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05-24-2009, 08:07 PM
waking up to your mother pouring a cup of coffee, talking to her about our connections, the connection between her and i and you.
we share a simple friend together and she reads me like a book. nurturer, mother earth, changer of changes.

she tells me to go wake you up and when i do you smile. we share a cup of coffee while listening to something that reminds me of you, always. your mom reads from the paper as i try reading this all and comprehending what's really here. understanding everything, always. are you just leading me on again or have we something?

we didn't dance last, but i would have. i know you're still a good soul but a lost one at that. you're to be rekindled and renewed as yourself again. i wish, i know things will happen and play out how they need to be, i need to be, you need to be.

we should all just BE. BECOME


05-25-2009, 11:48 PM
Dear whomever's listening,

How do I help someone who isn't helping themself? I see through it all and see the beautiful soul inside. Why do I feel the need to help everyone I know and love?

Walking 6 miles in the rain with your homeless friend is not a nice way to end a night, but at the same time, I find comfort in the fact that I was able to feed him and help in just a small way.

Please let him be alive again tomorrow.


05-31-2009, 04:28 AM
Dear You,

You had the f*cking NERVE to call me FAT. I know I'm overweight and I've been trying to lose weight, but you had the nerve to call me FAT. I can't believe you.
Little do you know, you're the first person to call me fat in almost three years. All through middle school and most of high school, I was plagued with bullies and was called fat almost every day of my life.
Be me for a little while. Try fighting off an eating disorder for 5 years. Try thinking you're in the clear and then have an a$$hole like YOU call me fat.
You don't realize how much my weight has been bothering me in the past month. I passed out again last night because I hadn't eaten in two days and YOU go and call me fat.
The vicious cycle is going to start all over again because of your stupid remark no matter how hard I try and control it. Thanks a lot.
Go to h*ll.


Dear Jon,

Tonight was remotely terrifying. We almost ended up back together.
I'm not sure what to think of this.
Just keep me safe and don't hurt me again.
We're better off as friends. But you know I still love you.
Have a good day at work tomorrow.


05-31-2009, 05:53 AM
Dear My Neighbor Rhonda

No my Dam* dogs are not for sale and if you don't stop asking me every time u see me outside with them i am gonna tell you OFF and u won't like and NO i am NOT gonna breed them Hunter is fixed and hope will be as soon as she is old enough Leave me the hel* alone

06-03-2009, 02:44 PM
Dear sunburn,

Arggghhhh... why do you have to be on my face and make my cheeks all red??? Bleaugggghh..... I put sunblock on my cheeks goodness knows how many times yesterday, and yet you still showed up :mad:

No love,


Dear you,

I honestly do not know what to say anymore. Yeah, we were playing rounders... I know I should of had a go, but you know (or should know) that I hate it, especially in front of your stupid friends... one at which has laughed at me previously.

I do not deserve to be shouted at from you and your friends. You are meant to be my friend. You could at least show it once in a while... maybe by sticking up for me instead of joining in. I said NO. I had my reasons. You didn't even care enough to ask why.

And the next round, half the people that had been shouting at me didn't have a go! I mean what hypocrites! You didn't see us shouting at them. You didn't see us forcing them to do what they didn't want too.

I am glad I have some other true friends who will stand by me, and actually be there for me.

And don't you dare ask me whats wrong tomorrow if I am quiet with you.

This is too much. We still classed you as a friend when you left us. But when you are hurting us over and over again, it's hard.

Please, can't we just have the old you back? You've changed.



06-04-2009, 10:35 PM
Dear Team Leader,

I am NOT working my tail off so you can sit at your desk and peruse a jewelry-making catalog on the clock. When you divided the work, I got almost everything that involves a lot of follow-up and you got all the easy-peasy stuff. I need the job, so I'm going to grit my teeth and ignore it, but I want you to know I'm not happy about it.

Thank you,
Your Team Member

06-09-2009, 01:24 PM
Dear You,

I don't think you know how much you made me sad. I can't believe you would do this after all those things you told me. I thought you actually meant every word you said. I know I meant every word I told you. Were you just telling me those things just to see what I would say? Did you tell me those things just to embarass me later? Well, it worked. I feel like an idiot. I feel so stupid. I can't believe I believed everything you said. I thought you cared about me, I thought you liked me, I thought I was everything to you. I guess not. Thanks for doing this. You don't understand how I feel right now. I never had anyone care about me as you suppossedly did. Now I feel broken.

And please, if you don't want to be friends anymore, just say that. I'm tired of you ignoring me, and being short with me when we talk. It makes me feel horrible. It makes me feel like I did something wrong even though I know its not true. I guess I just wasn't what you wanted. I'll miss you more than you'll ever know. Bye.


06-09-2009, 04:00 PM
Dear friend,

Or supposed friend? I don't know whether we are friends or should consider each other friends any longer. I don't know what I did to you, but apparently I did something wrong. I guess I was being myself, and you don't like that. We fight constantly, I have to watch what I say to you...I just don't understand. Last year in the beginning we were such good friends and now you act like my worst enemy, this started last year shortly after that big fight I had with Kelly to defend you. I DEFENDED you! Why are you acting like this? I always feel like a moron around you. I try my hardest to rekindle what we had, but it never seems to work and it upsets me. I'm sorry for what I did, if I did anything. I just want things to go back to the way they were between you and I.


06-09-2009, 04:04 PM
Dear You,

You are my sister, thanks for the call after my surgery, not! Your a very cold insensitive person and this proves it once again. You were the one that never called after our brother died also so I shouldn't have expected anything else.

06-16-2009, 09:36 PM
Dear You,

One day you're going to want that girl, that girl that knew she wasn't perfect, but tried to be perfect for you. The girl that believed the scraps of you she was given were worth it, because something was better than nothing. That girl who wanted nothing more than to be there for you, and loving you was the only way she could. The girl who saw your flaws, but valued them as much as your strengths. That girl who still can't bring herself to hate you, even though you probably deserve it. That girl who saw past your pretty eyes and treasured parts of you that no one else will ever appreciate in the same way. The girl who realized she may never have had your heart, but will never regret a day where you were the only thing she wanted. The girl that should have had you but didn't, even though she deserved it.

Love always,

Scooter's Mom
07-07-2009, 05:25 PM
Dear migraines,

I hate you. I realize hate is a strong word. I have put up with you for many years. You invaded my life... almost daily for the past year. Then I had the surgery that was supposed to fix everything. Nope, not so. You're still invading my life, interrupting my daily plans.

Please go away. I need to return to work and become reliable again. Working 5 days out of 6 is not reliable. Go far away. Without working, I have not got enough money to pay my bills and feed my beautiful deserving pets. Just leave me alone.

I've had enough!
Thank you.

07-07-2009, 08:17 PM
dear crystal, from one migrane sufferer to another....(HUGS))), gently of course

07-07-2009, 09:44 PM
Dear Games Dept,

I can't believe I managed a whole season in your horrible department. I honestly don't know how I survived. My supervisors and leads this year are so much better and cooler. I never get yelled at for stupid things, I never get pressured or forced to do things I don't want to do. I don't have to deal with rude, snippy guests nearly as much and NEVER do I touch money! I usually don't even have to talk to guests. I make people happy, I make people laugh by doing stupid things and I have fun at work. I can do nearly anything while in character :) I get paid more ($8.50 per hr!), and I get ALOT of down time.Not to mention, my friends are the awesomest people ever, I fit in so well! Sure, it's a hot job, but I don't have to talk in a microphone, talk to guests, deal with nasty supervisors, or handle money. I have the best job in the world now, and if you offered me a 6-figure pay check to do games again I WOULD NEVER ever accept. :love: I am a looney tune at heart, hehe ;)

hated by,

(yes, very random letter but I saw one of my old jerk of a supervisor today and was reminded of my last season job)

08-05-2009, 12:49 AM
Dear Idiot Co-worker,

I have been given the title of "Human to Idiot" translator and given full rights to correct you in any way I see fit by the managers. I suggest getting your act together during your final weeks with us or it will be a very long 3 weeks.

:love: AM

08-06-2009, 04:14 AM
Dear my kleptomaniac old best friend,

I know that you took my ipod, my camera, and my necklace. I know that you stole things from others aswell. I wish you and your sister would just fess up already, we know your guilty. If you don't give me my items back before school starts, I hope karma comes back to you freshman year (enjoy your year!) You need help.


Dear other "bestfriend",

You really need to stop being so stuck up and know it all. Your own bestfriend (ol' kleptomaniac above) talks trash about you, yet you follow her like she is your God. I hope for your own sake that you find new friends in highschool, because I can't imagine what its going to be like when you find out that your bestfriend isn't a good friend at all.


08-10-2009, 05:12 PM
Dear me,

You are going to be ok! I know you hated having to move back in with your parents, but you had to if you wanted the job at the vet clinic to work out. It's better money than you were making. I know you miss seeing the Aussies every day and watching the Vallhunds play with Chloe all day, but you can always go back for play dates. I know your biggest worry right now is your car. You will save up enough money for a car. A nice one too! Just don't get something you will hate paying insurance on!...no matter how adorable you and Chloe look in that silver '08 Mustang!

Keep your head up and it'll all work out. Nothing changes over night! You have to keep pushing and working!


08-10-2009, 11:35 PM
Dear Whoever,

I could write an entire rant on the drama that I was involved in today. I generally don't give a crap what he does, but it just gets to me, and learning what other people feel about him makes me angrier. If I told my leads and supervisors how I feel it wouldn't matter, if I wrote a rant about it, it wouldn't matter. Nothing will change, because he's just "so" much better then all of us. HONESTLY, his attitude needs to change and he needs to remember he didn't get the lead postion. I don't know WHY I let him order me around and get to me, I don't know what I was thinking. :mad::mad::mad: The favoritism, ordering, and everything else just needs to END! :mad::mad::mad::mad: He isn't the best person in our department, I DO JUST AS GOOD AS HIM, why can't I do what I want? Why am I not on the "cast list" for parade? After he did something inappropriate on a float during the parade, he gets rewarded by doing more parades, right?

The only time I was in the parade, apparently I sucked. It was the first night of the parade and I didn't know the choreography, excuse me that they NEVER taught it to me ! :mad: I don't know about you but I'd rather have a "statue" on the float then a person who's gonna do something disgusting in front of guests..

Ugh this is all pointless and it won't change no matter what anyone says.

a P/O team member :)

Scooter's Mom
08-17-2009, 07:00 AM
Dear Biological Father,

I know you wanted me, and I know you fought for me. In the end, you signed off so that my daddy could adopt me when he and my mom got married. Over the years I saw you a lot through town. I even spoke to you sometimes. My mom sent you letters and school pictures every year as I grew up. I know she even wrote you periodically as I got married, divorced and remarried.

I learned today that you passed away on Thursday, August 13th. I am so sorry. I know you did some terrible things in your lifetime, but I know that you loved with your whole being. Your death is all over the news of my hometown today. You were a local celebrity. You were bigger than life to me... I was always in awe every time I saw you. Not because of who you were around town, but because of who you were to me.

I'm sure my brother, your son, was there to greet you. You never got to meet him on earth since he only lived an hour.

You will be missed.

Your daughter,

08-25-2009, 03:39 PM
Dear You,

You're amazing, that's all there is to it. We've hung out twice, but I feel like I've known you for years. We have so much in common, it's scary - I hope this doesn't backfire.

Date #2 was a dream. You texted me and said, "I'm picking you up in a half hour. Be ready." You picked me up, and took me to a huge empty field. You pulled out three blankets and a couple pillows. We camped out under the stars for hours - it was completely perfect.

We talked about anything and everything. We laughed, picked on each other and held each other. You can make me smile without even trying.

You are AMAZING.

-Happy Panda :)

08-28-2009, 06:22 PM
Dear You,

I wish I knew where we were right now - but perhaps that is my decision.

We argued yesterday - when I got home from work, you were not home, but that is not unusual. It's now after 5 pm the following day, and no word from you.

You don't get angry often, but you sure rant when you do. Yesterday you yelled, "I'm leaving!" We talked some more after that - but I had to get back to my job, and I was in tears.

In April, I knew it was a calculated risk...you were looking for other apartments, but they were SO damn expensive, and you were looking for work like crazy and nothing was happening.

So you moved in here. It has been mostly really ok. But too overwhelming, I guess. On both sides.

I just want to know where you are at, too. All your stuff is here - your computer is still running, your reading glasses beside it.

This is the first time I have really felt anxiety where you are concerned. Just make your decision, ok?

Doing my best to leave God in charge and trust God, because only God can work things out. In that...I have to let go of this for now.

08-28-2009, 09:33 PM
Dear Sam's Car,

I like how you decided to need coolant fluid the day we FINALLY get off early. I really enjoyed sitting on 537 waiting for a tow truck and my brother to come for 3 hours in the rain. The traffic was ridiculious home, it took me another 40 minutes.

Thanks alot.

08-31-2009, 10:14 PM
[1] Dear unseasonably cool weather:

Could you please LEAVE? I would like summer back!

Thank you,
Fan of Summer
[2] re: post #518
Dear Scooter's Mom,
I am sending you a big ((((HUG)))) tonight. Your post made me cry.
Thinking and praying for you,

09-01-2009, 08:56 PM
Dear You,

I left a message today.

If you want to have even a chance of unpacking those suitcases here, that I packed today,

You know what you have to do.


Scooter's Mom
09-02-2009, 11:16 PM
Dear Father,
Today is your first birthday since you passed away. I hope you know that I celebrated it for you. I ate a cupcake and sang a little song...

I never grew up truly KNOWING you, never living with you... momma made sure you were part of my life, but I never spent any real time with you. I've probably learned more about you since you passed away than while you were alive because everyone was so scared of you...

I just want you to know that I love you anyway. I know you had some good in you. I've gotten to hear some of those good stories too.

Happy Birthday.

Your daughter,
Crystal Sheri

09-03-2009, 01:48 PM

I have noticed we have been having issues with a certain guest who uses our guest bathroom. I did not want to embarass her by confronting her face-to-face so I posted a quick public service announcement.

