MRI's or anything, just blood tests and the like.

Migraine migraine, go away. Don't come again some other day.


02-15-2009, 08:21 PM
Dear God,

I really want to go on two vacations this summer - one with my family, and one with my youth group. Please, allow it to happen, without me losing my job. I can't decide between the two, but I'm afraid to tell work that I need two weeks off in the summer. Blarghhhh.


Dear work,

what is up with the 8-5 TRAINING days? seriously... training for a dept store, I know I know, brand new store and grand opening, and stuff, but 8 hour days?? FOR WHAT? good golly miss molly.


Dear Matthew,

I love you, and we don't need Valentine's Day to show our love. We can just bicker and argue, and come back together to know we care ;)
Oh what a great day Valentine's Day was.. haha

02-16-2009, 03:12 PM
Dear You-Know-Who:

Why did you e-mail me a copy of an airline e-ticket for a trip with your girls' group? Did you think I would be happy for you? I'm really not. You knew full well I just started a new job and won't be able to get any paid time off until at least mid-June. You have gone on other weekend trips with this group; I've met some of them and even gone with you to a fund-raiser for their children's schools; and yet I have never been invited to even a board game night, even though other "friends of friends" have joined the group since I've known you. I'm actually a little ticked off. You say I'm your heart friend and like the sister you never had, yet our friendship has gotten quite one-dimensional. I wish I could un-invite you from coming to my niece's concert, but that's not an option. I am really hurt. And by the way, I think your decision to stop seeing your therapist on their suggestion was not a good one.


02-16-2009, 03:12 PM
Dear God,

Could You please help me find another friend or two?

Thank You,

02-16-2009, 03:15 PM
Dear Self,
Please get motivated to get the things done that you need to do!

02-16-2009, 04:16 PM
Dear God,

Could You please help me find another friend or two?

Thank You,

Heck, I wish I could just have one...

Dear Me,
Quit being such a social outcast. Quit being so depressed about not having any friends. You'd think after 32 years of being alone that I'd be used to it...sigh....

02-16-2009, 04:30 PM
Dear Mother Nature,

I wish you weren't so evil! Why do bad things happen to happy healthy puppies?!?!

,Upset Dog Owner

02-18-2009, 03:18 PM
Dear serotonin and norepinephrine:

Why are you out of balance in my brain?! I am tired of feeling depressed and crying, tired of these annoying SNRI dreams, and downright fed up with feeling drugged from the trazodone. I watch a funny sitcom, feel better for half an hour afterward and then go back to feeling lousy. I just want be normal again. Get out of those neurons and start floating around in my CSF already.


02-18-2009, 04:25 PM
Dear B,

I can't believe I feel so strongly for you already. Please don't break my heart.


02-19-2009, 01:04 AM
Dear bank,

Quit jerking me around. I know it says in the fine print you can charge me any fee you deem necicary but manipulating dates to cause overdrafts is so not nice.

I wish you could find a way to pay your wages without stiffing other people


02-19-2009, 03:20 AM

Here we go, one more letter to you.

I love you. You know that. I think deep down, you love me a little too. You've been ignoring me for the past two days... Let's explain...

We partied two nights in a row. Saturday night, you came over, we both got drunk (albeit, it doesn't take me much) and we were all over each other. You were putting your arm around my waist, I was hanging all over you, and for the first time in a long time, we laughed and smiled and were incredibly happy. Your hands would drift, mine would drift, we ended up cuddling on Kate's bed... man, we were happy.

Kate got drunk and was sick, so her ex came over to take care of her. You told me to come home with you. I was ecstatic, so I agreed. As soon as I hit the cold air outside, though, I was done. Beyond tired, I nearly fell asleep on the 45 min drive to your house. (And yes, you were sober enough by that time to drive, no worries.)

We got to your house. You set out your rule (no clothing in bed... it's happened before) and I obliged. We cuddled, and eventually both fell asleep. But during that time, we were SO happy. So happy.

The next night, you came over crabby. Then some other guys we knew came over, and you got possessive. I got drunk, you didn't because you had to work the next day. You texted me angrily saying if I was going to start acting stupid and taking my clothes off (which has happened before... =/) you were going to leave. I begged you not to, I was fine, I had no intentions of taking my clothes off, yet you got mad and left anyway. I stood in front of the door and begged you not to go -- I wanted the Dan back that I had had the night before. I grabbed your jacket to turn you towards me, and with clenched teeth, you said, "Get the f*** off me. Knock it off. I'm f***ing leaving."

And you left. And I cried.

I bawled, for what Kate told me was a good half hour. You were SO mad over something I DIDN'T do... You looked like you would have hit me had you not had enough self control. You yelled at Kate for "corrupting" me. I texted you later after I had cried it all out, and you apologized, but have been cold to me ever since.

What did I do?

I love you, and I can't do this with you anymore. You don't like me hanging out with certain guys. You've got jealousy issues and pretty big insecurities. But every time I try to get close, you give me the cold shoulder. What do you want from me?

We shouldn't have to be drunk to love each other the way we did. And yes, I'm sure it was love. You were holding me, dancing with me, spinning me in circles, kissing my cheek. I cried that night too, although I don't remember why. You kept wiping my tears, asking me why I was crying. You truly cared about me that night, and you were much more sober than I was.

Again, alcohol shouldn't make us love each other. But you know what? I don't care. For that one night, we were in love, we were infinite, and we were so happy. If that's what it takes, I'll do it. I know its pathetic, but to feel the real Dan like that... it's so worth it. That's what you mean to me.

Maybe you'll text me soon. I'm not going to be the first to text you. If you want me, you have to come to me. I'm done coming to you. But please just text me...

-Loves Meg.

02-19-2009, 06:59 AM
Heck, I wish I could just have one...

Dear Me,
Quit being such a social outcast. Quit being so depressed about not having any friends. You'd think after 32 years of being alone that I'd be used to it...sigh....

Kind of like me, you two! I have no friends outside of the internet. I barely go out -- my best friends are my family, my dogster friends & my pet talk friends, Lady, overall -- is my bestest friend though.

I'm not depressed about anything.


Dear Oreo.. and Jubilee.

I cry every night if I even think of you. I just wanna lay in bed and think about you two all night. I miss both of you. Oreo. You were my second dog -- and a personal favorite -- no one can replace you. And you couldn't replace Jubilee -- and she couldn't replace you. No one could replace anyone.

I love you two..and I just wanted to hold you two in my arms and hug you tight one last time... but no.

me. :(

02-19-2009, 10:09 AM
Meg - it sounds like all this crap happens when booze is involved.

Heck, do you need a Dan Anonymous too? ;)

I think you need to s*** or get off the pot. You mentioned therapy. Try it for a month.

None of this is Dan's fault - you are sticking around him and it happens.

Give it up and move on.

02-19-2009, 10:29 AM
Meg - it sounds like all this crap happens when booze is involved.

Heck, do you need a Dan Anonymous too? ;)

I think you need to s*** or get off the pot. You mentioned therapy. Try it for a month.

None of this is Dan's fault - you are sticking around him and it happens.

Give it up and move on.

Ooohh..awesomely harsh.

:D Just kidding.

I kind of agree with Catty1 -- you've been sending letters to Dan forever, and others, too -- and in every letter it seems like it involves heartbreaking or drama. You're really nice and I've been reading your letters and I will probably continue to -- but if Dan treats you bad, then why do you stick around? Leave him.

02-19-2009, 03:05 PM
Dear second job,

I'm ready to leave you! I said I'd take ONE more shift a week.. instead I got four shifts total. This means I work 15 hour days four times a week, and the one night a week I get to myself, is actually spent driving to agility an hour outside the city. I asked for variation in my shifts.. instead you gave me training shifts in the same place.. so now I get to stay even longer to train someone. F*** YOU!

With love,


Dear B,

I can't wait to see you tonight. :)


02-19-2009, 09:27 PM
Dear PT,

If I had the balls to leave, I would.
We have good times, tons of good times. Talking for hours, watching movies, playing video games... I tend to write about the bad times, I know. I just can't let go of someone I care so much about, regardless of how he treats me on his bad days. He's lost all of his friends because of things that have happened in the past... He needs someone.


02-19-2009, 10:09 PM
He's lost all of his friends because of things that have happened in the past... He needs someone.

Things that he has done in the past, you mean?

This isn't love at all...it's pity. You wanna be a hero?

This is about your ego and not about Dan at all.


02-19-2009, 10:40 PM
How can you say its my ego? I don't even have an ego. It is about Dan. It's about me caring too much and him not enough.

02-19-2009, 11:31 PM
I say it's your ego because you would rather be needed than wanted.

You want to be good and important enough that you will make him love you more.

That is ego.

And it's also repeating the same fight you have with your dad.

You're not gonna win with this one, hon.

If Dan was wonderful and really loved you and you "won" - the challenge would be gone and the joy would fade out pretty quickly.

Until you find another "challenge" to get the adrenaline going again.

It's called the "thrill of the kill". You get hooked on the trying to win. It's very addictive - and many people, especially women, get hooked.

Have a look and see if trying to get your dad's attention doesn't kinda feel the same way....

02-20-2009, 12:49 AM
I don't try and get my dads attention. I've given up on that. Its over, its done, I lost. He's got his wife, she's completely turned him around, and is trying to brainwash the rest of the family.

As far as dan, its not a game. I know you won't believe me, regardless of what I say. Dan is the first person I've cared about this deeply in a long time. I'm not going to deny that part of it is about being needed, but I really do love him. If he "caved" and decided he loved me, I would be so happy. I'm trying to get over dan, but its easier said than done.

I respect your opinion, but I need to do what I feel is right.

