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Thread: lottery

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    happiness is a house full of cats


    what would you do if you won a million $ in the lottery? of course I would give to chariteis, but I would SHOP!!! and TRAVEL!!

    well those are pretty common answers... what else would you do?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Jen's cat shelter!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    I'd definately start my own shelter and animal education programs. I wouldn't really want to travel because I like to stay home with my furkids I'd love to buy a modest house in the country with a lot of land and have an animal sanctuary in my backyard
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    College Education for all three children, pay off the mortgage (pay off everything, to be honest), give a portion to the church, a portion to some of my favorite rescue groups and save the rest, but I would definitely take my honeymoon to Hawaii that I am waiting for!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Minnesota, United States
    Hmmm...I would donate some to my city for a new animal shelter, buy a game horse, and travel!
    (Katie, you are the best!!! Thanks for my new sig upgrade!!!)

    Owner of the Oscar Meyer Weiner...Dog (Teddy)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Los Angeles, CA USA
    Gosh, California has such big lottery pots sometimes, that I have thought about what I would do.

    The very first thing I would try to do is - KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT!!

    The second thing I would want to do is find ways to help out all of my nieces and nephews. College funds for the little ones would be important to me.

    I think when it comes to rescue groups and human charities that you have to be really careful - so I would try to do some research before just giving away money.

    Finally I would love to set up some anonymous scholarships. Education for all of our children is the answer...........and so many will miss out on a college education.

    What's funny is every time I think about it - I never have a list of things that "I" want.........but a week or so at ocean's edge would be right up there in my top priority.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Just HOW DO YOU solve a problem like Maria?
    Hmmm well depending on how much it was I would by a house with a big yard for me and the dogs. Oh and I would so buy myself a convertiable beetle, and the dogs a SUV with me as their personal driver Send my folks on a nice vacation, give some money to my sisters and niece. By something really really nice for my Aunt who spoiled me when I was little. oh and I would give some to the local shelter or ARF, to help some animals out.

    Now if it was a lot of money, like multi-millions I would probably buy some land and build a barn for myself and friends to practice agility in...and to use for trials. It'd be an agility barn...with a couple of fields attached to it of course for outdoor stuff, and buy all the equipment to go with it.

    Other then that, I'd just have fun with it, save a bunch, go shopping. Stuff like that.
    Goonies never say die!

    Thanks Amy for the great sig!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    A house in the countryside and a big fenced in garden for the cats. And then I would travel. Unfortunately now there isn't so much money left that I could quit my job

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Kelowna, BC
    I would buy my own shelter that sells pet supplies as well I wuld also buy my dogs, and my rats, and my birds and my....heh.. This could go on forever....Oooh and I would donate to all the other shelters and places that help animals
    I've been BOO'd!

  10. #10
    First I would buy a big house just outside the city limits and get two white Clydesdale horses. I would buy about 200 acres and turn that into my shelter for exotic pets. I would hire staff, my own veterinarian and have a state of the art clinic there. I would pay off the rest of my tuition for school.

    I would send Dan to college if he wants to go back, pay for Dylans college when he gets old enough to go, pay for my younger brother and sisters as well. I would buy my mother a big new house. I would move my Dad in with me sooner, and hire nurses to care for him throughout the day and try to find him a secretarial job or something like that once I help him with his resume. I would pay for all of his medications and buy him tons of food so he can put his chef skills to work again. He makes awesome chocolate mouse cake!

    I would make Dylan a library!!! He would have all the best childrens books from all over the world. He has around 100 books now so room is running out lol. He loves books and we love to read together.

    I would take homeless peoples pets to the veterinarian to make sure they are healthy etc. One of my dreams is to build a homeless shelter for people but one that lets them bring their animals. Those animals a lot of times are the only thing they have to live for. There would be a cattery and a doggie inn. I would make sure all human babies recieved medical attention for vaccines etc.

    I would put tons of money into baby charities!

    I would have a huge rattery for my babies. They would have air conditioning and a huge eneclosure that had rocks and trees and all that good stuff. I would try to develope a vaccine against Myco, SDA and Sendai.

    I would travel to Costa Rica...have always wanted to go there and Germany too!

    And yes I would shop shop shop! I would buy tons of makeup and clothes and shoes to last a lifetime lol. I would buy a Harley, a brand new Kia Sportage and a 57 Chevy! hehe I would buy a lot of things.
    Fuzzies for Furries
    Northwest Opossum Society
    Zoology Major
    2 Virginia Opossums, 6 cats, 4 bearded dragons, 1 iguana, 1 red foot tortoise, 1 tripod chihuahua, 5 mice, dubia and hissing cockroaches as well as other misc animals that wander in and out of my home.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Pay off bills, pay of some of my families bills, give to charities (probably pet oriented charities), and save some too! Gotta save some for the future, that's just the way I am. Like I said though, first is the bills and probably new cars (1 for each of us) so that I knew those would last a while!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Oak Creek, Wisconsin
    I would purchase tons of acres of land, and run a dog rescue and rat rescue organization. I would donate some of the money to the ASPCA and local humane society. I would buy a great dane, labrador, and a boxer (my 3 fav. breeds). I am sure there are lots of other things I would do, but I'm never gunna win the lottery, so why even worry about it. hehe.

    P.S. There is no such thing as a pure white Clydesdale. White is only seen for markings, or if it is a paint color.
    LAURA {Human}, FRANNY {Boxer}, PEANUT, BUSTER, & NIBBLES {Rabbits}

    Thanks Roxyluvsme13!

    "The wind of heaven is that which blows between a horses' ears"- Arabian Proverb

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    First, our bills would be gone.....I hate bills and the stress that comes with them.

    I would first give some to charities that are near and dear to my heart. And of course, some to God.

    I would like to have a new home with a nice yard so I could set up a fostering program. I'd be in school full time and would most definitely quit my job. I think I'd spend most of my time volunteering.

    David would want to go to culinary school and quit his job as well...even though he says we should let it sit in a bank for a year and live off the interest....

    I know we would travel, I want to see the world and learn about cultures different from mine.

    The only people that I would help financially would be David's parents and my grandmother. Everyone else in our lives (family-wise) seem to be obsessed with money and are self absorbed. I want to go get a lottery ticket!!
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Toronto, ON
    There is a lottery here I think that is 30 million dollars! If I won that........... there's just too many things to do with it. If I won the lottery, I would buy lots of cats&dogs, donate some to animal shelters, buy a big house(I want a castle), travel around the world, and shop, shop, shop! All the things you could get with money......
    - - Tiffany && Blueberry - -

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I would donate to a horse charity that is near me.And of course id use it for other things too.
    ~Your best friend doesn't have to be human~

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