I thought the red lettering looked too violent so I gave the toilet kind, blue eyes and a welcoming smile.

09-03-2009, 07:55 PM
Dear Jeep,

My sister is driving you to her summer place tomorrow. You've been a lot of trouble the past several months and I wish there had been the funds for you to be replaced. No such luck, though. So I just want to say that you'd better not give my sister any trouble! Understood?

One who wishes she had a better vehicle for her sister to take instead

09-14-2009, 11:00 PM
dear aaron,

i understand that we just met a month ago, but there's something between us that i can't quite grasp. if soulmates truly exist, i have a feeling you're mine.

i miss you. plain and simple. i miss you more than anyone right now. i know we're still testing this distance thing, and so far its bearable... but i long to have you next to me.

"nothing to cry about, cuz we'll hold each other soon"

later alligator.

09-16-2009, 12:01 AM
my dearest axel,

i know you're hurting. you've got a thing for anne... more feeling and compassion for anyone than i've seen in a long time. but she's not right for you. as much as you want to help her and love her and give her the world... she doesn't see it. she's stuck with her abusive boyfriend and we both have tried everything we can think of to get her away from him, but nothing works.

you're an amazing person and an even more amazing friend. i want to see you happy more than anything, but it wont be with her and im sorry.

we're both in the same boat... nice people don't get anywhere, do they? we'll both find happiness someday -- just one day at a time, dear. we're too nice for our own good... but someday, we'll both find someone to appreciate us and not take advantage of us.

we're in this together. someday.


09-16-2009, 08:13 PM
Dear Summer,

Thank you for coming back these past several days! I missed you!

Fan of Summer

09-16-2009, 08:16 PM
Dear B.,

You missed my birthday for the second year in a row and I am hurt. I gave you a birthday gift last year, a Christmas gift, and this year I bought your birthday gift at a local craft show/sale and I thought you would get a huge kick out of it. I spent quite a bit of money on it, more than I'd planned to spend on your gift, but I figured you'd be thrilled; and I am disappointed at your reaction. We usually get together weekly; last weekend you had plans that changed at the 11th hour, and I got the call. I wanted to be invited with the other people you were having over, not as your fill-in guest. This week I made other plans because I expected that you were not going to be free. You asked earlier than last time, but -- sorry -- I'm busy! I know you have nothing planned for next week but I might, or I might not. Depends on my mood.

I don't know what else to do. There is nothing I can tactfully say to let you know how hurt I am that you missed my birthday. You didn't even bother to mail or e-mail me a card. All I can say is that the next time we're together, you better have a gift. And not something you want to regift that you just stuck in a gift bag you happened to have on hand. This time I would appreciate if you'd put some effort into it. You claim we're close, such good friends, and then you do things like this. Actions speak louder than words, missy.

I'm writing this on my calendar so it doesn't happen again next year, because I am hurt; disappointed in you for letting me down; and disappointed in myself for expecting better.


09-17-2009, 03:49 PM
Dear you,

I am sorta happy it's over. We went out for a month and a half and for 3 weeks I liked you, alot actually. The second time we saw each other, I felt great being with you. Then, we sorta stopped texting alot. It became like my previous relationship, and we never did anything. You invited all your friends places, but never me. My friend had to tell you to invite me to the mall. I don't know, lately I just haven't been trusting you..I didn't think there was someone else but now I feel there is. I don't know, I hope I'm wrong. Maybe I have just felt this way because you go to a different school or because we don't hang out much. I don't know, but just so you know, if there is someone else you can delete me from your contacts FOREVER.

your giddy ex :D

Louie and me
10-07-2009, 09:54 AM
Dear You:
The silence is deafening. So much unsaid and unresolved.
There’s an elephant in the room screaming for attention.
We know it’s there but we each try to pretend it isn’t and walk around it.
“How was your meeting”?
“How was Louie on his walk”?
“He was OK”
“Do you want something to eat”?
”No thanks I’m not hungry”
“How are you feeling”? Oops wrong thing to say – may have to talk about feelings.
“I’m OK”.
Phew – that was close.
Wouldn’t it be better if we talked about this even if it might be painful?

10-07-2009, 07:55 PM
Dear (I know who you are :) Whether you realized it or not you completely broke my heart. We went out for 2 months and you said you loved me-I didn't ever tell you that back because I didn't know how I felt yet. I mean we had only been going out not even 6 weeks when you first told me that...so it shocked me and I didn't know how to react so that's why I said nothing. If you had given me a chance I could have loved you. I know I would have. I can't help it-I fall for guys too easily and you were one of them :rolleyes: It's not your fault...or maybe it is for being so sweet to me when we were dating..lol.. I try to look all happy and smile while I'm at work. I don't want you to see me upset even though inside it hurts me each time you talk to another girl. It hurts when I leave from work and you don't even hug me or say goodbye. You use to always give me a hug when I left and that meant a lot to me. I don't understand what happened between us. I don't know what went wrong. I wish you would tell me-I want to tell you that you don't have to act like we're strangers...so many people have told me to forget you, but I can't. I think about you a lot. Even though this may sound crazy I still want to be friends. I'd rather be your friend than nothing at all. When I saw you at work today I wanted to talk to you so bad. There were several different times you walked by me and I started to tell you hi, but each time I couldn't do it...I know that sounds kiddy, but I can't help it. You just hurt my feelings so bad and it's hard to let it go; especially when I see you every day. I'm not mad though, I wish you knew that cause I feel like you might think I am mad at you-and I'm not. Well, anyways...I miss you and I'm sure I'll see you tomorrow.

10-07-2009, 09:47 PM
My Dear Husband,

This is hard for me to write. I miss you so much, it's beyond painful. I live from day to day and the anguish becomes less, but I don't stop missing you for a minute. I'm trying not to be mad at you, but how could you take your own life? You were cautious, you ate right, took care of yourself. HOW could you do this to the man I loved and will always love? What a waste of a great musical talent, UNBELIEVABLE! How could you do this to everyone who loved and cared about you? And how could you do this to me? I'm here, in the house. Sometimes I think you're with me, or I hope you are. I often have dreams where you're still alive. That's hard to say. Do you watch over the people you love? Are you sometimes watching over me and the cats? They are a great comfort to me. Are our departed cats with you, and your parents, my dad, and our friends whom we've lost? I think maybe Dad watches over me sometimes, but I think he'd mostly be with Mom. Tell Dad I miss him and love him, too, if that is possible. If I didn't believe you might be around at least sometimes, I don't know how I would go on. Do you hear me when I want to joke with you? And how is it that I've become a widow, how can that be? If only you could come home and it would all be untrue. I want to change it, I want to smash that reality; maybe I'm still in denial. It's strange, but I think in some ways, maybe I'm finding myself, or on the way to it. Anything I may have gained in losing you, I'd relinquish in an instant to have you back. I guess that's something I shouldn't think about. I beg you to please know and remember that I've always loved you and will love you forever. :love:

10-07-2009, 10:36 PM
Dear B.,

You missed my birthday for the second year in a row and I am hurt. I gave you a birthday gift last year, a Christmas gift, and this year I bought your birthday gift at a local craft show/sale and I thought you would get a huge kick out of it. I spent quite a bit of money on it, more than I'd planned to spend on your gift, but I figured you'd be thrilled; and I am disappointed at your reaction. We usually get together weekly; last weekend you had plans that changed at the 11th hour, and I got the call. I wanted to be invited with the other people you were having over, not as your fill-in guest. This week I made other plans because I expected that you were not going to be free. You asked earlier than last time, but -- sorry -- I'm busy! I know you have nothing planned for next week but I might, or I might not. Depends on my mood.

I don't know what else to do. There is nothing I can tactfully say to let you know how hurt I am that you missed my birthday. You didn't even bother to mail or e-mail me a card. All I can say is that the next time we're together, you better have a gift. And not something you want to regift that you just stuck in a gift bag you happened to have on hand. This time I would appreciate if you'd put some effort into it. You claim we're close, such good friends, and then you do things like this. Actions speak louder than words, missy.

I'm writing this on my calendar so it doesn't happen again next year, because I am hurt; disappointed in you for letting me down; and disappointed in myself for expecting better.


Dear B.,

The gift you did give me, when you finally got around to it, was lame. I know I was supposed to be touched, because it was from you, and you collect those, and so you bought one for me; but I wasn't. You'd have been better off letting it go altogether.


10-07-2009, 10:37 PM
Dear Family,

Thanksgiving is 7 weeks away, Christmas is 12 weeks away, and I am already worrying about who will be where when and how we all will get along. Can we please lay aside our differences for one holiday season and try to make nice for one another?

Thank you,
Your youngest sister

10-27-2009, 07:17 PM
Dear co-worker,

I was a little surprised this morning when you didn't own up to your mistake. When you asked me (in front of others) why I shred documents, I was very embarrassed. You should know the answer to that. I noticed that the company provided ink, postage and envelopes for your party invitations, too. I'm watching the classifieds.

10-27-2009, 07:28 PM
Dear PTers.

Who are you all?;)

I cruise thru threads and sometimes come back to an 'oldie but goodie' thread where I just shake my head and I know that I am reading something special.

I laugh at the "Toilet Employer's" thread and then I am humbled and a little LES'd in the next two minutes.

I have never seen or read so many personal and really touching "notes to Dear You."

I am going to sit down and go thru the thread one day.....:D

10-27-2009, 10:01 PM
I love this thread too. It's nice to look back and go, "I was so stupid," lol.

It is a good read. :)

11-21-2009, 04:37 PM
Dear You Know Who You Are,

I'm tired of feeling guilty for the decisions I make. They have nothing to do with YOU and everything to do with ME. It's kind of sad to say this but you didn't even factor into the decision making. Stop being so selfish and thinking everything is about you. I know exactly where I want to be and who I want to be with. I know what it takes to make ME happy. For once in my life I want to make ME happy. I've spent 20 years trying to make you happy and it has never worked. You are never happy with what I do, so I'm just going to do what I want. At least one of us will be happy that way. Every time I bring it up I'm just looking for your approval. My mind is not changing but that doesn't keep me from hoping that yours will. I've finally found someone and a place where I belong. Please, even if you think badly of my choice, please just keep it to yourself. I don't need you shooting me down. I've had enough of you shooting me down. I don't want any part of it anymore. I've made my decision and you'll get used to it.


11-21-2009, 05:07 PM
Dear Rosalie (my Rosie Girl)

I'm sorry for stepping on you, but you are black and the hallway is dark. Forgive me. I must buy you a bright colorful collar.

Love always,

11-21-2009, 05:24 PM
Dear John,

Thank you, baby, for being mine. You could have anyone, and yet you chose me. Clumsy, dorky, always-saying-the-wrong-thing, me. I will always be amazed that I was able to find someone so kind and caring. I will always be amazed that you are mine. I'm so glad I found you.

Forever Yours,

11-23-2009, 01:30 PM
Dear me,

Concentrate!! I know all this revision is boring but you need to do it!


Dear Old school buildings,

You may suck completely but I am going to miss you all the same. I have been stuck between your walls for 5 days a week for about 4 years now, a lot has happened in those 4 years and it's weird to think that in a few weeks you will no longer be there.

A student in the school

Dear new school buildings,

You are colourful and great but I am not looking foward to sharing you with the younger years!! They run around and slam doors in our faces etc. Not fun!

An excited student!

11-26-2009, 01:04 AM
Dear G-ma,

Well, it's midnight which means today is going to be the first Thanksgiving without you and frankly I'm scared to go to sleep. I know you're going to be watching, cuz let's face it this family could entertain circus folk, but I don't know if I can do it. I don't know if I can be surrounded by family all day while the head of the family isn't going to be there. I don't remember how long it takes me to heal but I know it isn't a year. I miss you so much at times I can't even breathe especially when I do something I know you would just love. I get a flash of your smiling face giving me that wink that I always got. That "Yep that's my sly girl. Give 'em H*** and remind them who you belong to" wink. I'm getting those flashes more and more lately. I'm still and always will be "one of Bonnie's girls". Having said that, the beginning of this letter is a lie. I can handle today because it's what we do. We stand up straight, smile (well maybe not all of us), look at what we think we can't overcome and realize that it's tiny. If we can't breathe sometimes we just learn to take bigger breathes. I will be surrounded by all of the family today cuz you're still with us.

Love ya,


12-16-2009, 10:53 PM
Dear B.,
Your Christmas gift to me was lame, and I was insulted by your reason for giving it to me so early.

But that's okay; because now I know exactly how much (not) to spend on you.

Thanks for the insight,

12-16-2009, 10:55 PM
Dear Glioblastoma in my friend's brain,

I hope the Avastin makes you shrivel up and DIE! DIE, brain tumor, DIE! Leave him alone!

Someone who wishes you'd never entered his life

Dear University of Illinois,
You made a huge mistake not admitting my niece. And inadvertently sending out e-mails of acceptance to people who were not accepted was a huge blunder. You were her dream college and I doubt she will reapply next year.
Aunt of someone very disappointed

12-16-2009, 11:09 PM
Dear You,

Be sure to call the doctor tomorrow and make an appointment to get your thyroid checked. It was a rude thing of your teacher to say to you, but maybe she's right. Get it checked just to be sure. It will make you feel better in the long run.


Dear Chris,

I know you miss me, but I just need some space right now. I'm not sure what it is but I just need to be alone for a while. It's been a rough couple weeks for me and I think the fact that when we started dating, we were together everyday and it took its toll on me. I just don't have time for that anymore. I'm sorry, I still care about you but I just need space.


12-17-2009, 12:33 AM
Dear snotty teenage co-worker,

My ability to handle your snottiness has reached capacity. I am nice to the co-workers who deserve it. You are no longer one of those people. You try to use me as a doormat again and I will break you over my knee like kindling.



12-17-2009, 01:19 AM
Dear you

Get on track...pull out of the depression and realize there IS more to life than this...it just takes some time and a bit of hard work.

