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Thread: update on Gracie and Rambo the Rotts

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2000

    update on Gracie and Rambo the Rotts

    August 29, 2001 - The moment you've been waiting for! A well meaning volunteer has been overfeeding Gracie, which is why she has been sick! Now that she's eating a regular schedule, she has done a complete 180, and she too will be making the trip on Saturday toward New England with Rambo. Rambo has two potential foster homes - one in NJ and one in NH. Gracie has one in NH and one in Maine, if she needs extensive medical work.

    They both went to the vet yesterday:

    "Rambo is doing very, very well. He was HW negative, has now had all his shots and other than being pretty skinny, he just has ear mites that we are treating. He is rowdy and playful and seems to be adapting really well to being a loved and treasured companion.

    Gracie has done a 180 degree turn and is looking fantastic. The medications have seemed to combat all the worms and she is no longer showing any signs of parasites. Her belly is no longer swollen from them so now she just looks really skinny. She is also HW negative and has had her Rabies shots. She was being so energetic with Kim at the vet, that she had to put a collar on her. The vet even feels she will be ready for transport too this weekend if we can manage it. Gracie's CBC shows that she is anemic and her white blood count is high. Other than that, Gracie is improving rapidly :-) There is no more swelling in her belly and her ribs and spine aren't as pronounced as before. Even the vet commented how sweet they both were. The vet also noticed that Gracie has something wrong with her eye in addition to the Entropion. He flushed the eye out and looked inside for any foreign bodies, but couldn't find any. He says the eye looks a little cloudy. He is guessing an old eye injury. His final diagnosis was that Gracie needed vitamins, ear mite medicine, good food and a good bath.

    Rambo was given the same RX. "
    We had had help coordinating the transports from Stephanie B from the DC area. She has all the contacts and knows all the right people, and this transport has been a breeze for us. Her help is VERY valuable - I can't get over how much easier this has become for us. As of today, the entire transport short of one small leg and an overnight in Ohio is complete through to NJ. NERR volunteers are picking up the slack through NJ, and then one volunteer will take them to CT from NJ.

    We do have fosters for both dogs. Two volunteers have offered to take Rambo, and two volunteers have offered to take Gracie. Because they don't rely on each other, they will be in separate foster homes. Still waiting for pictures...

    [ August 30, 2001: Message edited by: Rottie ]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2000
    Westminster, MA, USA
    I'm glad they have foster homes available! They sound like very sweet dogs

  3. #3
    Friday Morning Gracie & Rambo update:

    From their "Ticket Agent", the rescue transportation coordinator...

    GOOD NEWS!!!

    We appear to have gotten all the legs filled and both Gracie and Rambo are headed to New Jersey!!

    If you are receiving this message, you are NOT needed for transport this weekend. We really, really appreciate all of your kind offers to help us - many of you even willing to rearrange your schedules.

    We were able to find two angels who were willing to transport the dogs all the way from 1) Louisville to Pittsburgh and 2) Pittsburgh to Princeton, NJ starting this morning. Obviously, this is the best thing
    for the dogs as the less transfers the less trauma.

    We didn't get this finalized until late last night and I am still biting my nails as the folks in Greenville are, as I write, loading Gracie and Rambo into the truck for their trip to Louisville. They will be boarding in Pittsburgh with a lovely woman named Helen for most of the weekend and then making the second leg of their trip on Monday.

    I'll let you all know on Tuesday how things went. Bless you all for your offers of help and please keep the dogs and transporters in your prayers this weekend as we bring two more out of hell and into a future of love
    and companionship!! /s/ Stephanie

    Have a Great Trip, Gracie And Rambo!
    /s/ Cinder, Smokey & Heidi

    R.I.P. ~ Boots, Bowser, Sherman, & Snoopy

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