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Thread: Update about me and my pets!

  1. #1

    Update about me and my pets!

    I just wanted to update everyone of why I haven't been around awhole lot. I have been going to college full-time and working two part time jobs. So I have been extremely busy. Also, we have been rescuing dogs left and right here. About a week ago, we took in a dog thats previous owners left her in the rain without a doghouse or anything. So we asked to get her. They politely gave her over to us. They are nice people, but some nice people don't need dogs. We did find her a good home though. My cousins took her and gave her a good bath. Now she sleeps on the couch. Her name is Roxy and she is living a spoiled life right now. Then another dog showed up. It was a female large dog. I want to say it was a German Shepherd/Pit Bull. Well, when we brought her home she tried to attack some of our dogs so needless to say we had to give her away as soon as possible. We called a local vet and they took her in. Let's hope they find her a good home.

    Then about 3 days ago, I took the long way to school and guess what I found. A Black Lab. She is sooo precious. You can tell she is still a puppy. I would guess shes about 6 months old. I think someone dropped her off because it was on a highway not near any houses. She gets along great with our dogs. She sleeps on our couch and everything. She has already taken over our house. Since we have 5 dogs now we are not sure if we can keep her. Although, my family has fallen in LOVE with this dog. She is sso precious. She knows basic commands, is housetrained, and just perfect. We are testing her to see how 6 dogs are going to work out. We had several people call about wanting her, but we haven't found the right home yet for various reasons. She is such a fun and loving girl. I am really hoping that these six dogs can work out for us.

    I will try and get new pictures of my crew sometime within the next week. They are all doing fine.

    Well anyways, I just wanted to give ya'll a little update of why I have not been around alot.
    Last edited by petslover; 02-09-2006 at 11:57 AM.

  2. #2
    Glad you are doing well. Bless your heart for taking this sweetie in and the other 2 and finding them homes.. Does she have a collar or tags?? I hope you can find her owner..if not congrats..
    Krista- owned by Rudy, Dixie, Miagi & Angel

    Rocky, Jenny, Ginger Buster & Tiger .. forever loved & always in my heart..

  3. #3
    Thanks Krista!

    I do my best to help out others.. Yeah if she had any tags or collars on here I would call, but she don't. Nobody has responded to the Found Dog ad either. I am still thinking someone dropped her off. My dad always says our house is a dog shelter with all the dogs we have and the dogs we bring in. lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    New Jersey
    Tia, it is so good to hear from you! Wow, two jobs and school, that is a busy schedule. Don't wear yourself down too much. You have to save some time and energy for those six (umm...I mean five ) sweet pups you have, and of course for us here at Pet Talk.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Ap Jct Arizona
    Boy your really busy gal..and resucing to..keep up the good work..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    at beginning of the script.
    hello! found this.. glad to see you back too!

    wow, quite few doggies in short time with schoolwork, bless you for doing them too. do you live all by yourself? (with your furrbabies of course)..

    how's the sixth dog, lola doing? keeping her? I saw her thread, she's such a beauty!! I also miss seeing your little'tigger.

    hope everything's still going good!
    rest and sleep softly sweet locke..

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