Your replies are always so supportive and insightful here. I'm hoping to collect a little of that today!

I have a six-year-old beagle mix, very loving and sweet, for whom standard fencing is no obstacle whatsoever. We live on a quiet, dead end street with lots of other pet owners and he doesn't chase cars or critters of any description, so his constant escaping has been little more than a minor frustration. Until yesterday.

A man who lives several blocks away often ends up on my street during a daily fitness walk. My dog, husband, and I had just spent the entire afternoon playing in the yard, and I had come inside to take a shower. I heard FEROCIOUS barking. I raced to the front door just in time to discover that my dog had gone over the fence and was actively attempting to BITE the afore mentioned walker. Luckily, my husband was there to save the day, grabbing his collar before any real damage could be done. The walker was unbelievably understanding, but this behavior has left me more than just a little disturbed. Our neighborhood is absolutely teeming with children.

My husband wants to install an in-ground radio fence. I'd like to take some sort of formal training classes with my dog. Are these good ideas? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!