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04-10-2012, 12:45 AM
Dear Pharmacy Benefit Management company:

I am so mad that I can't get an early refill on my medication! Yes, I truly did lose it. Yes, it is somewhere in the house. Yes, I honestly did spend over an hour looking for it. I dropped it when I was unpacking my overnight bag after I stayed the night with my parents to take them to the airport early the next morning. I believe it either fell into the closet or under the bed. There were 25 capsules left in the bottle. I cannot find it and I don't have $300 to spend on an early refill. I have never asked for one before. Please give me the benefit of the doubt on this. I can't be without it for the next three weeks. I'm using the dose I usually take at night and only taking it every other day. I've heard so many stories from patients about missing meds -- "my landlord stole it", "I think I left it on the bus", "my relative takes the same dose I take so I think he pilfered my meds". I got you to give an early refill to a homeless patient who left his medication at the PADS site. Please, I wouldn't be asking if I didn't need it. I don't have an extra three hundred dollars and I can't let my blood levels fall. Help me please.

Frustrated patient

04-10-2012, 07:34 AM

I can SO relate to your situation!!! When my Dad married my stepmonster, it was like his family no longer existed. It was all about Barbie and Barbie's 3 useless children. In order to spend time with my Dad, I'd meet him every Tuesday at First & Last Tavern for lunch, after his golf game. I tried once to talk to him about the whole situation, only to be told, "What do you want me to do? Divorce Barbie???"

Barbie passed away in 1995 of alcohol related issues. My Dad, who was Barbie's sole care giver, was devastated. I stepped up to the plate and cared for him for over 2 years till his death in 1997. Unfortunately, the time I did finally get to spend with my Dad was through his vodka haze. The one thing that my Dad said to me that really stuck with me was, "Out of all the family members, you were the only one who didn't abandon me." I'll never forget that.

Hang in there, girl. I wish there was something I could say to make it better. Blood is thicker than water. Your Dad is in love and can't see straight right now. He's trying to impress his fiance' and her daughter by trying to make them feel comfortable. It's too bad that it's at the expense of his beautiful daughter.


Donna and furcrew

04-10-2012, 03:40 PM
Dear YOU!
I understand I did not put my name on the few containers of yogurt I had in the fridge. I also understand that an email went out saying the fridge would be cleaned out so label your items. But I am not used to keeping things in the fridge to begin with. And I also didn't think YOU would throw away perfectly good food that wasn't expired. I think that's taking the "rules" a bit to the extreme. I came in this morning expecting to have yogurt for breakfast but SURPRISE!! It was gone!!
I was livid all morning long. And I can't say anything to YOU about it because you'll just say...you should have labeled it. Plus YOU are my supervisor!!!!!! :mad::mad:

Angry ME!!

04-12-2012, 06:20 PM
Dear Cubs,

2 and 5? What is up with that?! I expected better from you under Theo and Dale Sveum. And I think a lot of other fans did too. Tomorrow you play St. Louis in their home opener and it would be very sweet if you could win.

West suburban third generation fan who bleeds Cubby blue

Dear Ozzie Guillen,
What were you thinking when you made those remarks about Fidel Castro? That was a bad thing to do. You can't un-say your words. Bad form there dude.
Cub fan who doesn't root against the Sox

04-12-2012, 06:28 PM
Dear [name of company withheld],

Thank you for the job offer. I enjoyed the opportunity to meet with your staff. Please be advised that for my experience, your expectation for the employee who accepts this assignment, your location and the hours, your offer is low. Way low. And the sincerity with which it was conveyed tells me that you mean it seriously. The median for this position in this part of the country is about 7 percent higher than what you've offered me. It will take me at least three or four annual increases to get to where I should be now. I'm mulling it over because I need to make a change and the market is tight. However, when something better comes along, I might have to go. You emphasized in our meetings that there is great camaraderie among your staff and very little turnover, but it's not those things that keep bills paid and increase retirement savings.


04-14-2012, 04:06 PM
Dear ex-jock classmate who called all the kids in band, choir and drama weirdos-- I know you watch Dancing with the Stars because your wife posted about you on Facebook. Glee, Smash, The Sing-Off --- who's weird now?

See you at our reunion,
Unreformed choir weirdo who's still singing in a good church choir

04-14-2012, 06:53 PM
Dear ex-jock classmate who called all the kids in band, choir and drama weirdos-- I know you watch Dancing with the Stars because your wife posted about you on Facebook. Glee, Smash, The Sing-Off --- who's weird now?

See you at our reunion,
Unreformed choir weirdo who's still singing in a good church choir

LOLOL! Karma's a b****!! :D

Louie and me
04-20-2012, 08:29 AM
Dear next door neighbours - will you please stop standing there looking at my yard. I'm doing the best that I can. You are out there for hours every single day and your garden looks beautiful. I on the other hand look at my wilderness and know that with my injured hip and arthritic back I'll be lucky to give it half an hour before I have to stop and rest. You know my DH is disabled so it is all up to me and standing there staring at it will not get the weeds out or neaten up the flower beds. It's so bad these days I hide if I know you are out. How pathetic is that?

04-20-2012, 08:45 AM
Dear Animal Reproduction exam,

I really don't care about lactation, and I know you're going to kick my butt, but please have some mercy on the poor kid who didn't get to start studying till 10 pm :rolleyes:.


Miss Z
04-20-2012, 08:57 AM
Dear Exams in General,

Following on from Bri's plea, I'd like to ask for some mercy too! I've barely left the house in 10 days. My hand is presently crippled to the point that my handwriting doesn't look like my own any more. And still I cannot remember all the heepjeeping molecules, in sequence, of the entire mitotic cycle. Please be kind and ask me about viruses. Or parasites. I can write you a book on them.


04-20-2012, 10:05 PM
Dear God, I have a friend who just found out that one of her dogs has cancer. Another of her dogs has dementia and needs lots of supervision. Could You please look with mercy on her, allow her dog with the cancer to be comfortable and with her for a long time yet, and the dementia to stabilize so she won't have to worry any time she must leave him home. Please bless my friend and her family (human and four-pawed).

Thank You,

Dear co-workers at the new job, Thank you all for being so nice to me this week, including me in your conversations and inviting me to take a walk to Starbucks this afternoon. I was really nervous about this position and your kindness has been so helpful! I will do my best to be at full capacity soon because I know you are drowning.

04-21-2012, 11:54 AM
Dear God, I have a friend who just found out that one of her dogs has cancer. Another of her dogs has dementia and needs lots of supervision. Could You please look with mercy on her, allow her dog with the cancer to be comfortable and with her for a long time yet, and the dementia to stabilize so she won't have to worry any time she must leave him home. Please bless my friend and her family (human and four-pawed).

Thank You,

10-fold from here too. :love:

04-21-2012, 06:42 PM
This was once a quiet street that was clean and cared for. Then you came. I have had it with your loud music all the time. It's so loud we can hear it like you have it going in our house. We can't hear our own tv because of it. Yes, I'm the one who has called the police complaining about your excessive noise and right now I'm about ready to call them again but you don't pay any attention to their warnings. And what is it with your kids? All they ever do is cry or scream or both, you never even try to get those brats under control. But the absolute worst is the men at your place who relieve themselves outside against your house! I've seen it several times since our computer is under the window facing your place and that is beyond disgusting! Don't you know there are a lot of kids here or don't you care? Is it really necessary to pull into your driveway and block the sidewalk? Why do you force people walking on the sidewalk into the street to get by? Be prepared for a lawsuit should an innocent person be hit by a car because of your blocking the walkway. And don't you DARE ever complain to me again about trash someone left in back of us! With all the trash you keep on your front porch, back porch, and back yard you've turned your place into a complete eyesore! You are, without a doubt, the neighbors from hell!!!

