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Thread: Daisy is at the Emergency Vet

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN

    Daisy is at the Emergency Vet

    I wanted to tell you guys that Daisy (the Dane pup that we got) had to stay at the emergency vet last night. Over the last 2 days we had noticed that she was becoming very lethargic and wouldn't get up even to go out, so last night we took her to the 24 hour emergency vet and they kept her. Her temperature was 106.9 which is VERY high I guess and the vet hadn't seen a fever that high on a pup that young. By the time we left her temp was down to 104,3 but during the night it spiked up to 104.8 and this morning it was down to 103.7. Now, she won't eat and won't get up. The vet is taking X-rays to rule out any sort of infection, but thinks she is going through, for lack of a better term, growing pains. She is growing too fast, I guess, there is inflammation at the bone plates so he is going to put her on anti-inflammatories and then we have to work with her when we get her home. He didn't sound like he was really very comfortable letting her come home even today, but he comes back to work at 6 tonight and we'll see then. Keep her in your prayers please. I know you guys will, because you are the best!

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Pennsylvania, USA
    Mugsy, I am soooo sorry to hear of Daisy being taken to the emergency vet. A dogs normal temp is 101.5 so she really spiked. Scarey stuff to deal with. Hopefully they can figure out what is causing the fever.

    My brothers Golden grew too fast and had to be on anti inflamatory meds. He is a big dog for a Golden (110 pounds, no fat) and he was told this was normal in tall growing dogs. I imagine the Dane has the same problem. Don't recall if he had a fever or not but he didn't want to move.

    We will pray for Daisy for a speedy recovery and to be able to come home soon. I think sometimes just being away from home scares them and makes it even worse. Nothing like home and moms TLC to go along with doctors orders.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Mugsy, I hope Daisy is doing well!!! I'd imagine the poor baby is going through growing pains. I hope that's all it is and she'll be fine Bless your heart. I just love your entire fur family!!! Hmmmm...I may have to drop in over the holidays... Take care and let us know how she is.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Poor li'l Daisy the Dane! I sure hope it's what the doc said--just growing pains. I'd never heard of that causing fevers and such. I'll be sending positive vibes today for Daisy...

    The hairy kids' photo album

    Animals share with us the privilege of having a soul.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Greenville, SC, USA
    I saw the message, but not who posted it, and said "OH MY, WHICH DAISY IS IT??".

    Mugsy, I hope she will be ok. If it is the rate of her growth, wouldn't that be a blessing? We're saying a prayer for her right now.....

    Please let us know how she is.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    Oh, Drat! Another sick Puppers! When will this end?

    Cinder & Smokey are doing their Crossed Pawz for poor Daisy the Dane! We'll even light the Candles tonight - this case sounds serious.

    Mugsy ~ I can't find a posting with the story of how you adopted Daisy... Can you find it and post a link back to her Tail? {My mind, such as it was, was the first thing to go...}
    /s/ Phred, the "Dad" to Cinder & Smokey

    the Rescued & Adopted FurKids of *Phred*

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Oh I'm so sorry about DaisyDane. How scary I had never heard of "growing pains" before either, I sure hope it's nothing serious. I will say a prayer for Daisy. Please get better, girl

  8. #8
    Oh my, oh my! Lovey Daisy Mae! I am so sorry to hear about her condition. I don't know if it equates but my brother, who is about 6'3" spurted when about 15 - 16 from about 5'6" -- in a matter of months. His lungs did not grow as fast as his body and he had breathing problems for a while as a result. The father of a friend of mine had had this and had been confined to bed for a year while his lungs caught up.

    I hope for a similar outcome for Daisy (my brother went on to be a triathelete!) Let me know if you need the girls to come over and make a lap for Daisy to recover on!


  9. #9
    I'm so sorry Daisy had to stay overnight at the Emergency room Hope that is nothing more serious than growing pains. Our thoughts are with you. With all the good wishes from us and the help of the vet she should be on her way home very soon.

