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Thread: Friends pitbull.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    united states

    Friends pitbull.

    Last night I went over to my friends house and she has an 80 pound unaltered male pitbull... Well she shut the door and went to the bathroom and Max stayed in the room with me. He started jumping on me and almost humping me and now my left legs is all torn up and swollen and bruised. HE was biting my leg alittle but it was more like little pinches as well and I dont know if he was just being domiant or smelled my dogs on me.Thank god she came out soon after because I really was starting to get scared and though he might start biting me and such. I was pushing him off and saying no Max but nothing was helping. He was acting kinda agressive and dominant towards me and now im afraid to go back to her house but dont want to tell her because I dont want to upset her. He is the biggest pitbull I have ever seen and he is all muscle and im afraid he would really injure me. I know he doesnt do good with other animals and I cant take my son around him because he mauls at little kids and humps and holds them down as well..She says I am lucky because he seems to really like me and doesnt growl at me like he does alot of people that go to her house but im afraid he likes me too much. I Just dont know how to tell her I dont feel safe going to her house now with him around me.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Why is he not neutered? That would likely stop the "humping" and curb the aggression as well. Has she done any training with him?

  3. #3
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    united states
    See I dont really know. She has had him since he was a little puppy and he is now atleast 6 yrs old. She just moved here recently so I dont know too much about him. I know her mom wont even take him out and he is inside alot because he is very strong and doesnt do well with other animals. She says he is a BIG BABY but whenever I go near him or see him I just have a funny feeling about him like I could never trust him just by the look on his face and his eyes or something.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    She should still get him neutered. If he's not a show dog and being bred, it is better for his long-term health.

  5. #5
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    united states
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen
    She should still get him neutered. If he's not a show dog and being bred, it is better for his long-term health.
    I feel the same way but im sure as much as I try she wont do it

  6. #6
    NEUTERING him will help a lot. if she doesn't she is letting him down because I bet you that is where his "aggressive" behavior is coming from and one day something could happen if she doesn't control him. she must do right by him by neutering him. she should have neutered him right when she got him or he wouldn't be so out of control. even with neutering him she needs to socialize him more with people.

    she probably got him as a puppy and didn't do anything with him and that's probably why he's out of control. we had a dog come in at the shelter where
    I volunteer he was an american staffordshire terrier mix this lady got him as a puppy and did nothing with him and just kenneled him and he was out of control but we adopted him out to a great guy who is taking him to work every day. he works with a constructor company.

    pit bulls are supposed to be GREAT with people and by showing aggression towards people is a very, very bad thing. I just hope she gets this poor dog neutered. it really sounds like she shouldn't have a pit bull, period if she isn't going to be responsible and neuter him and control her dog. but please don't be scared of him just because he does that. even if you have to, get him neutered for her. it's really not his fault, it's her fault for not neutering him when she should have years ago.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  7. #7
    Neutering is not a cure all but it certainly will help. I think you should just sit down and talk to her about it..Human agression is not acceptable for any breed, especially a pit bull..If she can't control him, and give him proper training, she has no buisness owning a dog let alone a pit bull. The breed has enough poor misconceptions as it is.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    West Columbia, SC
    She needs to know you're not comfortable being in the same room as this dog. After neutering, he needs to learn some basic manners or she will end up with no friends and possibly with some doctor bills.

    I am babysitting a 5 year old dog that hasn't been taught manners either. She is not mean, but still needs to learn not to jump on people and some other basic things. It make her unpleasant to be around. Her owner is too indulgent. Sounds like the same scenario.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    I'm sorry you were frightened by your friends pit bull. She really does need to get him neutered that would help a lot. Also, she shouldn’t tolerate that kind behavior from her dog. As, the owner of a pit bull myself you have to be top dog over them. It sounds like the dog runs her. Have you suggested she do the nothing in life is free with her dog? It really does work wonders. Does your friend give her pit bull any type of exercise? They are such high energy dogs they need lots of exercise. Pit bulls are such good, loving dogs but the owners must do right by them. So many don’t. My Ebony is a big marshmallow she loves people and kids. I wish you could meet her, I know you would love her she wouldn't scare you at all.

