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Thread: Any Maltese owners? Shakes/Seizures?? I need help!

  1. #1

    Any Maltese owners? Shakes/Seizures?? I need help!

    I have a 3 year old Maltese, Harley. He has these strange epidsodes where he has these shaky like seizures? He starts shaking, curls up in a ball and gets lithargic. Sometimes he will throw his head back and his eyes will roll back (almost like a blind person would act). These episodes happen periodically. It may happen one day and not again for 6 months. Than sometimes 3 or 4 times in the same week. They last anywhere from 15 mins. to All Day. I just hold him until they go away. The Vet doesnt know what they are....he just gave me a mild sedative to give him when they happen that helps relax him. He also gets this weird gagging/hacking like cough. Almost like he is choking desperately...his body, his legs get all stiff...he makes this awful sound (like a Donkey) while this happens. This only last a few minutes...than all over and only happens maybe once a month.The first time both these episodes happened It scared the heck out of me!!. I thought he was dying. Now they both happen so often I just wait them out. But he seems to suffer so much while they are happening. What the heck!! Other than that he is perfectly healthy and happy! Any one with a Maltese who experiences anything like this?....if so, your input would be very appreciated!

  2. #2

    ask your Vet about

    the possibility of Shaker Dog Syndrome. It is a genetic defect thought to be a defect in a neurotransmitter, and can appear in Malts from 3 mos - 3 years of age. It can range from mild (such as yours) to severe where it may last many days without treatment.

    Cortisteroids or tranquilizers such as benzodiazepines are given to provide better control. You might consider asking the Vet for a low dose tranquilizer to see if it helps prevent it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Agree with Dragondawg

    I agree with Dragondawg that it is a genetic condition found in the Maltese breed. It may be due to past "in-breeding" in a previous generation. The true cause may be hard to determine.
    However, I would like to address another issue with the dog's "hacking issue". This may be due to an enlarged "uvala". (forgive spelling). Dog's have the same thing in the back of their throats as humans. Somethings they are too large and can block air flow after intense exercise. This may explain some of the other symptoms after this happens as the dog is being derpived of oxygen.
    Has the dog had any surgeries? This condition is usually found during a surgery procedure when they put a tube in. You may ask the doctor to examine and see if the uvala is too big or if it was noticed at the surgery. It may have gotten irratated during a past procedure.
    My dog Scooby has this but the vet told me he did not observe an enlarged uvala. However, it was difficult to make him "re-enact" the condition on the spot for the doctor. For some reason, running around in circles in the vet's office was quite embarrassing for the both of us to get him to show the vet.
    My suggestion is when the "wheezing" episode starts. Stop the exercise immediately. I do a slight "heimlich" manueaver. I gently wrap my hands around his diaphram and push up. I treat it as if he were "choking". It tends to help end the episode a little quicker.
    Most vets will prescribe tranquilizers for the other condition. Until the frequency of the seizures increase, no anti-seizure medicine maybe prescribed. Scooby has had a few tranquilizer shots himself over the years.
    Good luck with your baby. I know it is tough to watch. I don't think he is in pain for the most part. It may be more of fright than of pain just like you. Just give a good hug and love.
    Scooby, Shaggy the "Dogs", Ms. Thang the "Cat" and introducing Measley Weasle "The Ferret".

  4. #4
    Thank you both for your input. No, he has not had any surgeries and as for as breeding is concerned he is from a very reputable breeder so this I am sure is not a concern.

    I looked up White Dog Shaker Syndrome because of your advise and learned more about it...THANK YOU SO MUCH! At least now I have something to take to my vet...teach him a thing or two! I will however ask him about "Uvala" least now I have a name for both problems.

    Thanks again for taking the time to help out a stranger.

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