04-28-2012, 12:51 PM
Dear God,

I know you have a purpose for me. I get that. But everyone needs a break now and again. Right now I'm trying to rehome 3 of my so-called "fosters" to try and get my cat pop. down. The last thing I needed today was to see yet ANOTHER abandoned cat in the CVS parking lot. A beautiful lilac point Siamese that someone dumped.

I went into CVS and got two cans of Friskies which he wolfed down. He's not feral, but he's not trusting of humans. He's just hungry and scared. When I was feeding him, he was weaving in and out of my legs, meowing. I spoke to a guy named Dan, who runs the laundromat. He said that he's been out there for about a month. Everyone is watching out for him. However, he's not fixed. I, like the sucker that I am, have offered (with the financial assistance of other rescues) to try and trap him, have him tested and neutered. Mary's Kitty Korner has offered a spot for him at their shelter.

God, can I ask you to cut me some slack??? I don't know if you're testing my sobriety or my heart. But I feel like you're jabbing me in the heart to see how much pain I'll tolerate. It's wreaking havoc on my emotions and depression right now. I'm all cried out. And if you're thinking I'm going to fall off the wagon, you are SO wrong!! I've got a wonderful, dear friend sponsor who is on speed dial. You tested me once before early in my sobriety (20 years ago) when my daughter was diagnosed with cancer. I won!!

So PLEASE, lighten up will ya??? I know you never give us more than we can handle. But I need a vacation from this.

Love you, dude!!!

The Crazy Cat Broad

04-29-2012, 01:26 PM
Dear Facebook,

The pictures of adoptable cats in kill shelters labeled "On Death Row" and "To Be Destroyed" are breaking my heart. I want to rush right out and adopt as many of them as I can. However, taking in another cat is not an option for me right now. So please excuse me as I scroll past them quickly, because they are making me sad.

Thank you,
Meowmie of just one kitty

05-02-2012, 09:34 AM
Dear quiet car rider,

I wish you could have seen the number of people who looked at you with frustration as they walked by your seat on the train. It was clear that you didn't want to move over because you were sitting in the center of the seat with your arm up on your backpack. I did see you move the cold pack on your shoulder a couple of times, but a lot of other people did not. It's bad commuter karma to be a seat hog on a rush hour express train, even if you're in pain. If you really must, the best way to get a double seat to yourself is to choose a car further back in the train. The front couple of cars are where all of the type A's (and people like me who have only a short interval to get from the train to the office without being tardy) prefer to sit. It's fortunate that the regular conductor wasn't on today, because she would definitely have told you to share that seat.

Express regular

05-02-2012, 10:19 PM
Dear to whom it may concern,

I NEED to pass this math final. I will study my arse off. I am doing so right now and will for a long time tonight, and the next few nights and till monday.. I seriously need to pass this class. I WANT this so bad. I need to have a worry-free summer...I just really need this. So to the big guy upstairs or WHOEVER, I WILL do everything I can, I will do my best, I'll meet you 99% there but what I am asking for is some good lucks to along the way...that's all.


A paranoid frustrated student.

05-07-2012, 08:00 AM
Dear Math Exam,

I must say you are a worthy opponent. All my other finals thus far have been so simple. Anyway, I prepared as much as I could for you. I will do an overview before, but this is really it.

I hate you,


07-14-2012, 12:29 AM
Dear Katie,
It's been a month and I still turn the light on over the fire place as I walk across the living room at night so not to kick you because you always knew what path I was going to take so you always laid right in the middle of it. It breaks my heart to see an empty floor. Please know that I loved you and I'm glad I laid with you on your last night but I'm sorry I failed you so miserably during your last months by letting you suffer like you did. Run with Bull for me. Love, Ann. :love:

07-23-2012, 12:29 PM
Dear You,
Please grow up and act your age, 68 not 5. Your wife has enough issues without having to deal with you 24/7. She can't control your diabetes. Only YOU can. Stop blaming her for all your failures. Show respect for others when out in public. How bout starting with showering more often and brushing your hair instead of just throwing on a hat?
I know you love to complain and try to make others feel sorry for you, but that does NOT work on me. That would be why I do my best to avoid even talking to you most of the time.
You are taking a direct path straight to the grave. And I suppose somehow you will also blame that on her. It's just very sad that people don't want to spend time with you. They don't want you dragging them down with you and your sinking ship.
I hoped someday you would wake up and realize...........but I see this won't happen. If it hasn't happened in 68 years, it never will. It will always only be about YOU.


07-29-2012, 12:09 AM
Dear Whoever,

I just wanted to post about the great night I had. Thanks to my overly generous mother I went to one of the best concerts I've ever been to. We had lawn seats and it was a far drive and the weather wasn't ideal but we got through it. I got a chance to see Luke Bryan, my absolute FAVORITE country singer, and MAN does he know how to put on a show. The atmosphere was fantastic as country concerts normally are regardless. The rain held out for him at least. The concert was mainly Jason Aldean, another one I love, but unfortunately it started pouring down in Camden when he finally came out. All in all though a great night with my siblings and friends. I LOVE country concerts. They are always so much fun and the people are great! Another proud night to be a COUNTRY fan. :D

07-29-2012, 02:04 AM
Hey, goin' on vacation soon but know i'm worried about leavin' me cats. got the hiccups and can't sleep at crunch time. Maybe I'm nuts, got great sitters but, well I'm kinda freaked. Oh my, how ridiculous. Gone thruogh this before but it never seems to get easier for me, damn!!

08-01-2012, 10:34 PM
Dear You,
All I want is my Road Runner to work! Can you please fix it?:rolleyes:
Signed, Fed Up with part time online service! :mad:

09-14-2012, 12:10 AM
Dear Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Public Schools: What would happen if, like the some of nurses' union contracts, the CTU had a "no work stoppage" clause in your contracts? Even if negotiations fail, nurses don't walk out on their patients. Hundreds of thousands of students have lost out on a positive second week of school. Please work this out quickly.

09-14-2012, 12:12 AM
Dear You: Get up, dress up, show up. Got a problem with it? You like a paycheck, don't you? You like paying your bills on time? This is what's required.

09-14-2012, 05:28 AM
Dear Employer,

I am glad I have a job. I am basically happy with my job. However, I do not want to live at work! Please lighten up the overtime!!!


09-14-2012, 06:04 AM
Dear God,
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! for all the awesome things you blessed me with (today especially!) The shawarma was amazing! The Biology teacher told us to give the classwork on Wednesday. The Maths teacher didn't even check the homework! Thank YOU for keeping me safe today! :love:

Thank you again! :love:


09-16-2012, 10:43 PM
Dear whoever,

Has anyone else felt so lost before? I am sitting here, at home, because I decided to save money and go to Community College. I see my best friends living on their own and having great experiences...and I feel like I'm just sitting here accomplishing absolutely nothing. Everyone tells me I have such a great future and such great potential, yet why can't I ever see that? I sit here and just worry about my next move, my next college, my career, what EXACTLY I want, where I am going to live and just everything I SHOULDN'T be worrying about. I feel like such a loser. Living at home at 19, not graduating CC in two years like a normal person, and not knowing where I want to go. My mom keeps tellin' me to go to the local private school and live at home to save money, but I don't want that. I regret not going away to school.