Getting out of a rut is a lot harder than getting into one. Keep the faith!

a loving kick in the butt


02-06-2010, 08:26 PM
Dear God, I need a new job. I am getting nowhere with this one. My team leader says that she is pleased with my work, but her actions convey the exact opposite. I miss my friends from UHC. Please provide a new job for me, please open a door somewhere.

Thank You,

02-28-2010, 10:23 AM
Dear school,

Why so much work? I have 3 physics exams this week and they are IMPORTANT. So you make my graphics deadline on Friday?!?! You say you 'have to 'moderate' it... and thats the 'final date'. Thats rubbish- the textile group has another 2 weeks. And Mrs German teacher- 2 lots of homework? As if we don't have enough right now... and Mr History teacher- 2 lots of homework also? Come on! Be fair...

And Mrs English teacher- why all coursework redrafts in for less than 2 weeks time? You could of given them back to us at the time to redraft instead of all at once.... And media teacher- a media mock one day before all English coursework in..... argggghhhhhh.

I don't know what to do first :(


An unhappy student

02-28-2010, 01:57 PM
Dear God,
Please allow my boyfriend have a safe flight to Houston, TX today. And watch over him during his week in TX for work.

Thank you,

02-28-2010, 04:16 PM
Dear annoying co worker,

In case you haven't noticed, this is an industrial environment. There are all manner of funky, nasty and just plain wrong smells out here. The toilet is leaking and molding on the bottom and it reeks any time its flushed. It reeks before I get here and it reeks after I leave. Just because I work up a sweat working while you sit in your climate controlled forklift does not mean that I must be stinking up the whole site. I use deoderant and body spray and I shower extra just to make YOU happy. You maybe talk to me for 10 min in an 8hr shift usually outside. Do I REALLY stink bad enough to be "black flagged"? You spit chew everywhere and Im tired of stepping in it, should I bitch loud enough for your co workers to hear and then have them tell you Im gonna get you fired? You seem to loooove that approach. My company contracts to yours...yes my boss talked to me about your complaints but you have no authoriy to threaten my job. I am not a dirty person. I am trying my hardest to not offend your nasal sensibilites...now it seems you think every single bad smell within a mile radius is me and when I report the mold problem (which may be making people sick) you insist that the smell is still me! What is your forking problem?
Im at a loss as to what to do about you. I know you're a sexist arse, Ive heard you make some pretty obcene comments. Do I report you, ignore you? You p!ss me off...just leave me alone and quit acting like a child. If you don't like me then just do your job and don't talk to me. I will do my best not to cross your path but I wont be driven from my job.
Quit making people miserable

03-01-2010, 10:23 AM
Dear Jim
Manager of FirstonSite,

I really really really want this job, please give me a call very soon and tell me I am hired, I would be the happiest girl in the world today :)

I know I would be a great employee!

Desperately in need of a great job,

03-01-2010, 10:33 AM
Dear Universe,

The other time I wrote a letter on this thread my wish came true, so I thought I'd give it another shot!!

Please let Eric get the job he just interviewed for in Memphis. We would be closer to family and I could stay home with Lyra for a bit more. I hate the thought of her spending all day in daycare. Of course, we would also need to sell our house, so maybe I'll wish for that too.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-01-2010, 10:34 AM
Dear Everyone

I could have handled things better and I am truly sorry but I was fighting for my sanity and I almost lost.

Remember the good times?

03-01-2010, 11:15 AM
Denise - :love::love::love::love:

I, for one, have been on the edge as you are describing. Prayers that you are healing. I am SO happy to see you here again! :love::love::):love::love:

Nothing to forgive, hon - it wasn't your fault. :)

03-01-2010, 09:18 PM
Dear Six Flags,

My entire last season of work wasn't enough to prove how good I was? My friends who have been working there 4+ years in the same department aren't good enough for it all of a sudden? Okay, that's cool. Really cool. NOT. Whoever the new management is, thanks for ruining a great department and one big "family", thanks a whole lot. Good job firing one of your best leads, and not hiring your best employees back. What's with the new entertainment schedule? It's f***** up as hell. No entertainment on mondays and tuesdays? Okay see how well that goes with the guests. This department is slowly going down the tubes, and I really hope it does. When I get a call in the middle of the summer begging me to come back, don't expect much from me or my friends who you left out in the cold "so to speak". We worked out butts off all summer and previous summers, we had fun, had minimal complaining, did a freakin' parade, worked in a hot bulky costume for HOURS on end, and this is the thanks you give us? See how the new employees take that BS without complaining? And then I love how you actually expect them to do teching, shows, and CHARACTER, on top of all that. That's what takes the cake for me! Whatever, I loved last year at work. LOVED it, but things happen for a reason. Maybe I'll have LIFE for once and not work 6 days a week? Maybe, I'll finally begin to find a job with animals? Kennel attendent? Well, I will keep my options open.When one door closes, several more open. I think it's about time I move on, I got bigger fish to fry. Thanks but no thanks.

an ex "team member". :)

03-02-2010, 08:32 AM
When one door closes, several more open. I think it's about time I move on, I got bigger fish to fry. Thanks but no thanks.

That's the spirit, Alyssa! Sorry to hear you didn't get the job though, I know how much you enjoyed it :(

03-02-2010, 03:38 PM
Dear Girl at Work

You make me smile :)


03-02-2010, 05:57 PM
Dear Current Employer,

Please come out of the stone ages. It has been a long time since I have had to tuck my shirt into some old fashioned half way up your waste pants, and wear a hair net that totally covers all my hair.

Let us wear our own black pants and at least have our bangs under our hats.

Modern Age Girl,

Pawsitive Thinking
03-04-2010, 04:19 AM
Dear Dad

5 years ago tomorrow was the last time I saw you alive because in true Dad style you passed away before we got to the hospital on that heart breaking day. You know I think of you all the time and although the pain of losing you has lessened, my life will never be the same without my Dad in it.

Thank you for being by my side during this difficult stage - I have felt you nearby at the worst times just giving me the strength to keep fighting. I hope you approve of the decisions I have made and that you are still proud of your girl.

Mr Denver will be blaring out of the flat on Saturday :D Sunshine on my shoulders..........

Love always

Denise xxxx

03-06-2010, 02:49 PM
Dear Mom,

I'm gay. I want to tell you but we're still giving each other the silent treatment.. It's killing me keeping this secret from you.


03-06-2010, 03:48 PM
Dear pharmacutical companies,

You make an ad for an anti depressant...it sounds great until the end when you mention things like liver damage and death. Yes your medication can cause permanent damage and/or death but I sure won't be depressed about it! Maybe a little bit more research is needed before you pitch pills to the public. Try not to kill your customers please...
a concerned citizen

03-07-2010, 03:30 PM
Dear Interviewer,

Please give me the opportunity to work for this company...I am a great worker and really am in need of a full time job.


Dear Everyone,

I have been so stressed...life has been so hard lately financially and it feels like it's taking forever to get back into a routine and make that full time hour money again.

I have a wedding coming, bills to pay, and an apartment to save for and could really use a break. I really hope the company calls me that I have had an interview with so this stress will finally go away for awhile.

I can't handle this stress for much longer.


03-07-2010, 04:18 PM
Dear baby,

You will always be in my prayers, though we will likely never meet. I pray that you have a happy childhood and a safe upbringing, and a good life.

03-07-2010, 05:15 PM
hang in there.....i will send positive thoughts up for you during my yoga practice today....

03-07-2010, 05:27 PM
hang in there.....i will send positive thoughts up for you during my yoga practice today....

Aw, thank you so much, it is always a blessing to hear that someone cares and will pray for me :) ...maybe I should do Yoga too, I hear it's stress relieving.

03-07-2010, 07:00 PM
Dear Miley Cyrus,

Please stay out of Pirates of the Caribbean 4 ;) You have no right to be among the best, and you no business ruining a dying [GOOD] franchise even more.

thank you,
supporter of old POTC cast.

Dear me,

WHAT the hell is wrong with you lately?

Love, me? [weirdest letter i've ever written]

03-07-2010, 07:48 PM
Dear Miley Cyrus,

Please stay out of Pirates of the Caribbean 4 ;) You have no right to be among the best, and you no business ruining a dying [GOOD] franchise even more.

thank you,
supporter of old POTC cast.

Dear Alyssa,



03-07-2010, 08:57 PM
Dear Disney,

Quit recycling people...

~Me :D

03-08-2010, 05:08 PM
Dear Boy, Whatever you were to me,

You infuriate me. And I am so much better off without you. I just can't seem to see that, yet.


Pawsitive Thinking
03-10-2010, 09:59 AM
Dear Boy, Whatever you were to me,

You infuriate me. And I am so much better off without you. I just can't seem to see that, yet.


Dear Bri

You will!

Me x :D

03-15-2010, 03:09 PM
Dear Daddy and Mommy (;))

Thank you for the car, I love it. :):love:


03-15-2010, 07:26 PM
Dear Alyssa,

Uber congratulations. I'm jealous. I wish I had a car haha. Okay, actually I wish I had a license :rolleyes:.

Bri :love:

03-15-2010, 07:46 PM
Dear Alyssa,

Uber congratulations. I'm jealous. I wish I had a car haha. Okay, actually I wish I had a license :rolleyes:.

Bri :love:

Dear Bri,

Thank you! Hehe, I get my "provisional" license next month, HOPEFULLY.

Suki Wingy
03-15-2010, 11:50 PM
Dear Deacon,
I miss ya baby! I had a hard Valentines day this year since I just kept thinking of last year, when I said you were my valentine, and then you stopped and threw me off three times in a row. It's ok though, and I still can't understand how I could have been so unstable to come off you so many times! I had to ride a huge, very unbalanced, very set in her ways mare that I feel like doesn't respond to any aids and the combination of frustrations over her and me just plain missing you made me cry while I was riding.
Love Always.

04-01-2010, 07:56 AM
Dear John (BB) - big brother,

It's that time of year again, when you are on my mind a lot. Tomorrow, it will be 6 years since you passed away so tragically and way before your time. Your last 5 years on Earth was a Hell on Earth, and just a downslide after your stroke at only 59. It all seemed so unfair - you were so active and full of life, and had so much left to do - and then to be struck down in your prime. I still feel guilty that I procrastinated for so many years, and never took the time out of my own life and all my family problems, to pay a visit while you were still healthy and full of life. And after your stroke - well - you wouldn't have known I was there anyway - and I just couldn't bear to see you that way. Our bigger brother, or as we dubbed him, "The Old One", was quite upset with me because of my choice of not wanting to see you and remember you that way, but I know that you understand.

So I still have all good memories of you and all the crazy things you said and did. And even tho I wasn't there in person, I cherish all those hours and hours that the 3 of us used to spend on line making good use of IM. :D And I made up my mind after we lost you, that I would make time for The Old One, and visit him as often as possible, and I have done just that. I can't go back and change the way everything transpired with you, but I can make sure that the same doesn't happen with the only brother I have left.

And I really think that you were called away early to be there for your only son when he was unexpectedly taken only 5 months after you. Somehow, I think you two are having a grand old time, and have found the best place ever, for wings and beer!

Love you and miss you BB, :love:
from BS (baby sister)

04-04-2010, 12:04 AM
Who do you think you are, touching my cart?

I'll get even with you.

I'll be your friend for 30 years.

And happy birthday, you brazen hussy!:love:

Ginger snaps, mashed potatoes and gravy for you!

04-04-2010, 01:52 PM
Who do you think you are, touching my cart?

I'll get even with you.

I'll be your friend for 30 years.

And happy birthday, you brazen hussy!:love:

Ginger snaps, mashed potatoes and gravy for you!

My oh my!!!! Does RICHARD have a girlfriend???;) What aren't you telling us? :confused:

04-04-2010, 05:46 PM
Dear Fence,
Do I really have to paint you today ????
It's Easter Monday for goodness sake.
I wish you would go away and leave me in peace.
I hope a bird drops something on you from out of the sky !!!!
Your ungrateful owner,

04-04-2010, 05:55 PM
Dear you,

On this day I am reminded of the sacrifice you made on behalf of every person on earth even those that do not believe. You are my savior and my inspiration to be a better person, a godly person. You teach me about love and what it means to be better than myself. Thank you!
a humble follower of your ways

04-04-2010, 05:59 PM
My oh my!!!! Does RICHARD have a girlfriend???;) What aren't you telling us? :confused:

lol, no just an old friend.:D

04-05-2010, 09:05 PM
Dear Six flags,

Maybe you're not as bad as I thought you were. Thanks for giving me my life back :D:D

a still skeptical but not so unhappy team member

04-06-2010, 01:25 AM
Dear Snow,

It is APRIL now, do you not realize? Because of you I am about ready to move to Florida. Please leave and never come back.

Lots of hate,


04-10-2010, 11:29 PM
Dear New Job,

I find it extremely stupid to take TESTS on being a server. We are not going to remember five million tests in three shifts!! Also, I dont understand why I have to have miss crabby pants train me in!



04-11-2010, 12:00 AM
Dear New Job,

I find it extremely stupid to take TESTS on being a server. We are not going to remember five million tests in three shifts!! Also, I dont understand why I have to have miss crabby pants train me in!



I've been working at the same place for 3 years now and have to take a test every time the season starts and go through training every year. I agree, it's quite ridiculious. :rolleyes:

Dear whoever,

It's 12:55 AM and I can't sleep again. I am once again sick of thinking of the past and all these regrets I have. I keep thinking about all the regrets I am going to create for myself in the future. College is around the corner and I think I'm headed in the right direction, but..who knows? I don't want to move 700 miles away from home and not end up enjoying it because I'm homesick. I know what I want with my life, I think, but it's not going to be easy. I need to learn to stop listening to everyone. I'm sick of being the only person who believes in myself. I'm sick of hearing the same stupid crap from the same arrogant people who know nothing about my field of choice. I'm sick of all of the BS that comes with high school. I'm sick of SAT's, tutors, grades, drama, my program, stupid teachers, AP exams, stupid ridiculious rules and all of it. I'm just sick of school..I want to be done. I want to actually start learning things that will mean something to me in my life as a Marine Biologist...I have 2 months of school left, but as far as I'm concerned I'm done already. I can't wait till summer when I can go back to work, sleep late, stay out late, hang out with my friends, and have the freedom to do what I want.


