My neighborhood has a lot of loose cats. [Dont get me started on that ] This particular cat decided that Im her new best friend! She's been stalking me for a few weeks now. She finally got the courage to approach me a week or so ago. She was so pretty I had to take pictures. Apparently she's a Diluted Tortie. Diluted Torties are mostly female. I believe 1% are male and the males are always sterile. [I know nothing about cats. That info was given to me by a cat person on another forum]

Anywho, here's the cat I've dubbed Stalker Kitty [she actually comes to that name too lol ]

Head rubs

Her pretty coloring

Floofy tail

Isnt she the cutest?

Looking up at me. This cat was just smitten by me. She followed me everywhere and tried to get into the house with me.

I havent seen her since the day I took these pictures. I'm hoping she's ok.