I've narrowed down my career path - I want a future in Wildlife/Biology/Agriculture/Farming, but WHAT exactly? I don't know. I feel like I'm wasting my money to get a piece of paper that won't matter because I won't get a job. I would kill to work for the Fish and Wildlife Service or the DOA but it's so difficult.

I'm just throwing a pity party for no reason. This is what happens when you have so much spare time to think.


09-17-2012, 12:46 PM
{{{{{hugs}}}}} Alysser. There are so many sayings appropriate for your situation right now, and along them, "can't see the forest through the trees", "the grass is always greener" and "one day at a time" come to my mind first. There is NOTHING glamorous about living on your own at 19. Nothing at all. Heck, I lived with my mom, at 29, for three years, while I completed law school. I can't say that I spent two seconds regretting that decision. I was a full 10 years older than you! You do what you have to do to get where you want to be. It isn't in a second. It isn't in a week, and it isn't in two years. Slow down. You have the rest of your life to pay the bills. Trust me, it really isn't all that it is cracked up to be!

I would encourage you to think about what you want to do, and what you can do in that field. I don't encourage you to find some obscure major, or some highly competitive field to focus on, or the rest of your life you will spend trying to be gainfully employed. It is great to say that you should 'follow your passion'. Right up until the word 'reality' comes into play. I would rather pay my bills than follow my dreams, from a practical standpoint. Don't forget, you are 19. Things happen, life changes, even goals change. What you know you want at 19 just might not be what you want at 25 or 30. Lots more living ahead of you than behind you.

09-17-2012, 12:58 PM
{{{{{hugs}}}}} Alysser. There are so many sayings appropriate for your situation right now, and along them, "can't see the forest through the trees", "the grass is always greener" and "one day at a time" come to my mind first. There is NOTHING glamorous about living on your own at 19. Nothing at all. Heck, I lived with my mom, at 29, for three years, while I completed law school. I can't say that I spent two seconds regretting that decision. I was a full 10 years older than you! You do what you have to do to get where you want to be. It isn't in a second. It isn't in a week, and it isn't in two years. Slow down. You have the rest of your life to pay the bills. Trust me, it really isn't all that it is cracked up to be!

I would encourage you to think about what you want to do, and what you can do in that field. I don't encourage you to find some obscure major, or some highly competitive field to focus on, or the rest of your life you will spend trying to be gainfully employed. It is great to say that you should 'follow your passion'. Right up until the word 'reality' comes into play. I would rather pay my bills than follow my dreams, from a practical standpoint. Don't forget, you are 19. Things happen, life changes, even goals change. What you know you want at 19 just might not be what you want at 25 or 30. Lots more living ahead of you than behind you.

Alysser, Cataholic has shared some wonderful advice with you from her own experiences. Be sure to save this and refer back to it as it is very wise. Slow down, you are going to be just fine. Don't be so hard on yourself, it will all fall into place nicely as the years go by. :love::love:

09-17-2012, 01:12 PM
I agree with everyone, cut yourself a little slack :cool: Life can be a little scary sometimes but accepting some help from your family who loves you is not a bad thing at all :D You sound intelligent and ambitous and I am sure whatever you choose to do, you will be wonderful at it! Have a little faith, oh ya, and eat your vegetables :D

09-17-2012, 03:22 PM
I don't know where my state of mind was when I wrote that last night. I was a bit of a wreck. I'm sure listening to sad songs and things of that nature didn't help me whatsoever! I was still feeling it a little this morning but I have to say I do have extremely good friends. They assured me I wasn't a loser. I'm actually a little embarrassed by my post. I just really was throwing one big pity party but I truly felt worthless.

I'm not worried about getting a job in my chosen field, I'm more worried about just the job market in general. I was just flipping out, I just really hope this market improves. I'm not *SET* on one field, I'm more set on the whole National Park System or DOA in general (and there's still a whole private sector plus state and county park jobs). I'm sure it is difficult, but I am doing as much as I possibly can to gain experience now. Recently, sent in an app to volunteer with the Fish and Wildlife Service, had FFA in high school and I will probably have a bunch of internships and pretty decent grades. My degree is probably going to be as general as you can get around here, so no worries there! I was thinking about maybe getting an internship so I could move out for a few months and experience it. My mom likes that idea a lot better. ;)

Thank you guys for the support :love: I'm glad I have a support system here to. I really really hope my life does fall into place...wherever their supposed to!

Louie and me
12-02-2012, 09:24 AM
Dear you:
I will always love you but right now I really don't like you. You are becoming a bad tempered, bitter old man and notwithstanding your mental health issues I have neither the emotional or physical strength to deal with you at the moment. From now on I have no opinion about anything so there'll be no need to shout and bang or curse under your breath if you disagree. Do what you want - I'm not interested. If and when you are civil, l'll be happy to talk with you.

12-18-2012, 06:06 PM
Dear Knee:

Could you please, please stop hurting. It has been over a week since I went to the doctor. I'm following her instructions but you are still hurting. You are limiting my ability to prepare for Christmas! I'm seeing a different doctor on Thursday and hopefully he will get you to quiet down. I have to make it through Christmas Eve and day and I can't do that if you keep bothering me! Knock it off already.

Dear K.:
I know changes are coming in your family even though you have not said anything. It is time to man up. You have been an overgrown teenager long enough. Get this taken care of while you have the time.

01-02-2013, 02:24 PM
Dear Knee:

Could you please, please stop hurting. It has been over a week since I went to the doctor. I'm following her instructions but you are still hurting. You are limiting my ability to prepare for Christmas! I'm seeing a different doctor on Thursday and hopefully he will get you to quiet down. I have to make it through Christmas Eve and day and I can't do that if you keep bothering me! Knock it off already.

Dear Knee:
Please see above. You made my holidays a lot more bothersome. Simmer down.

02-12-2013, 01:17 PM
Dear Titanium rod in my femur,

Five years ago today you became a permanent part of my body, and not a day goes by that you don't remind me of it. Will you ever stop causing me pain and grief? I wish I could take back that fall that caused you to become a part of me, but since I can't, can you at least give me a pain free day occasionally???

Not with love,
An old lady who is too old for this nonsense. :eek:

02-18-2013, 11:42 PM
Dear Hospital Administration,

I'm an agency nurse on assignment at your facility. I've had to hit the ground running because there has only been limited back-up for the person I replaced. Through the grapevine I've heard that there are to be across-the-board budget cuts, including this department. Please look at that decision again because this department is working very hard to change course. While we are on the subject, I would be thrilled beyond belief to be offered this position on a permanent basis. I hope I am making a good impression on this department's managers. Everyone has been so kind and helpful to me, even though they are extremely swamped themselves. Please consider me; I know you won't regret it.

Thank you,

02-18-2013, 11:43 PM
Dear Titanium rod in my femur,

Five years ago today you became a permanent part of my body, and not a day goes by that you don't remind me of it. Will you ever stop causing me pain and grief? I wish I could take back that fall that caused you to become a part of me, but since I can't, can you at least give me a pain free day occasionally???

Not with love,
An old lady who is too old for this nonsense. :eek:

Dear titanium rod: Please give my friend a day without bothering her! Or, many days in a ROW!

02-21-2013, 09:07 AM
Dear Road Runner,

I had surgery yesterday and will be home for a few weeks. PLEASE DO NOT START ACTING UP NOW!!!!!:rolleyes:

You've been fine for months!!!

