View Poll Results: ?Pit Bulls?

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  • I don't like them

    2 4.00%
  • I don't trust them

    4 8.00%
  • I think they are OK

    12 24.00%
  • I love them!

    32 64.00%
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Thread: What do you think of pit bulls?

  1. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by zoomer
    Buddy isn't a pit bull!!! We aren't sure what breed he is. He doesn't even LOOK pit bull now to me.
    he IS a pit bull in my eyes. either that or an american staffordshire terrier. You shouldn't care what he is, though.

    this dog looks like him and it's an am staff. but IMO he has the big blocky head like a pit bull.

    I personally LOVE pit bulls and will have one or two someday. I had a pit bull mix when I was little, she was a great dog!
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  2. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by Argranade
    Ignorent pfffttt!! hardly I know about animals im not a retard I just dont like crossing them up i dont care if it was years ago i realy dont care all i care about is keeping kids safe and owners of those awful angry dogs in jail if they attack some one shur they should know better about there dogs and not let them loose in parks and keep a muzzle on them.
    ANY dog can attack!!! If they are friendly and are good with other dogs there is NO need to muzzle them. Why would you bring an aggressive dog to a dog park? I h ave met nothing but SWEET pit bulls and like I said before, I'd love to have one or two someday. (rescued of course..) but a lot of people ask if they are mean if they see one at the shelter where I volunteer or just see them in general. I always say no they are not, it really depends how people treat them. Fortunately.. there are a lot of good, responsible pit bull owners out there. Obviously a lot of people are uneducated about pit bulls, because of what they hear on the media and what not. Don't believe what you hear all the time. If you haven't met one, I think you should. They are one of the sweetest breeds on the planet if they fall into the right hands.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Wait. Stop and think about what you just said.
    What was ANY dog before it was a breed? A wolf, then a ferral dog, then HUMANS selectivley bred them to create breeds. Yes, this was thousands up to one hundred years ago, and I agree that now we have enough breeds to suit any purpose, but if you are against the breeding that took place two hundred years ago when there were only about a hundred breeds in the world, then you would't be for many breeds. Bullmastiffs (1800s), Chesapeake Bay Retrievers (1880), Jack and Parson Russell Terriers (1800s), Australian Cattle Dogs (1903), Airedale Terriers (late 1800s/ early 1900s), Alaskan Klee Kais (1970s), as well as various breeds of coonhounds (1700s through early 1900s)
    all of these are just a few off the top of my head (exact dates looked up)

    Niņo & Eliza

  4. #34
    Quote Originally Posted by Suki Wingy
    Wait. Stop and think about what you just said.
    are you talking to me?
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  5. #35
    Im not trying to be rude im trying to have my own opinoin here and if you dont like it dont say anything but if you want to go ahead swear at me say everything ya want it wont do any damage since im used to it.

    There are ways to express your opinion without being rude. So far you have failed at it.

    Mixed breed dogs are not the problem. Every domesticated dog alive is a mixed breed of some sort. Pit bulls are not the problem. The problem is uneducated and uncaring owners, not the dogs.

  6. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady's Human
    There are ways to express your opinion without being rude. So far you have failed at it.

    Mixed breed dogs are not the problem. Every domesticated dog alive is a mixed breed of some sort. Pit bulls are not the problem. The problem is uneducated and uncaring owners, not the dogs.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Orangutango
    Not trying to be rude and this isn't really directed to just you, but this thread really isn't about Buddy. She may have intorduced him like that, and I agree it's odd of her to say things that she does about pits when she has a mix of her own but who really cares anymore? I'm getting kind of tired about this being brought up everytime the Pitbull is mentioned...just my opinion though.

    Actually nothing was directed at me ! I did not start this thread and further more when someone introduces there dog as being such then getting upset because he is looked at as a possible pit mix and gets upset?Then why even post this?
    What Do you think of Pit Bulls
    Non of this should be towarded at me

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Im trying to find the list of the Dogs "Bites" to prove that Pits are not first on the list!

