Took Ozzy to the vet this morning to do a couple more X Rays because i was concerned that his right leg is not getting better but his left is.
X Rays showed that the original spot in his spine that they were worried about is basically okay now, she thinks it may have just been a blood clot.
but she found another spot further up his spine and it shows the spacing iss too small...she recomended taking him to a chiropractor... now there arent any doggy chiropractors in this small town but there is a human one that will work on dogs so hopefully i'll be able to get Ozzy in there tomorrow and see how that goes.
We're continuing steroids but taking him down to 1 a day instead of 2 a day.
Overall he really is doing good but he's down to 45 lbs.
He's lost alot of the extra weight he had(thankfully) but he also lost all the muslce in his back legs so thats why he has lost so much weight(two weeks ago he weighed around 63lbs if i remeber correctly or somehwere around there..) ideally he should weigh between 50-55lbs
but i'm gonna be doin some physical therapy with him at home to hopefully help him walk more and get that muscle back.