02-20-2009, 07:07 AM
Dear I lovemyAbbygirl,

I know you don't know me, but I have read your posts with sadness. I hope you'll take this as it is meant to be, in no way is it a criticism, but I just have to comment on one thing you wrote.

Again, alcohol shouldn't make us love each other. But you know what? I don't care. For that one night, we were in love, we were infinite, and we were so happy. If that's what it takes, I'll do it. I know its pathetic, but to feel the real Dan like that... it's so worth it. That's what you mean to me.Alcohol is not the answer. A relationship built on the affects of alcohol is doomed from the start. Alcohol doesn't bring out the real person. Please just be very careful. This seems like a very dangerous type of relationship, especially emotionally. I really hope you do find happiness and that you will continue to share your feelings with us. Maybe you could go back through this thread and read your previous posts taking note of how often you've posted very similiar sounding events and your feelings and your resolves after each of those. Sadly it does sound like a vicious cycle. You are worth more than that and deserve better.


02-20-2009, 08:17 AM
Dear I lovemyAbbygirl,

I know you don't know me, but I have read your posts with sadness. I hope you'll take this as it is meant to be, in no way is it a criticism, but I just have to comment on one thing you wrote.

Alcohol is not the answer. A relationship built on the affects of alcohol is doomed from the start. Alcohol doesn't bring out the real person. Please just be very careful. This seems like a very dangerous type of relationship, especially emotionally. I really hope you do find happiness and that you will continue to share your feelings with us. Maybe you could go back through this thread and read your previous posts taking note of how often you've posted very similiar sounding events and your feelings and your resolves after each of those. Sadly it does sound like a vicious cycle. You are worth more than that and deserve better.

Yeah. You don't need alcohol to love :D

02-20-2009, 08:56 AM
Dear Impending Snowstorm,

Could you just disappear? Don't come my way, don't go another way and don't go back the way you came. I have plans this weekend and if you show up, you'll be interfering.

Go away!


02-20-2009, 09:02 AM
:eek: Snow = Did you say Snow?? Hey Come to Texas.. :D
Dear Impending Snowstorm,

Could you just disappear? Don't come my way, don't go another way and don't go back the way you came. I have plans this weekend and if you show up, you'll be interfering.

Go away!


02-20-2009, 12:41 PM
Trade with me lvpets2002. Please please trade with me. I WANT SUN, AND SUMMER!!!:confused:

02-20-2009, 01:00 PM
He's got his wife, she's completely turned him around, and is trying to brainwash the rest of the family.

Yeah, no resentment there, huh?

You're still trying to 'win' this very battle with every guy you want. How about Butch, who you loved cause he was the dad you lost?

Practice dating boring guys for a while.

And PLEASE read "Women Who Love Too Much" by Robyn Norwood. Old book, but a classic on the subject.

Did Dan give you clear permission to 'help' and 'fix' him? No? Then it's ego, nothing more.

Moesha was right. Just click on your user name here, click on Statistics, and click on find all threads and/or posts by.

And just read through them.

No one else here will know but you.

Dan's not going to get rid of you because he can always get some, even if that is only attention. :rolleyes:

02-20-2009, 02:29 PM
Dear Me,

Stop dating jack@sses.


02-20-2009, 02:34 PM
Yeah. You don't need alcohol to love :D

Sounds like an obsession - not love! Move on to something less counter-productive!

02-20-2009, 03:14 PM
Sounds like an obsession - not love! Move on to something less counter-productive!
She said up before that she would drink alcohol to keep him in her life -- I'm moving out of this subject till Catty1 and Ilovemyabbygirl stop. :rolleyes:

02-20-2009, 03:18 PM
:eek: LOL I dont blame ya.. Hey come on to Texas for some Sun & Warmth.. Its getting a bit chilled here.. :D
She said up before that she would drink alcohol to keep him in her life -- I'm moving out of this subject till Catty1 and Ilovemyabbygirl stop. :rolleyes:

02-20-2009, 03:57 PM
Dear Meg,
My heart is breaking for you.


02-20-2009, 05:00 PM
Dear Everyone,

I'm sorry for butting in where I shouldn't have. I should have remembered this is a thread for people to unload what they are feeling without being judged for that. I'll remember that from now on. I really feel bad. Apologies to you.


02-20-2009, 05:06 PM
She said up before that she would drink alcohol to keep him in her life -- I'm moving out of this subject till Catty1 and Ilovemyabbygirl stop. :rolleyes:

I meant for ilovemyabbygirl to move on to something less counter-productive. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that. :(

02-20-2009, 06:29 PM
I meant for ilovemyabbygirl to move on to something less counter-productive. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that. :(

Lol. My mind isn't too clear itself. I didn't get you. S'all good.

02-20-2009, 09:39 PM
I'm done posting letters on this thread for a while. I don't mind your opinions on what I do, but I feel like everything I'm saying is getting misread and overanalyzed. This is a place to vent and get things off your chest, not be criticized.

Please just keep the thread going and I'll post here again when I have something "better" to say, I guess.

02-21-2009, 01:43 PM
Dear Brad,

Please let me know that you're safe. :( I'm really worried about you..


02-21-2009, 03:06 PM
Dear New House,

Tonight will be our first night together. I promise to keep you clean if you promise to protect me and the ones I love. And please, please hurry up and let your pipes get "old." I can't stand the smell when I run the water.


Dear Electric Bill,

Please be kind.


Dear Friends,

I will be without internet for awhile. Hopefully, I'll be able to write/converse with you in a couple of months.

See ya soon,

02-21-2009, 03:27 PM
Congrats on the big move, but we will miss you while you are offline! Check in when you can, and take pictures a lot!

02-21-2009, 07:15 PM
zippykat, go to the library! updates please!

Cinder & Smoke
02-22-2009, 01:14 AM
Dear Friends,

I will be without internet for awhile.
Hopefully, I'll be able to write/converse with you in a couple of months.

See ya soon,

Dear You Gotta be Kidding!

"... Couple of MONTHS" ???

YOU Gotta be KIDDING!! :(

1) You MOM has Internet service ...
2) Your OFFICE has Internet service ...
3) The LIBRARY has Internet service ...
4) You BETTER Have Internet service - SOON!! ;)

How'z a Much itta cost??

We'll take up a PT Collection ... a Ranch-Warming gift.

And where's our *snappies* of the New Ranch??

Don't make me drive all the way down there! ;)
{{{Huggz}}} :love:

02-22-2009, 01:27 AM
Dear You Gotta be Kidding!

2) Your OFFICE has Internet service ...

actually she isn't allowed on the internet for personal use at work
:eek: just like me now!

Cinder & Smoke
02-22-2009, 02:01 AM
actually she isn't allowed on the internet for personal use at work

:eek: just like me now!


Try tellin the Bosses that it's a "Personal 'Mergency" that just hasta get through.


02-22-2009, 08:56 AM

Try tellin the Bosses that it's a "Personal 'Mergency" that just hasta get through.

she still has a PHONE!:eek:

02-22-2009, 11:31 AM
Dear You Gotta be Kidding!

"... Couple of MONTHS" ???

YOU Gotta be KIDDING!! :(

1) You MOM has Internet service ...
2) Your OFFICE has Internet service ...
3) The LIBRARY has Internet service ...
4) You BETTER Have Internet service - SOON!! ;)

How'z a Much itta cost??

We'll take up a PT Collection ... a Ranch-Warming gift.

And where's our *snappies* of the New Ranch??

Don't make me drive all the way down there! ;)
{{{Huggz}}} :love:

WHAT HE SAID...........WITH MORE:love::love: ADDED

Scooter's Mom
02-22-2009, 11:04 PM
Dear "internet people who pretended to be my friends for ages"...

For many years one of you and I have been internet friends. We talked about all kinds of things. Then we joined this group with another of your friends from online. Everyone got snarky and petty and rude. Even though we never met in person, 6 years of online friendship still hurts when it's ripped away. Not even gently tugged but ripped... When you allow the other person to ban me from the new group, with no explanation... when I am at my lowest point ever physically and mentally. That shows me you were never a friend, but dang you're a great actor. I hope when I die, you feel bad for treating another human being, someone who wears their heart on their sleeve and gives everything they have to a friendship... with such lack of regard.

The bumper sticker says it best. Mean people suck.


02-23-2009, 03:18 AM
Dear you,

Ive been meaning to get this off my chest for a while...

You have a long history of meddling and scheming and plotting and now its all coming back to you. Everyone you know "is out to get you" but did you ever think of why that is?
I like so many people trusted you. Then I found out about how you manipulate, you use and you abuse without thought to how it will affect others that don't even know who you are.
I would be angry...but I know it won't do any good. I hope that some day you will see what you have done to people is wrong...but I doubt it. Your ways will catch up to you and since you have spurned everyone you know, even your own family, don't expect any help when your little house of cards comes crashing down on your head.
Since the only thing I can do now is pick up all the shards of my life after you and your games ripped everything apart, I should just stop thinking about you entirely. Maybe you'll get it one day, maybe you wont. But I'm done wasting my time hoping. I wish that no one else has to suffer through you. You don't know it all, just because you've taken a couple of psych classes. You aren't nearly as smart as you think, and it will bite you in the ass and hard. Don't expect anyone to give a crap when it does.


02-23-2009, 03:35 AM
Dear PT

I'm tired of hiding my situation but I don't want to post it publicly because the person I'm having a problem with was a PT member at one point but I am sure isn't active. I have no way of telling if said person is lurking either. Short end of it my life is in utter chaos all because of one person starting drama :(

I wish I knew what to do other than just go along with it. But going along with it basically involves admitting that a lot of things that were said are true and they just aren't. After losing Nina and this situation, its getting a lot harder to even get up sometimes.

