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Thread: So, this is wierd . . .

  1. #1

    So, this is wierd . . .

    I have an 18 month old Papillon that I adopted about 4 months ago. His previous owners allowed him to go to the bathroom in the kitchen because they didn't think he was able to potty trained. Of course, this is untrue, but it taught him from puppy-hood to go in the house.
    over the past 4 months my fiance and I have been working really hard to teach him to go outside. We crate trained him, supervised his time outside the crate, and gave him treats each time he went potty outside.
    We recently moved to a much bigger place and so we have been introducing Amos to the parts of the house very slowly. Once we are confident that he won't pee (or mark territory either) in a room, we will allow him into the next room. This is always supervised and we are still rewarding him for going outside. So, today, my fiance was having play time with him in the bedroom and was supervising him very closely. He settled onto a pillow on the floor and didn't move. He seemed to be doing well, and then Greg started to smell pee. Having been on the pillow the whole time, he was confused as to where/when Amos had peed. He checked the pillow Amos was laying on and found that he had peed while laying on the pillow and just continued to lay in it. Amos is a very clean dog. He is very particular about picking places to pee and they are never near places he lays.
    This is wierd to me because I thought that Amos (being a male) would always lift his leg to pee (like he normally does) and he would never pee where he is sleeping.
    This is a whole new level of potty training problems and I am not sure what to do. I am also not sure what he is trying to communicate by doing this. Also, it is worth noting that he was just at the vet for his 6 month check-up last week, so I am very skeptical that it could be a urinary track infection.
    Any thoughts?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It does sound most like a UTI to me, even if he was at the vet a week ago, it could very well have developed in the intervening time. Back to the vet, get him checked, and clean that pillow with an enzymatic cleaner!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    It does sound most like a UTI to me, even if he was at the vet a week ago, it could very well have developed in the intervening time. Back to the vet, get him checked, and clean that pillow with an enzymatic cleaner!
    Back to the vet, yes. Clean the pillow and reuse, no.
    I'd say get a new pillow. Nothing like sleeping on a pillow that's been peed on. ICK!

  4. #4
    Yeah, I think I agree with you.
    He has been scooting his butt a lot, too (even though I expressed his anal glands a few days ago). He has definitely got something going on down there.

    Thanks so much guys.

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