Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Safara, the Pet of the Day
Name: Safara
Age: One year old
Gender: Female
Kind: Kenyan Sand Boa
Home: California, USA
   This is Safara, she is a Kenyan Sand Boa. Her husband is my boy Yuki, they are going to start a little family in a about a year. Sand Boas don't have to be a certain age to give birth (that's right, birth, they don't lay eggs), but a certain weight. So my guess is she will be the correct weight in about a year. She is a regular colored Sand Boa but when I breed her to Yuki they will have pretty white babies ... I can't wait!

    Safara is definitely on the feisty side. The woman I got her from said she was friendly and that she held her every day. Not! Safara has bitten me four times and has tried numerous other times. But I don't hold it against her, because I know that she's just not used to being handled. I am working with her though and she is calming down a bit but I still wont let other people hold her though just in case.

    Normally Sand Boas are very docile. They make great beginner pets as they are friendly, easy to care for, and don't get too big. They are also pretty to look at and have cute faces. I think it looks like their always smiling. You will also notice that their eyes are on the top of their head instead of the side like most snakes. This is because they spend all their time underground with just their head poked out to look for prey. I love Safara!

    Here is a video link with her hanging out with Yuki the first time they met.

Safara, the Pet of the Day
View more images of Safara!
Safara, the Pet of the Day
Safara, the Pet of the Day
Safara, the Pet of the Day

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