04-11-2010, 12:05 AM
Dear whoever,

It's 12:55 AM and I can't sleep again. I am once again sick of thinking of the past and all these regrets I have. I keep thinking about all the regrets I am going to create for myself in the future. College is around the corner and I think I'm headed in the right direction, but..who knows? I don't want to move 700 miles away from home and not end up enjoying it because I'm homesick. I know what I want with my life, I think, but it's not going to be easy. I need to learn to stop listening to everyone. I'm sick of being the only person who believes in myself. I'm sick of hearing the same stupid crap from the same arrogant people who know nothing about my field of choice. I'm sick of all of the BS that comes with high school. I'm sick of SAT's, tutors, grades, drama, my program, stupid teachers, AP exams, stupid ridiculious rules and all of it. I'm just sick of school..I want to be done. I want to actually start learning things that will mean something to me in my life as a Marine Biologist...I have 2 months of school left, but as far as I'm concerned I'm done already. I can't wait till summer when I can go back to work, sleep late, stay out late, hang out with my friends, and have the freedom to do what I want.


I know exactly how you feel. But believe me, you will be sad once it's over!! I graduated early in January because I couldn't STAND high school any longer, and it's sad to say I kinda miss it. I'm sure once I start college I won't. :)

Do what you want to do! Believe in yourself and you can go anywhere in life! :)

04-11-2010, 11:01 AM
Dear C,

You are such a flippin narcissist! Give it up already! Easter was a pleasure without you because we didn't have to watch what we said or provide continuous boosts to your ego. Please stop being such an (expletive) and go to counseling already. You are going to have to find someone else to give you "strokes" because my family and I are not going to do it even one more day.

Oh, and when the college bills are due, you darn well better pay up, bub. If I find out that you've already spent that money...


Dear Woodpecker,
Thank you for choosing the tree right by the window so we could see you clearly! God, thank you for sending a red-headed woodpecker for us to enjoy watching yesterday on a beautiful spring day. Woodpecker, please visit again any time (especially now that we saw the program on Discovery that shows how your head is protected while you are tapping away).

Dear God, I really don't want to take another job that I'm overqualified for. The Joint Commission has a master's level position open and so does University Health System Consortium. Please show me open doors.

04-11-2010, 01:00 PM
I've been working at the same place for 3 years now and have to take a test every time the season starts and go through training every year. I agree, it's quite ridiculious. :rolleyes:

Dear whoever,

It's 12:55 AM and I can't sleep again. I am once again sick of thinking of the past and all these regrets I have. I keep thinking about all the regrets I am going to create for myself in the future. College is around the corner and I think I'm headed in the right direction, but..who knows? I don't want to move 700 miles away from home and not end up enjoying it because I'm homesick. I know what I want with my life, I think, but it's not going to be easy. I need to learn to stop listening to everyone. I'm sick of being the only person who believes in myself. I'm sick of hearing the same stupid crap from the same arrogant people who know nothing about my field of choice. I'm sick of all of the BS that comes with high school. I'm sick of SAT's, tutors, grades, drama, my program, stupid teachers, AP exams, stupid ridiculious rules and all of it. I'm just sick of school..I want to be done. I want to actually start learning things that will mean something to me in my life as a Marine Biologist...I have 2 months of school left, but as far as I'm concerned I'm done already. I can't wait till summer when I can go back to work, sleep late, stay out late, hang out with my friends, and have the freedom to do what I want.


Dear Alysser,

It will get better. Don't think about things in your past as regrets, think of them as a learning experience. You may not like what happened or the choices you made, but as the years go by they won't bother you so much! Trust me, I've made plenty, and it does lessen. Also, you may be able to help someone with one of your regrets! And i know exactly where you are at! I was there once and it totally sucked! BUT it does get better. Just try and find the joys in at least one thing a day and it makes the days seem a little better. :) If you ever want to talk, you can PM me! :)


Miranda Rae

04-11-2010, 01:02 PM
Dear Hubby,

When you make a mess please pick up after yourself! You say you are a clean person, but i have my doubts. :p P.S. just so you don't forget, I love you!

With Love,

Your wife

Dear Neighbor,

PLEASE don't let your dog sit out in the morning (or ever) and bark for hours! It is very annoying and rude! Thank you!

Your Unhappy Neighbor

04-12-2010, 08:43 PM
Dear self -

It's been almost two days without a cigarette. It may not seem like much, but it is. :) Keep going, you can do this!

04-12-2010, 09:35 PM
Dear self -

It's been almost two days without a cigarette. It may not seem like much, but it is. :) Keep going, you can do this!

Dear ILoveMyAbbyGirl,

Best of luck with stopping! Hang in there! :D


Dear two new neighbors with dogs,
Welcome to the building! Carter, the happy jumpy hound, you are so cute and funny! I am so glad I got to meet you. And Yorkshire terrier, whose name I didn't catch, I am looking forward to petting your silky coat!

04-12-2010, 10:31 PM
Dear ILoveMyAbbyGirl,

Best of luck with stopping! Hang in there! :D


Thanks!! :D

04-12-2010, 11:10 PM
I also want to encourage you - if you ever need incentive to not smoke, PM me, I've got plenty of stories to share!

04-12-2010, 11:27 PM
Thank you very much, Karen!

Right now I have strep... it's surely keeping me from smoking! But I haven't even had the desire for one for a while, so I'm hoping this lasts. :)

04-12-2010, 11:55 PM
Dear me,

Why do you have to be such a procrastinator? It has been weeks since the CNA class has ended and you have yet to take the test, much less study!! You keep whining about not getting hours at your current job, so why not get off your butt and go study!! You better schedule an appointment for the test tomorrow. No more procrastinating and get to it.

Very annoyed about your laziness,


04-13-2010, 12:03 AM
Dear me,

Why do you have to be such a procrastinator? It has been weeks since the CNA class has ended and you have yet to take the test, much less study!! You keep whining about not getting hours at your current job, so why not get off your butt and go study!! You better schedule an appointment for the test tomorrow. No more procrastinating and get to it.

Very annoyed about your laziness,


Do it! I just took my test and now I am state certified. You'll feel much better once it's over. :)

Suki Wingy
04-13-2010, 05:29 PM
Dear Fields And Fences,
I sure hope to god you're hiring. I've always thought you'd be since I've heard you're a "lesson factory" and since you hired that particular person I knew way back from my very first barn. I know you liked me. I did a fine job cleaning when I did that to get my lessons for free. I've got excellent resources. One of your old employees can personally vouch for me. I've also got references from Wisconsin and Wales. Well, anyway, I've left you a message and if I don't get a call soon I'm going to keep calling until I get a person to talk with.
Love from,

04-13-2010, 07:19 PM
Dear Universe,

Please make it April 20th already. I'm not sure how much longer I can deal with a stressed out boyfriend. :eek: I'm going batty and it's only Tuesday.

(He has his final Graphic Design portfolio review coming up, so needs to have all of his projects complete and perfect. I will never understand how you can work on a project ALL SEMESTER or for the last YEAR and still be stressed out the week before it's all due. :confused: )


Dear Phone Charger,
Come out come out wherever you are! I need you!!!! Between stressed out boyfriend and no phone I'm slowly going crazy. Plus, I'm supposed to be getting a call for an interview from the company I took a test for last week. I have no idea where it went.


Dear Boyfriend,

I hope you're still alive. You haven't answered any of my emails and you're not on AIM. Which is SO unlike you.

Suki Wingy
04-13-2010, 07:36 PM
Accio Ashley's phone charger!

Did that work?

04-14-2010, 08:50 AM
Accio Ashley's phone charger!

Did that work?

YES! It magically appeared yesterday and now I know why! Haha, Thanks!! :D

smokey the elder
04-14-2010, 10:46 AM
Dear K,

Quit bellyachin' about your petty work drama. I have a friend who may be dying of cancer, and our rescue group is imploding, so I don't need to hear it.

Suki Wingy
04-14-2010, 04:43 PM
Dear Fields and Fences,
:( You were my last hope.
No love,

Dear Walgreens,
I hated you so much when I was 16. Now that I am older, please give me the mundane and boring job I so need now.
Hopefully yours,

04-16-2010, 02:25 PM
Dear you,

What makes you any different? Can't you see that this is how it starts?


04-17-2010, 01:47 PM
Dear UT,

Why are you making financial aid and applying for loans so confoosing?!! And why is student orientation $115?! Whatever could possibly cost so much for us staying one night and you feeding us? :rolleyes:


04-18-2010, 12:49 AM
Dear C, I heard you're car shopping. Couldn't take having someone else's Lexus parked in front of your house, huh?


Louie and me
04-26-2010, 06:58 AM
Dear God:
Everyone says that you never give people more than they can handle but I still wonder why you have me trying to handle and care for an emotionally troubled husband and a crippled geriactic dog at the same time. The loss of sleep and stress of one sometimes makes me impatient and that sets the other one off in a tail spin. I love them both to death but could you please give me a break and send some pain relief to one and empathy to the other.
I know with all the troubles in the world my troubles are insignificant but I'm drowning here and could really use some help.

04-26-2010, 08:05 PM
Dear C, I heard you're car shopping. Couldn't take having someone else's Lexus parked in front of your house, huh?


Dear C, I heard you couldn't get financing. What are you going to do now? Stop taking advantage of you know who.

Still angry,

04-26-2010, 09:06 PM
Dear God:
Everyone says that you never give people more than they can handle but I still wonder why you have me trying to handle and care for an emotionally troubled husband and a crippled geriactic dog at the same time. The loss of sleep and stress of one sometimes makes me impatient and that sets the other one off in a tail spin. I love them both to death but could you please give me a break and send some pain relief to one and empathy to the other.
I know with all the troubles in the world my troubles are insignificant but I'm drowning here and could really use some help.

You will be in our prayers, dear.

04-27-2010, 06:41 AM
Dear Paul.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to say goodbye to you on Sunday old mate, but I was just informed of your passing at tonights meeting. I know you are in a better place now, probably sitting around having a beer with your mates, you deserve that. Make the best of it up top Paul, just like you did down here, and have a good rest my friend.
I'll say goodbye to you proper on Thursday, when we will give you our final farewell, and I'll wear my medals in honour of an old digger gone.
Don't worry about Rosemary now, you know we will all look out for her, she'll be right mate.
Missing our chats,

04-29-2010, 05:53 PM
Dear YOU!

Why do you always have to be SOO rude?? I don't get it! I don't post in threads that get "ugly". But this last one has just completely angered me. I don't get why you get to spout your opinion and nobody else can.

Personally, I've never had anything against you. You've never said mean things to me (luckily), but I just don't understand. I am saddened by this. If you think people are out to get you then stop coming here. Honestly!

04-29-2010, 06:30 PM
Dear YOU!

Why do you always have to be SOO rude?? I don't get it! I don't post in threads that get "ugly". But this last one has just completely angered me. I don't get why you get to spout your opinion and nobody else can.

Personally, I've never had anything against you. You've never said mean things to me (luckily), but I just don't understand. I am saddened by this. If you think people are out to get you then stop coming here. Honestly!

If this were facebook, I would "like" this post! :)

04-29-2010, 06:40 PM
Guess manners are not important to some folks :D

04-29-2010, 07:00 PM
Dear YOU!

Why do you always have to be SOO rude?? I don't get it! I don't post in threads that get "ugly". But this last one has just completely angered me. I don't get why you get to spout your opinion and nobody else can.

Personally, I've never had anything against you. You've never said mean things to me (luckily), but I just don't understand. I am saddened by this. If you think people are out to get you then stop coming here. Honestly!

Do what other Tassie Devils do.....ignore em or bite em ;)

04-29-2010, 07:24 PM
Dear Paul.
I'm sorry I wasn't there to say goodbye to you on Sunday old mate, but I was just informed of your passing at tonights meeting. I know you are in a better place now, probably sitting around having a beer with your mates, you deserve that. Make the best of it up top Paul, just like you did down here, and have a good rest my friend.
I'll say goodbye to you proper on Thursday, when we will give you our final farewell, and I'll wear my medals in honour of an old digger gone.
Don't worry about Rosemary now, you know we will all look out for her, she'll be right mate.
Missing our chats,

A beer hoisted to the passing of your mate. It always sucks to lose a friend :(. Prayers sent to his family.

04-29-2010, 09:38 PM
Do what other Tassie Devils do.....ignore em or bite em ;)

In this case I've ignored as much as I can. I'd like to bite please! :)

04-30-2010, 01:24 AM
In this case I've ignored as much as I can. I'd like to bite please! :)

I'll come right over with my file, and we can get your teeth sharpened :p:p

04-30-2010, 09:40 AM
I'll come right over with my file, and we can get your teeth sharpened :p:p

Hee hee, thanks!! :D

04-30-2010, 09:47 AM
You can put the person on Ignore. Much more peaceful!:)

04-30-2010, 06:42 PM
Dear you

I'm done with you, Ive transfered posts and never have to deal with your snarky comments nor your crummy attitude again. Make someone else's life miserable.

I hope you get what you deserve, it just isn't my place.

Gladly done dealing with you


04-30-2010, 10:21 PM
Dear whoever,
Can I have one good relationship in high school? JUST ONE..the last two were epic fails, partially my fault I suppose..but anyway I'd be happy with just one good relationship. I don't care if it lasts till college. I'd just like it to start good and be good, and not end in me not ever talking to my ex again...Just saying ONE good relationship in HS would be wonderful.


04-30-2010, 11:11 PM
Dear Facebook,

PLEASE STOP CHANGING! You make it more confusing. I don't need everybody to know every SINGLE thing about myself.

