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Thread: Dear Edwina, I can feel your pain - Juni's story

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kansas City, Kansas

    Dear Edwina, I can feel your pain - Juni's story

    Deer Miz Edwina! I know you're experiencing some problems with a certain tomkat in your house. Look at this picture and tell me if this would make you nervous.

    It makes ME nervous.

    My meowmie aka Vio brought home THIS. WHY??? Is not she happy with me alone? I told them both what I think about it. She even asked me where have I met sailors - something related to the language I was using.

    Meowmie says he's sweet . To me, beef is sweet. And I eat it. He is NOT sweet. He took MY towel - MY favorite towel!

    I had to make sure he doesn't take my favorite shampoo too, but, do you think someone is listening to me?

    And because of his fleas, I have to wear a collar! And, they tied me to the sofa. They say for being bad. I think, they're bad.

    Well, over the weekend, I had to give up and accept he's not going anywhere, but, I swill still keep reminding him, who's the boss here.

    BTW, Vio and my other human, Carolina, keep calling him Pichu or Pichu Gudurichu.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    My dearest Juni!!!!!!

    How can they do that to you?
    I suggest you apply for a visa quite quickly (sounds as if it is a bit difficult for you Moldovan people) and come here. I am planning to send Tigris to Denmark -he can go with Fister to the cat hotel and I can offer you many nice beds.

    I want to kiss your ears and I tell you nobody has ever heard of fleas around here!!!!!

    P.S. I just notice my meowmie. She is gone completely nuts. She says Pichu is such a cute boy and she would love to hear his story. Doesn't she have enough cute boys here?



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kansas City, Kansas
    Meowmie here.

    Pichu, or Piciu in the Romanian spelling of his name, is the cutest, softest and cuddliest kitten ever. He was someone's pet until very recently when they decided they don't need him and dumped him. He's a people cat, he would never survive outside. Me and Carolina (my sis) went out on Thursday night and he greeted out near our entrance door. W were SURE he just ventured out, we had not seen him before. I wanted to take him in that night, but when we came back he was not there. The next day, coming from work, I saw two 12 - 13 yo girls playing with him and another kitten. They told me his story - apparently he's a pure-bred or a mix with a pure-bred - and I only needed 2 minutes to make my mind.

    Actually, his long name is Piciu Guduriciu (pronounced Pichu Gudurichu), that means a cute little cuddly kid. It goes very well with name Juni, because her name also means something small - Junior.

    He settled in very easily. He doesn't mind Juni's swearing at all. He even tried to eat her food today

    Here he's helping my sister

    You can see him en face. Although he looks a little like Juni, his face is kind of longer and his eyes are not round.

    Oh, and, he has the softest voice and the loudest purr

  4. #4
    Awwwwwwwwwww! That newbie Pichu is such a cutie!! Juni will accept her one day, don't worry about that!!

  5. #5
    Dear Juni,

    Oh darling! I am so sorry! At least your intruder is small (and darn cute). That will make it easier for you to knock him around and teach him respect.

    The beast they dragged into MY house was on the big bed last night. Can you imagine?!!?!!

    I'll be glad to teach you some more sailor words if it will help you express your disgust with that soft, sweet, adorable little monster!

    In sympathy,


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kansas City, Kansas
    Edwina, you will not believe, but this-so-called Pichu hoped on the big bed last night like it was his, even though I was there already. Yours doesn't know how to handle dogs, this one doesn't know a proper cat way to answer at hissing. He doesn't hiss back, it's so boring sometimes to hiss alone

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    Dear Juni,

    A fluffy ball on MY keyboard would certainly make me nervous too, so I fully understand your concern - but think of it this way, you'll have someone to boss around and show the proper manners in the house. My mummy says that you'd better get used to this little cutie invading your space and sharing your towels and food - yes, even the big bed, cause she thinks he's gonna stay!

    Ps. I hear my dear friend Tigris is planning to come to Denmark - how about you come too - (get that visa together!) what a blast it would be!!

    Your friend,

    .... for the record - I changed her to him.
    Last edited by Randi; 08-18-2003 at 11:32 AM.

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Ohhhh!! Your new addition is so adorable! He looks soft too!
    ~Kimmy, Zam, Logan, Raptor, Nimrod, Mei, Jasper, Esme, & Lucy Inara
    RIP Kia, Chipper, Morla, & June

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kansas City, Kansas
    Deer Fister, the little squeaker is a BOY! Thank you so much for the invitation, but I think Filou is sending Tigris your way, so we could spend some quality time together . Maybe next time


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    I refuse to listen to any cat that can honestly sit at their keyboards and say bad things about THIS!

    What a precious bundle! And I might add, dear Juni, one that you will not be able to resist for long......mark my words.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Montclair NJ
    Juni, how about a big, loud, nasty hiss directed towards the so-called humans who dumped your little intruder. I am afraid he's here to stay, but I'm sure he will show you respect and learn his place. Of course you will have to put up with everybody oohing over how cute he is.
    Steffi and Lovable

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Kansas City, Kansas
    I have to tell you that Juni is not agressive anymore, but growls whenever we take him on our arms. She's gelous . I was able to leave them in the same room today without fear. Now I have to rush home.
    Talk to you tomorrow. I'll report news if I have and let's hope my camera will not make any problems. I was scared it broke.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Juni, Edwina - Miz Ritz heer---so glad you are brave and tellin your storees of woe...I've been keeping up on this new trend of hoomans bringing in interloper-kitties into one-cat households and I admit I'm a bit skeered!

    Meowmie keepz lookin at these butt-in-skie kitties and ooohin and ahhing about how she's got that "want another kitten" look...and, well, I just WON'T have it!

    So, heerz what my strattegee iz! I have been behavin badly recently, pretending to scratch this new furniture meowmie bought....she bought it about ayear ago and I've paid it never mind cuz it's got no cloth, but she seemz upset when I try to scratch on it...but heers my secret...I figgure if she doesn't like one kittie misbeehavin...then she won't want to bring home one of dem interloper-kitties.... and I think she's too attached to me to get too mad about my antics....she squirted me a bunch wif a watter squirtee thing....then felt sorry and dried me off with a big warm towel...

    soz, I figgure I'm avoidin havin to share my food and poo place enny time soon!

    Miz Ritzy
    "Everything is better when Ritz sits on it......or in it"

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2001

    the expression on Juni's face!

    ........................................"Hmmph, you look like something the HUMANS dragged in!"
    "Everything is better when Ritz sits on it......or in it"

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Menden, Germany
    Originally posted by Vio&Juni
    I have to tell you that Juni is not agressive anymore, but growls whenever we take him on our arms. She's gelous . I was able to leave them in the same room today without fear.
    What a surprise: a new kitten!!!

    Aaawww Juni, after the first days of being jealous you will soon find out how wonderful it is to share...the more you give the more you'll receive (and I don't mean hisses here!!!)

    I know how you felt first spotting this little intruder, but such a beloved cat like you will know how to deal with a tiny fluff kit...'cuz you're the boss!!! (And such a cute one!!!)
    Give it a chance Juni, you'll be rewarded soon!!!
    You have learned enough to see that cats are much like you and me. ( T.S. Eliot)

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