03-16-2013, 05:36 PM
Dear gray and white kitty.........

I've seen you hanging around here the past few days, but I'm NOT going to feed you, so go home. The last waif I fed took up residence for over 9 years, and made this his home. NO MORE!!!!! RIP my dear little waif Sherbie. It was a good 9+ years tho, wasn't it boy??? :love: I still miss you........:(

03-17-2013, 12:31 AM
Dear Hospital Administration,

I'm an agency nurse on assignment at your facility. I've had to hit the ground running because there has only been limited back-up for the person I replaced. Through the grapevine I've heard that there are to be across-the-board budget cuts, including this department. Please look at that decision again because this department is working very hard to change course. While we are on the subject, I would be thrilled beyond belief to be offered this position on a permanent basis. I hope I am making a good impression on this department's managers. Everyone has been so kind and helpful to me, even though they are extremely swamped themselves. Please consider me; I know you won't regret it.

Thank you,

Dear Hospital Administration,

I've changed my mind. I don't want to join your team. I did the job with no clinical decision support criteria and no physician back-up. I shared an office with two people who both went to multiple doctor appointments while I was there. They both went to other teaching hospitals in the city. What does that say when your employees choose NOT to get their care where they work? It doesn't look good. The facility just looks tired and run-down, too. Almost every other hospital in the city is opening new patient care areas. You need to get a marketing person to step up your image so you can attract a different population. But the bigger issue to me is the total lack of support for the person in this role. I'm not going to put my license on the line on a long-term basis. You had your chance and you blew it.

Dear Agency Recruiter,

Were you listening when I told you last week about the immediate overtime reduction? Did you do anything with the information I gave you? I don't think you did. I had a premonition that something was going to go down soon and you didn't help me. I should have found out about the early end of the assignment from the account manager, not from your client. BTW, after I was summarily dismissed by the department head, I stayed at the facility for another couple of hours to hand off my workload to the person who will pick it up next week, to complete a couple of problems, and to bring my files to the manager's office. He left without receiving my files or even saying good-bye. I should have left as soon as I was dismissed, no hand-off, no resolution of the problems. See ya bye. But I am a good professional and I wanted my last impression to be a positive one. And just so you know, since you didn't seem to have a clue: U of C and U of I are two different facilities and they are not across the street from one another.

Without thanks,

03-17-2013, 10:11 AM
Dear gray and white kitty.........

I've seen you hanging around here the past few days, but I'm NOT going to feed you, so go home. The last waif I fed took up residence for over 9 years, and made this his home. NO MORE!!!!! RIP my dear little waif Sherbie. It was a good 9+ years tho, wasn't it boy??? :love: I still miss you........:(

Let me know if wishing for this ever works. It doesn't seem to help around here.;)

03-23-2013, 08:00 PM
Dear lady in the blue car in front of me on 31st Street,

Thank you for slowing down and very obviously pointing to the shoulder, I got to see the deer in the forest preserve! How neat to see six deer together in the picnic grove!

To the guy in front of me a little farther east on 31st Street,

I usually take that stretch of 31st a little slow because of the deer. I think I saw the doe step off the curb at about the same time you did and I was just about to change lanes when you tapped your brakes. My mom and dad see a deer there almost every Sunday either on the way to or coming home from church. I don't like to go that way because there are deer there so often, plus they blend in with the trees. I like to see them but I sure don't want to strike one. I'm glad you slowed down.

03-23-2013, 08:47 PM
So glad you got to see the deer and everyone - humans, deer and cars, stayed safe! I had a deer cross in front of me on the way to choir the other night on a fairly busy road, I slowed down and then stopped, as she chose a spot with a fence blocking her from the woods, and I was worried she'd spin back around, but she just turned to run along the fence until she got to the opening, which wasn't too far away.

Louie and me
03-24-2013, 06:08 AM
I have three deer cross my back garden most days. They used to stop for a while but now (since they have eaten everything edible) they just cross to the neighbors garden. Fortunately, we all think its magical to be able to watch them so they are welcome to decimate all our shrubs during the cold, snowy winter. Of course we may feel quite differently in spring.......

03-25-2013, 03:58 PM
Dear Math Test,

it's me versus you, guess who's winning? ;)

03-25-2013, 04:52 PM
Go, Alysser, go!

03-26-2013, 06:15 AM
Dear Math Test,

it's me versus you, guess who's winning? ;)

Hah! Had my Maths test yesterday! Your test went great? :)

04-01-2013, 02:13 PM
Dear P.D.L.

Happy Birthday to you today, my huckleberry friend, wherever in the Heavens that you may be. Not an April Fool's Day goes by that I don't remember you, tho a fool you weren't. :) Do you remember the gold and jade circle pin??? - I still have it. Thanks for all the memories..............

:love: Your university pal

04-02-2013, 06:12 AM
Dear Delaware State Police.............

DO NOT come banging on my door again at 1 a.m., unless it's an emergency regarding MY family. Got that???? When I answer the door barefoot and in my p.j.'s and half asleep, do I really look like I've seen the crack hoe biach next door that moved in a few months ago????? Do you seriously think that I would socialize with the likes of that???? NOT!!!!!!!

And thank you for leaving all the flashing lights on, on all 7 of your cars that were in her driveway, and of course for your chopper overhead with it's searchlights that turned night into day for the next several hours. I really didn't need any more sleep after you woke me. :rolleyes:

At least you could have informed me what was going on. Yeah - my son heard yelling and banging coming from her place about an hour before my rude awakening. Did she assault one of her boyfriends again, and then flee the scene? - or maybe she even killed someone??? I saw the coroner's van and 4 unmarked cars leave her place around 4:30. Or maybe you guys killed her?????????

Yes - very inconsiderate of you not to tell me what was happening. Now I have to investigate the situation on my own.

Y A W N ...........well maybe after I get some sleep. :(

A citizen that is making sure the doors stay locked all the time...........

05-11-2013, 01:12 PM
Dear Community College,

Spanish for Healthcare Professionals is offered in the first summer session. It's full :mad: and there is a waiting list. But it is not offered in the second summer session! Grrr! Could you move it to a larger classroom so more students can take it, or offer it again in the second summer session? I really didn't want to wait until fall to take it, but if I have to, I will.

Thank you,
Prospective student

05-14-2013, 09:13 AM
Dear Property Manager,

Maybe I did not communicate my question clearly in my e-mail, but I didn't understand your answer. It gave me the impression that maybe you aren't sure of the answer, or you're just not interested in what I am requesting. Either way, you have reinforced to me that I no longer want to live in a place that has a property manager or a homeowners' association. I am going to start clearing out, fixing up and let another owner have the joy of dealing with this whacked-out place.

Frustrated Resident Owner

09-12-2013, 05:29 PM
Dear Macy's on State Street,

My calendar says September. It was 95 degrees out yesterday. People are still wearing shorts. School just opened a couple of weeks ago. Why on earth do you already have your Christmas shop open?! Must you push the season that much? I could go either way on Halloween, but I happen to love Thanksgiving. Please don't rush Christmas on me.

Someone who is not Christmas shopping yet

09-13-2013, 11:28 AM
Dear Snowball,

Thank you for FINALLY accepting Khaith back. You two used to be inseparable before Khaith got sick and had to be quarantined, then when he got better you suddenly couldn't be in the same room as him without majorly picking on him. I was starting to think we would forever have a divided family, and I hate seeing you in a room by yourself. Hopefully that is all in the past now. You two have been back together for 48 hours now with absolutely no fighting... not even a single hiss! :) Now I just gotta introduce the lady cats back to you and we'll be a big, happy family again!