Thank you,

(I know they will not listen to me anyways.. ;))

05-01-2010, 09:58 PM
A beer hoisted to the passing of your mate. It always sucks to lose a friend :(. Prayers sent to his family.

Lost another one yesterday. Old Arnold. Those WW2 guys are dropping like flies. :(

05-02-2010, 08:58 PM
Dear C, I was advised to show sympathy but civility is about all I can muster towards you right now. The "new you" is kind of hard to adjust to.

Suki Wingy
05-02-2010, 11:12 PM
Dear life,
I'm not quite sure what to do with you. I've never been sure except for last year and now that those plans have changed, I'm back again to not knowing what to do. I know what made me happiest. I know what I want short term. I'm not sure that's the best decision for the long run. I want independence. If only I still had a car and some extra cash to keep it insured and to keep gas in the tank, because oh how I would just love to move into that apartment as advertised. (Free with all utilities paid if you run the barn and take care of the horses.) Enough free time to get a second job or go to school it says if only I was guaranteed a second job in the area to pay for food.
Should I go to college? I thought I was ready this past winter, but now I'm not quite sure. I'm happiest working outside, when so many people and animals depend on me. I was so happy every day last year when I worked at that barn. I don't think I ever want a big paying job and I know I don't want loans. So is school a good option really?

Louie and me
05-05-2010, 06:12 AM
Dear God:
Thank you for answering my prayers and helping my DH understand what needed to be done for Louie's sake and thank you for taking Louie into your arms and freeing him from pain.

05-05-2010, 09:23 AM
Still miss you.

Happy birthday and say hi to mom and dad for me.;)

Pawsitive Thinking
05-06-2010, 10:02 AM
Thank you for answering my silent prayers :love:

05-06-2010, 10:21 PM
Dear C, getting rid of the van without a plan to replace it is causing a problem. Please take care of it.

Dear C., I understand we're going to see you for Mother's Day. I have two things to say beforehand: (1) don't expect anything more than civility from me; (2) it's NOT all about you.

05-13-2010, 02:30 PM
Dear Pre-Calculus,

I hate you with a very strong passion. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to fail you, but it's okay... hopefully. :/


Suki Wingy
05-13-2010, 03:35 PM
Dear Bri,
I know how you feel. I failed both Algebra and Advanced Algebra the first time around. Had to take them both in summer school.

05-13-2010, 04:06 PM
Dear you...

You aren't helping if that's what you are trying to do...

Do you not understand me at all?

Ellie (yes.. Ellie. Please stop calling me by my full name!)

05-14-2010, 01:02 AM
Dear B,

I hope you are not at this again. I saw the effects of it last time, and I pray that you have the sense to not make the same poor decisions. You are such an amazing, smart, beautiful, sweet person, and it kills me to see you make such bad choices.:(


05-14-2010, 07:21 PM
Dear You...

first time, shame on you...

second time, shame on me...

05-15-2010, 10:16 PM
These days I am calm, moods are even; I am enjoying a new lease on health and growth. I tell you this in case any assurance is needed that I am not angry with anyone, or upset.

It's just that recently, and now, I have no idea what I am doing in the church. I have no idea why I am there.

I cannot see where to grow, or how; no direction is clear to me. As long as I have tried, I cannot take as literal truth the basis of Christianity as outlined in the Nicene Creed. I have stood with everyone else when we say it, but I have not said it for weeks.

I used to be able to make some sort of peace with everything - but finally reached a crisis, in the Greek sense. Things I always heard without listening now grate on me. The Eucharist no longer makes sense. When it was my turn to read the readings for the day, I used to feel warm, eager to communicate what the original writer might have meant, to make the words real.

The last time I read, I felt dry. I just spoke the words.

The music...having worked occasionally as a music director in the past, I know that ensemble voices must blend, and that my voice does not work with the other singers in that capacity. I settled for being a team member, with J and A bringing in their keyboard so I could provide extra instrumentation.

I miss singing tremendously. I note I said "I settled". Settling for and true acceptance are not the same thing to me.

What grates me here is how often the word "I" is used. Egocentric. I know I am loved there by many, and I am breaking into tears as I write this.

But I don't have any reason or purpose there any more. I feel detached, distant, unaffected.

G, the only reason I write to you about this is because I have known you a long while. I know I don't need "permission" or anything like that.

I have been through a lot of change, all good, and I am taking an indefinite break from A.S.C. I have to.

If by some chance you are baffled by this, I can only assure you that I am the same. So many things in my life from the past 10 years just do not fit any more.

Thank you, G. Thank you for everything.

Maya & Inka's mommy
05-16-2010, 04:10 AM
I miss you, my dear English friend...!
It's been a long time since I heard anything from you...
I wish you would renew contact with me, I really do.........
I will be in London end of June, and will go to Wimbledon; I will be alone all day on the 28th........, so if you're ready for it?? :love:


05-16-2010, 08:25 PM
Dear B.,
You missed Nurses' Week and I am hurt. I expected a card. Shame on me for failing to lower my expectations based on my past experiences. And no, I'm not interested in why the guy you're dating stayed overnight.

Your confused friend

05-30-2010, 11:21 AM
Dear you,

Bloody Mary for breakfast, The sunday paper for entertainment, Jim Nabors for a laugh and racing all day.

05-31-2010, 04:05 PM
Dear God,
Allow Mike to have a safe flight to California tonight for work until Friday evening. Thank you.

06-02-2010, 08:56 AM
Dear you,

Here's an opportunity to vent a bit about the hurt that you caused me quite a number of years ago that continues to surface unexpectedly. I think it was because you could never explain why you did what you did. I can rationalize it and give a logical explanation, but it was such very bad timing as well, happening in the middle of my brother's passing. It was VERY selfish and hurtful. I try to let it go and not think about it anymore, but it comes up, bubbling up like muck in a lake and I have to deal with the feelings all over again. We have discussed it, and you probably think it's been laid to rest. I don't want to beat a dead horse - there's no sense in it. I will have to learn to live with the wound and wait for it to scar over. It damaged my trust - not a good thing for someone who has such a very hard time trusting - and I struggle with that still. Oddly, I do trust you, but there's a duplicity of feeling that I cannot explain. And since then you have been a good and loyal friend, your love is evident. Again, it was the timing. . .when I needed the rest of my world to be solid while my brother slipped away breath by breath and got slick liquid beneath my feet instead.

It reared it's ugly head again last night and when I saw this post today I realized it was a chance to write it out and take a look at it. In the greater scheme of things, 6 years is not a long time and that hurt is connected very closely with the pain of losing my brother. I love you. . .I forgive you. . .now I will keep moving on, one step at a time. But you will never understand just how much you hurt me that one time. It was enough hurt to last a lifetime.

06-02-2010, 11:56 AM
Dear Self,

Aparently your opinion doesn't matter. Next time, don't bother.


06-03-2010, 10:09 AM
Dear Michael,

Please throw away full bottles of Gatorade in your car that aren't yours and that I assume are yours and then i drink and then i find out they aren't yours! :eek:

Your grossed out wife

06-07-2010, 01:15 PM
Dear you,

You really are a brat, aren't you? Amazing. . . No one is allowed to get angry or annoyed but you. And you always take someone else's annoyance or anger and turn it around so that they end up apologizing to you. An incredible talent you have there. But perhaps you can market it somewhere else cause I don't want it 'round here.


06-07-2010, 02:24 PM
Dear you,

You really are a brat, aren't you? Amazing. . . No one is allowed to get angry or annoyed but you. And you always take someone else's annoyance or anger and turn it around so that they end up apologizing to you. An incredible talent you have there. But perhaps you can market it somewhere else cause I don't want it 'round here.


OK, OK so you've redeemed yourself. Guess we are making progress :rolleyes:

06-07-2010, 03:58 PM
Dear Apple,

Thank you for making amazing products that fix themselves, LITERALLY! I love my Ipod touch and was really upset when I thought it was broke, but thanks to a little help from MacForums and Itunes, it's as good as new! Such a simple fix :D

a very satisfied customer!

06-15-2010, 09:21 AM
Three types of Kongs, two types of Nyla bones, a frisbee, two squeekers, a huge stick, two tennis balls and some funky tennis ball thingy.

So, why the A/C cord? Why?

/s/ Foster Mom

Cinder & Smoke
06-15-2010, 11:55 AM
Three types of Kongs,
two types of Nyla bones,
a frisbee,
two squeekers,
a huge stick,
two tennis balls and
some funky tennis ball thingy.

So, why the A/C cord? Why?

/s/ Foster Mom

Possible Answers:

* Because it was THERE
* Electric has a "stimulating" taste
* The KAT said to
* Somebody already *spit* on that other stuff :eek:
* Don't rush me ... I'm still thinkin ...


06-15-2010, 07:20 PM
Dear K,

What happened to you? I don't like the "new" you and I never will. The little respect I have for is dwindling now. I just don't get the major change you've had over the course of 1 year. It makes me sad to think what can happen to you in your last years of High School. You don't have the audacity to call me your Bffl anymore, I'm sorry :( I don't have the heart to tell you that, I guess I should soon. We always hated people like this in our lives, but now it's you..and I just don't get the 180 turn-around. I don't want to loose you, it kills me to think of that because of what we used to have. I never thought we'd have a falling out like this. It's not even about this one thing, although this has me a bit shocked...it's about the fact that you will start doing this all the time. You think it's ok to fool around with people when it's really not. I don't get it. What you did doesn't seem like a big deal to most but it is because to me, this isn't you. This was never you..:( Maybe when you get the consequences of this, you will see. But for now, I guess you'll just live with this as your priority because I know that's all that matters to you anymore. Your dignity is gone. Know that I am not mad about this one thing, because I've known others who have done this before and it didn't seem like a big deal, but it's the fact that this is the highest priority you have in your life and the fact that you're turning into the same person you used to hate..


Suki Wingy
06-17-2010, 01:37 PM
Dear Chocolate Cake,
I am going to eat you for breakfast. You are going to taste so good.

06-22-2010, 02:39 PM
Dear revision,

I can't focus on you. Please make yourself more interesting.



Dear Chocolate Cake,
I am going to eat you for breakfast. You are going to taste so good.

Dear Eva,

I am very jealous of your cakey breakfast. Now I want cake.

From a hungry Ellie

Suki Wingy
06-22-2010, 06:51 PM
Dear Ellie,
It was sooooo rich it made my teeth hurt but it was good. :)

Dear Mum,
I'm sorry for what I did to the dog even though you said no more hair dye. I was pretty sure you were joking but just in case, he now has a racing stripe and an arrow on his head like Avatar. Sorry!
-Your loving daughter

06-23-2010, 01:00 PM
Dear Summer,

Thank you for freeing me, FINALLY! This summer is going to be awesome :)


Dear Senior Year,

I am so ready for you!

Love, Alyssa;)

06-27-2010, 05:47 PM
Dear Julie:

I am so so sorry...I was ignorant.

I met you a few years ago, you were going through a rough time, then things got better. I had your phone number and never called.

Today I looked on Facebook - then, the internet.

You died last November in hospital. You were only 45.

I waited too long, Julie. Please forgive me. I hope you were at peace and pain free.


07-08-2010, 05:11 PM
Dear Photoshop CS5,
I think I might love you. I am going to be very upset when your free trial runs out in 30 days and I have to go back to CS4...

Dear A,
Thanks for being there and listening to me when I needed it.. you are an awesome friend and don't you forget it!

Dear S,
Thank you for being such an adorable little poser :) You made the photoshoot today so much fun!
The crazy lady with the camera

Dear Eva,
I bet the cake was soooo worth the tooth ache ;)

07-15-2010, 08:49 PM
Dear God,

Are you putting together an army up there? Since Nov '08 you have taken 3 of the loudest, bossiest, drill sargent in training people I have ever loved. You took Uncle Tom too soon, you took G-ma too soon, and tonight you took Aunt Carol again too soon.

09-08-2010, 05:40 PM
Dear B.,

The gift you did give me, when you finally got around to it, was lame. I know I was supposed to be touched, because it was from you, and you collect those, and so you bought one for me; but I wasn't. You'd have been better off letting it go altogether.


Dear B.,

It's now a year later. I bought you a gift, but I kept in mind what I received from you last year. We'll see what happens. I've lowered my expectations.


09-08-2010, 08:54 PM
You have always been a very reputable medical practice. Over the past several years I've been happy with the care I have received. But the letter I got from you has totally destroyed my confidence and trust in your office. How dare you put our medical records on some damn worthless computer! For the record, I will not complete that invasive form and I DO NOT CONSENT OR AGREE to having my information compromised to such an extent. Why were we not given a choice about this? When did you decide your patients are no longer human beings? By forcing this despicable act on us, you're putting personal and private information at a very serious risk. Don't insult my intelligence by giving me that bs line about security. Computer security is the ultimate oxymoron, there's no such thing! Any non functional, illiterate, incapable of thinking computer geek jerk-off can get it too easily. You might as well put it in the newspaper.
You owe each and every patient an apology for this betrayal of our right to privacy. Whoever came up with this insult needs to be fired immediately! This whole concept is just plain ignorant! I will not be back because of this.

09-08-2010, 09:03 PM
Momcat, there are ways to keep computer data secure. Not every system is accessible from outside the building, unless they said they were going to put the information on the Internet, I would not worry about it.

Louie and me
09-09-2010, 06:38 AM
Momcat - all my medical records are on computer and I'm thankful for that. If I were to be taken unconsious to the emergency department of the local hospital they could instantly pull up all my medical history, medications I am taking and any allergies I may have. If I see a specialist, they report back to my doctor via computer. This is especially important for my husband who has a number of life threatening medical conditions where time would be of the essence if there was an emergency.

09-09-2010, 07:50 AM
In my experience with these despicable computers, there is no such thing as security. Karen, I do trust you but not on this. I no longer can trust my doctor because of this and will NOT go to ANY excuse for a professional with so little regard for privacy and personal information. I'm on insulin which is nothing to fool around with. I'll go off the medication rather than be degraded and dehumanized by some worthless piece of unreliable electronic crap. It's just not worth it! This computer crap has gone way too far now and it MUST stop. Why is this insult forced on us? These idiots need to act like the professionals they think they are by letting us decide whether or not we want such personal information compromised.

