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Thread: Some humans disgust me!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN

    Some humans disgust me!

    I wanted to share with all of you the experience I had last night. A woman called me about 5:30 yesterday afternoon and asked me if I had lost a dog (I had spoken to her last weekend and given her my card and showed her a picture of Tobey) and of course I got all excited and said that I had. She then said, "It's black, right?" Well I was crestfallen of course and she then proceeded to tell me about a black Pitbull that was on her neighbor's porch and they didn't know what do do with it. So, sucker that I am, put my shoes back on and drove over there. When I got there I found a skin and bones black dog with fight scars all over its face huddled up on the porch shivering. I started talking to him and he growled a little, but then let me pet him after he smelled my hand and I had talked nicely to him for a few minutes (and I mean a FEW minutes since I had no coat on and it was about 18 degrees!!). I called Mike and he was sure we would have to call the shelter and have them come and get him and I said I knew that, but wanted him to evaluate the dog first. I finally got a leash over his head and DRUG him off their porch. As soon as he saw the open door to my van, he walked beautifully on the leash over to the van and got in the back and proceeded to jump on the back seat and huddle in the corner and rub his head on the seat. I drove home and he was fine and then refused to get out of the van, so I went in the house and got a bowl of food and he devoured 3 cups of premium dog food in about 1 minute and a half. I finally had to drag him again out of the van and into the house. He growled quietly at Mike for a minute and then sidled up to him. Mike went downstairs and got Tobey's cage and cleaned it up and put a bed and rug in it and a bowl of water. The dog (who we're calling Smokey) walked right in and laid down. He was so dehydrated that he drank 3 BIG bowls of water by 3am. He pooped in the house and it was so dry that it turned to powder when I picked it up. He finally peed sometime this morning because Mike found it when he got up at noon. He really is sweet and we figured that as a fighter, he would be dog aggressive, but Mike introduced Shawna and Jazzy to him and he didn't go after them. We are going to basket muzzle him for awhile to see what happens. He is scared to death, but Mike said today he has started to come out of his shell. I have decided I don't like the human race if there are members that can be that cruel to other living things.

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Olympic Peninsula,Washington

    Re: Some humans disgust me!

    Originally posted by mugsy
    I have decided I don't like the human race if there are members that can be that cruel to other living things.
    I totally agree with you there, with a few exceptions.... Upon finding this Board (Pet Talk) I've found that there are a great many of "The Human Race" who must have been sent from up above and it makes it not quite so bad. But, your right people like that just disgust me too!! Mugsy, do you have wings and a Halo? Just checking 'cause from what I see you musta been sent from Heaven ! Hope Smokey gets better and Tobey comes home soon.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    Indianapolis, IN
    Bless your heart Poor Smokey! It almost sounds like he was used more for bait to train fighting dogs. Bait dogs usually won't be aggressive, just timid and scared, because they're just beat up on all the time by the dogs being trained until they are killed Sounds like he's in a much better place!! Bless you for rescuing him!! Be sure to keep us posted on his progress.

    I totally agree with you guys. I'm glad I'm not the only one that feels such a displeasure against my own human race...but when I look at all the trouble people really makes me mad sometimes! Especially since it's people's carelessness that causes stray/feral problems, the destruction of what little forest land we have left, people treating the earth as their 'garbage can' in general, people killing people...
    There is a phrase from a movie, I can't remember which...that describes people so well....They're like locusts...consuming every natural resource until it's gone...then moving on. Too bad this rings so true
    Then I look at animals...there is so much to be learned from them. I wish more people could see that. It is nice, however that I have found such good people at this site, and it's really nice to know that there is goodness and caring out there...**hugs** to all the wonderful people of Pet Talk!!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont

    I agree

    I can recall so many times - witnessing animal abuse and also child abuse. Many times I have called the appropriate authorities but I seldom ever get to hear the results. I did this once for a child and the result was not good, but then neither was the original problem. The child and her sibilings were removed from the home and put in foster care. You can imagine the guilt I had over that...but they were being beaten by their step father....and the were removed immediately. I have reported many people to the humane society and then I have witnessed inhumaneness in my own little neighborhood, by some seemly nice people. One farmer/neighbor lets his cow's hooves grow so long that they become unable to walk. He can't bring himself to have someone come out and take care of the problem. It is so frustrating sometimes but all you can hope for is that these folks are in the minority! Everyone here seems so compelled to do the right thing - and that is so refreshing! Animals are very low on some folks lists that they just don't care. Every animal I have had has been so happy ... I just can't imagine what misery some poor animals have to endure. I could go on and on. Thanks to people such as the Pet Talkers.....many animals are taken care of.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2000
    Wichita Falls, TX U.S.A.
    Mugsy, I am appauled. I think wolflady was correct in her guess that Smokey was a bait dog. If he were a true fighting dog I think he would have been more aggressive, but also, the good fighters are valueable to the pin heads who "own" them and I doubt they would have let you take their fighting dog. It really makes me sick to be in the same race as that type of monster. At times like these, it helps to think of all the wonderful people, like yourself, that have hearts so full of love and respect for animals, that they would bend over backwards to make them happy, comfortable, loved, and provided for just as they deserve.