Thanks for letting me vent, and beliveing I am a good person. Some days I'm not so sure.


02-23-2009, 08:46 AM
Dear "internet people who pretended to be my friends for ages"...

For many years one of you and I have been internet friends. We talked about all kinds of things. Then we joined this group with another of your friends from online. Everyone got snarky and petty and rude. Even though we never met in person, 6 years of online friendship still hurts when it's ripped away. Not even gently tugged but ripped... When you allow the other person to ban me from the new group, with no explanation... when I am at my lowest point ever physically and mentally. That shows me you were never a friend, but dang you're a great actor. I hope when I die, you feel bad for treating another human being, someone who wears their heart on their sleeve and gives everything they have to a friendship... with such lack of regard.

The bumper sticker says it best. Mean people suck.


Hugs to you, hon.

Love, Jenn

Scooter's Mom
02-23-2009, 10:50 PM
Dear Work,

Since you can't legally fire me because of my FMLA status, you decided to move me from my much beloved department AGAIN, back to the data entry department, which you know I can never make quota at because of my migraines and other neurological issues as well as the osteo-arthritis in my hands. Thanks for taking any joy I had in work, out.


Dear Life,

I'm tired of seeing a bottomless pit of despair everywhere.
Cut me a frickin' break would you? I cannot take anymore of this crap.

me again.

02-23-2009, 11:14 PM
Crystal - HUGS. I sure hope you have someone to go to bat for you there.

Sending prayers that you'll have an answer soon and FEEL BETTER.:love::love::love:

02-24-2009, 03:12 AM
Dear Brad,

I'm not angry or bitter anymore.. I just need to know you're alright. I tried going out with someone I once had feelings for.. what a bad idea that was. I just thought of you the entire time. I've only known you for a short amount of time, but you made such a huge impact in my life.. I feel awakened and alive thanks to you. I miss you so much. I hope you're doing well.


02-24-2009, 09:32 AM
Happy Birthday Ryan!!
I just wish we could still be friends. Too bad your wife won't "let" us. :rolleyes: Perhaps she was jealous of our relationship. Its just unfortunate that we never had a chance to have anything more than an awesome friendship. The timing was never right. I always thought we'd remain friends even after we found our spouses (even though I'm not married yet).
I hope things are going well for you. You probably even have a kid or two by now. Wow, I haven't seen you since 2002, I think. And I guess I'll never see you again. :(


02-24-2009, 10:38 AM
Dear You Know Who,

I don't know why I'm thinking of you - probably because of reading some of these other posts.
I hope you're doing well, but I'm sure that you are. I hope you are happy with "her", and she's all that you thought. You always had to be the "fixer", and she played "needing to be fixed", very well. You were attracted to her because of this - her three bad marriages, a phony suicide attempt, and a lot of other baggage - you fell in to it hook, line and sinker. And what we had for almost five years - all the fun and travel and good times - went down the drain. I didn't need fixing since I was independent and had my head screwed on straight. Perhaps if I had played the clingy, needy, can't live without you type, the relationship would have had a different outcome. I'll never know now. But that's not what I'm all about - I can't live a lie and pretend to be something I'm not.
Would I take you back if your relationship with her ended? No way! I was devastated when we parted, and would never let you hurt me again. Do I hate you? Of course not, but I would never be able to trust you again. I have moved on and learned from what we had. It was a great ride while it lasted!

02-24-2009, 10:44 AM
Dear Tuesday,
Today will be a very busy day. Help me to stop focussing on my own needs and push the feelings of others to the forefront. Help me to do a good job today.

signed, the selfish B.

02-24-2009, 11:41 AM
Dear "you"

Quit treating me like Im a criminal...I would be more inclined to believe your bs if 99.9% weren't complete lies. I'm more than willing to admit my mistakes and get help for what I need but I refuse to stand by and let you belittle me and call me something I am not.

If I didn't care, like you say, I wouldn't be jumping through the hoops.
I'd tell you to piss off but that would only fuel your fire.

No one deserves to be treated this way. If you wanted people to get help you would make help a lot more of an appealing and pleasant prospect instead of a drama fest. You say Im a horible person...I'd like to think I am not but the longer I deal with your crap the more it seems like I am a bad person. Maybe one day I can look in the mirror and not compare myself to the lowest scum of the earth.


02-25-2009, 12:21 AM
Hey You,
You won over my heart in a very short time, then played me for a fool and tossed my heart aside. I hope it was worth it :(

02-25-2009, 12:35 AM
Dear Itunes.
Why are you being such a pain in the arse on my new computer.
you suck.
I should have NEVER gotten an IPOD -
I hate you right now.

02-25-2009, 02:10 AM
Dear Snow,

Thanks for going away. Now I just need to get rid of the wind and just the cold weather.

With much love,

Dear Dotty,

sometimes I wonder why you're in this family.

no, I love you but you have to stop howling and barking and waking me up. no you're not waking the neighbors up but still, it's waking me up. and when I'm woke up, I get mad. How are you even part coyote anyway.

with kind of lots of love,

Dear Lady,

I just want to say

i love you. :love:

with a ton of love, Shania.

02-25-2009, 10:45 AM
Dear Brad,

I'm so glad I heard from you yesterday.. I was worried sick and chain-smoking for days. I was so excited to see you last night after work.. but you bailed AGAIN. You're the worst not-quite-a-boyfriend I've ever had.


02-25-2009, 08:10 PM

I wish you weren't hurt for your birthday.. I have always had big plans for when this day finally arrived, and most of them got shot down because that stupid lady hit you. I hope you enjoyed your special day anyway.. Hopefully by next year, you will be back to your old self, and will be able run and play like you love doing so much.

Your momma.

02-25-2009, 08:17 PM

I am glad that you are no longer in pain, but I am selfish I guess, because I miss you so much and wonder every day why this had to happen to you.
Worrying about what we were going to do to give you the proper respect, and then finally getting that taken care of.. And then having to bring your clothes up there and worrying whether they would actually put them on. This may be stupid to some, because I know its just your physical form, but you always told me you wanted to have shoes and socks on... You didn't like being barefooted.. So these types of things worried me so much..

I can't seem to find the words to say something proper for you.. I just don't know what to say.
I don't know what to do anymore.. I walk around numb all the time.. We were together for 3 1/2 years. It would have been 4 years on February the 15th. These were the best almost 4 years of my life, and I am so lost right now..

Getting your ashes back was almost weird.. It's hard to believe that was once your body.

I wish you could have been here to see our four legged daughter turn 1. I know how much you loved her, and she loves you. We were both there when she was born, and its hard to believe that you aren't here for this special day.

Deebo still looks for you. When we came back from South Carolina, I know he kept wondering why you didn't walk in behind me.. You were his everything, and it tears me up to see him searching for you.

I'm sorry this is so jumbled.. And I hope one day I will be able to write something better and more respectful for you. Right now I'm having difficulty even thinking.. I still cry myself to sleep some nights, wishing you were still here.. But then I get even more upset because I know how long you suffered, and am so glad you don't have to deal with it anymore.

I love you and miss you more than anyone will ever know...
Rest in Peace baby.. I'm so glad you are forever free from pain.

3-26-1965 / 1-17-2009

02-25-2009, 08:28 PM
molucass...I am so so sorry about Robin. I hope she was free from pain, and at peace.


02-25-2009, 08:47 PM
Dear Chris,
I was glad to get it off my chest that I liked you, but when you asked me out I was shocked. Thanks for making my day..:D I luff you. :love: You're my first boyfriend!

Your new girlfriend,

02-25-2009, 09:28 PM
That's sweet. I'm glad for you. :)

Dear Chris,
I was glad to get it off my chest that I liked you, but when you asked me out I was shocked. Thanks for making my day..:D I luff you. :love: You're my first boyfriend!

Your new girlfriend,

02-25-2009, 11:18 PM
Dear boss from hell:
When my colleague and I meet with you tomorrow morning, we will be cool, calm and collected. Our conversation will be clear and concise and we will lay our cards on the table. I know that you will listen to our concerns but will you really "hear?"

This meeting doesn't have to be heated. We can come to some compromise without hurt feelings....well, I remain hopeful.

Your "subordinate"

02-26-2009, 01:45 AM
Dear me,

You need to figure out who you are and who you want to be. You've got two different people pulling you in two different directions. Liberal or conservative? You need to make a choice. Liberal Meg has fun, conservative Meg doesn't get in trouble. There's inticing things on both sides. Liberal Meg can go to parties and have fun and come out of her shell. Conservative Meg plays by the rules.

So what's your choice?

Figure your sh*t out. I'm tired of waiting. I need to know what to do before Thursday, thanks. Thursday is going to be the deciding factor.

All my impatience,

02-26-2009, 01:52 AM
Dear Oreo,

I still miss you and hope you're still out there in the world somewhere... you're probably at the Bridge by now but I hope you didn't get abused when you left. :(

02-27-2009, 12:16 PM
Dear B,

I'm so glad I saw you last night. It felt so good to be able to kiss you.. I missed you so much. I really hope this is the end of the drama..



Dear smokes,

I'm having my final cigar in a few minutes. Please stay away this time!! I've already tried to quit you multiple times (6? 7?) GO AWAY!!


02-27-2009, 01:48 PM
Dear me,

Happy two years on pet talk!



Dear Whisky baby,

Happy two years since you were pet of the day.... still miss you Whiskums....

Love you,


Suki Wingy
02-27-2009, 11:59 PM
Dear self,
PLEASE ride well for Missy. NO MORE stupid falling off three times in a row and no lacking confidence.

02-28-2009, 08:18 PM
Dear Blue Hair,

You look AMAZING. I love you.