09-13-2013, 12:23 PM
Dear whoever passes out good days..

Thanks for letting me feel good for the first time in weeks.

I really appreciate it.


09-22-2013, 11:56 PM
Dear Emmy award show producers,

Carrie Underwood's performance of "Yesterday", in recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Beatles' first American television appearance, was not very good. I'm not quite sure what was wrong; maybe she couldn't hear the orchestra well. Why didn't you ask Sir Paul to perform his own song?

Thank you,
Fan of music and history

09-23-2013, 09:11 AM
Dear Local Renters,

Today starts my search for a new place to live. I've got my numbers all ready to call and I am hoping for at least ONE of you to allow pets. I don't blame a lot of you for not wanting to rent to pet owners, but just give me a chance and I won't let you down! We'll be the best tenants you've ever had.

A Hopeful Future Tenant

09-23-2013, 03:47 PM
Dear Monday,
Thank you for passing quickly!

Dear lower-back,
Please, please stop hurting! I'll get out of this office chair and go home soon.


09-24-2013, 12:04 PM
Dear would-be-adopter of Buddy,
Why did you say you definitely want him, and now are taking so long to get back to the ESRA representative? Do you have any idea what kind of an emotional roller-coaster that is putting me on? Just let us know...
P.S. I think you would be a great mom for him!!!

10-03-2013, 01:59 PM
I always come to this thread and type something out then don't post it.

Dear You,
You should not have a dog in your home. If that dog wasn't so attached to your wife, I would take her home with me.
Forcing a dog to lay by your chair, holding her mouth closed because she was barking at people coming into the house. :mad::mad::mad:
You no longer have control over your grown children so you have to use your power trip on the poor 9 year old dog. It doesn't matter to you that she shakes in fear of you, she won't eat without the door closed and your wife sitting with her to make sure you don't come out.
You don't use her real name. It's all about you and you always think you are right. Well guess what? You are so wrong it makes me want to cry.
Your wife wants no more dogs in the house because of how you treat them. You are constantly yelling at both dogs because they always bark/growl when you enter the house. THEY DON'T LIKE YOU!! Just like everyone else in your life. You will die a lonely old man, as your wife has already told you before. But you are too blind to see it.

I wish I could take your wife and both dogs home with me. But she won't go. For some unknown reason she puts up with your a$$!

I can't even type anymore, this post would be so long if I continued. So I'll stop there.


10-06-2013, 02:34 PM
Dear Mother Nature,

The weather around here is "meh" today and the forecast is the same for tomorrow. Then Tuesday and Wednesday are supposed to be lovely. I'm working those days. Why is the weather nice on days when I'm stuck inside all day? I'd rather have it be nice today and "meh" on Tuesday when I don't even have time to take lunch outside. Oh, well. That's autumn, I guess.

10-07-2013, 07:36 AM
Dear Pranksters,

I am aware it is October, the glorious month of Halloween. I love this month far more than the average person, and anyone who knows me at all knows that I absolutely live for a good prank. The shenanigans you pranksters have been pulling are far from anything I would consider a "good" prank, though. They classify more as being thoughtless and a clear sign that you guys are complete and utter idiots. Stealing people's trash cans and lining them up in other people's yards is not funny-- it's theft. And proceeding to steal another trash can, driving by at a high speed and throwing said trash can into the other ones you have lined up is downright infuriating. I work hard for my money and I shouldn't have to be spending it on replacing the trash cans you have ruined.
Speaking of work, my boyfriend and I really don't appreciate being woken up at 12:35am when we have to get up to get ready for work in a matter of hours. Then again, since you were so loud about it this time we got to see what kind of car you drive. Law enforcement has been notified and have already been seen patrolling our neighborhood.
This is the second week in a row... if you are dumb enough to try this again next week, I think you'll regret it. Everyone here is sick and tired of this nonsense.

11-11-2013, 11:28 PM
Dear Saturn and GM:

Yes, I understand that the car is eight years old. And that the part necessary to make the repair has to be special ordered. This is the second repair in less than a year that will cost over a thousand dollars. If I was rude, I sincerely apologize. Chevrolet service personnel always look nervous when I go there with my Saturn, like they are not quite sure what to do with me. I had no idea it would cost that much and I have no way to know if you're quoting me an appropriate price or if I'm paying through the nose. I'm trying to keep the car for at least another year because I don't want to take on car payments yet. I'm trying to save for the down payment on a place closer to work. When this car finally gives up the ghost, it will probably be replaced with a brand whose name ends with N or a vowel. I was not expecting the repair work to cost that much. There were others in the room when I was given the estimate and I was trying not to look shocked.

Service customer

11-12-2013, 12:44 AM
Don't go to the dealership with a car not under warranty. Ask around for an honest and good mechanic. The labour costs will be lower. Shop around!

11-15-2013, 11:07 PM
Dear Parents,

Something said tonight by a friend's significant other irked me, but then I remembered how you raised me. I was telling a friend about the new frog, and how I needed to buy him a bigger tank, and things like that. I didn't say anything nastily and I wasn't complaining. In fact, I am excited about the prospect of having a bigger tank and owning a cool beautiful new pet. This person goes "well why don't you just rehome it so you don't need to waste money?". I didn't really reply back, I merely said I wouldn't do that to any of my pets and to me it isn't wasting money. But then I thought back to how my parents raised me. We do not give up on pets, we do not re-home pets as if they're disposable. My parents did that with a dog once and promised themselves they'd never ever do that again. You do not make a commitment to something and break that commitment because it has become "inconvenient" or "annoying" or "too much money". You made a promise when you bought/rescued it to care for it and that's what you will do for the rest of it's life. Of course their are SOME exceptions, they always said, but you don't abandon or give up on animal for no reason. I will not give up my pet simply because it will cost me money. I don't get how something that I enjoy is a "waste" of money. It brings me joy to purchase pets, why should I need to be told how to spend my money if I CAN afford it and it brings me happiness? What business is that of yours anyway? My parents raised me better than to give up an animal that I made a commitment to for absolutely no reason. I will try my hardest never to have a pet, or to give up on any pet that ever comes into my home.


11-30-2013, 10:49 AM
Dear upstairs neighbor: It's Saturday morning and you are blasting your music, same as last week. I'm trying to study for my certification exam and your metal is a huge distraction. If I respectfully ask you to turn it down, you'll play it even louder next time. If I contact management, I'll get the reputation for being someone who is petty and complains about everything. And you still won't turn it down. Why must you do this every weekend? I'm about ready to pack my materials and go to the library, but I shouldn't have to do that. Please turn it down. You might be surprised at how clearly I can hear it through the heating ducts.

Downstairs student

11-30-2013, 11:52 AM
cassiesmom...I think being petty is gold compared to a loud, obnoxious upstairs neighbour. Does the management even know about it?

Compromise - unless your neighbour is doing aerobics, a good set of headphones would be ideal. He'd get even BETTER sound.;)

12-10-2013, 05:34 PM
Dear Mother Nature: How is it possible for snow to fall when the temperature is below freezing? Snow and below-normal temperatures at the same time - that's a little much. I know, I know: you don't like the weather in Chicago, give it five minutes and it will change. :rolleyes:

12-10-2013, 05:50 PM
Dear spammers ...

I am completely not interested in "singles" of any race, color, nationality, age, religion or creed. Got married once, years ago, still married, not interested in changing this situation, thanks!