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I think there has been a big misunderstanding on my part and i apologize,I do not care if buddy is a full pit or a mix he is a lovely animal,i just dont agree with when its said to her that he is Zoomer i think he is a pit bull and there is nothing to be ashamed of! I have had many experiences with Pits when i was 16 or 17 i was given a puppy from a old friend of mine the dog was found in a box beside a school it was all brown with those honey colour eyes,beautiful dog,,well pup it did not get to grow into an adult.i only had it for 2 days and i woke up the morning of and he was gone...Im sure now that i know of all diseases and what can happen he might have had Parvo im thinking..and there were no signs he ran and played like a normal pup would...
    I do not like the way these dogs are juged i feel as if people should own 10 just to make the law mad! There is a thing in the local paper back home were an older couple are saying that there neighbor have a pit bull and it is bringing down the value of there home?that is obserd right and the only reason they are saying that is because they are influenced by the news!It frustrates me when people (not in here you are all great and see how great animals they are) But they cannot be judged if you have not had contact to one and seen how layed back of a dog they really are!I was walking last night i went downtown and there was a man walking his pit the lead was pretty long and you seen people crossing the road because of "OH NO ITS A PIT BULL" im sure that is why i remained walking with the dog walking toward me As soon as we were getting close the dog was pulling and whinning to get to me Now is that sweet or what?
    Of course i stopped,and i had my Lacy with me(Aussie) there was no second guessing the dog i Knew it was sweet.And it was actually very well behaved and i love seeing that i really do cause that is just proving another person wrong....There are many pit bulls that are vicious and there is always the Answer "THE OWNER" a dog cannot make itself vicious..Please for the ones that disagree dont be quick to judge this breed has been around alot longer than some of us have been alive...and i hope this breed survives many years to come!!!But us humans are the only ones that can make this happen!!And in no way have i tried to step on anybodys toes...Zoomer be proud of Buddy no matter what breed he is!!!!No shame in that!

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    I wouldn't rather either breed to play with young kids. Dogs are dogs, if raised properly most dogs no matter what breed would be just fine with kids. I've had Rottweilers forever and I hear the same things about them as I do pits, but it all comes down to people being uneducated on certain breeds aswell as owners who don't have a clue how to train their dogs..

    Journey - 2yr old Australian Shepherd
    Ripley - 5 1/2yr old Doberman
    Dance RN CGN FM - 7 1/2yr old Toller

  11. #41
    Quote Originally Posted by Argranade

    Here I see a rot as first.
    as the first 'dangereous' breed you can think of? I wouldn't have said that here, rotties are mostly everyone's favorite breed here, including myself. I have a rottie mix and she is the best dog ever! She is good with other dogs, kids, cats, and people. You have your opinion and I have mine.
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  12. #42
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Your not stupid by any means!!!!You have had a bad experience and that is what has scared you but they are not as bad as people put them out to be....These dogs are being treated like monsters all over they are being used for peoples amusment and to also make them a quick buck and these dogs have it worst of when people get caught for cruelty to pits they get a fine...sad thing the dogs loose there life's and that is wrong!

  13. #43
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by luvofallhorses
    are you talking to me?
    No! no. I was talking to Argranade about when she said that people creating new breeds 150 years ago was messing with nature.

    Argranade, maybe you are not getting the difference in the way these dogs are raised vs. the ones that just "attack". In most of those cases they are prevoked, the owners are just too undereducated (in dogs) to see it.
    Oh, and you'll stick to the 'friendly' dogs then, what about the golden retriever who attacked a family friend, what about my mom's friend's rottwieler who is about as loving as they get, and a therapy dog? She goes into nursing homes to make seniors happier. What about my dog, beloved family companion, 4th child, who's friendliness continues to bring happiness not only to our family, but friends, neighbors, and anyone he happens to meet at the park. Thanks for judging someone you've never met.

    Niņo & Eliza

  14. #44

    Please read this post

    Okay I really don't care about what kind of dog buddy is. I do really care about how people are so mean to pit bulls. I personally am not absolutely in love with them. I want to politely say they aren't my kind of dog. I think that certain mixes of dogs are cruel and unnatural. Others I have no problem with. I happen to own a shih tzu which was originally believed to be a pekingese lhasa apso mix. What has really put pit bulls in the spotlight is dog fighting. People take this generally calmly tempered dogs and teach them to be vicious. Dogs adapt to situations. A lot of what you hear about in the news is something that is not the dogs fault. I really feel that we should all discuss this in a calm manner.

  15. #45
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    It is calm and yes there is alot influenced by the news...that is why i said you cannot know an animal and breed of an animal because what someone has taught them to do!

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