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Thread: stop the meowing!!

  1. #1

    stop the meowing!!

    My male cat Tony is very demanding. He wants a full bowl of food all the time, which has to stop b/c he is starting to get over weight. But, if he does not have a full bowl, or if he thinks he is not getting enough attention, he will meow all the time. And its not normal meows, they are loud, long yowls sometimes. How can I get his constant meowing to stop? I am willing to try anything!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Huntsville, Alabama
    Have you tried distracting him with playing or maybe a "small" treat? Like a Greenie? They aren't fattening and very healthy.
    Naranj's and P.K.'s Momma

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Or a pinch of catnip?

    You can get toys - or make them - that dangle from a doorknob and cats play with...I am away most of the day, so I am getting one for my boys.

    Of course...the best plaything....another CAT

  4. #4


    Well, we have toys, and cat nip, but he is not interested in either. We do have another cat though, his sister, and they do play a lot. I will try treats and see if they help.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Bexhill, UK
    You have my sympathy! Brody meows all the time and I've come to the conclusion that she just likes the sound of her own voice
    Give £1 for a poundie

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    New Hampshire
    Sounds like my Cosmo. He MEOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWSSSS all the time. And when I can "tune him out", he comes over and bats me on the nose.

    Catnip tends to work.
    I love Fenway, JoJo, Olivia and Nonnie!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Oh that's my Katie - she wants dry food all the time. It can drive me crazy sometimes but she knows now I give her some in the morning and some at night. We're in that routine, and she's gotten better about it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Mew York, USA
    My Ally gets very chatty sometimes. Sometimes she just needs a good cuddle and kisses and that calms her down for awhile. Other times she just wants to play. If I don't pay attention to the meows she'll bring a ball over for me to throw so she can chase it. If nothing works and she is really annoying I just show her her nail clippers and she shuts right up and runs away.

    PS Have you had Tony neutered? He could be yowling for a mate?

  9. #9
    My cat Jack is also a terrible greedy eater. He has a full bowl of meat in the morning, then tea time (around 5.00pm) then supper at around 9.30pm. This is all out of the same tin however, I also share out the tin of meat with my other cat Sunny (who is a picky eater and only eats small portions).
    However although he is well fed, he still tries to steal from sunny and push her off her bowl, this then puts her off and I worry she is not getting enough.
    Jack is a little overweight, with a hanging belly!
    On the back of the cat tin label however it does say that cats will only eat what they want and rarely overeat. I do not think this is a case with my Jack!
    It's good to know in a way that other cats are fussy with food as I thought I was doing something wrong at first, and not giving them both a good diet.

  10. #10
    What I did when my cat Taffy was like that I put her bowl up on the counter once she finished her food. I simply ignored her and walked away and she would give up after awhile. Taffy doesn't meow that much anymore since I got Misty three weeks ago so maybe your cat needs a buddy to hang out with. Have you suggested in getting it another cat? I wouldn't keep feeding it as if overweight starts to become a problem then health issues can come up like heart problems, diabetes.




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