09-09-2010, 10:12 AM
But, Momcat, did they say their information will be on the Internet? If not, there's no way for a hacker to get into it, other than breaking into the physical building, in which case, they could steal your paper files just as readily!

If you came to my house, you could not access any of the data of my computer unless I was there to type in the password for you. And no, the password is not written down on a Post-It stuck to the monitor, it isn't written down anywhere.

In my experience with these despicable computers, there is no such thing as security. Karen, I do trust you but not on this. I no longer can trust my doctor because of this and will NOT go to ANY excuse for a professional with so little regard for privacy and personal information. I'm on insulin which is nothing to fool around with. I'll go off the medication rather than be degraded and dehumanized by some worthless piece of unreliable electronic crap. It's just not worth it! This computer crap has gone way too far now and it MUST stop. Why is this insult forced on us? These idiots need to act like the professionals they think they are by letting us decide whether or not we want such personal information compromised.

09-09-2010, 11:29 AM
I work in a hospital and this is the dawn of the computer age. EVERYTHING is going computerized. We take xrays and they are sent via a secure internet connection to a doctor that may or may not even be in this country and read and reported on. It is scary but its convenient and people are working hard to keep everything private. Like louie and me said this helps with emergencies. And a lot of chain pharmacies are connected (Walmart, CVS, Rite-Aid, Walgreen's) to each other via computers to help with drug interactions. That computer connection could save your life someday. While I understand your frustration I guess I don't understand your hatred of a worthless computer when you are using a worthless computer to make this post. :confused: Good Luck and I hope you find some peace in the situation.

09-10-2010, 10:41 AM
Dear B.,

It's now a year later. I bought you a gift, but I kept in mind what I received from you last year. We'll see what happens. I've lowered my expectations.


Dear B.,

No gift?! What's that about? I guess I didn't lower my expectations enough!


09-10-2010, 10:42 AM
Dear Senior Year,

I am so ready for you!

Love, Alyssa;)

Dear God, please bless Alyssa in her senior year. Please give her many fun times that will lead to happy memories, and please keep her safe from harm. Thank You for Alyssa, God! Amen


09-14-2010, 09:51 PM
Dear Britt,

You've been gone for over a year now, and I still get numb when I think about all that happened. Someone brought you up today, and I can't believe you'll never be able to drive to school with us. You'll never be able to get senioritis with us, You should be going to senior prom & on senior trips. You SHOULD be Graduating on June 20th 2011. You should be experiencing your 18th birthday. You should be going to college next year. It kills me knowing you won't be experiencing this. I am so sorry. :( May you RIP and you are forever class of 2011.

Love, Alyssa :love:

Dear Rebecca,
I am done with you. Stop thinking I like you after all the crap you put me through in middle school. Glad to see you're experiencing all that crap now. I guess karma does work. I don't know why you transferred into one of my classes, because of course I get that luck but I suppose it's luck that it's only ONE course. You're a two-faced pathological lying jerk and I don't want any association with you but I am too damn nice. I wish I wasn't. These days, just LOOKING at you annoys me now-a-days. I just remember all the stuff you did to me and you made my life miserable. I honestly don't know how I made it through Middle School. But whatever, you're getting what you deserve now and I don't care about you. I have found who my true friends are and I don't need you in my life. As far as I'm concerned Graduation day will be the last time I ever see you again. You're a psycho. I can't believe you how much lying you get away with. WHO lies about someone committing suicide? I will never understand but I guess I don't need you. CANNOT. WAIT. TILL. I. NEVER. NEED. TO. SEE. YOU. AGAIN. :)

09-17-2010, 11:50 PM
Dear you,

You are back in my life once more. After six months of not texting me, you randomly text me one day and say you want to hang out with me. Walk around town, have something to eat. You're engaged. It's wrong that you're engaged, but you are. And yet you still want to see me and hang out with me. Can we even be friends? I can't trust you anymore. You've done so much before to make me definitely not trust you...

I want to see you and spend time with you and be friends, I just don't know how I'm going to feel when I'm around you. I'm not sure if I know how to be just your friend.

Maybe we can make this work.


09-20-2010, 11:21 AM
Dear Headache,

Please leave me alone. I have a lot of work to do tonight and you are not helping :(

No love,

Dear Sir,

Hey... you are teaching an A LEVEL CLASS. These exams are extremely important to us all, and we actually need to be taught something. WE DON'T NEED TO KNOW ABOUT YOUR WEEKEND :mad:. And it may have been ok a couple of years ago when we had no important exams to worry about, but asking us to 'tell you about our weekend so we don't have to get on and do the work' is NOT appreciated. I can understand a student saying that, but a TEACHER trying to get out of doing the work?

And letting us go 20 mins early from a lesson? Well lesson time is for you to TEACH US! We need that time so we know the stuff for the exam. We haven't even been given text books yet so we can't teach ourselves...

Oh and what did you do when you found out no one in the class had done the homework? YOU LAUGHED! How are we ever meant to respect your authority when you laugh? And on the topic of laughing, can you PLEASE stop laughing after everything you say? It is so annoying. And can you please stop acting like you are one of the students. You are not there to become best friends with the group of popular guys in the class.

And for goodness sake, if you want to use an interactive whiteboard in lesson at least learn how to use it instead of making us wait half the lesson for you to work out something which is sooooo simple to do (perhaps if you listen to the class you might work out how to do it).

And please learn to spell the key words we need. They are new words to us. We don't know how to spell them and we need you to spell them correctly so we can get them right in the exam.

Learn to teach us something or retire. I have had you for what... 2 weeks? And you are already driving me (and most the class) insane.


09-20-2010, 11:38 AM
Dear B.,

No gift?! What's that about? I guess I didn't lower my expectations enough!


Dear B.,

We are so done. You said one thing and then you did exactly the opposite. I simply can't get over it. I am hurt. There was no reason for you to handle it that way. I thought we were better friends than that.


09-20-2010, 05:35 PM
Dear you,

You are back in my life once more. After six months of not texting me, you randomly text me one day and say you want to hang out with me. Walk around town, have something to eat. You're engaged. It's wrong that you're engaged, but you are. And yet you still want to see me and hang out with me. Can we even be friends? I can't trust you anymore. You've done so much before to make me definitely not trust you...

I want to see you and spend time with you and be friends, I just don't know how I'm going to feel when I'm around you. I'm not sure if I know how to be just your friend.

Maybe we can make this work.


Dear you,

We hung out yesterday. It went a whole lot better than I expected. I wasn't a complete spazz, and apparently we acted "natural."

Now I'm starting to realize why I liked you in the first place. You are so much nicer in person than you ever were when we only texted... But I don't know where that's going to lead me. You're engaged. But you're making the decisions here, not me.

I know what I want and I don't know where things are going to go. We can be friends, I'm fine with that, but if you want it otherwise, you've got some things to deal with and a lot of making up to do.


09-23-2010, 02:43 PM
Dear You,

I'm in love with you.
I will always, always be your girl.

But it will never, ever work...
...and it kills me.

Love, Meg

09-23-2010, 02:48 PM
Dear Sis,

Stop judging me. Take a look at yourself first before you evangelize to others. You have a big mouth and a closed mind. Did we grow up in the same house? I find it hard to believe. . .


09-23-2010, 02:56 PM
Dear Deer in my Neighborhood - Could you please not walk along the curb at night. You blend in so well with the trees and leaves that I sometimes don't see you. I really don't want to collide with you! I enjoy seeing you when I drive home from church through the forest preserves on Wolf Road. I am trying to take as many well-lit roads as possible, but the last half a mile worries me t he most.

And if you could just stand still for a second in the morning when you're munching on grass after the landscapers do the lawn in front of my building - I enjoy seeing you and I'd love to take your picture.

Thank you,

Dear Co-Workers ... I enjoy working with you so much! You make me smile, you crack me up with laughter and sometimes you even make me cry. I am blessed to have such a great bunch of co-workers. You rock!


09-24-2010, 12:36 PM
Dear boss...

**bleep bleep**

09-24-2010, 01:21 PM
Dear God, could You please bless Isabel and Richard today and all of my other PT friends who need a blessing. You know who they are. Thank You, God for my PT Friends!


09-24-2010, 05:59 PM
Dear Adelaide,

I knew I should have gotten you fixed last week, but life got so busy! I'm totally paying for my procrastination, though. Eventhough we scheduled for you to be spayed this coming Tuesday, you appear to be on your own schedule.... you have gone into heat! What has happened to my monster kitten?! You have turned into this bizarre, extremely affectionate creature that won't leave me alone. Your tiny little squeaks have been replaced with an alarmingly loud battle cry of some sort.

How in the world do people live with unaltered cats?

All my love,
Your humble servant.

10-04-2010, 03:24 PM
Dear B.,

No gift?! What's that about? I guess I didn't lower my expectations enough!


Dear B.,
If A. already told you what to do to get your sore ankle to stop hurting, why did you ask me? I think you wanted to rub in that you only started seeing A. 6 or 7 months ago and you're already taking a vacation together. And why did you then tell me that A. recommended the same things I did? I am very confused.


10-05-2010, 09:22 PM
Dear Current Employer,
While I don't dread going to work as much as I did when I was in games, I do dread it. I am sick of it. I am worn out from the drama, and I'm sick of being treated like s*** after all the favors I do for people. ALL SUMMER. And K, I know you're still bitter at me for something that wasn't my fault and something that wasn't even a big deal. I am very aware you could've gotten in trouble for it, but you didn't, or not that I know of anyway. I wish you were still cool with me, because you were a great guy before that night. It's not everyone I am tired of, but I am tired of the fakes, liars, and people who treat me like crap and act like they never knew me. This season changed alot of people, well I feel that way anyway, and it got better in certain ways but last year was more fun. I miss the way everyone used to be close. I'm tired of the BS and I'm going to be moving on after this season. This weekend, I found out that if I call out one more time then I get fired. I want to do it, so so so freakin' bad. But I refuse to screw myself over, I need the money and there's only 4 weeks left. It would also be bad for a resume and a next job. I want to tell you to screw yourself, and to just leave, but I am going to do the one good thing I've done for myself all season and end it well. I really will try and not come back next year. I am sick of SF and the bullcrap I've put up with the past 3 years.

I'm not talking about everyone, but I am talking about alot of people in a way - which hurts. But I am ready to move on with my life now. kthnxbai.

Dear R,
UGH, been avoiding you and avoiding you and finally had to talk to you today. So you took the SAT'S in august huh? Yeah, because you really gained alot from that lie. Stop acting like you care about people when you never did, and just stop acting like you care about me. I want to pummel you in the face everyday, you're the most terrible human being I've ever met. ARGHHHHHHHHH. Can't wait to never see you after June 20th :) I had to do a project with you, cool, doesn't mean I wanted to talk to you, I am being made to. 2 people out of our group hate you, 1 is too nice to let you not work with us, and 1 is just neutral.

disliked, by me.

11-30-2010, 07:41 AM
Dear God,

Could you please be with my friend Phred today. He has a complex medical problem and needs healing. Please be with Phred and with everyone who is thinking of and praying for him, God.

Could you please be with Cataholic's sister and niece today. Her niece is having a kidney transplant. She has had challenging medical problems all her life but she has done amazingly well. Please be with the doctors and nurses and her family, and please bless this dear girl.

Thank You, God for all of the very special people, dogs, cats, and pets here on Pet Talk! They are such a blessing to me!

Thank You,

11-30-2010, 06:03 PM
Dear Mom,
Please let me go to our school trip, it would be a great deed you would have done, pleasey squeezy with a cherry on top! :) I really want to go with my friends and my teachers, Thank You!

Dear Mom,
Please let MZRZM come over to our house on Saturday, and please let me go to their funfair too! Thank You and please let me go to their funfair too! thank you, and please please please let me go to their funfair too! <3
Love You,

Dear Miss Warda,
Please don't scold me for not doing my homework, I forgot my books at home, silly me! :rolleyes: I guess I'll have to bunk you class, or else you'll kill me and I don't want to die, I really want to attend the surprise day! ;)But I am really afraid you might strangle me because this homework was due for like three weeks, I am so upset, Please don't do anything to me even though its your right to kill me...
From Sana

11-30-2010, 06:05 PM
Dear God,
Please save me from all the evils and no-goods of this day and let my day be happy for you and happy for me, thank you and please let the rest of this year go as blessed and as lovely as can be, which is 100% peaceful, happy and nice. Please let me have fun at the surprise day and please help me through out my life.
your creation, Sana

02-15-2011, 05:35 AM
Dear ICE , I hate you! Please go away!!! :(

02-15-2011, 09:51 AM
Dear Bipolar East Tennessee weather,

Yesterday morning it was 47 degrees. This morning it was 36. WHAT THE HECK?! Make up your mind. Give me spring, please? I don't like winter, I hate the cold, and it sucks to walk to class in the cold and not being able to feel your hands. So spring, hurry up. And weather, make up your freaking mind!


Dear Boy,

You're hot. I told you that once upon a time ago. But the fact is, you're out of my league and one of my really good friends. So, I don't know what I'm going to do with this situation, but I can't lie and say you're not pretty to look at. Because you definitely are. So, I'll just keep looking and let things flow, I suppose.


02-17-2011, 07:28 AM
Dear Florida,
I can't wait to move to you. I hate this weather...and not being able to wear shorts! It's sad when I think 40 degrees is WARM >.<
Love, an angry NJ resident.

02-17-2011, 01:02 PM
Dear Health of Mine,

Please - make up your mind and give me a flippin' break. I don't multi-task medical issues, and can only deal with one at a time. Give me a break for a change. What did I ever do that was so bad, to get dumped on like this??? :confused::mad:

Not a happy camper right now.....:(

02-17-2011, 01:15 PM
Dear Health of Mine,

Please - make up your mind and give me a flippin' break. I don't multi-task medical issues, and can only deal with one at a time. Give me a break for a change. What did I ever do that was so bad, to get dumped on like this??? :confused::mad:

Not a happy camper right now.....:(

A prayer candle will be lighted for you.