    "All men are created equal but none of them is equal to a dog." From the "Howard Huge" cartoon..

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    I knew I could count on you guys. Sara, tell the girls they can come over and make a lap for Daisy whenever they want, just give us a call. Phred...we got Daisy as a result of me being nosy and reading the lost and found pets in the paper. A guy had found her running up and down the alley behind his house looking in garbage cans for food. He took her home and because he has a one bedroom home, he kept her in a shed during the day, but took her for walks in the evening. He was also feeding her $4.99/20 pound dog food. I called about her and no one had claimed her so we offered to foster her and he jumped at the chance. Now we have her and she is sooooo sweet.

    The vet diagnosed her with HOD (Hypertropic Osteodystrophy)which, from what I've read, can be very dangerous. I'm reading lots of conflicting information, but it seems to be caused by yucky nutrition,which fits her to a tee. She had something like 8 out of 10 symptoms of HOD, and they did blood work, but I'm not sure they did the tests necessary to rule out a blood diease that masks as HOD. The X-rays showed platelets in her joints that were typical in HOD cases. If anyone has a large breed pup, get online and read up on this. It seems to attack Danes most often though. The vet that Mike talked to said that the correct amount of food and LOTS of water and keeping her comfortable for the next 10-12 days should get her out of it. And, yes, fever is one of the symptoms. So in all honesty, it's more serious than just growing pains. Wolflady, like I told Edwina's Secretary, you are welcome to visit if you get back this way for the holidays. I LOVE to meet new people. Hopefully Daisy will be back to her old talkative self by then. COME ONE COME ALL TO THE KENDALL HOUSE ANYTIME YOU PLEASE....JUST CALL FIRST! LOL
    Thanks for all the positive thoughts for Daisy and I'll let you know more later today after I talk to the vet that looked at her last night. Oh yes, by tomorrow night, hopefully, I will have more pictures posted on here...that is if Walgreens doesn't screw up again and not give me my photoCD, and this one has pictures of Daisy and Tobey and better pictures of Tigger. Thanks again guys! Sara, don't forget if you come down for the holidays, you have to come back and visit...tell Don his red-head will be here waiting to see him! lol

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  11. #11
    So sorry to hear about Daisy. I will keep her in my prayers tonight and hope she is gets better soon. I learned something new tonight - growing pains or spurts - that is really something.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Eastern Ohio
    Here's the original story about how Daisy the Dane moved in with Mugsy and the Horde ...

    2 more added to the pack...
    /s/ Phred, the "Dad" to Cinder & Smokey

    the Rescued & Adopted FurKids of *Phred*

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    My prayers are with Daisy. I hope she pulls through this quickly! My parent's 150lb. Great Pyrenees had "growing pains" when he was growing up, but this is much more serious. Get well quick, Daisy!
    Save a life, ADOPT!!

    Rainbow Bridge Angels: Thor, Shiloh and Killian, Avalanche and Wolf
    (RB Gaylord and Bandit, fosters who have touched my heart)

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    Poor Daisy girl! I also saw the Daisy subject but not who posted and panicked wondering which Daisy it was! I hope that Daisy can come home soon and will be back to normal soon.

    My well wishes, thoughts, and prayers are with you and your family
    Shiloh, Reece, Lolly, Skylar
    and fosters Snickers, Missy, Magic, Merlin, Maya

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    Daisy is home now, but it's going to be a long row to hoe. We are going to have to pick her up and take her outside to go to the bathroom. She is on pain medicine Etogesic 300 mg and will be on it for 3 weeks and she takes it once a day. There is still a risk the fever will return, but we're holding out the hope that the fever is done. Currently she's lying on 2 dog beds, with a water bowl next to her. We are to make sure she drinks plenty of water and that is more important than her eating. The vet's opinion is that she should make a full recovery, but with a lot of work from us, but as I'm sure you know us by now, that won't be a problem.

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

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