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Thread: Request for emotional support

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Originally posted by lizbud
    Sorry Off topic, but I noticed you mentioned
    a few cities in CA near the quake.My son(Purdue
    Grad) just accepted a job transfer from Dallas
    to Sunnyvale, Ca. He'll be moving in a few mos.
    Please tell me quakes are not the norm for that
    area.Hoosiers are accustomed to tornado warnings
    and floods, but earthquakes are VERY scary...
    Wow!! Congrats to your son and his new job (transfer)!! Finding one out here isn't easy! I still have several friends who have been looking for jobs for over 10 months now! Bless their hearts!

    Sunnyvale is a really nice city up here in the Bay Area. I've lived here for 3 years and have only experienced 3 quakes (2 of which were further south, so the cities further north, like Sunnyvale didn't feel them). So, luckily, they don't seem to be too much of a norm. Thank goodness!! It also just so happens that I don't live too far from a major faultline. There are several faultlines running through different parts of California, and I would think that the Hayword one would be the closest one to Sunnyvale (still pretty far away though). I live closer to the San Andreas All in all, I think he will be just fine in Sunnyvale. Chances are if he experiences an earthquake, it will be coming from down south where I live like this last one did!! But, hopefully that won't happen to often!!! Be sure to pass on the well wishes for his move! I hope he likes it out here! I do admit, the weather if fabulous, and being a transplant Indiana's a nice change from all the heat, humidity, freezing temps...all in all crazy weather changes that Indiana can give! LOL LOL I do miss Indiana, though sometimes

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    I'm not sure, what day is it? ;-)
    I'm late to this, but Amberlee and everyone else, you can count on my support too! I'm so glad things are working out for you Amberlee, and a yoga class sounds like a very good start. I've wanted to join a yoga class for awhile now, but it always seems like I'm way too busy to be tied to something 2 or 3 nights a week. I'm already going to a chiropracter twice a week after work so maybe when that's over with (soon I hope) I'll feel like I have more time. Terry and I really should exercise more, and maybe this will give me the incentive to get out and do it. Even just a 15 minute walk around the neighborhood is better than sitting on the couch or in front of this dumb/wonderful computer. Maybe I can get Tubby back into going for walks too. We used to do it years and years ago when he was just young, and he really seemed to enjoy it. Of course it was more exercise for him than for me since we had to stop every 2 or 3 feet for him to sniff some new interesting sniffs, but it was fun, and the exercise can't hurt him either. Keep us up to date on your progress!
    Spring 1986 - Dec. 11, 2004
    RIP Big Boy
    Fall 1988 - Jan. 24, 2007
    RIP Snotty Girl
    Fall 1997 - Oct. 6, 2012
    RIP Sweet Monkeyhead Girl

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