02-17-2011, 03:53 PM
Dear B.,
If A. already told you what to do to get your sore ankle to stop hurting, why did you ask me? I think you wanted to rub in that you only started seeing A. 6 or 7 months ago and you're already taking a vacation together. And why did you then tell me that A. recommended the same things I did? I am very confused.


Dear B.,
I know you want me to have a coffee with you next weekend since A. is going out of town. But it really makes me feel like I am your second choice. Or your third choice, if I count all your old friends from high school. I am going to pass. This is hard for me to do - we have had many good times together. But since A. came into your life you haven't had much need for me. You dropped me pretty abruptly and that hurt a lot. I'll be having coffee next weekend, but not with you.


02-17-2011, 05:09 PM
A prayer candle will be lighted for you.

Thank you so much, Gini. :love: The candle and the sentiment mean a great deal to me, and it did bring on a moment of LES.


02-23-2011, 02:00 PM
Dear B.,
I know you want me to have a coffee with you next weekend since A. is going out of town. But it really makes me feel like I am your second choice. Or your third choice, if I count all your old friends from high school. I am going to pass. This is hard for me to do - we have had many good times together. But since A. came into your life you haven't had much need for me. You dropped me pretty abruptly and that hurt a lot. I'll be having coffee next weekend, but not with you.


Dear B.,
You and A. went to the theatre and saw a show I really wanted to see. You know I love musical theatre, you know how I feel about going alone, yet you didn't call and ask if I wanted to join you. More proof that I'm your second or third choice.


02-23-2011, 02:08 PM
Dear Health of Mine,

Please - make up your mind and give me a flippin' break. I don't multi-task medical issues, and can only deal with one at a time. Give me a break for a change. What did I ever do that was so bad, to get dumped on like this??? :confused::mad:

Not a happy camper right now.....:(

I do you feel better soon, I know it can feel like herding cats would be easier than dealing with multiple medical problems, multiple doctors, and a giant frustration!

04-19-2011, 04:08 PM
Dear Mother Nature,
please stop the rain!!!!!:(

04-19-2011, 04:44 PM
Dear Senior Year,
I can't wait for this to be over. About 2 months left to go..:D At the same time, I'm kinda shocked it went by this fast. All my other high school years seemed to drag on, especially Junior year. :rolleyes: This year was literally a flicker in the wind. :eek: Well, I can't wait to be done!


04-19-2011, 07:13 PM
Dear Senior Year,
I can't wait for this to be over. About 2 months left to go..:D At the same time, I'm kinda shocked it went by this fast. All my other high school years seemed to drag on, especially Junior year. :rolleyes: This year was literally a flicker in the wind. :eek: Well, I can't wait to be done!

It'll be gone before you know it, and you might miss it just a little bit :p

Scooter's Mom
04-19-2011, 08:51 PM
Dear Jello,

Thank you for making sugar free pudding snacks that I am allowed to eat as a diabetic. Thank you again for making them tasty! However, I want to say "WHY???" when I realized that the milk chocolate ones taste like delicious cake batter. You make it difficult to only eat one!

Thank you.

04-20-2011, 06:21 AM
Thank you for another year! :)

04-20-2011, 07:06 AM
Dear Jello,

Thank you for making sugar free pudding snacks that I am allowed to eat as a diabetic. Thank you again for making them tasty! However, I want to say "WHY???" when I realized that the milk chocolate ones taste like delicious cake batter. You make it difficult to only eat one!

Thank you.

Omg!! I think its the same jello that makes those fizzy jellies that are MY FAVORITE!!! That Jello company should be a billionaire by now, they are awesome!

04-20-2011, 08:23 AM
Dear freshman year of college,

Boy, have you flown by! I wish finals would hurry up and get here so I can move to Knoxville and have this year over with. The stress and lack of sleep is not good for me, and I'd like for it to be over soon.


04-20-2011, 01:08 PM
Dear B.,
You and A. went to the theatre and saw a show I really wanted to see. You know I love musical theatre, you know how I feel about going alone, yet you didn't call and ask if I wanted to join you. More proof that I'm your second or third choice.


I don't know how old you are, but if you are north of 16, you need to simply drop these "friends" and realize that there ARE plenty of people out there that are deserving of your companionship. These people sound like class A jerks.

04-20-2011, 04:29 PM
I don't know how old you are, but if you are north of 16, you need to simply drop these "friends" and realize that there ARE plenty of people out there that are deserving of your companionship. These people sound like class A jerks.

I'm way north of sixteen (44). Things changed a lot when they started spending so much time together. Life goes on!

04-21-2011, 12:02 AM
Dear mahzu, glad I spent $19 + at your place only to not be able to hold down the meal. I dont like visiting the bathroom 4 times in 20 minutes at 1 am when I have a double shift at work tomorrow. Glad I went to bed early for this! I know where I'm not going for awhile. Not appreciative, Alyssa.

04-21-2011, 08:43 AM
Dear Up coming Final Exams, I really wish you would be easy and won't make me crazy with tension. Hoping that I go through with you guys in ease and nice. I mean you are easy and I pass with great marks. :):):):):)

04-21-2011, 02:04 PM
Dear Deer in my Neighborhood - Could you please not walk along the curb at night. You blend in so well with the trees and leaves that I sometimes don't see you. I really don't want to collide with you! I enjoy seeing you when I drive home from church through the forest preserves on Wolf Road. I am trying to take as many well-lit roads as possible, but the last half a mile worries me t he most.

And if you could just stand still for a second in the morning when you're munching on grass after the landscapers do the lawn in front of my building - I enjoy seeing you and I'd love to take your picture.

Thank you,

Dear Doe on Willow Springs Road-- I almost didn't see you there by the side of the road last night, you blended in so well with the trees. Could you just go a little further away from the side of the road -- I don't want to collide with you. I'm trying to use as many well-lit roads as I can since it is that time of year. I am fortunate to live in a place where I get to see deer every now and then.

04-21-2011, 02:17 PM
Dear Florida,
I can't wait to move to you. I hate this weather...and not being able to wear shorts! It's sad when I think 40 degrees is WARM >.<
Love, an angry NJ resident.

Dear Alysser,

I can't wait until you move here. You will love me! But be prepared because if you think 40 degrees is warm, you will completely roast when I am at 95 and 90% humidity. There is always a trade-off. And mosquitos. . .and alligators. And you will be south of the Mason-Dixon line which is often quite shocking for northerners for a while. But will welcome you heartily when you arrive and so will my displaced northern resident Catherinedana.


Suki Wingy
04-21-2011, 11:16 PM
Dear Richard Dawkins,
Keep on opening people's eyes to science and asking people to really think for themselves and look at evidence and reason instead of blindly following what they're taught or what seems like a comfortable little spot. Thank you for making wonderful documentaries.
An agreeable viewer/reader.

04-24-2011, 07:21 PM
Dear you,

Crap. Not again. I mean, really? Why does this keep happening to me? Sigh.

A distraught/upset Bri

04-24-2011, 07:27 PM
Dear rain,

GO AWAY!!!:(

04-25-2011, 05:24 AM
Dear rain,

GO AWAY!!!:(

Dear Rain,

COME!!! We aren't gonna kill you!

Dear Heat and humidity,

PLEASE GO AWAY!!! We want a pleasant weather!

04-25-2011, 09:09 PM
Dear bugs,

I don't bother your turf, you don't bother mine. When I see you in my room, YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT OUT ALIVE. I don't care if you're accidently in there. You know a house isn't your turf, stay out! I will not go into your underground burrows, hives, or wherever the heck you live, trust me. That especially goes for stink bugs.

Your enemy,

PS - When I loose sight of you after the first sighting, you might hear the song "Eye of the Tiger" playing. You're in deep man, RUN FOR IT. If you hear that, 'cause that means I'm on the hunt. YOU WILL DIE I PROMISE.

04-26-2011, 01:47 AM
Dear Bugs,
As a favour because we are related, I'm giving you warning in advance to leave Alyssers room el pronto.
Think about it.
Remember....there will be no Xmas party this year if she squishes you all.
A Caring Relation.

04-26-2011, 06:11 AM
Dear Alyssa,

04-26-2011, 06:14 AM
Dear Rain,

COME!!! We aren't gonna kill you!

Dear Heat and humidity,

PLEASE GO AWAY!!! We want a pleasant weather!

Dear Sana,
I will gladly send you my rain! ;) Now we have severe storms coming with ...more rain!!!:(

04-26-2011, 08:53 AM
Dear Sana,
I will gladly send you my rain! ;) Now we have severe storms coming with ...more rain!!!:(

Hehe!! I would gladly send our heat :p

04-26-2011, 09:24 AM
Dear bugs,

I don't bother your turf, you don't bother mine. When I see you in my room, YOU WILL NOT MAKE IT OUT ALIVE. I don't care if you're accidently in there. You know a house isn't your turf, stay out! I will not go into your underground burrows, hives, or wherever the heck you live, trust me. That especially goes for stink bugs.

Your enemy,

PS - When I loose sight of you after the first sighting, you might hear the song "Eye of the Tiger" playing. You're in deep man, RUN FOR IT. If you hear that, 'cause that means I'm on the hunt. YOU WILL DIE I PROMISE.

Hahah!!! Sign it for me too! Seriously, we have these a little large ants with wings and if you kill one, you'll spot another in 3 secs!! We sprayed the room with a spray that kills insects. They have lessened now, but not ended! :mad: I told my bro to kill one, and I spotted another and then later many more!!! My sister made a rule, any ant you see is to be killed... :eek::eek: Put my signature under that too, please :p;)

04-26-2011, 06:18 PM
Hehe!! I would gladly send our heat :p

Dear Sana, never mind. I will keep the rain and the mud! I hate being hot!;)

04-27-2011, 01:20 AM
Dear Sana, never mind. I will keep the rain and the mud! I hate being hot!;)

Dear chocolatepuppy,
Is this the reason why your puppy is chocolate coloured ???
A friend.

04-27-2011, 05:07 AM
Dear chocolatepuppy,
Is this the reason why your puppy is chocolate coloured ???
A friend.

Dear wom,
Yep, that's my RB Mandy and she was always covered in mud.:D Now it's my little Jakey, he lives for mud!!!:rolleyes:

Suki Wingy
04-28-2011, 12:54 AM
Dear Baxter,
I love you but please don't ever kick me in the face again.

04-29-2011, 04:01 AM
Dear Trees,
Awwww give me a break fellas. I raked all of your leaves up yesterday, and this morning when I woke they were all over the place again. :(
Go back to where you came from (bloody deciduous trees) :rolleyes:

04-29-2011, 08:51 AM
Dear Daughter-in-law,
Life is tough when your car battery dies & you need an instant battery in your car & your hubby runs his butt of fulfilling your bloody wish. Suck it up princess like will get better. :)

04-29-2011, 01:48 PM
Dear Sunshine,

I am so happy to see you today! Please stick around awhile! If you could chase the rain down to Texas, they need it in the worst way down there.

Thank you,

Dear Comp Med people, thank you for bringing your pet therapy dogs in yesterday for Take a Child to Work, even though they were already here on Wednesday for their regular day up on peds. I had a great time meeting and petting them! Thank you for inviting me for another petting session next week! It's true what they say-- a dog is like a chocolate cookie, once you enjoy one you need one every day. Thank you again!

04-29-2011, 02:29 PM
Dear this coming week,

Please go by as fast as possible. Finals need to be over with so I can leave to Minnesota and see my dad on Friday. Please, please go by quickly.


Dear the week after,

Please go by as slowly as you possibly can. I want my time with my dad to feel like its a month long.


Dear Minnesota,

Please be warm the week of May 6-13. You have a very excited visitor coming who doesn't want it to be cold and rain the whole time. Thank you very much.


04-30-2011, 08:07 AM
Dear Work,
Please be over quickly. Thanks! :) I want to stay in and cuddle with the muffin today.

Dear You,
I am going to keep picking at this till you let it happen ;) I won't back down.

08-05-2011, 08:02 PM
Dear Nice Summer Weather,

Where the heck do you think you're going? Stick around awhile!


08-05-2011, 08:22 PM
Dear grass,

please stop growing!:rolleyes:

08-05-2011, 09:54 PM
Dear last 11 days before I go back to college,

Please pass by very slowly. I'm not in the studying mood yet :p.


08-06-2011, 12:13 AM
Dear Good Weather

Where the heck have you gone!!?!!? Its extremely hot and we need some cool fresh air here! Come back soon! Like now!


08-06-2011, 01:25 AM
Dear kid,

Did I mention lately what a hero you are? I know you don't want to go emo on this, but I know how Limpet was part of your life. You did such a huge hero's job all the time she was sick, never avoiding or flinching or trying to hide from any of it to protect your own heart. I hated having to tell you, I hated how the story kept changing on you because we just didn't know what to tell you you could expect. You would have faced any of it, I just would have liked to reward your courage by giving you something better than 'we just have to hope'.

Remember when we brought her home? You were only ten. Remember how you looked at me when I told you - so carefully - that B and I had been talking about her all night and we had decided that if you agreed too, we'd like to pick this little cat and take her home - to be ours. I've never forgotten that look. Twenty-one years, and I've never seen a look quite like it on your face again. Never forgotten how you instantly plastered your tiny little self against the front of her cage so nobody else could see around you and somehow grab her away from behind you before my credit card cleared - even though the shelter was deserted and the attendant assured us it was already official and irreversible as soon as the sticker went up on her cage. You sat in the back of the car with her box on your lap and your fingers through the air holes so she'd have someone to reassure her, and you talked to her so gently, so carefully, so she'd feel safe. We both felt you vibing out joy until the whole car was thick with the silence of it. You might not have noticed this, but B drove home like a funeral car because you were so anxious about her getting bounced by a bump and he didn't want to cause you distress.