01-03-2014, 01:53 PM
Dear co-worker with a cold:

Please take your coughing, sniffling, sneezing, stuffed-up self home already! I get that you're staying because you've used up all of your vacation time, but you shouldn't be here.

Thank you,
Co-worker who is keeping a very low profile today

01-25-2014, 10:38 AM
Dear upstairs neighbor: It's Saturday morning and you are blasting your music, same as last week. I'm trying to study for my certification exam and your metal is a huge distraction. If I respectfully ask you to turn it down, you'll play it even louder next time. If I contact management, I'll get the reputation for being someone who is petty and complains about everything. And you still won't turn it down. Why must you do this every weekend? I'm about ready to pack my materials and go to the library, but I shouldn't have to do that. Please turn it down. You might be surprised at how clearly I can hear it through the heating ducts.

Downstairs student

Saturday morning, 10:30 AM ... my neighbor's Saturday music is back! Grrrrr! Considering my options. If I contact management, he will be told it was me who contacted them, and he still won't turn it down. Might try to go through another neighbor up there.

01-28-2014, 02:37 PM
I often hear people complain about their landlords, they can't reach them, ignore requests for help, and needed repairs just don't get done. That never happens with us. No matter what, you're always there for us and immediately come over to check the situation. Many times you call for the necessary help right from here. When the repair person is doing the job, you're always here with them following along. After the job is done, you call or stop by to make sure we're okay. Anytime we run into a money problem beyond our control, you're always willing to work out an agreement about the rent. We know how very fortunate we are to have you as our landlord and can't begin to tell you how very much you're appreciated.

02-06-2014, 11:03 PM
Dear M,

I'm so done and trying so hard to be over you, if only it was that easy.


03-11-2014, 12:28 AM
Dear Tom Dreesen,

When I heard the commercial for your event for the Hundred Club of DuPage, I laughed when I heard you say the word "police" like it rhymes with "fleece"! You muss' be from da Sout' Side-a Chicago! (seriously, I hope your event is a huge success, because that's a very worthy cause.)

I'm from Chee-caaah-go too

Louie and me
03-16-2014, 06:07 PM
Hey You:
Just figured it out - you are in credibly boring. The persona you present to your clients and groupies bears no resemblance to who you really are. You're just a dull, uninteresting person. Shame it took me so long to figure it out.

04-07-2014, 09:28 PM
Dear Deer in my Neighborhood - Could you please not walk along the curb at night. You blend in so well with the trees and leaves that I sometimes don't see you. I really don't want to collide with you! I enjoy seeing you when I drive home from church through the forest preserves on Wolf Road. I am trying to take as many well-lit roads as possible, but the last half a mile worries me t he most.

And if you could just stand still for a second in the morning when you're munching on grass after the landscapers do the lawn in front of my building - I enjoy seeing you and I'd love to take your picture.

Thank you,

Dear deer, I have a new strategy that a good friend told me about. When I see one of you crossing the road, I am going to slow down and look in the direction you came from - because my friend told me that when you see one deer, it's not a bad idea to expect another one (or more) coming from the same direction. He agreed with me that the deer blend in with the trees and bushes, especially at dusk. The forest preserves on Wolf Road aren't any better lighted than they were the last time I posted. I don't think you're going to stop crossing the roads any time soon. We've been pretty lucky with deer accidents in my neighborhood recently, and I don't want to be next.

04-24-2014, 12:57 AM
Dear B., what is it this time? You have me very confused. Are you really that busy? I'm tired of always being the one to e-mail or text and getting a one-word response (or worse, an emoticon) in return. Guess I'm just too dense to read the signals.


06-22-2014, 07:59 AM
Dear You,

Why? Why did you have to be my neighbor? With so many other nice places you could have chose to live.:rolleyes:

08-12-2014, 02:27 PM
Dear Mother Nature,

Thank you for making my drive to Baltimore and back today, more challenging than it has ever been in the past. :rolleyes: Yes - you did say it would rain, but you neglected to say it would be of the monsoon variety. Feeling like you are driving in a very high power car wash over 200 miles long, is not my idea of fun. :mad: No thanks to you, I did make the trip over and back, safely. A lot of other vehicles/people, weren't so lucky with wherever they were headed. Guess there's a lot to be said for good brakes, good wipers, and a keen eye by the driver.

Give me a break next time please,
Soggy But Safe

Yes Mother Nature. I just heard on the news, that you dumped over 6" of rain on Baltimore and the surrounding areas. NOT FUNNY!!!!!

Louie and me
08-25-2014, 10:59 AM
I've just started the process to separate from my mentally ill, extremely emotionally abusive DH of many years. If friends, family and my psychologist think it is such a good thing, why does it feel so wrong?

08-25-2014, 11:49 AM
I've just started the process to separate from my mentally ill, extremely emotionally abusive DH of many years. If friends, family and my psychologist think it is such a good thing, why does it feel so wrong?

Because to you, the abuse feels normal after all this time. "Better the devil you know than the devil you don't." Also - there may have been some good times in your married life, which makes the decision difficult as well.

While you move forward into the unknown, you have the support of your family, friends and psychologist. :love:

Louie and me
08-25-2014, 12:00 PM
Not "normal" but because of his mental issues I have tolerated it all these years and now I feel as though I am abandoning him.

08-25-2014, 02:05 PM
My heart goes out to you completely. This process of separating is obviously gut wrenching for you. After all these years, with no end in sight, it is no wonder others think it is time for you to move on and try to heal. I'm sure they want the best for you and to build a healthy, even happy life that you so richly deserve. You know that it is right, easier said than done though, right. Anyone one in your shoes would be torn, this can in no way be easy on any level. Please reach out at tis time and make use of ALL the support you might need. This is the time you will need it the most honey. I'll bet your DH is making this as difficult as possible for you, am I right. Anytime you need an ear, I am here, been there, HATED it! It is so worth it honey, please believe me, not easy but it will be like a new wonderful life eventually. It can be, believe it or not. You know how to get hold of me, hang in there woman!

09-04-2014, 12:44 AM
Dear B.,

If this were a test, you wouldn't pass: "If someone seriously wants to be part of your life, they will seriously make an effort to be in it. No reasons. No excuses."

Just saying...

09-04-2014, 01:50 AM
Not "normal" but because of his mental issues I have tolerated it all these years and now I feel as though I am abandoning him.

Just remember that we all love you, and know you deserve the best in life. You did not cause his mental illness, and you are not abandoning him, but rather saving yourself. We love you!

Louie and me
09-04-2014, 06:17 AM
Thanks Karen, it helps to know people care and support me. Right now things are in a holding pattern while I figure out next steps. In the meantime there's a whole lot of attention seeking manipulation going on. Angina, low blood sugar, waiting for a hospital bed (not true). I don't think it ever entered his head I would go through with it.

09-04-2014, 09:12 AM
Louie and me, I am sorry for the rough patch you're going through. You can't please everyone and sometimes you need to just do something for yourself. :love:

09-04-2014, 09:14 AM
Oh, and while I am here...

Dear ArcGIS,
Because of you this is going to be a horrifically long semester. Just when I think I am getting the hang of something, something else happens. I would appreciate it if you could stop making me feel stupid. GIS as a whole is a pretty interesting subject, but I don't like Arc very much yet. Maybe you will someday be improved? haha I doubt it. :o


09-04-2014, 01:55 PM
Louie - when I went through a tough breakup quite a few years back, I already had a list in my head of all the tricks he would try, all emotional ones.

