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Thread: Little Guy

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2000

    Little Guy

    Little Guy, I've loved so many of the dogs that have made Dog of the Day but, little fella, you're the ONE that I know I would choose to take home to be my dog. It's a long way to come to australia, so I'm glad you already have wonderful owners who rescued you from a sad life & gave you a wonderful one. You must light up the lives of the people you visit. Have a wonderful special day with lots of treats. I think your owners are so very lucky to have you as their pet.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Little Guy looks just like an American Eskimo I had as a child, although Fluffy (my dog) was a "little girl." I can't imagine how a sweetie such as Little Guy could have wound up in a shelter in the first place. Sounds like he has a heart of gold and, why oh why, didn't his former people see that. Oh well, their loss is your gain!!! I'm so glad that Little Guy is now in his forever home. Now he has lots of love and a mission in life as well. I know those folks in the nursing home must look forward to his visits. Congratulations to Little Guy, today's special Dog of the Day!!!

    [This message has been edited by Pam (edited February 25, 2001).]

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Hi "Little Guy!" What a precious soul you are; and so handsome as well!!! Another earthly angel, sent to minister to us needy humans. How special that you have found such a wonderful loving home and are spending your days spreading joy and happiness to others less fortunate. You are a true hero, and I salute you "Little Guy!" What a beautiful, oh so deserviing Dog of the Day you are sweet man! Tons of hugs and kisses, and of course, my hope that lots of yummy treats are yours today! Congratulations "Little Guy!"

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Little Guy, what a handsome fellow you are.
    You are so lucky to have found such a wonderful family and they are very lucky to get you. Congradulations today on being the sweetest, handsomest, caring, loving Dog of the Day.


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