You're such a wonderful kid. You got such a wonderful cat. Remember how she was sick when she came home and we used to gather in an awed little circle of worship while she slept in her fever-cat way, and go 'Awwww' every time her sinus infection caused her to blow a little green snot-bubble that could have glowed in the dark? Remember the time you phoned me while I was working too late on some pointless project, and you said to me, all politely 'Could you excuse me for one moment, mom?' Then I heard you put the phone down and I heard your special loving firmness-with-Limpet voice saying 'NO cats on counters, Limpet.' I sat there thinking about how carefully you'd worked out a way of gathering your arms around her legs and gently 'hooshing' her towards the edge until she jumped down, since you were too small for the leverage to really lift her from such a high place. And then there was thumping, and some rustling, and some giggling sounds . . . and then awful silence. I sat there and tried to figure out how to freak out - I couldn't even start to imagine what could have happened. And at last I began to get more thumps and more bangs, and some distant heavy breathing mixed with giggles and an almighty crash. And finally your slightly-breathless I'm-not-giggling voice being all corporate so it could say 'Um, I'm afraid I'm going to have to phone you back.' Turned out she'd hooshed herself to the edge of the counter, into your arms, up onto your shoulders, and then from there walked down your back while you bent lower and lower to keep her stable, until she had you flat on the floor with your chin on the tiles, and she had settled down on your back for a nap. She started riding your shoulders quite naturally after that.

Never would do that with me, but with you it was perfectly normal for me to be standing in the kitchen stirring something, and have you mosey in in your sullen horrible how-dare-you-exist-in-the-same-world-as-me teenager way, fetch a bowl, fetch the cereal, open the fridge, bend down for the milk, pour the milk and the cereal, pivot, open the fridge, replace the milk and go back to your room with your dinner-spoiler . . . and all of it with Limpet happily settled down for the ride across your shoulders, kneading and purring like she was sitting in somebody's lap. You never cracked a smile, but don't tell me you weren't proud of it. Don't think I didn't notice how careful you were never to jolt her or knock her off balance, for all of your Great Stone Face act. There have been times when I've despaired of you, kid - any parent who's had a teenager is lying if they say they haven't felt the same fear. But seeing how you were with Limpet helped me to know that you'd be okay. No matter how foul your mood, you were always, always gentle with her.

I'm just trying to say. You were little when we got her and you would have agreed to anything then for her sake not even knowing what you were in for. But you turned 21 just days before she got sick, and you knew. To be honest, I didn't think you'd be able to deal with it all. I thought you'd look into the emotional chasm it all opened up, turn petrified at the depths that you saw, and back away. But you came to the vet the first time we checked her out and listened to the history and risks and what she would need. You came into the back room where they were preparing to put her into her box - and I thought you'd be afraid of the 'medical' look. She took one look when she saw it was you and leapt straight off the table onto your shoulders, sick as she was. There's no question that she needed you, and you knew it, and you came through for her.

The first tiime I thought I was obligated to put her to sleep because the vet said the turning point was when they gave up eating, did you know I seriously considered just announcing the fact and doing it while you were at school? That's my cowardice, but it's also habit. Time was only a few years ago when you would have chosen to do it that way. You would have tried to pretend it was not happening by backing away. It took me some guts to give you the choice of waiting until you were home and making the appointment for late in the day so you could be there. You said like it was automatic that you wanted to be there with her, like it was out of the question to let her be put her to sleep without you to see her through it. And you were there, when we finally did have to do it. For her sake, not yours. I saw it in the way you were gentling her. You were there because you've always been her touchstone just like she was yours, and it never even went through your mind to betray her on that.

Kid, you just don't know how proud I am of you.

08-13-2011, 11:54 PM
Dear Pappy,

I miss you so much. I can't believe it's been ten months since your passing on. Every day, something little reminds me of you, and I feel my heart breaking all over again. I know you are not in pain anymore, and that you wish you were here for me, but I would give anything to spend another day with you.

I love you and miss you so much.

your favorite granddaughter, your little brown jug.

08-14-2011, 10:58 AM
Dear Pakistan

Congrats, its your 64th Birthday! I hope everything bad going on there stops.

Yours Truly,

Dear Weather,

Well, you've been pretty happy lately, eh? But, please don't be too happy, the rain floods the roads. Thank You!

Gooood Day!

Dear Full Moon,

What a beauty you are!! I'm soo happy seeing you! You really look like a cheese wheel :p My cousins, sister and I are going to get on the roof to see you! :) Hopefully we'll be able to!

Your truly,
Your lover

08-15-2011, 01:03 PM
To: Brooke Johnson, CEO, Food Network
From: Loyal Food Network Fan

Dear Ms. Johnson: I enjoyed "Next Food Network Star" very much! The three top finishers were so close. Please give a show to each of them. I live in Chicago, which has a vibrant Mexican-American community; I love traditional Mexican food and I'd be delighted to "Spice It Up" with Susie. "Mama's Boy" Vic has touched my heart with his personality and I'd have a great time learning his approach to Italian comfort food. And Jeff "anything can be a sandwich"-- well, there is no doubt I will learn a lot from watching his show. I would love to see more of each one of them. You did this with Adam Gertler and Kelsey Nixon-- please make it happen again.

08-15-2011, 01:15 PM
Dear Neighborhood Cat

I :love: YOU! I WANT TO KEEP YOU! But, I can't.... :(

:love: YOU!

From Sana

Scooter's Mom
08-27-2011, 06:48 PM
Dear {you} and [you] and even < you >!

I know this is small and petty... but you know.... I try to be nice and make nice comments about your facebook comments and status posts. Even when they're stupid. Why? Because facebook is sometimes the only way we can keep in touch. Why again? Because you don't reply to my texts and emails and when I call you, I get chewed out for interrupting your busy life, and you don't bother to call me back. I'm ONLY your sister, or cousin, or niece, or daughter-in-law. You never reply to my status on facebook.

I'm disheartened by the fact that my ex-husbands mother and I have a better relationship than I do with any of you.

You all make me sad.

Think about how the smallest action could really improve someone's day and think about them above your own selfish needs for a change sometimes.


08-27-2011, 09:58 PM
Dear hurricane Irene,

You're not affecting me, but I would appreciate it if you'd leave all the PT'ers and my other friends along the east coast alone.


Dear UT,

Build another parking garage.


Dear Knoxville drivers,

What the HECK are you on? Learn how to drive!!! I've not even had a license yet and I can drive better than y'all!


08-28-2011, 12:19 AM
Dear God,

Please let the weather be awesome especially from 28th Aug - 10th Sep, 2011.


Oh! And please let me keep that cat :D and please let mom like it, and please don't let it hurt me, the people I know, and cause trouble to me or the people I know and please make me and the people I know, love her, and please make her love me and the people I know. Thankyou! :)


Sana :)

08-29-2011, 08:55 PM
Dear God, thank You for watching over my PT friends who were affected by the hurricane. And for watching over my other friends who live in the Eastern states.

Please bless Ann as she travels to Africa for her reunion. Thank You that she is going to get the chance to see her friends!

08-29-2011, 09:14 PM
Dear B.,

It's now a year later. I bought you a gift, but I kept in mind what I received from you last year. We'll see what happens. I've lowered my expectations.


Dear B., I forgot about 2009! I bought you a gift again this year, but you cancelled at the 11th hour so I wasn't able to give it to you. It's quite similar to what I gave you last year, but I'm going to keep quiet and hope you don't notice.

08-29-2011, 10:48 PM
Dear God,

Please please make sure I get to go to Naveed Stationers today, please please!! I need to buy my cousins some presents and please make sure that tonight, everything goes lovely for everybody.


From Sana

08-29-2011, 11:04 PM
Dear S,

I know you don't feel the same way, but I swore you did at some point. But I guess I can't blame you for that whatsoever. It's just the way life is, it's just the story of my life. Just want to say I do NOT think any less of you, and you're a great guy. I am really happy to have met someone that has restored my feelings. I hope we continue to be good friends.


08-29-2011, 11:41 PM
Dear ___,
The way you live makes me very sad. It isn't living at all, but more a slow march to the grave. I will always try to help you realize what's happening, because I will always love you. To say nothing would be my biggest regret. Family, no matter what. I will always hope for a brighter future for you, because it'll be waiting for you when you rise to meet it.
Love, Sarah

08-30-2011, 12:16 PM
Dear new haircut,

I love you :D


09-01-2011, 03:54 PM
Dear driving test,

I am completely odd and people find it strange when I say I do not have my license and I am a sophomore in college :D.

Tomorrow, that will hopefully change as I am taking my driving test.

So, driving test, please be easily passable, for I really want my license and the ability to drive my adorable yellow Buttercup.

That is all.


Dear self,

Have faith that you can do this. You're a decent driver. You can pass a road test and earn that license.


03-08-2012, 12:59 PM
Dear B.,
I know you want me to have a coffee with you next weekend since A. is going out of town. But it really makes me feel like I am your second choice. Or your third choice, if I count all your old friends from high school. I am going to pass. This is hard for me to do - we have had many good times together. But since A. came into your life you haven't had much need for me. You dropped me pretty abruptly and that hurt a lot. I'll be having coffee next weekend, but not with you.


Dear B.,

I'm so sorry to find out that you are down and out again. It's been a long time since this happened. And yes, I'm aware that I have not visited you since this all started. But you have A., and your have your high school friends, and you've made it clear to me a couple of times that you don't have much need for me. I know you will do well with this newest treatment. I get that you will be out of commission probably until June, but you have a lot of people to keep your mind occupied and help you get to your medical appointments and meet your other needs. This is a good chance for A. to see what the next 30 years might look like. I'll be interested to see if A. will stick around.


03-08-2012, 05:25 PM
Good for you. Stay strong, and find real friends that value you for being you.

03-08-2012, 08:35 PM
Dear both you, my employers,

What did I do to make you dislike me from the start? You've been after me to quit since I was transferred there. All I wanted was (and is still) to do the job right and hopefully to your expectations. I wanted to teach the students. But it seems through your actions and inactions over the last three years that your goal was to get me to leave, not to insure the students' success.

When I asked for your help (after you told me I was doing it wrong), your response was "I don't know, you're the teacher." Sending me on a few professional days doesn't help me in this rather unique program. Why do you change your rules after I've figured them out? Why didn't you teach me your rules instead of telling me the rules while reprimanding for breaking the rules?

You talk about L and L and how to use it with our students. Yet, you apply anger and insults when you deal with me. Do I anger you that much or are you just a hypocrite?

Have you noticed that I make more parent contacts than the other teachers? (Another teacher saw your list and told me.) And many of the End-of-course scores are passing, more for those that have been under my tutelage for a period of time. I'm told by a reliable source that more students have passed the test for me than the previous teachers.

I know that active earning occurs in my class. You wanted me to deliver expert plans, yet keep the students in their seats with a written assignment list to follow. You wanted me to encourage learning and cooperation, yet the students aren't supposed to talk at all.

I tried to talk to you. I tried to present my point of view professionally, and you wrote an official reprimand, much of it lies. I kept my silence and you created more lies. I'm not perfect and sometimes I was wrong. But I did not do all those things and you know it.

You've embarrassed me in my room in front of other teachers and students. I quit showing up after school at the bus line, because you would embarrass me in front of the students and teachers. I just stopped talking altogether, which is what you wanted. That is why your secretary told me I wasn't allowed to talk to another adult unless I was spoken to first. I was told that when I arrived. What a warm welcome.

You can't tell me when I've done right? I caught the girls last year that had got some drugs by your check-in staff. I got the fellow this year that did the same thing. I was doing my job and observing my students. I pointed out that we had a child that was almost shoeless. Another child had vision problems and I alerted the parent. Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? The other teachers know that I have pencils and paper for the students. The students know that if they need supplies for a project, I probably have it. And sometimes they offer to pay for it.

I have to prepare for up to 8 different subjects and can have 8 subjects per class period. I keep my students on task most of the period and the students et me know it too. Still I like them and they like and respect me. I know this because they will do as I need without me asking.

I hope you know what it is that you have done. If you don't pay for it in this lifetime, karma will catch up with you. Perhaps my friends' prayers will find their way to your heart and you can amend your ways. At this point I'm not able to forgive you. Perhaps some day I will.

03-09-2012, 11:13 AM
Dear you,

I really like you. That hasn't happened in a while. The problem is, well, there's lots of problems with me admitting that. Right now, I'm okay with what we have and our friendship, but as time goes on, I don't know how I'm going to be with all of this.

Until then, I'm going to love every second I have with you.


03-09-2012, 11:27 AM
Dear professor c,
I really don't care about social stratification right now I just want spring break. This class is boring.


03-09-2012, 07:28 PM
Dear Cough and soar throat and phlegm,

Please go away and let me live in peace. -_-

Thank You.


03-13-2012, 09:53 PM
Dear District,

Please rule in my favor.

03-14-2012, 05:28 PM
Dear Newscasters.....

You're really getting on my nerves. Is it really necessary to report everyday, about how bad the allergy season is going to be this year because of the mild winter??? We allergy sufferers already know - our noses and sinuses are our messengers. :eek:

Not respectfully yours,
Sneezin' and Wheezin' in Delaware

03-14-2012, 06:10 PM
Dear Newscasters.....

You're really getting on my nerves. Is it really necessary to report everyday, about how bad the allergy season is going to be this year because of the mild winter??? We allergy sufferers already know - our noses and sinuses are our messengers. :eek:

Not respectfully yours,
Sneezin' and Wheezin' in Delaware

That reminds me of the times of the year the weather sites have "High Pollen Alert" on their websites - it's like i want to tell them "Listen, folks, none of us live in a hermetically sealed dome. Those of us with pollen allergies know when we wake up in the morning ether it's a "high pollen count" day - when you have to sneeze, sniffle and blow your nose before even turning the computer on, it is NOT a big surprise when the site says "high pollen." Trust me!"