    Originally posted by wolflady

    There is a phrase from a movie, I can't remember which...that describes people so well....They're like locusts...consuming every natural resource until it's gone...then moving on. Too bad this rings so true
    I think that phrase is from The Matrox.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2001
    Stockton, CA
    Originally posted by wolflady
    ... There is a phrase from a movie, I can't remember which...that describes people so well.... "They're like locusts...consuming every natural resource until it's gone...then moving on." ...
    It may be in the Matrix, but it's also in one of the pivotal scenes in "Independence Day". The President of the U.S. (Actor: Bill Pullman) had an ESP exposure to one of the aliens and he used those words to describe their plans for Earth.

    Sometimes the trivia I know depresses me
    I'm sometimes asked "Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?" I answer: "I am working at the roots." -George T. Angell, reformer (1823-1909)

    Thank you, Popcornbird for creating this tribute to Summer starring Livvy and Cassy

    Livvy: 11 April 99 - 5 July 09
    Cassy: 11 July 99 - 8 April 11

    If you would like to visit my BeautiConsultant page --

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    Mike has a response for everyone. He said that before he went to Desert Storm he hunted, but after he got back he couldn't kill an animal again, but God help the person who gets in his way if they are abusing an animal. Smokey is improving dramatically. This morning he got up and ate a cup of food (Dr. Byerley told us to cut back on the amount we are giving him at one sitting, but feed him more about every 3 or 4 hours) and then at 7am I took him out and he pooped outside!!! (Only dog lovers wouldn't be grossed out by that! lol) He has finally peed too....we were concerned that he was so dehydrated that he had gone into renal failure. When I brought him back in, he jumped up on one of the chairs and we sat and cuddled for a few minutes and I got KISSES!!! He already looks 100% better than he did and doesn't want to stay in his cage all the time...he's getting a little adventuresome. Thanks to all for being interested!!

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Columbia, MD
    Mugsy, you are Awesome! What a big heart you and Mike have! Thanks to you, Smokey is improving and getting the love that he deserves. When I grow up, I want to be just like you! He!He!He! You are truley an inspiration.

    The more I see of people, the more disgusted I get. How can anyone be cruel to any living creature. It makes my blood boil when I hear of anu animal abuse story.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy

    very often when I read about things that the so called superior species do I get so angry and think that there is no hope whatsover for our race. Then though I see people like you, Mike and the other people here on the board and my faith in our race is restored.

    I think though that people like the ones you described have no place on this earth they are just a waste of space and they take up good air. I know it's not very charitable but I can't help it. More and more in recent years I found myself getting away from people who do not love animals. I hope I never have to witness someone abusing an animal or I know I could get extremely violent and probably I'll end up in prison myself.

    My heart goes out to Smokey, I'm pleased he's in your hands he so much deserves to be loved.

  10. #10
    You and Mike have truly wonderful souls. May God bless you for all you do for the abandoned and neglected pets that come near you.
    I've given up on the human race long time ago, only once in a while, when I read your stories and those of other Pet Talkers, I feel that there's still hope, if only for some chosen few.
    Hope you can be reunited with Tobey soon, and that Smokey continues to recover in your loving home.

    "All men are created equal but none of them is equal to a dog." From the "Howard Huge" cartoon..

  11. #11
    So glad Smoky is doing better! I was afraid to check today to see how he was. Well is he gonna stay? LOL You and Mike do a wonderful thing for animals in need. Well Mike's are pretty good guys.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    Thanks to all of you for your good thoughts. Smokey is doing much better. He has a VERY large open wound on his neck that we discovered when the swelling went down and he keeps scratching it and ripping off more skin. He pretty much stopped that late yesterday afternoon. He seems to get along with the dogs for the most part. Yesterday morning he went after Dudley and bit him in the foot and was put in his crate to let him think about it. He was much better then later in the day. He is also food aggressive, so he has to eat in his crate. He seems to be totally housebroken. He waits and goes out in the front with me and does his duty and then runs for the door!! lol He really is a lover and laid with me on the bed and cuddled on Saturday. We don't know yet if we are going to keep him or find a good loving home for him. If we ever get Tobey back, I'm not sure how those 2 would get along. On the Tobey front, we have very nice neighbors and some have called and told us about dogs in their yards and I go and check it out and it's never him. I've been to the shelter every other day to check, with no luck. I think it will be this spring or summer before we find him, when the guy takes him out for walks.

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Milan, Italy
    I'm pleased that Smokey is adjusting. He sounds like he really needs to be loved after all that he is been through. I'm also very happy that there are no major problems with your other dogs.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Salt Lake City, Utah
    What I've experienced lately - it appears that people are becoming less kind and more self centered and callous. It's people like Mugsy and other Pet Talk people that help me believe there is still good in this world. It's so uplifting when I hear about it!!!!

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2000
    Ft. Wayne, IN
    You guys are so good for my ego. Whenever I feel down all I have to do is come here and read posts and I feel much better. By the way....we have totally housebroken Smokey. He was either broken when we got him or he is incredibly sharp!! We do keep him crated most of the time unless we are both home so we can keep an eye on him with the other dogs. We have only had a couple of incidents and when I get in his face and tell him to knock it off, he stops immediately.

    Don't buy while shelter dogs die!!

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