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Thread: How am I supposed to do this?

  1. #1

    How am I supposed to do this?

    HOw am I supposed to train Runner when my kitty wants to play with her? He jumps and attacks her tail and her long fur on her neck and swats her face while he's standing up to get to her.

    She seems to be getting sit and stay pretty well. Even sitting up begging. But the laying down she's being a bit stubborn about.

    Food n water, how do I get her to drink more in the day so she won't have to go at night? If I take up her water at night, she's up mid of night sighing really loud because she wants water. BUT, if I take up water too late, she wakes me up at 4 am to go outside.

    I know that by taking up her food at night, and trying to get her to eat at certain times not free feeding her is the way to go. But I'm afraid she will starve herself lol. She is soo picky about food. She wants the good human stuff.

    When I tried to train her earlier I guess I just didn't have anything worth working for. I just bought some of that " natural " food that looks like a sausage roll. I slice that up and cut into peices and she LOVES that and actually will work for it. I saw a changed dog. I've never seen her so ... I dunno what to call it. NOt happy cus she jumps up and down and goes nuts when happy, I'd say interested. Before when I tried training her she looked at me like I was stupid. Now she actually listens.

    I hope this stuff really works for her actions towards my daughter. It's not serious right now, but if I don't act upon it now it could get.

    now, how am I supposed to get her food n water to her while she's attached to my hip? do I just set it next to me where ever I am if I'm sitting for a lil bit?

  2. #2
    from another forum

    > Food n water, how do I get her to drink more in the day so she won't
    > have to go at night? If I take up her water at night, she's up mid of
    > night sighing really loud because she wants water. BUT, if I take up
    > water too late, she wakes me up at 4 am to go outside.

    Dogs are really pretty good about regulating their water intake. How long
    does she hold before she has to go (I forget how old you said she was, but
    am assuming she's not a pup)? I don't generally like the idea of
    withholding water, but in this case, you may want to offer a little, so she
    can get a drink if she wants, but not so much that it makes her want to pee.
    Or, you can just put a few ice cubes in her water bowl so she can get a sip
    if she wants, and will have a supply of water as the ice melts (assuming she
    won't just eat the ice).

    > I know that by taking up her food at night, and trying to get her to
    > eat at certain times not free feeding her is the way to go. But I'm
    > afraid she will starve herself lol. She is soo picky about food. She
    > wants the good human stuff.

    Boy, does she have you well trained! Don't give her human food. Put down
    her food on a schedule; we feed twice a day. If she doesn't eat in about 10
    minutes, pick up the food and put it away. At the next meal, offer her the
    same. Some dogs will hold out for a few days, in the hopes that the human
    will cave (and many do), but most normal dogs will not starve themselves to
    death. I would absolutely not doctor the food in any way to make it more
    enticing, at least not until she has the hang of it, and is eating when
    given the opportunity to do so.

    > now, how am I supposed to get her food n water to her while she's
    > attached to my hip? do I just set it next to me where ever I am if I'm
    > sitting for a lil bit?

    Forget about the food. That should only be given on a schedule. Give her
    frequent access to the water bowl. Put it also on cue, so she knows that
    she is being given a chance to drink if she's thirsty.
    I don't just give her human food, my daughter (2)sometimes throws her
    food on floor and doggie(4) will go and clean it up. But now that
    she's attached to me, she shouldn't be able to get to it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Put the cat in another room while you're training or do your training outside.
    To train a dog you have to think like a dog!

  4. #4
    it was soo funny and cute lol. I may go outside tomorrow. I can also do it when kitty is sleeping during the day lol. I should have video taped it.

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