I had an answer for each of them. ;) :D

Maybe the next time you get an angina complaint, call 911 and have him billed for the ambulance. :p Seriously, just take care of yourself and lean on your support.:love:

And Alysser - I have NO idea what arcGIS is, but either read ahead on it or just take it one day at a time. I know you'll ace it anyway!:D

Louie and me
09-05-2014, 11:11 AM
Cant begin to tell you how much your support has meant to me. Thank you all who replied.
Catty - I'm so used to the angina drama now I just ignore it. Having said that, he does have a very serious heart condition but, since he still works 12-14 hour days not to mention his time spent with his current "other", I figure he's managing just fine.

09-05-2014, 11:17 AM
Aww, good to hear. And glad you know when to ignore things like "pretend angina" - maybe at some point you can find a copy (in a used book store maybe) of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" - and cross out Wolf and replace it with Angina on the cover and anonymously mail it to him!

10-31-2014, 06:31 PM
Dear Cubs ... do you really think that yet another change of managers is going to help? And it was pretty rotten of you to allow the media to spill the beans even before you made the announcement. But, whatever. I'm about to give up hope for this team ever appearing in the post-season again.

11-06-2014, 07:43 PM
Dear Pet Talk,

I may not say this often enough; but I am grateful for all the people, cats, dogs and pets of Pet Talk! :love: You are wonderful!

Thank you,

11-06-2014, 08:34 PM
Here, here! I second that.

11-06-2014, 08:58 PM
And I third it! :love::love::love::love::love::love::love:

11-20-2014, 04:50 PM
To: The person from another floor who used the laundry room on my floor and left tissue shreds all over the floor in the laundry room, the carpet in front of and in the elevator

Are you kidding me?! You left a mess in the laundry room! Why didn't you clean up after yourself? Don't you own a broom? You expect the custodian to take care of that? How rude! Would it have been so hard to pick up the dozens of tissue shreds before they got tracked all up and down the hall? You're a lazy slob. I think I know who you are and if I find such a mess in the laundry room again, I'm going to sweep up the tissue and dump it in front of your door. You're right up there with the kid who put a bag of trash out on his patio (instead of taking it to the dumpster) after the Bears game last Sunday, and the raccoons and possums got a hold of it and made a huge mess.

11-20-2014, 05:00 PM
Ya, what she said ya rotten bugger !!!!😜

01-27-2015, 04:38 PM
Dear B.,

What gives? I hadn't heard from you in almost three months and suddenly you wanted to get together. That's fine, but I think some of what we talked about should be discussed between you and A. as opposed to you and me. During the months I hadn't heard from you, I was going through a rough time myself that is still not over, so it's hard for me to respond to your questions right now. I think you should give those cheap shoes away, go to a department store and buy a pair of properly fitted, supportive shoes. But I can't say that aloud because of the approach you and A. take to money management. It wasn't until I was on my way home that I realized what you were asking me to do for your vacation. I'm not willing to do that, because it would be no vacation at all for me. Get on line and research your options. I'm sure A.'s sister would be happy to help if you asked her. I looked up the two providers you called me about; I don't know either of them. (I don't know every provider in that specialty in the county, y'know.) Again, you can get on line and check out the choices you were given. I'm sorry I can't help you further with that, but I'm not familiar with either of those provider groups. Choose one and if you find it is a bad fit, switch to the other one. I still think this is all something you need to talk over with A., so call me back when you've done that.

Wish I could help you further,

02-17-2015, 11:56 AM
Dear Mother Nature: Could you please give my friends who live east of here, a break from the winter weather. They have had enough snow for 2 winters. Stop already.

Thank you,

02-17-2015, 02:31 PM
Dear Mother Nature: Could you please give my friends who live east of here, a break from the winter weather. They have had enough snow for 2 winters. Stop already.

Thank you,

Dear Mother Nature: I am joining in on this plea! They've gotten enough snow for 5 or 6 winters, I think.

Please stop!

Many thanks,
Pat and cats

09-08-2017, 04:53 PM
Dear Mother Nature: Enough with the hurricanes already. First Texas, now the Caribbean islands and Florida. Knock it off.

09-08-2017, 05:33 PM
And Katia hitting the Mexican coast as well! - prayers are with everyone in their respective paths!

09-08-2017, 05:54 PM
And Katia hitting the Mexican coast as well! - prayers are with everyone in their respective paths!

Mexico was also hit by a very strong earthquake. How much more can everybody endure?

09-09-2017, 09:28 AM
Dear You:

HATE is HATE no matter what "side" you are on. A BULLY is a BULLY not matter what "side" you're on. You don't see yourself as a hater or a bully for some reason. If someone doesn't respect and honor your life choices, they are homophobic bigots. Yet, you do not respect and honor life choices made by others. It goes both ways. If you want to be respected, try showing some respect for your family who have made other lifestyle/religious choices.

09-16-2017, 02:14 PM
Dear Dental Receptionist:
You are the face of the practice, and as far as I can tell, you don't have a very nice face (over the phone that is!).
I called yesterday, because my crown popped off, and you told me there's nothing available until next week. I asked about Saturday (today), because I knew you offered those hours. You told me very rudely that you're not open every Saturday...
I was in the area today, so I drove to your office, and what do you know? You're open, not busy (the very nice receptionist told me she was bored), and they took me in at 9:45 and the tooth was fixed at 10:30!!!
Unfortunately, rude receptionist, I don't know your name, but I know if your employer would know about this, you might loose your job (not a very big loss indeed!)
P.S.: Yesterday, after I had accepted your 1pm appointment for Monday, I thought that making a 60 mile roundtrip from work and back and therefore losing one hour of work (and my lunch) did not make sense, and after today, I like you even less.

10-25-2017, 05:38 PM
Dear P.,

The article you posted scared the living daylights out of me. It's borderline hate speech. You maintain that you are right and everyone else is wrong. Yet you continue to avoid and insulate yourself from people whose beliefs differ from yours. I know people who work in that profession and they are not all what the author of the article you posted claims they are. He is using a couple of extreme examples to paint the entire group with a very broad brush, and that's not right. You really need to get out more and spend time with people who are not like you. The one thing we have in common is not enough to keep me in our affinity group for much longer. Don't point out the log in someone else's eye until you do something about the speck in your own.

Sad and angry at the same time,

10-25-2017, 05:40 PM
Dear friends up in west Michigan, yes, I would like very much to go to the tulip festival up in Holland next year! And to go to the beach! And maybe even take a drive up to see the Grand Hotel! (Which I've heard is very beautiful and luxurious) Thank you for suggesting it!

10-27-2017, 03:19 AM
some of the dear you posts here left a stain in my heart, so to speak. real people with real feelings.

dear ina,

why are you like that? can't you be more giving and loving towards my children. money is not everything and since you have it, why not gladly give instead of showing to everyone that you've "given"?

06-21-2020, 12:51 AM
Dear O.,

You texted to ask if I wanted to meet you for breakfast. You already chewed me out for being slow to respond to your texts and I promised to try to do better. I replied with what I thought was a clear answer and you threw it right back at me again. I felt like I was getting resistance from you by saying "I'm sorry, I can't". I was hurt when you said I'm not doing anything. I don't want to disclose to you how I spend each day. I also don't want to spend $15 on breakfast right now- that's an expense I'd rather not incur. So please, I need you to accept "I can't" as a complete answer for the time being. Don't throw it back at me, because that puts me on the defensive. I'll let you know when I can afford to eat out again.

