lol on another forum there was a huge misunderstanding about schutzund lol what was it? well another user by the name of Misty claimed that her TFT mix by the name of Mitsy is schuzthund trained, when infact she just playes around with bite work. now I mentioned that I would like to do schutzhund with Happy one day, is was originaly a thread just on dogs and descriptions of what they do, so obviosly I mentioned my dog, Misty in the thread, my username? Mistys Crazy. lets just say some people were REALLY confused thinking that I was the one claiming to have a schutzund trained dog and yelling at ME saying schutzund cant be good for a shy toy dog lol that was my turn to be confused lol I dont have a toy dog.... lol it was finally cleared up though, when I realized the mistake I made sure to say that I am NOT Misty the person with the TFT, and Misty happens to be the name of one of my dogs whome my username is named after lol and I concluded that I should start signing my posts with my real name