Well, I did not get into graduate school this year...and I'm not sure I want to apply again next year. I only applied to 4 schools since that's all I could afford (it was about $100 per school with fees and transcripts, etc.). Plus I spent another $400 on my interview.

Anyway, all of the programs I'm interested in in my field have very low acceptance rates (between 5-20%) and I'm not sure I want to go through it again next year, since it really takes a lot of work/money.

So....I've been thinking about other options, and I'm thinking about a masters in teaching or veterinary science.

The upside to teaching is it would only take me another 1.5 years and there are always jobs available. Plus, I have always wanted to be a professor and I enjoy teaching (I was a college tutor and I found it very enjoyable) so teaching high school is another option I guess.

I am also thinking about becoming a vet because I have always loved animals and it would be nice to work with them. After working at the hospital for a while I've gotten used to seeing blood, etc, which used to be a big aversion for me. However, it would take me another 6+ years (but grad school would have taken me another 5 anyway). I would have to get another undergraduate degree and it would probably take another 2 years to fulfill all of vet school's requirements (2 years biology, chemistry, physics, etc) plus 4 years of vet school.

I guess ultimately I see being a vet as more rewarding, but I'm just not surewhat to do, I just know I would like to go back to school for something. Anyway, I'm sorry to ramble, if you managed to slog through this post I'm curious as to what your opinions are. Thanks in advance!