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Thread: Hunter

  1. #1


    September 5th, I found a baby bunny. He was all alone, without a mother. The mother had her babies too late, because it was getting very cold, and even with her warmth, they could have frozen to death! So, I took him in and cared for him. I named him Hunter. I'll try and post a picture of him, but I can't promise anything. He was such a bouncy little guy, though I expected that. We fed him milk out of a seringe. He was doing great. Then, one Sunday, I went to check on him, but he wouldn't do anything. I figured he was tired, so I told him I loved him, then I went to Church. When I came back, I tried to feed him, but he would just flop on his side. Then, I knew. He was dying. I stayed up with him all night, watching him suffer. I wished, and prayed that he would get better. But aound 10 o'clock, he died. We had him for about 2 weeks. Everytime I think of him, I want to cry. I buried him under the lilac tree in our back yard. He was the sweetest bunny, and I wanted you all to know that.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Oh, what a wonderful thing you did. Your little bunny Hunter probably never would have had any chance had you not helped him as you did. Please remember you did all you that could. Sometimes, despite all our efforts, things do not turn out as we wish, despite our best efforts or how much we love our furry kids. I am sure your little precious bunny knew how sad and frightened you were and slipped away quietly while you were at church to spare you any more pain and suffering. Hunter will always be with you in your heart. Now he is healthy and without suffering, playing and romping in soft grass with all the other creatures at the Rainbow Bridge. One day you will see him again. Until then, please remember how he loved you and how you helped him. You did a very wonderful thing. You are a very special person. I would love to see a picture of him when you feel up to it.

    [This message has been edited by tatsxxx11 (edited November 09, 2000).]

  3. #3
    Thank you very much. You are right, he has no pain now, and is playing with all his little friends. I'll try and get a picture of him as soon as I can. I can't wait to see him again. You are a wonderful person.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    The House Rabbit Society has a very helpful page on wild baby rabbits that everyone should read. PLEASE see

    And remember, Hunter will be at the Rainbow Bridge for you.

  5. #5
    Thank you, everyone for your wonderful posts! You are all wonderful people! I can't wait to see him at Rainbow Bridge!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Brevard, NC, United States
    Originally posted by Breezybabe01:
    September 5th, I found a baby bunny. He was all alone, without a mother. The mother had her babies too late, because it was getting very cold, and even with her warmth, they could have frozen to death! So, I took him in and cared for him. I named him Hunter. I'll try and post a picture of him, but I can't promise anything. He was such a bouncy little guy, though I expected that. We fed him milk out of a seringe. He was doing great. Then, one Sunday, I went to check on him, but he wouldn't do anything. I figured he was tired, so I told him I loved him, then I went to Church. When I came back, I tried to feed him, but he would just flop on his side. Then, I knew. He was dying. I stayed up with him all night, watching him suffer. I wished, and prayed that he would get better. But aound 10 o'clock, he died. We had him for about 2 weeks. Everytime I think of him, I want to cry. I buried him under the lilac tree in our back yard. He was the sweetest bunny, and I wanted you all to know that.

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