Thank you for understanding,
Your friend who's watching every dollar these days

06-21-2020, 01:03 AM
Dear Novel Coronavirus:

I am sick of you messing with my life. I want to go to a restaurant or be able to grocery shop without having to race through the store in a tearing hurry. I'd really like to go get a haircut and to accompany an elderly family member not only to the doctor's office, but to stay with them during the visit (this is so important to me because their memory is failing and they need a support person to make the appointment a success). Now that I've cleaned out some drawers, I want to take the "donate" box to the Goodwill store. I want to go to the domestic violence program's consignment shop, which I've heard so many great things about from, like, everyone I know. You caused festivals and state fairs to be cancelled. The Illinois state fair is not such a big deal, but no trip to the Wisconsin state fair means I don't get a freshly made cream puff (scratch-made puff pastry and you watch the cream being whipped on-site) and a coffee for an entire year. I can't go to the zoo or the arboretum, I can't enjoy the Chicago Botanic Garden. Not only is the entire season gone from the Ravinia Festival but now the Lyric Opera has cancelled their entire fall season as well. You're taking people's livelihoods away.

Here's the other problem. You're making people really, really sick. Respiratory failure and sepsis and blood dyscrasias and more. You're making good people critically ill for extended periods of time. You're creating stress and fatigue for my friends and co-workers. Because of you we can't let family members in to visit our patients, and that's one of the most difficult parts of the pandemic for me. Patients need the support of their families, and when the patient can't respond, we need family members to help us coordinate our care because they know the patient a lot better than we do. You need to just go away, like, forever.

Scram (and take a few other sucky diseases with you).
Overwhelmed nurse

06-21-2020, 08:21 AM
Well stated.

09-03-2020, 11:40 PM
Dear O.,
I'm not willing to discuss my weight management or other health issues with you. I'm not interested in having you teach me how to grocery shop or cook - I already know how to do those things. If you're looking for someone to be a life coach for, it will not be me. I'm sure you can find someone else who would like that kind of help once you start looking. If you decide to take early retirement that might be an effective second career for you. But it will not be me.

Thank you for the offer,
Your friend who's still watching every dollar these days

09-03-2020, 11:45 PM
Dear Baseball,
Wouldn't it be ironic (and mean) to have the Cubs and the White Sox playing in the World Series with no fans in the stands. Please lose the recorded crowd noise- it sounds "fake" without the people in their seats.

One who bleeds Cubby blue

09-04-2020, 11:06 AM
If the Cubs and the White Sox actually do win their league championships, then would all the World Series games be played in Chicago?

Just curious!...

09-17-2020, 12:44 AM
Dear Chicago Bears: I would like very much to see Nick Foles get the start this coming Sunday. Much was made of his signing; let's see what he's capable of.

Dear Chicago Cubs: You are my team, even in this most unusual year. Mills' no-hitter this past Sunday was a joy to watch.


09-17-2020, 12:47 AM
If the Cubs and the White Sox actually do win their league championships, then would all the World Series games be played in Chicago?

Just curious!...

Nope. I just heard on the news that the play-offs will be in Texas and/or California this year.

09-18-2020, 06:30 PM
Dear me

learn to let go an to forgive yourself
OPEN UP. stop being a clam shell all the time
ask for help when you know you 'need it'
stop thinking people are judging you
listen better
regain your patience
try new things
dont be in such a rush. flowers are too pretty to not notice them

take Pixie on a walk. youre running a bit late :p

09-23-2020, 04:16 PM
Dear me,

I know life has been tough lately, thank you for not giving up
Always learn to love and appreciate yourself before you want to be accepted or loved by others.
Stop being so hard on yourself, we both know you’re doing the best you can.
You are in the exact place you are meant to be right now.
So breathe, be patient, and trust the course of your life.

04-05-2021, 07:10 PM
Dear Novel Coronavirus:

You've been around, messing with us for a year now. Beat it already. I want to go up to the Wisconsin State Fair this summer and do a few other fun things as well.

Nurse who's no longer overwhelmed, just frustrated and mad

04-27-2021, 12:03 AM
Dear Mayor Karen and PT Friends ...
I have crossed 28,000 posts. Amazing! I just wanted to thank everyone for friendship, laughter, kindness, support, photos of your fur-kids, and especially for your caring!


04-27-2021, 12:21 PM
Wow, congratulations!

Kay Burton
04-30-2021, 05:50 AM
Dear Mayor Karen and PT Friends ...
I have crossed 28,000 posts. Amazing! I just wanted to thank everyone for friendship, laughter, kindness, support, photos of your fur-kids, and especially for your caring!


An interesting achievement. But I, perhaps, would not allow myself to spend so much time on forum activity. I just imagined how many it would be possible during this time to listen to webinars or read books (developmental or fiction). Don’t think, I’m not bad about your way of spending your leisure time, I’m just looking for other options for myself.

04-30-2021, 09:11 AM
An interesting achievement. But I, perhaps, would not allow myself to spend so much time on forum activity. I just imagined how many it would be possible during this time to listen to webinars or read books (developmental or fiction). Don’t think, I’m not bad about your way of spending your leisure time, I’m just looking for other options for myself.

Remember this is over the course of many years, and most are kindness! She has been a member since 2005.

05-24-2021, 11:51 PM
Dear O.,

You texted to ask if I wanted to meet you for breakfast. You already chewed me out for being slow to respond to your texts and I promised to try to do better. I replied with what I thought was a clear answer and you threw it right back at me again. I felt like I was getting resistance from you by saying "I'm sorry, I can't". I was hurt when you said I'm not doing anything. I don't want to disclose to you how I spend each day. I also don't want to spend $15 on breakfast right now- that's an expense I'd rather not incur. So please, I need you to accept "I can't" as a complete answer for the time being. Don't throw it back at me, because that puts me on the defensive. I'll let you know when I can afford to eat out again.

Thank you for understanding,
Your friend who's watching every dollar these days

Dear O.,

Once bitten, twice shy. That's me. I agreed to go with you based on our conversation from last summer and my promise to try to do better. You criticized me about so many things I don't even know where to start. Hair, make-up and fashion. There's a lot about me that calls attention in negative ways- my gait, my weight. I'm a plain Jane because I don't seek any more attention than that. Having just been the center of attention for a few months, I have now decided that I don't want to be in that position anymore. I'm perfectly comfortable with my choices of hair style, dress and make-up. I wish I had a nickel for every "You should..." I heard during our conversation. You don't know about another conversation I'd had the previous day that had already put a big nick in my self-esteem. So I felt pretty awful when I got home. Then you threw it to me again by text because you objected to the choice I made about how to spend the evening. Sorry, not sorry about that one.

Once again I need you to accept "I can't" as a complete answer. It's been almost a year since we had this conversation the first time and I am not willing to discuss it any further. You might not hear from me for awhile until I have healed from this. You claimed you weren't saying these things to hurt me, but I'm having a very hard time believing that.

Please respect my silence.

11-20-2023, 04:47 PM
Dear PT Friends,
I am very thankful for you! Happy Holidays--

11-25-2023, 01:05 AM
dear me... make your bed after you first wake up cuz you know youll get too busy to make it later and forget (or just be too lazy to make it 'if' you remember to) .o.

12-18-2023, 02:43 PM
To the Chicago Bears: What the heck happened yesterday?!
To O.: No, thank you, I don't want to meet you for brunch.
To L.: I wish I'd known you were in town. I'm sorry I didn't get to see you.
To me: Christmas is a week from today. You better get your act together!