Around my house, we have been getting peafowl. I don't know where they came from, or where they live, but i keep seeing them. Firstly, when i was in London, my mum saw a peahen wandering up the road and up our driveway! The other day, i saw the peacock in the park, as one of our neighbours recently had some trees cut down so now we can see directly into it. And i've just had the window open and i've been listening to one making those funny wailing sounds they make. Do you reckon they've escaped from somewhere? I don't know anyone around here who keeps peafowl. And will they survive around here, because peafowl are native to India i think? Although i know they do well in this country, as a pub near to where my grandma lives has loads. I hope they're OK!
Oh, by the way, for all those who wanted to see London pics, my IDIOT brother messed around with my camera and managed to press the 'delete all files' button. Sorry