    Thank you Kay for the beautiful sig!

    "We can judge the heart of man by his treatment of animals"

    ~Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower~

  10. #10
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    united states
    The only time she takes her dog out is to go to the bathroom a few times a day, she cant take him out much because he is so agressive towards other animals and we have lots of dogs on our street. Yesterday she came over to see how my leg was and to tell me she was sorry again but I didnt have the heart to tell her I dont want near her dog I only said I wouldnt go near him for awhile because I dont want to get jumped on. I even had a nightmare about him and to make things worse we have these drug dealers right down our street with 2 really agressive pitbulls that scare me also. I Just cant help to be afraid of them now no matter how cute they are I wish I didnt feel this way but I still picture the way her dog scared me and how close I could have been to being attacked and seriously injured its like I saw it in his eyes and had a very strange gut feeling about him.

  11. #11
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    Jul 2004
    I'm really sorry your so scared of pit bulls. Try to keep in mind, that its the owners fault in these cases. Your friend probably didn’t take her pit bull out when he was a pup and socialize him. We had Ebony out and about when she was a pup. She's fine on walks, she walks by other dogs all the time she doesn't get aggressive. I really wish you could meet her. I honestly don't think you would be scared of her she really is a sweet girl. Did you suggest to your friend that her dog should be neutered? Why does she want to keep him intact? Has he been around a lot of people? I'm worried about him and your friend. If anything should ever happen her dog will pay the price and she will be in a lot of trouble. I honestly think she would see a huge difference in him if she would get him fixed.

    Thank you Kay for the beautiful sig!

    "We can judge the heart of man by his treatment of animals"

    ~Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower~

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    united states
    Quote Originally Posted by Jadapit
    I'm really sorry your so scared of pit bulls. Try to keep in mind, that its the owners fault in these cases. Your friend probably didn’t take her pit bull out when he was a pup and socialize him. We had Ebony out and about when she was a pup. She's fine on walks, she walks by other dogs all the time she doesn't get aggressive. I really wish you could meet her. I honestly don't think you would be scared of her she really is a sweet girl. Did you suggest to your friend that her dog should be neutered? Why does she want to keep him intact? Has he been around a lot of people? I'm worried about him and your friend. If anything should ever happen her dog will pay the price and she will be in a lot of trouble. I honestly think she would see a huge difference in him if she would get him fixed.

    Well I dont actually know why he isnt fixed. I think he did father puppies once but not sure. I doubt he was really around alot of dogs and people before just by the way he acts. She just moved here from florida recently so I dont know a whole lot about him though. He is seriously the biggest pitty I have ever seen and his head has to be atleast the size of 2 human heads. I never see alot of people at her house and I think he should be fixed but still needs training because he will end up killing someone some day She has to lock him up when little kids are outside even when he is inside because he wants to go after them.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Omg, that is not good if he wants to go after kids. A pit bull should NEVER show any human aggression. She really needs to contact a trainer and get him fixed.

    Thank you Kay for the beautiful sig!

    "We can judge the heart of man by his treatment of animals"

    ~Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower~

  14. #14
    He wants to go after the kids?? This is REALLY unacceptable, a human agressive dog of ANY breed is dangerous...Please, please, try and talk to her before he becomes another headline, and someone ends up getting hurt.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    united states
    I think thats why she has him in the house so much, IF he see's a little kid outside running and playing he wants to chase it and get it. If a little kid is in her house he jumps on them and doesnt let them move or get up at all then humps them also. He already attacked something from what I know I never actually asked though. I wish she would just get him trained he is 6 yrs old so I dont think fixing him would do too much by now at his age but I dont know.

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