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Thread: Baseboard CHEWING BUNNIES!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Colorado Springs, Colorado

    Baseboard CHEWING BUNNIES!!

    Hi everyone! It has been a long time since I have written. i thought I had mybunnies under control but they let me know, THEY RULE! I moved to Colorado a year ago and they did not chew in the new house. Well, 2 months ago I got deployed and the family they are staying with said a week ago they started chewing on their baseboards! I felt so bad and I have NO IDEA what to tell them to do. Does anyone know of what they can put on the baseboards so they won't want to chew them? They don't stay in a cage and sine they are living in one of the daughter's rooms, we can't block it. HELP PLEASE! They are the sweetiest bnnies and they give kisses and love. I still have another month in the desert and I don't want her to put my kids out even though she said it wasn't a problem she would just paint over it. I saw the damage they could do when we lived in Georgia! I don't want them to tear up her house. HELP PLEASE!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Wire shelving leaned against the baseboard will block their access to it. Blocking access is the only thing I know that will work. We, incidently, call that "custom bunny beveling."
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Colorado Springs, Colorado
    I like that makes it see "less destructive". I will tell them that option. If they weren't so darned cute...... Thank you!

  4. #4

    Bunnies chewing

    That really is a cute term. How about rubbing some lip balm or perhaps a thin layer of vasoline against the wood? Something that is of couse not harmful to the bunnies. I give my bunnies emtpy boxes from the grocery store to chew on instead. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Colorado Springs, Colorado
    Vaseline? Never hear that one. Does it work? I will have to suggest that too. I just don't want her to put my kids out before I return, there is a lot of snow in Colorado and they don't know how to survive. They are very "pampered bunnies"! She said it was ok and they were currently stretched out on her daughter's bed "resting". The life!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I wouldn't want to rub anything greasy on the wood - it will stain the wood! Hey, maybe they were just taste-testing the baseboards, and will leave them alone now anyway?
    I've Been Frosted

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Drama Queen Rehab
    Tazz! Wow good to hear from you! I think of you and Daisylover often.

    I don't have any suggestions as none of my bunner butts went for the baseboards (yeah, they preferred the carpet lol ).

    If I had my own place, I'd offer to take them in for you but such is not the case. That said, don't hesitate to contact me if your pet sitter decides its too much to handle. I'm not sure what I could work out but I would definitely try my best to come up with something.

    I wish you the best!

    Edit to add:
    After typing that, I remembered something that a ferret-friend said she used to deter chewing.
    You might have your petsitter check with a vet to make sure it's bunny safe, though. Hope that helps!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Colorado Springs, Colorado
    Hi Zippy! Long time no hear from. I missed you all so much! Have you heard from Daisy? I have been so busy but loving my bunnies. I had such a dilemma when I found out I was getting deployed as I had just moved to Colorado and had NO bunny support system like in Georgia. The lady that has my kids had a bunny that just passed away in August.....he was 11 years old! WOW! Her kids were so excited to have them. They spoil them and carry those big 11 pound bunnies everywhere. She was not mad and just said she would paint over it, I just felt so bad and wanted to make sure for the last 2 weeks they would have another "outlet". She said she put more cardboard down and they are ok. It is snowing in Colorado and I didn't want my babies in the street. I know she wouldn't do that. Her girls want to keep my kids...I told her that is not going to happen and they need to start the "unbonding" process because that is the FIRST stop when I leave the airport is to get my kids! I am going to do better about chatting. How are your kids? Any new pictures?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    try buying a treat to chew on instead and hang it or put it where they are chewing maybe they sometimes get a little bored try changing theyre toys every so often

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    i have two rabbits and my dad made me a hutch and there is a piece of wood bettween them and they are chewing through it but i pile a bit more sawdust up the corner where they chew and theyve stopped

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