Dear You,

You know who you are. And you called me today! You made me promise to go to lunch with you when you get back from Iowa.

I hope your dad is doing okay. I miss you guys. Say hi to the guys in Iowa for me.

Love, Meg


02-28-2009, 09:29 PM
Dear Blue Hair,

You look AMAZING. I love you.



Dear You,

You know who you are. And you called me today! You made me promise to go to lunch with you when you get back from Iowa.

I hope your dad is doing okay. I miss you guys. Say hi to the guys in Iowa for me.

Love, Meg


Oh, did you get your hair dyed? I've always wanted to get mine dyed red with black streaks (brunette right now)

Suki Wingy
02-28-2009, 11:06 PM
Dear Meg's hair,
I bet you're gorgeous. I used to have blue hair. I miss it but I have an awesome job now and my boss won't let me dye it again. I've also had pink, orange, green, turquoise, red, and purple hair.

03-01-2009, 03:03 AM
Dear B,

I'm so glad I saw you last night. It felt so good to be able to kiss you.. I missed you so much. I really hope this is the end of the drama..


Dear Drama,

I don't like you.


03-01-2009, 10:31 PM
It's not all blue, I just dyed the underside blue. It's pretty dark, and considering my hair is almost black to begin with, its a little hard to see unless you're in good light. I'll post some pics in a second. =]

03-01-2009, 10:45 PM
Dear Whoever is up to listening,

I don't know why I'm awake..I'm just so tired, at least tomorrow's a snow day and I can just chill..Let's just count how many things I need to do this week:
Study for Chemistry, Do my history project, sketch for the history project, draw Christine's present, Hang out with boyfriend, Go to Job training on Saturday and SUNDAY, Take the stupid standardized test in school..it escapes me right now what they're called, Go to the Gym, Math test, Attend Sweet 16, think of a present, memorize spanish lines...Anymore thing ya wanna pile on? :rolleyes:

Hell, maybe I'll just do my entire History Project tomorrow or at least the basics..I don't know. Off to bed for now.

Love, me

03-01-2009, 11:13 PM
Here's some pics. =]

The first 4, you can see the color pretty well. The last one is before we went out last night and I curled my hair, so you can't see it very well.

03-02-2009, 07:35 PM
Dear You-know-who-you-are:

Lighten up already. I didn't E-mail it to you, I posted it on Facebook because I have friends who are even more conservative than I am. It wasn't meant as an insult to your family or to you. I know you're going to hold this against me for months. I E-mailed you an apology and deleted it from Facebook. That was almost a week ago and I am still waiting for your reply.


03-02-2009, 09:34 PM
Dear Dumb School District,
I can't believe you can't give us another day off. The surrounding school districts all have off, and the one right down the road has off! WE USE THE SAME ROADS, WHY CAN'T WE JUST HAVE OFF AGAIN?! Delayed openings are sooooo pointless.

Thanks for nothing,
A VERY angry student. :mad:

Suki Wingy
03-02-2009, 10:03 PM
Ooh it looks good! What dye did you use?

03-02-2009, 11:23 PM
I don't remember what it's called, lol. It was fairly cheap, and from Walgreens, so I'm surprised it worked lol.

Suki Wingy
03-03-2009, 10:26 AM
Probably Splat then. :)

03-03-2009, 07:21 PM
Yes! That's what it's called, thank you, lol.

03-03-2009, 09:47 PM
Looks great, Ilovemyabbygirl!

03-04-2009, 12:47 AM
Looks great, Ilovemyabbygirl!

Thanks! :D

03-04-2009, 06:44 AM
Love the hair color Meg!! Wish I could do something like that, but I think my principal where I teach would have a heart attack! I'd love to do a deep purple. :love:

03-04-2009, 06:59 PM
Aw, thanks everyone! =]

Dear You,

SMS Text 10:52am: "I still love you though. I just don't want to see you get hurt, or in trouble. Please stay away from him."

You just made my entire day.


03-05-2009, 06:38 AM
Dear Board of Education,

You've always done the stupidest things for this county and the fact that you're closing my elementry school is a disgrace. You're making teachers who have taught there since the beginning loose their jobs, You're taking away kids CHILDHOOD. :mad: HOW THE HELL do you decide something so stupid? I might not have loved it all the time, but I do now that I realized it was closing. Elementry school was my childhood. I will always remember those good times on the playground in the classerooms, etc. Honestly you suck! I never thought I'd even be sad about this but I am.

Hated by,

03-05-2009, 08:40 AM
Dear You,
Let me in. I won't hurt you like the others have.
We can do this and it can be good.


03-05-2009, 01:33 PM
Dear Aunts and Mother,

I am completely sick and tired of this family feud crap! You preach "family first" all my life then proceed to tear each other apart. I feel like my soul is being torn into tiny pieces and I don't feel like you could give a rat's patoodie about it. Your mother was barely in the ground two hours and you started this.
What would Grandpa have to say about this? Do you think he would have let you carry on this way? Do you think that just because he's not with us anymore that he can't see you? That he's not still disappointed in you? What about Grandma? Do you really think she wanted her funeral remembered as the start of Civil War 2?

When the inklings of this massive fight were first showing through I was too busy worrying about my grandmother's health to put a stop to it. When it continued six months later and even the news of your only brother's death couldn't make you put away your pettiness, I kept my mouth shut and cried into my pillows. I kept my mouth shut all the way through as I watched your pettiness grow and my grandmother die. Family first doesn't exist in a family like ours. I've learned that now. We are too busy worrying about how we can get the most out of others for ourselves that we forget that there are actual humans with feelings on the other side of our behavior. That is something I plan to rid myself of. The family traits of bullying, two-facedness, selfishness, and bitterness are not going to be passed on to the future generations if I have any say in it.

To my entire family: I will always stand beside you against outside attacks but I refuse to listen to you tear apart each other anymore.

To my four younger cousins: I'm always there for you no matter what. I would put my life on the line for you, remember that. You will always be "mine" to protect.

To my younger brother: You are all the above plus more. Never hesitate to call on me.

03-05-2009, 03:51 PM
Dear self,

I'm so proud of you for finally getting a car. You've earned it and I know you deserve it greatly. Now, it's time to get a license. Ya, we're a little backwards but since when have you ever done anything like anyone else. You're a true Maverick. Haha. I'm scared. You suck at written tests. Don't fail. DOOOOO EEEEEEET! :love:


03-05-2009, 05:05 PM
Dear Brad,

I miss you so much today. But not seeing each other anymore was for the best.. you're not ready for a relationship and I am.
We both suffered a lot from our last relationships. I wish you all the best :)



Dear ex-boyfriend,

You've been trying to get back with me for the past few years. It's not going to happen.
You dumped me and told me that we weren't right for each other.
You're right! I have much higher standards now. You don't even come close to what I accept from men now.
Stop trying to contact me!


03-07-2009, 10:56 AM
Dear self,

I'm so proud of you for finally getting a car. You've earned it and I know you deserve it greatly. Now, it's time to get a license. Ya, we're a little backwards but since when have you ever done anything like anyone else. You're a true Maverick. Haha. I'm scared. You suck at written tests. Don't fail. DOOOOO EEEEEEET! :love:


You can do it.;)

03-09-2009, 03:22 PM
Dear Dalton,

You have ADD. And you're super entertaining.
Stick around kid. =]
Plus, I really dig the mohawk and the labret. ;)

See you next weekend!! :D


03-18-2009, 12:58 AM


epic happy.


MeCat Ma
03-18-2009, 07:03 AM
Dear God

How life has taken a roller coaster ride last two years (2007 & 2008)

How bright life was in 2007 with

My losing weight and getting complimented for it
My brother's long awaited wedding taking place
My meeting and then fallin in love with the guy who I thought was the best suited for me
Being proposed to by this person at your abode
Informing my parents of this joyous moment


After giving us a taste of this wonderous joy you snatched each of this and more in 2008

After giving my all (emotionally and financially) in supporting my fiance through the devastating loss of his brother, he just went cold turkey and totally stopped communicating with me... No Reasons, no answers..
My brother's wife walked out on him
My brother's business went down the drain leaving him heartbroken and depresssed
My brother and I both had our hearts broken and as if that was not enough.... you dealt the most lethel blow

A Dad who lived for us
A Dad who gave us all
A Dad who was unique

I wont ask you why, I wont break down and cry
For I have been told that you are in me and I have the power to set me free

Today I once again am picking up the pieces and walking ahead in faith

dear god, I have no complaints coz through all this I did learn that I had more in me than I believed....Just one request......continue giving me the strength to face adversity, continue shining your light from within me......continue please just continue

Yours faithfully

03-18-2009, 07:47 AM
To: MeCatMa

May you find peace in the days ahead.

03-18-2009, 08:23 AM
Dear MeCat_Ma,
Very sorry for your loss.
Prayers that better days will come.
Stay strong.

03-18-2009, 01:03 PM
Dear Brad,

What the flying f***? Why'd you come back to me? I told you I was open to giving it another shot once you're ready and know what you want. You still don't know what you want. You have no right making me feel bad for moving on and meeting someone else. This new guy is actually really sweet and treats me well. You missed out.. you're SOL.


03-19-2009, 04:27 AM
Dear you know who you are,

You're my favorite, you are the best. I love you. Don't ever leave my life please.. I love you.


