Good Day:
Thank you in advance for reading and responding to my email. To preface, I have already had an in-office visit with my local avian vet who is very good and knowledgeable. I would appreciate some advice, not necessarily a second opinion, but just another perspective would be most helpful to me and the anxiety I am feeling.I have a just-turned one year old blue crown adorable conure named Jaci. Jaci and my daughter had a run-in doing laundry (my daughter slipped on an item of clothing on our lineoleum and it scared Jaci, who was on her T-bar stand and flew down, into the path of my daughter, who went to brace her fall and her hand landed on Jaci's leg.) two days ago, fracturing her femur.Xrays showed all lower leg parts to be okay, but what looks like a fracture of her femur. It was suggested that to perform surgery to attempt to repair this fracture would be difficult and subject Jaci to swelling, antibiotics, etc. Also, to prepare some type of splint would create an awkward situation of securing the bone yet keeping the vent clear, etc. I was basically told that healing would occur, but the bones would knit together and possibly create one leg shorter than another, maybe a gimp, but with recovery possible and quality of life.

On a good note, Jaci seems to dealing with this injury VERY well. Still talking, preening, eating, happy, doesn't seem to appear to be in ANY pain from outward appearance, even when attempting to resume normal activites, although she cannot put ANY pressure on this leg as it completely collapses.

Any support/advice/suggestions that you could afford me would be most appreciated.

Thank you.