I was at work at my 2nd job tonight. I got a call from my sister telling me Kaedyn and Keeva got in a fight. She said it was really bad.. Kaedyn peed and was crying until he had a disgusting amount of goop in his eyes. He has a small, but most likely deep, wound on his neck/jawline area. He must have been terrified! My little man is a warrior and has never showed fear. He is the biggest small dog you will ever meet. To hear that he was crying and soiled himself broke my heart. I immediately gave him some loving when I got home. I've only ever seen him this sad once.. when he was at the shelter. This might even beat that.

I feel so awful for not being there. I know I can't prevent dogs from being dogs.. scuffles are bound to happen. And as much as I'd like to be home with the dogs, I have to pay the bills. But still, I feel horrible. I can't afford to get him stitches either. I took out a loan to get Kai's surgery a few months back. I'm still paying that off. My credit card only has $500 on it.. not nearly enough for stitches and living expenses until my next payday. Keeva's last round of stitches cost $700+. I feel awful. My little man is still going to the vets tomorrow but I will have to bypass the stitches. I can only afford a cleanup and antibiotics.. hopefully it will still heal nicely as it's not a wide wound.

I always said I'd never rehome my dogs.. my dogs are my family members. I love Keeva so much but Kaedyn was here first. It's not fair that he's in the state he's in now. It's still not a serious consideration yet but it's in the back of my mind now.. god forbid if Keeva and Kaedyn keep fighting like this, she will have be rehomed I will do my best to prevent any further fights though.. the Shelties and Keeva will be seperated when I'm at work. I will start feeding Keeva in a seperate room..