Pet of the Day
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Pet of the Day
Today's Pet of the Day
Sunny the Parakeet, the Pet of the Day
Name: Sunny
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Kind: Parakeet
Home: Hazel Green, Alabama, USA
   Hi, my name is Sunny. I may look like a big canary but I'm really a parakeet. The story actually started last fall when Mom was at the vet's office with another pet. She heard the happy sound of parakeets chirping. These were not up for adoption. She checked Petfinder and the Humane Society. They had no parakeets to adopt at the time. Mom went to Petco and got a big cage and three parakeets.

     As luck would have it, a few months later me and my two friends came up for adoption from Rehoming Unsettled Animals. Mom just loved our picture and wanted us. The cage was certainly big enough, but would we all get along? She was willing to take the chance and brought us to our new home.

     Although we all got along, the three of us sort of stuck together at first. It took a few days to get used to the new place. There was always plenty of food and fresh water, so there was no reason to fight. Now we all mingle with each other.

     Mom wanted the happy sound of parakeets chirping. When we all get started, some time she can't hear the TV. That just makes her laugh.

     She does get along with everyone. I still see the three of them together a little more, but all eat and play with their toys together. They all enjoyed tearing the one straw toy apart. She is very chatty while flying from perch to perch. I don't handle any of them, but they are not afraid when I reach into their cage for their food or water dishes. I'm so glad I added these three.

Sunny the Parakeet, the Pet of the Day Sunny the Parakeet, the Pet of the Day Sunny the Parakeet, the Pet of the Day Sunny the Parakeet, the Pet of the Day

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