03-19-2009, 05:32 AM
me cat...kindest wishes for you and your family

03-21-2009, 12:10 AM
Dear Philip,

You left me almost a year ago, without warning. You more than broke my heart, you shattered it. I went a year with no contact from you. And even though I was getting better, even though I finally found happiness without you (without any man) I still thought of you everyday, I could still hear your voice in my head, your sweet Irish accent. And so I was getting on with my life. I wasn't dating, I haven't found someone who I want to be with, but I was HAPPY with being single and by myself. I was finally happy again. But now you're back, and we've agreed to be friends. You won't tell me any reasons for anything, except for that it wasn't my fault, and it was completely out of your control. I wish I knew what it was, I wish you would let me in again. Even though we agreed to be friends it doesn't seem like we are. I've e-mailed you, but you never reply. You coming back into my life has opened up deep wounds, but I don't want you to go away again. If the closest I can get to you is us being friends, then I'll happily take it. Just please don't leave. Please talk to me. I can't believe I'm so pathetic. I don't want to be. I don't want to be one of those girls that pleads with someone to take her back. I don't want to be that way. (But if it would work I'm sure I'd probably do it) Please let's be friends. You know, the real kind, the kind that talks to each other and tells each other about their day or weekend or whatever. The kind of friends that talk about stupid things and laugh over their stupid jokes. The ones that turn to each other when things get rough and help each other over hard times. If I can't have anything else, can I at least have that?


03-25-2009, 03:46 PM
Dear Anthony,

I am truly sorry for what happened. I feel very bad about it and I hope you can see that. I felt horrible when you walked away from me, and you wouldn't talk to me alll day, and when you gave me back my sorry note that I into your locker. I understand why you are annoyed, but I didn't mean to hurt you. I just want you to know that you will always be my bestfriend even if your still mad at me. I just want you to listen to me. I didn't mean to offend you, I was just in a little shock, that's all. I wish I could go back and change what happened. I really hope this doesn't ruin our friendship...


03-25-2009, 04:33 PM
Dear Dan,

I swear, this is the last letter to you in this thread.

Jon and I have been dating for almost two weeks. I got fed up with you and your indecisiveness, and I moved on. I invited Jon to the St. Patty's Day party because you never gave me an answer on whether or not you wanted to go with me. You got angry, and told me you were going to a different party with your brother. I was finally happy for once, drinking with friends, feeling truly loved by Jon... until you showed up. The party you were going to was the same one I was at... and neither of us realized it until it was too late.

You ignored me all night. I was willing to give you a shot but you were so angry at me, you wouldn't even look at me. The night drew to a close and all the under-agers (us) got kicked out. As I was leaving, in your drunken state, you followed me outside. All I remember is, "Meg, I love you," and you kissed me. So I left.

Jon and I have been happily dating since. You had your chance. I chased you and chased you for MONTHS on end and you couldn't be bothered to notice. Now, once you find out I'm dating Jon, you come crawling back saying things like, "Meg, I love you, I want to be with you, I was going to ask you out..." and "I wish you loved me the way you love Jon... I miss my Meg..." The guilt trip isn't working this time, sweetie.

Sure, maybe we would have made a good couple. And yes, I still love you, more than I should, given the circumstances. But Jon... he makes me feel alive again. When I'm with him, I'm happy. All the time. With you, happiness came only a few times a month. Jon has the ability to put a smile on my face the moment I see him, as did you. But Jon cares. Everyday.

I'm sorry I hurt you by dating Jon. Do I regret moving on and being with Jon now? Not a chance. I'm very happy with my relationship. I hope maybe someday you can realize that I will always be the same old Meg, regardless of who I'm dating. I want you to be my friend, but the ball is in your hands now.


Dear Jon,

Thank you for bearing with me in all this.

You make me feel safe. Like the stereotypical smitten young love, "nothing can hurt me when I'm in your arms"... But it's true. There's a kindness in your eyes and a warmth in your arms that makes me feel complete again. I love being around you, seeing you smile, hearing you laugh... You make me so happy.

See you later, baby. Hope you feel better.


03-25-2009, 09:19 PM

Don't ever leave my life please.. I love you. :)


03-26-2009, 10:09 AM
Dear Dave,
Getting to know you again after not seeing you for 18 years has been just amazing. You have matured so much, and you're just so much fun to be around. The fact that I'm happy when I'm with you and feel comfortable around you just makes it all better.

While I'm still apprehensive about the whole not divorced yet situation, I still feel pretty secure in the fact that you are leaving and will be moved out. I wish you were out of there now, but I know you have to get the cabin renovated, and that takes time. I hope your kids will not handle things too badly, and realize that you're not leaving them, you're leaving Lora. I hope they understand that her being with someone else and wanting you to just stay in a loveless marriage isn't fair to you, wouldn't be fair to anyone.

I can't wait to see you again. I've been jonesing for my Dave fix for 2 days now, and it feels like weeks, lol.

I'm still anxious about going to that party at the resort. I mean, what does one wear to a nudist resort's party??? I know it's still chilly out, but will they be dressed? Will it be really hot in the house and then everyone will be naked??? I'm stressing about this like, non-stop. I'm hoping that whatever I decide to wear will be ok, and that others will be dressed as well. I hate feeling like the odd one out, lol, but I don't see my clothes coming off in public anytime soon, lol.

I know you won't read this, you don't even know what pet talk is, but I feel better having gotten some of this off my chest.

Love you,

03-26-2009, 11:31 AM
:p I dont know for sure Jenn = Butt I will bet that everyone will be Nude.. Good Luck with this one Honey.. :D I am glad to read that you have met someone that your so comfortable with.. Sounds Sweet.. :cool:

03-26-2009, 01:19 PM
I hate registration week. I don't understand how upcoming Seniors can't be the first to register. I need to be in one particular class that's only offered in the fall. I hope I got on the waiting list soon enough and that this all works out. I want to graduate ON TIME. I really don't want to spend an extra summer here for one class, especially since I wouldn't be able to walk when Rich does, and I really want that.

Dear Mom,
Please be understanding when I call you tonight about my change in plans for the summer. Even though I secretly hoped it's pan out this way. It's not my fault I can't make my schedule work like you think it should. >.<

03-26-2009, 03:41 PM
Dear Anthony,

I am soo glad we are friends again. You mean the world to me & I couldn't live without you. Bestfriendsforever. :D


03-30-2009, 12:59 PM
Dear Jon,

I didn't know relationships would hurt...

I got my nose pierced. You told me you hate it.
I told you I wanted to get another tattoo for my nephew. You told me I shouldn't. You told me I've already got two, and they need to be something meaningful.
I have long, (I think) beautiful hair. You told me to cut it.
You also mentioned how you've lowered your expectations for girlfriends/dating since your last ex. Then you laughed.
You've NEVER called me beautiful, pretty, cute... your ROOMMATE and your EX GIRLFRIEND both have, numerous times.

Please, please don't do this to me. I care about you. I come over almost every night and stay with you every other night, but only when I can pull you away from your video games. You can't be bothered to leave your video games if I want you to come hang out with me though.




You left this world way too soon. Twenty years old...
I'm numb. You were one of my good friends in highschool... now you're gone.
See you in heaven, kid.
I love you.



Dear You,

You know who you are.
Keep me hanging on. I need you.


03-30-2009, 01:35 PM
Dear Jon,

I didn't know relationships would hurt...

I got my nose pierced. You told me you hate it.
I told you I wanted to get another tattoo for my nephew. You told me I shouldn't. You told me I've already got two, and they need to be something meaningful.
I have long, (I think) beautiful hair. You told me to cut it.
You also mentioned how you've lowered your expectations for girlfriends/dating since your last ex. Then you laughed.
You've NEVER called me beautiful, pretty, cute... your ROOMMATE and your EX GIRLFRIEND both have, numerous times.

Please, please don't do this to me. I care about you. I come over almost every night and stay with you every other night, but only when I can pull you away from your video games. You can't be bothered to leave your video games if I want you to come hang out with me though.



if you want a tattoo for your nephew - I can't think of anything that is more meaningful to get one for family.

03-30-2009, 01:49 PM
Dear Dan...

My friend passed away this morning... I told you about it because you just lost a friend a month ago and I needed help dealing with what I'm feeling. I asked Jon to come to the funeral with me, and he hasn't answered me yet.


"Let me know when it is and I'll ask off of work. You're not going alone."

I'm crying.


03-30-2009, 01:59 PM
Sounds like a control freak, hon.

Please check here: http://www.connectingsingles.com/article_60_1/the_danger_in_dating_a_control_freak.htm

And here too:


03-30-2009, 06:27 PM
Dear Brad,

You're really confusing me. I wish I had it in me to drop you completely. Regardless, it was great seeing you on Friday.



Dear Joel,

I told you I was confused. I told you Brad tore my heart in pieces. It was a low blow kissing me.. you knew I was confused and lost. I know you just want to fix us and go back to way things were.. but I don't have it in me.


Suki Wingy
03-30-2009, 07:20 PM
Dear You,
My heart almost jumps every time I see an old red pickup truck. I'm so glad I can just hang out and not get nervous around you. I was going to ask you to Buffalo Wild Wings today, but you didn't show up to the barn. I never know when you're going to show up. I want you to teach me to break a horse. I want to teach you to jump. Just once! You can do it in your western saddle if you want. I want to watch you next time you ride broncs and bulls. I want to ride one myself. Maybe at the end of my stay here in Wisconsin so that if I break my leg Julie won't kill me. :D I know you were kind of running on no sleep Saturday but I'd love to hear you sing more often. :) I think it's funny how all the middle school kids who came on the field trip crushed on you. :p I had a crush on the 20 something cowboy at my old barn when I was the same age as them.
Love, Eva

03-31-2009, 09:08 PM
Dear God,

I don't think the antidepressants are helping anymore but I can't afford any more medications. I can't take the sleepers, because I'm too groggy in the morning if I take even a half. I can't lose another job because of tardiness. I don't want to be unemployed again and I like the people at this job. They have all been so kind and helpful to me. Please help me to get my sleep and wake cycles straightened out so I can get to work on time. I was late again today and that is bad.

