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Thread: Got Any Puppy Advice?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Louisiana. LA. USA

    Got Any Puppy Advice?

    In exactly 10 days in will be getting Benny, (my 2 month old Pekingese) a friend! ~~> A Maltese puppy!!! I am so excited for his arival. I hope that they will get along perfectly. Any suggestions on how to make this transition from "single puppy" to "big brother?"

    **Also, the breeder I am getting the Maltese from has told me he(the maltese puppy) is eating Eukanuba. But, Benny is being raised on Purina Puppy Chow. I know that sudden changes in a puppy's diet will result in stomach upsets. What should I do?

    ** Here's another picture of my Benny! More to come! ~> and of my new Maltese!!
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Off to the races....
    I don't know a whole lot on the right way to do things, but when we got our second dog these are a few things we did:

    First introduce the dogs on neutral territory. Give them a chance to sniff each other out and then take them into the house together.

    Give your current dog lots of attention. Let him know he is not being replaced.

    Let the dogs adjust to each other on their own terms. It will take awhile...don't expect them to be bust buds overnight. If your older dog feels threatened, he may revert to old behaviors you thought you had dealt with.

    I think that is a start. once you get your new puppy home, you will see what kinds of issues crop up. There are lots of people here who have great advice and will try and help!!!

    Good luck and Congrats on the new addition!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Wow you are going to have so much fun but also some trying times ahead with two very young puppies!!! I think the housebreaking might be a bit of a challenge because Ben probably hasn't mastered it yet himself at the tender age of 2 months! I don't feel there should be any "personality" problems with both dogs being so young. They might even grow up thinking they are littermates! I'll leave it up to others on the board to give you some guidelines for the transition, but I couldn't be happier for you! If you are able, we would love to see pictures. At Pet Talk we just adore seeing pictures!!! Congratulations to you!!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Northern Colorado

    suggestion for switching dog food brands

    What my vet told me is that when switching brands you must do so gradually mixing in the brand you are switching to (Purnina, you said.) So start off with a bowl of 90% Euk and 10% Purina and she how s/he does with that. Each day add a little more Purina and a little less Euk. This worked for me when I switched dog food brands but there is the chance that Purina just won't agree with your maltese. In that case you would want to find him/her another dog food altogether.
    Hope that helps!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Louisiana. LA. USA

    Thanks for the advice

    Thanks so much for the helpful advice. I just love this web site!

    **I just finished my Benny Page:

    Check it out!!!

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