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Thread: Axolotl questions!

  1. #1

    Axolotl questions!

    I doubt i'll be able to afford up keep of one for a while but I really need to learn a lot before getting one anyway. I haven't even owned my own fish so i've got a ways to go. I just recently saw some and found out they aren't salt water fish-yay.

    1. i've read that a 10-20 gallon long tank is okay, Isn't a 10 small?
    2. Do they need live plants? or just soft ones?
    3. what is their life expectancy?
    4. how hard are they to find in the US?
    5. what are they like? are they actie?
    6. Do you have any photos of your Axolotl or his set up?

    thank you.

    Not to forget our little foster dog Velma Dinkley!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    i've never heard of that kinf of fish--can you send a pic. of one?
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Genny
    i've never heard of that kinf of fish--can you send a pic. of one?
    Hehe I was gonna ask that

  4. #4
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    Oct 2006
    Yup....I got an albino one called Snowy.
    I bought him about 6 years ago.....he was then a baby of about 2 inches he's like 10 inches long.
    As for size of tank....don't get anything real small, as they do grow. Even tho they are a very sluggish sort of a pet, they still need a little room to move about.
    The proper name for them is Axolotyl....but most people call them Mexican Walking Fish, for those of you on this thread that don't know what one is.
    You have to feed them every two days.....with Axolotyl food (from the pet store........what I do, is take him out of his big tank with a little net, put him in a small tank, and then when he's settled down and quite still....I drop the food with a pair of tweezers just a little in front of him....because their eyesight is really bad, so what happens is the vibrations of the food hitting the water just above his head causes him to snap upwards, and that way he grabs the food. He generally gets about 50% of the food dropped onto him into his mouth (thats why you should feed him in a separate tank, because you might pollute the larger tank) When he's finished eating....put him back into the bigger tank.
    Another good idea is to make some sort of cave for him...because they really don't like a lot of light......I have a 4 inch plastic right angled plumbing pipe in my tank....he gets into that a lot.
    Hope this helps....

  5. #5
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    Oct 2006

    Snowy !!!!

    Here's Snowy..............

  6. #6
    what size is snowy's tank?

    thank you for all the help! Google corrected me with Axolotl.

    heres what they are..

    Not to forget our little foster dog Velma Dinkley!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    My tank size is 15 gallons.
    You know, you may not be aware of this, but Axolotyls can live in captivity for up to 40 ya get's a long term pet !!!!!
    If you do decide to get one.....PM me, and I can put you on the right track with them....ok ???

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    thanks for the pics... and clearing up it was a mexican walking fish...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    ok to your questions.

    1. I have a 13.20 gallons tanks. (If i got the conversion right.) It is 50L. The most i have had in there is two, although a breeder said if i wanted to i could keep 3, but it would be squished.

    The more space you have, the bigger they will grow. they can grow to about 30cm.

    2. They don't need live plants, it is up to you.

    3. i am not sure if the domesticated version of the mexican walking fish live for 40 years. maybe a certain breed. The ones you buy in pet stores can live to about 10 years. (Doesn't mean they do though), they can catch the smae sort of things as fish.

    4. i dont know how hard they are to find in the us. but in australia it is easy, and we dont have a lot of the animals you have, so they should be easy to find.

    5. As far as personality, i have found that they are most active during the later hours. they are fairly quiet during the day. If you can, feed them at dawn or dusk when they are the most active.

    They can fight if you have more than one male and a female, but if you only get two, or you check the sex, it will be fine. They also will attack each other if they are not being fed enough. I have also been told that you should provide a hiding place for each axylotl you have in your tank. You can get cute little ornaments for this. i have a cave and i mountain. make sure they can fit in it.

    6. Go to the website in my siggy for some pics of my set up.

    If you have any other questions please let me know. They are fairly easy to look after.

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  10. #10
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    Also, when choosing one, make sure they are chubby. i made the mistake of picking my first one solely on its colouring, and there was something genetically wrong with it. axylotyls are supposed to be able to grow back limbs, and even vital organs such as the heart. Mine only had three legs and it never grew back.

    also make sure the feathery gill are long and free from fungus. hope that helps.

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  11. #11
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    I keep forgetting stuff. DONT PUT FISH IN THE TANK. unless it is feeder fish. Small fish will be eaten and bigger fish will pick at the feathery gills of the axylotl, making it unable to take up oxygen from the water.

    There fav food is earthworms, but pellets for axylotls are available. They can also occasionally have a small amount of cooked meat, but i find that they dont really like it anyway. oh, and they eat feeder fish too.

    You will need a filter. i have an undergravel one that sucks the dirt under the gravel, but you can use any filter. and make sure there is an oxygen pump as well. You dont need a heater, but make sure they are not in direct sunlight. if you have a light, dont leave it on for more than 8 hrs a day. if they have been in a room with sunlight, (not direct) i would only leave it on for a couple of hours at the most.

    Ummm... that is it for now. i might put more in later. cya.

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  12. #12
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    I was just reading the other msgs. i dont put mine in a seperate tank for feeding because i have this fish tank suction vacuum thingy. when they are finished eating i just suck up the extra food and it travels through the pipe and out the window. the vacuum thing is not expensive. it was $20 in australian dollars.

    You will also need a water conditioner. dont not use the crystals. they are for gold fish only. i use a liquid one called "Stress coat" by API. it contains aloe vera. go to for more

    It replaces the slime coat, reduces electrolyte loss, promotes tissue regeneration, removes chlorine and neuralizes chloramines. Also it is quiet concentrated, so you dont need much and it lasts a while. ends up being cheaper than the weaker ones.

    Also, if you are dealing with a fungus problem, (i just lost one of mine to it) get on it straight away. Use half the ammount that it says on fungus solutions if they only have directions for fish. the problem with fungus is it goes straight for the feathery gills and moves quickly. that is why you should make sure there is no left over food which can start growing fungus and can be transfered to the axylotl.

    ok, i think that is it. lol.

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  13. #13
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    Umm.. also it is probaly a good idea to get a pH kit so you can test the water in the tank about once a week. the pH should be as close to neutral as possible. pH = 7.

    lol. i cant stop talking

    i know this all sounds complicated, but this is all stuff you would need for a basic goldfish tank. once you have the basics down, it is very simple to maintain.

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