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Thread: Willie's story

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2000

    Willie's story

    Well, I went to see Willie today. Sadly, we did not adopt her.
    She is a beautiful, large girl with scars on her nose and a broken tooth. She is very watchful of and attached to her foster Dad (who picked her up from the Chicago Pound). She was there for a while (The Pound) because she was evidence in a drug bust. She was their guard dog. After meeting her, I can't see that she would have been any good at it, she's too nice. She does seem to watch everything happening, but I didn't see any meanness in her. She is very strong. She was sweet, though. The Chicagoland Shepherd director thought that she should not be placed in a home with another female who was so close to her own age. She felt that there would be a dominance issue between the females. The director suggusted a male for my group.
    There were some very nice shepherds at the event. The newly rescued were so skinny! It was sad. I wanted to take them all home.
    There was a really cute little mix (35 lbs.) that looked like a GSD, but really small. They called her a "pocket Shepherd".
    We spent 4 hours with the dogs and I can't believe I didn't bring one home.
    I guess Willie wasn't meant to be. I hope they find her a good home. I'm sure they will.

    ***Save a life, ADOPT***

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    I'm sorry Willie didn't work out. I know she'll find a great home though.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Geneva, IL USA
    But it had to have been a good day Sue. Nothing better than to meet some new dogs, even if it is only for a little while. Wish I could have been there to meet you.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    It was a fun but sad day, in a way, too. I know that those dogs have good foster homes till they get adopted. At least they're out of the pound! It would have been wonderful to meet you, Rachel. I was in GSD heaven with all those angels around!

    ***Save a life, ADOPT***

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA
    Sudilar, you did a really nice thing spending all that time with those dogs.
    As far as Willie, I'm sure she will find a nice loving home, maybe it just was not to be and there is another person out there who needs her and they will connect.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Like you say Sue, it probably just wasn't meant to be. I can see how you might feel a bit sad. But it is such a good thing that they are safe in loving foster homes until they find just the right family. It's always so hard when you have to leave them all behind. Thanks for going and showing them so love, if only for a day. I met the sweetest little dog the other day. Her name was Cody. She was a GSD x Border Collie! What a little doll. Looked a lot like what you described as a pocket shepherd. Size of a Border Collie, face like both, and coat and coloring like a shepherd. What an angel. She was so smart, obedient and loving. Maybe someday the perfect one who needs a special home like yours, will cross your path! Happy Easter Sue.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Sudilar - Maybe it was just not meant to be with Willie, and maybe sometime soon an unexpected bundle of joy will pop up in your life. A week before I got my cat, I came REALLY close to catching a feral. He managed to escape me but I think it was a sign that Shiloh was coming. Two weeks before I rescued Harley, I came REALLY close to adopting a sweet dog but the foster mom decided to keep her. A few days before I adopted Reece, I had tried to go rescue some dogs that were being sold on the side of the highway. When I got there, they were gone though. Keep your eyes peeled because Willie may have been a sign that you are ready to open your heart up to another baby

    Speaking of GSDs, I've fallen in love with one at the Humane Society here. I've been working with her a lot in training because she has no manners. Meanwhile, I fall more and more in love with her. She's getting this bad habit (which I don't mind a bit but I'm not supposed to let her do) of jumping on me with a paw on each shoulder and licking me to death. I feel like she's giving me a doggy hug. I hope she will find a good home as I know Willie will. Here's a pic of beautiful Sadie:

    [This message has been edited by aly (edited April 15, 2001).]

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Thanks, Everyone, for your encouragement and support! I see that Willie was just not a match for my little doggie family. I'm glad I went to find out, though.

    Aly, be careful...Shepherds have been known to steal your heart!!! Good luck to you!

    ***Save a life, ADOPT***

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Sue, many hugs to you for going to see if Willie would fit into your life. Aly made a good point, Willie must just not be the right fit for you right now, but you have opened up your heart to the possibility of welcoming another canine. I know it would have been really hard for me to visit all those beautiful dogs and not bring one (or more) home with me!! I bet it was a lot of fun to see all the precious babies though. I'm sorry Willie didn't work out, but I'm sure she'll find a good home! She sounds sweet

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Never has the Last word.
    I agree with everyone else, I would have come home with one or more!!
    When I got Shaianne, I was going to go to the Humane Soc in the next county, b/c the one run by the guy here, lets just say he is a little fanatical. And I was scared of him!!!

    But a lady at work said she would go with me b/c she got her dog there and sure enough, I brought Shaianne home a few days later. I shudder to think of what would happen to her if I would have went to the other one, I probably wouldn't know the joy of chasing a greyhound at top speed!!!

    Don't get me wrong, I am being sarcastic, I love Shaianne with all my heart and would be lost without her, I am just saying that I would have fallen in love with another dog and would probably have a COMPLETELY different breed.
    When I think of a "pocket shepherd" I think of Cinders. (Lil Shepherd)

    [This message has been edited by shais_mom (edited April 16, 2001).]

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