Thank You,

04-01-2009, 08:26 AM
My Dear Old Friend PDL,

I couldn't let this April Fool's Day go by without remembering you on what would have been another birthday. I learned quite by accident that you have passed on - just a one line item I saw on the internet - acknowledging a donation made in your memory. I tried to find more detail - like how, what, where, when and why, but to no avail. Maybe it's best that I don't know.

Can't believe it has been so many years since I last saw you, and still find it hard to believe that you gave up all those years of hard work to get your PHD, all the years of research and teaching and publishing just gone - to buy a ranch of all things. I guess some folks just burn out sooner than others. I hope you found your ultimate calling in being a rancher, but somehow I just can't picture you castrating bulls like you said you did! :eek: I hope that one of those angry bulls didn't contribute to your demise!

I'd still like to remember you as the "nutty professor", walking down the hall in Wolfe Hall in the morning on your way to your office, pipe in mouth, nose buried in the morning newspaper, and of course the time hobbling the halls on crutches from your ice hockey mishap! And of course I'll never forget the 3 hour lunches that we used to participate in with Bobby B. and the rest of the lab crew. I have some very fond memories indeed. I still have that beautiful gold and jade circle pin that you gave me for my birthday, and still wear it often. It is one of my most treasured pieces of jewelry, and of course I think of you every time that I wear it.

So my friend, I hope you are at peace, wherever you may be. I hope that your life as a rancher was a happy one, and that it was the right decision for you. I know that the family name and wealth had little meaning to you, so I suppose that the ranch was your great escape from all of that.

Till we meet again Dear Friend...... :love:


04-03-2009, 02:20 AM
Dear Jon,

It's taking a lot of control not to make this letter in all caps and scream at you.


PLEASE for the sake of my sanity, quit talking to Bre.
TALK TO YOUR GIRLFRIEND. HELLO? The FUNERAL you BAILED on this morning? Yeah, I f***ing went ALONE, thanks. I had an AWFUL day today, too much crying, and you didn't even text me all day. Now you're online and talking to BRE? WHAT THE F***?

Yeah, for anyone who's been paying attention to my letters in this thread, THIS IS THE SAME BRE. The SAME POS that DAN was screwing around with.

My "loving" boyfriend also had a "f***buddy" relationship with her, too. Before we dated. But regardless.


Have fun with her. You and I are done, very very soon.
I'm not going to cop out and break up via IM or text.
I will be the bigger person in this relationship and put my damn foot down.

This is me, crying, writing you this damn letter. I really hope you're happy.

I don't regret spending the day with Dan. He comforted me after the funeral. I didn't know how to control and deal with what I was feeling after, so he consoled me.

And you know what? In the FEW HOURS I was with Dan, he made me happier and I felt more loved than you've made me feel SINCE WE DATED.Not saying I'm ditching you to go back to Dan, but that should be a SLAP IN THE FACE. Take care of your damn girlfriend once and a while. Show some f*cking compassion once and a while. I need it.

Pissed off,
Your "girlfriend"

[sorry pt. i had to get that off my chest...]

04-03-2009, 08:59 AM
Dear Meg,
They are so not worth your time and your tears.

Love, jenn

04-03-2009, 09:04 PM
Dear Jon,

Here we go again... another angry letter...
This time I'm not crying. Just angry. :)

So we talked/argued last night. I told you I have IMMENSE trust issues.
And when my boyfriend is talking to his ex-f*ckbuddy, should I not be concerned? Because you and I haven't had sex, and I probably won't lose my virginity to you. And I'm sure you realize that now, and you're trying to find a way out.

But anyway. I told you I have trust issues, and I'm working on them and I AM getting better. You told me I need to GET OVER IT and trust you.

Fact is, I do trust you. Just not as much as I should. I know your past and your history with relationships, give me one damn good reason that I should trust you.

You pulled some bs about how if I can't trust you, then you can't trust me. I HAVEN'T GIVE YOU A REASON NOT TO TRUST ME. Yes, you've been cheated on by past girlfriends. I'm not LIKE that. I would NEVER dream of hurting you, regardless of how you treat me. I'm not a w**** like your other girlfriends. I actually CARE about you. Funny how that goes, huh?

So if I can't trust you, you can't trust me. And you told me that it wasn't going to work that way and that it's just going to blow up in our faces. I said I was working on it, and I'm getting better. What else do you want me to do? And you just said, "Don't question it."

FINE. I won't question you when you go 40 minutes out of town to see Tristan and her baby. I won't question it when you tell me not to come over because you won't be much company. I won't question anything you do anymore. I won't question it when I hear rumors about you still wanting to marry your ex-fiancee.

Forget it.

I'm smart, beautiful and worth so much more than how you treat me.

We'll talk some other time. I'm going to go out tonight and enjoy myself. I'm going to surround myself with friends that love me and care about me more than you EVER did. Congratulations on screwing up yet another relationship.

Hope you're happy.



04-04-2009, 08:42 AM
What a trainwreck. All that wouldn't be worth my time or personal dignity.

04-04-2009, 09:06 AM
What a trainwreck. All that wouldn't be worth my time or personal dignity.

Ditto here! I was going to post, but thought I'd keep my mouth shut and mind my business, since Meg wouldn't like what I would say.

To put it politely - it reads like a bad soap opera with a disastrous outcome.

Meg - please get your head screwed on in the right direction before it's too late!

04-04-2009, 08:57 PM
Dear me --

QUIT SMOKING! Quit making excuses and just do it...
Each time you say you are going to quit cold turkey after this pack, you go out and get another one..

Do you not realize that LUNG CANCER is ultimately what caused Robin to leave this world too soon?? Are you that stupid that you can't just put it down...?

Find the motivation some where, and QUIT!

04-04-2009, 09:03 PM
Dear Chris,

Today was awesome, you're so adorable. :love: :D

:love: Alyssa

04-04-2009, 09:10 PM
Dear Chris,

Today was awesome, you're so adorable. :love: :D

:love: Alyssa

Better not have been TOO awesome...love, mom

04-04-2009, 09:10 PM
Dear Job...


No one told me going from grooming assistant to groomer would make me want to rip my hair out.

Hopefully it gets better.


04-06-2009, 12:40 PM
Dear Brad,

Go away. Please, just go away.



Dear Joel,

I'm letting go of you too. I wasn't impressed with you on Saturday night. You seem so certain I'm going to take you back. You lied about drugs.. you said you don't do them anymore. You've done them every single time we've spent time together. You keep pushing me to do things but I told you I don't do that anymore. So good riddance!



Dear Ashley,

Stop dating losers.


smokey the elder
04-07-2009, 02:30 PM
Dear Me,

Quit losing your temper. Kthxbye.

04-07-2009, 02:34 PM
Dear You,

Seems this is for real. Someone tender, funny and a gazillion years in recovery. Plus, you spell even better than I do! :p Intelligent. And you are really drawn to me, and I to you.

And you are kind and considerate in the little things.

Hoping for this for a long time, one day at a time.:love:

04-07-2009, 05:33 PM
Dear me,
Learn how to control your temper. Learn how to stop worrying so much. Be more positive. Laugh often. :)


Suki Wingy
04-08-2009, 01:21 AM
Dear Alex,
Do you know half the reason I want to buy that scrawny unbroke mare? I think you do. When you asked me if Amber was pretty I almost blurted out, "Do you think I'm pretty?" but then didn't have the guts to. I think today was the first day you realized how I feel about you. You know when I was having dinner with the clinician on Saturday she asked if you were cute and Lexi, Hayley, and Missy all said no. I kept my mouth shut. Hope that venison steak and potatoes was good, I had another BLT from Subway tonight.

Thanks for not noticing me again. :rolleyes: I can tell you want to be friends but I practically asked you to dinner tonight and still you didn't say anything. Are you just that thick or did that make you nervous? Hayley assures me her friend isn't interested in you. I'm more than happy to just settle for friends but how can we be friends if we never really do anything. I watch you ride horses, you watch me ride horses, we talk briefly, and that's it. Is that all you want? And no, I will not stop wearing my vintage army coat. I love it very much. Stop saying I look like a Nazi in it. Sometimes I want to run up and glomp you and sometimes I want to punch you. You're making me crazy!

04-11-2009, 04:49 PM
Dear Family,

You need only tolerate one another for a few hours tomorrow and then you're done until Thanksgiving. For our parents' sake, please, let's all try to make nice for one afternoon.

Thank you,
Your Sister


Dear You-Know-Who,

Please stop sharing your vacation details with me, since I was not invited.

Thank you,
The one you refer to as your *best* friend

04-11-2009, 04:50 PM
Dear me --

QUIT SMOKING! Quit making excuses and just do it...
Each time you say you are going to quit cold turkey after this pack, you go out and get another one..

Do you not realize that LUNG CANCER is ultimately what caused Robin to leave this world too soon?? Are you that stupid that you can't just put it down...?

Find the motivation some where, and QUIT!

Dear Molucass,
I'll be praying that you will find the motivation and successfully stop.
Thinking of you,

04-12-2009, 12:17 AM
Dear Slick,
I'm so proud of you and I think I'm beginning to actually like you.
Me. :love:

04-12-2009, 12:34 AM
Dear Aunt Tammy,

Your birthday was 2 days ago.We all miss and love you so much.I know that you are now at peace and so happy but that doesn't mean we don't miss ya.Someday I will see you again and you can show me around up there.

Love your niece~Nicole

MeCat Ma
04-12-2009, 04:54 AM
Dear Soul

You are a beautiful creation of GOD. You are love incarnate and

.......To get a loving, intellectually stimulating kindred partner to share your life
.......To know the wonders of "creating" life and bringing beautiful souls into existence
........The abundance of health, wealth and prosperity


Meanwhile I am so glad that you express Gratitude with every breath for all the Blessings that makes you what you are....

