View Poll Results: Where do they sleep at night?

47. You may not vote on this poll
  • Our my/our bed...

    36 76.60%
  • Under the bed or under something like that...

    1 2.13%
  • Another room...

    3 6.38%
  • They go outside...

    0 0%
  • In their own bed...

    4 8.51%
  • Sleep? They do that at night?

    3 6.38%
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Thread: Do your cats sleep with you?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Do your cats sleep with you?

    Noah and Noel sleep on the bed with us. Noah is on my pillow and Noel sleeps between us. What about your fur kids?
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Kansas, USA
    Usually Chester and Leonardo sleep with me. If it's really cold, so does Luke. Leroy claims a warm space by the furnace. In the summer, they mostly sleep in the kitchen where they have their own set of shelves by a window plus a fan. For some reason, this week, Chester has taken it in his head to sleep in the kitty carrier that I take them to the vet in. Luke has been in it too. What's that all about?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2001
    Lawrenceville, Ga, USA
    We can only pick one of the answers in the poll.

    Usually 2 sleep on my bed, one sleeps on the floor in my bedroom, and one sleeps in my step-son's room.
    Scott is owned by 5 cats: Jackson, Fluffy, Twidgit, Ashton, Lexi;
    and 3 dogs: Eli, Sassee, Ginger

    Fuzzy317's Pictures

  4. #4
    Former User Guest
    Casper and Kitty sleep in the bathroom. That gives us all a chance to sleep better. We tried letting them sleep wiht us in the bed and that worked out, but the fact that they start running aroun dhere at 6:00 didn't, so we had to lock them up. But they absolutely LOVE their bathroom, they always have a race who's first there when they hear th door opening

    Here they are in their fave spot in the bathroom, the sink:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Olympic Peninsula,Washington
    Mocha Bean likes to come up and POKE you with her paws so she can "Rent an Apartment" under the covers this takes at least 3 tries before she settles under there! Then Bonzo Bean likes to be either under Mama's chin or in my armpit!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Netherlands (where I'm from) & Germany (where I live)
    Eddy always sleeps in bed with us. I'm usually reading before going to sleep so it's our special time together where she snuggles up under my chin and starts to purr me sleepy. She also likes to sleep on my pillow or on her pillow between mine and dad's pillow.

    Rudie usually comes and sleeps either at my feet or next to my hand. But after a while he goes downstairs to the guest bedroom and sleeps there until it's time to wake me up for food or food.

    We also have al-Kittda followers - Rudie and Eddy who attack each other or they crawl under the bed and start tearing the mattress. Lately my toes are a target too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Chuck, al-kittda has me laughing out loud this morning! Good one! Trevor and Andy always used to sleep with me but since getting Bella a year ago the bed has become very crowded. Usually if there is too much moving around in the bed on Bella's part they are off to more quiet places. Trevor will occasionally stay because he can go into such a deep sleep that not very much bothers him. Andy on the other hand is like the story of the Princess and the Pea. He's my delicate, sensitive kitty.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Independence, Kansas
    Sometimes they sleep with me and this may not be a full night's worth, but also may come and go. Usually, however, they have their own little places where they spend the night. Now that our central California spring weather is upon us, I am finding that they prefer to sleep alone or with another cat.


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2001
    South Hero Vermont
    My two BRATS usually sleep with me but don't usually come to my bed until late at night. Then they burrow under the covers until they reach the bottom. At that point they start moving my night clothes and covers around to suit them. They like to have their furry little paws touching my skin. If they can't find skin, they will start digging, so I make it a point to leave "a little leg" available for them. What BRATS. They are on my "S-list" this morning, since they knocked a mantle clock off it's purch last night. They are awfully cute though! And they know it. I think I need to bring them in to the bedroom just for supervision purposes, since they seem to get in to trouble while I am sleeping!

  10. #10
    Former User Guest
    Originally posted by sasvermont
    I think I need to bring them in to the bedroom just for supervision purposes, since they seem to get in to trouble while I am sleeping!
    Sas, that was the main reason why we put C&K in the bathroom for the night. They started doing all kinds of nasty things during the night, and it was always stressful to find out in the morning what they had been doing during the night.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2000
    New York, NY,USA
    My boys like to sleep in my bed, but they also have spots that they like around the room. So I guess, they usually come and go. Elvis likes to sleep on top of the comforter, leaning up against my legs. His current favorite off- the-bed spot is on the rug, snuggled up against the heater.
    When Danny sleeps on the bed, he's by my head, on the sheet, but never on the comforter or leaning up against me. He also likes the chair in my room, and has claimed it for himself. I don't even dare sit on it because of the fur! It's a good thing that the chair is sort of a golden/orangey color-it matches him perfectly, lol!

    Many thanks to Kay for the fabulous sig!

  12. #12
    Yum Yum and Dutchess are not allowed in our bedroom unless we are reading in bed then they join us but as soon as we go to sleep they know they have to get out.
    Yum Yum loves to sleep outside our bedroom door at night and she is still there in the morning when we wake up.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    California, USA
    Thelma & Weezie sleep on each side of my head, like kitty earmuffs.

    Hmm ... I may have just realized why I am still single.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    13,005 are too funny!! Thank you for my after lunch laugh!!

    ...reminds me, last week Spencer made his mating chatter (yes, Ms Vicky was there...)
    What does mating chatter sound like?
    ...RIP, our sweet Gini...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    KS, USA
    Sawyer usually sleeps somewhere in the house, if he didnt go outside. Da Baby Kitt usually sleeps on a bunkbed, top bunk, that has clothes and boxes on it, with a matress lain over it. She perches on this until my mom wakes me up, then she comes down(I sleep on the floor) and walks down my legs and side, lies down, purring, until I get up.
    In memory of Rey's Rosebud (Rozye)
    April 26, 1990-April 26,2002
    Passed away in pain under the mercy of the needle because of severe colic.

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