thanks everyone for your concern, she is not quite so good today, but not too bad considering, she has another health worry at the moment which i wont go into which is causing her some pain and worry, so thats a real bummer on top of the cancer, best dash going over to be with her and take care of her and just be company.
now to my lexie came home from mums yesterday and she has a sore eye, it is weeping, any clues, is it an eye infection or did she hurt it whilst i was away, real mystery to me, was fine when i left, help plz.
am keeping an eye on it, no pun intended lol, saline bathing it and if necessary i will take her to vet, i like to try and heal things myself first if i can, and i have had success with ash , have managed to heal two abcesses he had from cat fights, so heres hoping i can get lexies little eye ok.