.......the wonderful and painful experiences that has moulded you into the generous, loving, joyous soul
.......The fortune to be born into a wonderful loving family where you are nurtured and cherished
.......The opportunity to gain an education when more than 40% of your fellow country women dont
........The ability to live independently and earn a living for yourself
........The previlage to be born into one of the oldest "way of life" commenly referred to as Hinduism does not shackle you with set doctrines but allows you to explore, understand and accept God into your existence in the manner most suited to you
.......The honour of being a citizen of a country called India that has a heritage of accepting into its fold almost all the religions in the world and allowing for complete religious freedom & expression.


04-12-2009, 07:40 AM
Dear Manager,
Can't you get run over by a bus or at least move on to a different store? Don't you understand that we all really don't like you AT ALL?

04-12-2009, 11:14 AM
Dear Ben,

Why did you lead me on? What did I do to deserve to be blown off yesterday? I thought we had a good time, and then yesterday you acted as if you didn't even know me?

Thanks a lot..

04-12-2009, 06:40 PM
Dear Jon,

We're done.
And I'm crying.

Proof that this relationship meant nothing to you.
You never fought to keep me.

Now I'm gone. And I won't be back.
Have a nice life.
Find another girl to ruin.


04-12-2009, 06:52 PM
Dear Family,

You need only tolerate one another for a few hours tomorrow and then you're done until Thanksgiving. For our parents' sake, please, let's all try to make nice for one afternoon.

Thank you,
Your Sister

Dear Family,

Thank you for all getting along from 3 until 5:30 PM today. I appreciate that you all made an effort.

Thank you again,
Your Sister

04-14-2009, 11:00 AM
Dear Love Life,

Stop f*cking with me. Seriously. Just stop. This is getting really old.


04-15-2009, 04:27 AM
Dear Clearw re

If I wasnt stuck in a contract...:mad:

You promise to look for a solution to my constant disconnects yet you say Im connected "enough" not to warrent sending a tech out. Can't you spare 5 minutes of your time to help me get good service, please? Since when is half @ssed good enough?

Not so much love

04-16-2009, 10:40 PM
Dear PT,

I'm done for a while.

I'm so sick of everything I post in this thread getting criticized. This is pretty much the only thread I post in and I started this thread, and I no longer feel comfortable here.

This thread is intended for ranting. No one is supposed to solve anyone's problems. I've had enough of people imposing their opinions on my situations.

Have fun. Keep the thread alive for me.


Scooter's Mom
04-16-2009, 11:10 PM
Dear brother,
We've always been really close. Now you won't reply to my emails, texts or facebook messages. I wish I knew what I did. I know your wife dislikes me (immensely!) but we had agreed that OUR relationship would withstand.

If only you'd talk to me. I miss you. I miss talking to my three beautiful nieces. Please, come around. With my health and facing this surgery, I need you.


04-17-2009, 07:38 AM
Dear brother,
We've always been really close. Now you won't reply to my emails, texts or facebook messages. I wish I knew what I did. I know your wife dislikes me (immensely!) but we had agreed that OUR relationship would withstand.

If only you'd talk to me. I miss you. I miss talking to my three beautiful nieces. Please, come around. With my health and facing this surgery, I need you.


Gosh Crystal - it makes me so sad to read this. Life is so short, and we never know when ours or that of our family will come to an end.
I lost contact with both of my brothers for about 20 years. Oh - there were the birthday and Christmas cards, an occasional phone call, and then when the age of home computers came to be, there were emails. But I never saw them. I live in DE and they lived in FL. Both of them were always after me to go down to visit, but there were always the lame excuses on my part - my job, raising my own family, I couldn't afford it, health issues, etc, etc - always something. I finally did get there tho - to the funeral of one of them who passed from complications of a stroke. To this day - I still look back and dislike myself for being so selfish all those years. I wish I could turn back the clock and do things differently. He passed 5 years ago, and I vowed that it wouldn't happen that way with my surviving brother. Since then, I visited with him in FL several times, and then last Fall after he moved to NC. I'm planning another visit soon - hopefully within the next couple of months. Earlier this week he had a medical crisis that could have taken him also, and I was devastated at the thought! He's 74 and I'm 65 (almost ),:eek:, and we are the only ones left of the "old" family. Obviously, neither one of us will be around a long time, so I am taking every opportunity to spend some time with him. We talk by phone or email at least a couple of times a week, and I make the time for visits now! I can't change what happened in the past, but I can make sure history doesn't repeat itself. LES!
I hope your brother comes around soon - I know how distraught that you must be. Maybe you could email him a copy of this post???? Maybe he might realize how precious family is...
You're in my thoughts....


04-17-2009, 10:47 AM
Dear Weight:
I'm working hard to get rid of you. How about a little help here? Pack your "bags" and go.

Dear Cancer:
It's time for you to go now too. You've been comfortable for way too long. The tribe has spoken. Your flame has died out.


04-17-2009, 06:22 PM
dear boy,

Thank You for leaving. Although I miss you, your leaving brought me together, brought her and I together. We've became good friends. I'd say best friends, but I only have one best friend, you know. We're all just better off. Everything's pretty clear now. I hope you find whatever it is you need and if you come back, that's okay. Bros4lyfe.


04-25-2009, 09:01 PM
Dear World,
You know the song lyric "the world for once in perfect harmony"? Why can't it be like that for me, for once. I know life can't always be about great but there's something I've been missing out on alot lately. Why do people have to be such jerks? Why am I the only one who sees all these two-faced people?


PS - Alot of things in my life are going fantastic, actually most of it, but I'm just sick of....people. I'm just missing something I have yet to find.

04-26-2009, 01:26 AM
dear me:
I hate you

05-01-2009, 02:02 PM
Dear you,

I really, really don't like you! :mad:

I tried my best for once in your lesson today, as did my group, and you KNOW we don't like sport, but yet we WON for ONCE in our lives, because we worked hard! For crying out loud, stop acting like its the most shocking thing in the world!!! :mad: It was bad enough the whole class accused us of cheating because we are the 'nerds' and we are not meant to like sport, but YOU! You're the bl**dy teacher! :mad: Don't look so suprised!

And you can stop telling me off for every little thing as well. I already know you hate me, you do not need to proove your point. I mean, I look around for one second when you are explaining something to 2 members of my group about discus throwing and also I was checking no-one on my team was running at the time, and you tell ME off for not paying attention. HUH? I am not even doing the discus!!

Plus whats with calling my friend and I twins the other day!?! I would like you to know that the group was split up, like you said, and she was the only one on my half of the group who was my friend. So yes, I obviously was going to stand next to her! Plus she is one of my best friends- but for goodness sake that does not mean we are 'velcro twins' or whatever you called us. WE HAVE NAMES! We deserved to be called by them, thanks.

And telling us off for running together in the long jump?!? Everyone else was!! But of course you don't tell them off. Maybe I wouldnt of felt the need to run with her if you werent watching me like a hawk. I don't like being watched thanks, it puts me off and makes me feel uncomfortable.

For goodness sake, you are meant to motivate us and help us learn, but how can we do that when you are doubting everything we do? We did not cheat. We did not add anything up wrong. We WON fairly thanks. I dont care about winning, I only care that I tried my best, as did the rest of my team, and no, we dont get a clap or praise, we get QUESTIONED and ACCUSED by the class. You didn't even give us a chance to hand our score sheet in before we left so we could proove to you, but I doubt you would of believed it anyway. And I bet if the second place group handed you their form, in which I know they wrote that we cheated all over, you will say nothing. Thats what you teachers ALWAYS DO! :mad::(:rolleyes:

Now, you can leave me alone. Your little 'popular' members of the class that can't believe the nerds beat them can leave me alone as well. I am fed up of YOU and THEM and ARGH!

Remind me not to try next time.


05-01-2009, 02:21 PM
Dear Boy,

Thank you for leading me on and then leading me to her. She's the most beautiful person I've met lately and we are so much alike. She's helping fill that void that Nicole left behind and reminds me so much of her. I remind her of her best friend that moved away.

We were meant to be although you wanted to keep us apart because of your shady ways. Thank you for moving away and pushing us together.

I'm still your friend and will always be, because you've given me something very beautiful.


Suki Wingy
05-02-2009, 09:57 PM
Dear you,
I miss your old truck more than I miss you. If you die out there breaking horses can I have it please?

05-02-2009, 10:03 PM
Dear You,

I was ALWAYS there for you. And now you go and tell me that you acted like my friend and you hate the way I am. Thanks alot. Shows what a good friend you are. I told you everything, I told you all my secrets and I trusted you.
I can't believe you would do this.



05-03-2009, 07:25 AM
Dear Chris,

I just have to say while I was with you I did feel something, but I guess you didn't. You didn't return any affection. You wouldn't even hold hands or anything other then hug me..I wanted AND expected something more. I know we only saw each other twice over the course of the 2 months we went out but if you had not been so boring it probably would have been much more then that. I'm obviously not upset or anything though and I'm glad we are friends, I guess I'm just disappointed in you for being that way. You said it wasn't anyone's fault and I agreed, but it really was you. I gave it my all. Relationships aren't somethin you do half-ass and you obviously need to learn that. Thanks for trying :rolleyes:


05-05-2009, 11:56 PM
Dear whoever,

There's a murderer loose in my town.
I'm so scared.
This person killed an 18 year old girl Saturday night.

I'm afraid to leave my home... I'm afraid to go anywhere... I'm afraid to be alone.

I'm going to Jason's house. I can't stay home alone right now.

05-06-2009, 01:34 AM
Stay safe, sweetie.

Scooter's Mom
05-07-2009, 08:05 PM
Dear coworker,

Yes, I realize I did sign up to bring sodas to our potluck on Tuesday. I also realize I missed Tuesday & Wednesday because of this illness that has been plaguing me for so long. The one that I have surgery scheduled for May 20th to remove a tumor and parts of my body for. The illness that makes me have migraines EVERY day, that make me throw up and black out. That has given me kidney stones that are huge and hurt constantly. The same illness that makes me so tired I can barely stay awake for more than a few hours at a time.

I *know* I failed to live up to expectations by not bringing the sodas to the potluck. It was very rude of you to walk up to my desk as you were leaving work today and say, "We had a lot of very thirsty people at our potluck on Tuesday. It was very inconsiderate of you to sign up to bring drinks if you didn't think you were going to bring them." And then you walked off, without letting me tell you that I DID think I would bring them, I did in fact buy them and consider having my husband drive 40 miles out of his way to deliver them while I was at the emergency room.

And you consider yourself a Christian. You should be ashamed.

Your very ill coworker.

Scooter's Mom
05-09-2009, 12:23 AM
Dear coworker, again...

Thank you for taking things into consideration when I tried to explain to you that I thought your comments yesterday were uncalled for and that you hurt my feelings. Thank you for shoving your hand up and basically shouting, "Don't even speak to me!" and telling me to take it up with our manager if I had a problem with you, because you had already done so... and come to find out, you are filing an hr grievance against ME for harassing you for trying to explain that you hurt my feelings! All of this over a couple of bottles of soda. Good grief.

What about the conversation we had on MONDAY (yes, just 3 days before this!) where you told me that your acquaintance from church overdosed because she was a migraine sufferer and she couldn't take the migraine pain anymore. You were so very concerned about me just a few short days ago that you begged me to never do something so drastic.

Either be my friend or stop pretending to be... file your HR grievance over this stupid little incident with SODAS. Please, just don't make my life more miserable than my illness already has.

Thank you,

05-09-2009, 12:26 AM
*hugs* to you, Scooter's Mom. I hope you feel better soon!

05-09-2009, 05:03 AM
Dear You,





05-09-2009, 06:56 AM
Dear Mother's Day Diners,
I will be working from 11am to 9pm so could you please take that into account and be nice to me. It makes my day go so much better.
Your Server Anna

05-09-2009, 07:00 AM
Dear PT,

Today is my last day of internets for the summer (and cable, cell phone reception, human interaction, etc).

Hope everyone has a fabulous summer - and I hope it goes by fast. ;)


Cinder & Smoke
05-09-2009, 10:41 AM
Today is my last day of internets for the summer
(and cable, cell phone reception, human interaction, etc).


Are you headed off into the Wilderness?
Is your Faithful Companion, Protector of the Princess, *Jackie* going into
seclusion with you?

And HEY! ~~~ Don't furget the Memorial Day Gathurin in Findlay!
May 24 + May 25 --- we *need* you there!


05-15-2009, 05:18 PM
Dear you,
Rewarding the group that won today huh? Where was our praise when we won?
We all know who your favourites are.
I give up with you and your stupid subject,

Dear you.
If you want to go, just go. You obviously want to be there. We are not in control of you. You choose where you want to sit. It's better than sitting next to us, then turning round and talking to everyone else and practically ignoring us.
You go with your popular crowd.
I miss you, the old you,

Dear printer,
Why do you have to be out of ink?
I was doing something important!
You have the worst timing ever,
One of your (rather annoyed) owners

05-23-2009, 09:10 PM
Dear God,

We have a lot of things to pray for in the PT family right now. I'm not even going to try to list them all here because I know I would leave someone out. There have been a couple of people who have lost a parent, surgeries, and illnesses, and there are other prayer requests I don't even know about. So, God, could you please bless and give comfort to all of the people of Pet Talk right now. Thank you for these people all over the world who come together on the subject of the pets we love. Please watch over them, God, the ones I know and also those I don't. Thank you for my PT friends, dear God. Please surround them with your angels and give them your mercies. Amen.

05-23-2009, 09:33 PM
God Bless you.

05-24-2009, 01:21 PM
Dear Pro Pizza Customers,

Let me give you some helpful hints:

A.) Our special has been the same since the earth started turning. Calling every day to ask just annoys the workers. The only exception is anyone calling from Super 8 or you just moved to town. We have Caller I.D., we can tell. Everyone else is considered a “regular”.
B.) Telling us to hurry up does not bump you to the front on the line. In fact depending on the mood of the order taker you could be bumped to the end of the line for the next 2 order for it.
C.) The managers can’t give you a pizza free no matter how long it takes. The owner, Bill, is the only one with that power. If you plan on asking Bill for a free pizza, please tell us. We’ll need to call the paramedics.
D.) The vegetables are additional toppings ALWAYS. Don’t be alarmed if you ask for the price of a pepperoni pizza and then order a pepperoni, green pepper, onion, black olive pizza and we tell you a different price.
E.) If you are picking up the order we tell you the same time regardless of the size of the pizza, complaining that “it’s just a small pizza” does not prompt us to change the time.
F.) If you call and we place you on hold calling back will not somehow jump you to the head of the line. We have 2 lines, if we place Line 2 on hold so we can finish taking the order on Line 1 and Line 2 rings again 3 seconds later we know who it is. You are not helping yourselves. You are actually making the process longer because we have to continuously interrupt the first person to put you on hold.
G.) We cook with an oven not a microwave; the food is not instantaneously cooked.
H.) Our oven is automated. It turns on automatically at 9:45 am and off at 10:00 pm sharp. We can’t make an exception for you. Bill knows how to force the oven back on but we do not.
I.) We see Bill maybe an hour a day. Unless we call him and tell him the oven’s on fire, we can’t get him in the store.


A.) We are not Pizza Hut or Dominos, the “30 minutes or it’s free” thing does not apply to us. We deliver to a 30 square mile radius with usually 1 delivery driver.
B.) New Madrid County as a whole has trouble keeping a consistent numbering pattern. Please turn your house lights on if you call for delivery after dark. It’s just a common courtesy and it helps speed up the delivery process.
C.) On most nights the delivery driver has nothing to do with the making of the pizzas. If there is a problem we will be happy to correct it for you but no you can’t keep the mess up for free.
D.) If you have an apartment number give it to us. If the delivery driver does not see an apartment number they assume it is a house. When they can’t find the house they take it back to Pro to await your phone call.
E.) We deliver to whoever is closest first. It doesn’t seem fair but it is efficient. So if you live so far out in the country even Jason Voorhees is nervous your wait might be longer than you expect. We will try to tell you this on the phone or at least send out a delivery driver just for you.
F.) Giving us your name is not an address. We don’t care how often we deliver to you, we need an address.
G.) We write down the time that you called and the time it was promised. Calling after 30 minutes to complain that your pizza is taking an hour so you can get a discount is not going to work.

Thank you for listening. We really do :love: you guys.

05-24-2009, 06:55 PM
Dear Scooter's Mom - big hugs and prayers for you.
Dear Andie - thank you for the insights about pizza! There are some things in your post that I didn't know (like, even though I ordered a small pizza, you're going to give me the same time to pick it up as if I'd ordered a large - and, if the delivery person can't find me, he will take the pizza back to the restaurant and wait for me to call). I love pizza and you gave me some important things to keep in mind for next time.
Dear Anna - thank you for reminding me to be nice to my server. I don't get to eat out as often as before the recession started, so it is a doubly good reminder to be kind in a tough time.

Thank you,

05-24-2009, 07:47 PM
When I called you yesterday about the arrangements for Mom, my intent was not malicious but you sure turned it around. All you did was go off about things that supposedly happened years ago. Much of it was not true and exists only in your twisted excuse for a mind. In spite of what you have convinced yourself to be true, all calls to the nursing home were returned. I was there just about every weekend, where were you? Staff in the nursing home mentioned that to me more than one time.
Any time I ran into you, you tried to start a confrontation. There was no need for such cruelty and viciousness on your part. But sadly that's who you are.
Your angry rejection of my offer to help was totally uncalled for. Being true to form you have again done what you do best, set your sorry self up as the victim.
There are times when individual differences need to be put aside and this is one of those times. I was willing to do that but unfortunately you haven't reached that level of maturity. And quite honestly I can't remember a single time that you tried to work this out. You were too obsessed with bringing up ancient history. Apparently you spend your time going over every word that was said looking for an insult or some slight. You get insulted easier than anyone I've ever known.
What you did to my son amounts to child abuse. Where do you get off telling him I was a bad mother and unfit parent? When you told him you knew I was abusing him and he said you were wrong, you called him a liar! What was that about? Just remember, he came to me with this. He has no reason to lie about it but you do. Your comment yesterday that I made the whole thing up shows the low life you really are. There's no doubt in my mind that you did this. Denying it doesn't mean it didn't happen. You do say things that are hurtful and totally out of line then when you're held accountable you deny it. The action of a true coward.
There's also no doubt in my mind that you'll totally disregard Mom's wishes and not allow me to have the things she wanted me to have. How vicious and vindictive can you be?
I'm not the monster you make me out to be, never was. Mistakes have been made by both of us but you'll never admit to your part. That's why this cannot be resolved. I dread seeing you at Mom's funeral because I know you're going to try and start something. I will not take the bait. What's more frustrating than wanting a fight and not getting it?
After Wednesday we will never have to see each other again. Be assured that it will be good to never put up with your rotten attitude and negative put downs again. This is your hatefest, not mine. My only wish for you is to get the help you so desperately need. You're way too toxic.