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Thread: My Coco Puff is losing his balance

  1. #1

    My Coco Puff is losing his balance

    I don't know what's happening here to my cats. One after another is getting sick, all w/different ailments. Coco is my latest rescue, about 8 months old now, Siamese. I had him neutered a week ago and he had a lot of wax, etc. in his ears that the vet cleaned out and I've been doing it twice a day since then and am putting Tresaderm in his ears twice a day also. He has had so much energy that he makes me tired just watching him. When I left for work this morning, he was fine. When I came home, he ran up the stairs to meet me and that was it. I put food out and he not only didn't devour it like he usually does, he didn't even look at it. It's almost as though he didn't even know it was there. He hasn't meowed once since I've been home either. When I threw a toy to see if he would chase it, he stood there, again as though he didn't notice. I have a 4:00 at the vet clinic but my vet is gone for the day. Coco Puff is sitting under the dining room table right now instead of getting into everything as usual.

    Has anyone had experience w/this sort of thing?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dallas/Fort Worth Texas
    Make sure you keep an eye on his litter box for stool and urine. This was you can make sure if he is going or not, and if he has diarhea. Maybe he has an upset stomach. But a vet is your best bet always. Does his eyes or nose look different? Waterery discharge ect? Keep an eye on him...

  3. #3
    No, he doesn't look any different. I just got back from the vet's. He was already tested for FIV and leukemia and came back negative. The vet says he's exhibiting symptoms of FIP, which scares me to death. It's incurable and my other cats are at risk then. My other vet, who is a specialist, says that FIP is rare and that the odds are on my side. They only see a couple of cases a year. But little Coco Puff now is afraid to walk down the stairs. It's almost as though he had a seizure. He was staring into space and wouldn't eat or run or even walk. Now he's eating but he just doesn't want to move. I'm having a rough time w/this one. I'm really, really worried. We've just had too much illness in this cat family since I've moved house.


  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Dallas/Fort Worth Texas
    If you have just moved, make sure you check everywhere for plants they may eat that are poisenous and rat poisen laid down. If you have had problems there, you may want to fill a water bottle up with part bleach and spray, killing anything that they prior owner may have had there. Very little bleach. We did that when our dog got parvo, also put dry bleach in the yard and wet it down with water afterwards.. Let me know what comes up tomarrow, see if he feels better, its good that he ate!

  5. #5
    I checked all around for rat/mouse poison, etc.; couldn't find anything. I wish he would perk up. He did eat but he just isn't his usual into-everything self. He just wants to be held or sits at my feet. I'm so used to seeing him wrestle w/the other cats. To see him so still and quiet is heartbreaking.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    Dallas/Fort Worth Texas
    I am researching this fip. One noteable thing it says is diarhea. So watch his stool sample, and HE will get better. I am praying for him.......Did they test him for this fip?

  7. #7
    Yes, he was tested for FIP and I'll know the results tomorrow. No diarrhea in any of the litter boxes or around the house. If it's seizures, I can deal w/that. But FIP has no cure; it's treatable but it'll put my other cats at risk. The research that I've done supports what the other vet told me, that it isn't as common as one might think. God, I hope not. He is the most adorable, lovable, sweet little guy. I'll keep you posted for sure.


  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Dallas/Fort Worth Texas
    Also wondering if he is warm, do you know how his tempeture is?
    Poor guy, let him rest. And pleassseeee let me know how he is. I really will be thinking of him tonight and worring with you. I have several and worry with everything about them. They are our kids.

  9. #9
    Yep, my fur posse of 8 are my kids, too. No, his temp. was normal. He's sitting at the top of the stairs again, as though he's afraid to go down. I took him down, thinking he might want to use the litter box but he didn't. He just wandered around. He walked back upstairs behind me instead of racing ahead of me as usual. Then when he got two steps from the top, he wobbled and stopped. It's gonna be a loooong night.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Tabbyville, PA
    When you hold him, does he meow in pain when you touch a certain area? My Abby had the same exact symptoms a few weeks ago, and within a few days she was her normal carefree self. We figure she pulled a muscle while attempting some crazy stunt.

  11. #11
    No, he isn't meowing at all, which is another concern. He's quite vocal and I also call him "Booper" because he makes this funny sound like "boop boop". And he's always getting squirted w/the squirt gun because he's into everything. Now this boy is just sitting at the top of the steps still.


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    My friend's cat once fell into the toilet and hit his head, and he was dizzy and wobbly for a while afterwards. Might Coco have bumped his head on something?

    Poor little guy--hope he perks up soon.

  13. #13
    I guess anything is possible, especially given how active he's always been. He was fine when I left for work, so who knows what really happened while I was gone. I suspect, though, that it's roundworms. I did some research on that, too, and found out that roundworms can cause seizures. He vomited some up yesterday and, of course, I rushed him into the vet and I administered a liquid to all of my cats to be safe. They'll get a followup treatment in two weeks. I'm hoping that's what it is. He's now coming around a little but he isn't sure footed. He jumped up onto the counter top and, as he was walking, he lost his footing and fell. He definitely walks to one side. Maybe he had a mini stroke. Sigh. This not knowing is awful. I feel so bad for my little boy.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2001
    indianapolis,indiana usa
    I would be sure to have the Vet check Coco Puff's ears again.
    Could be an inner ear problem(infection) causing the loss of
    balance & a whole host of other symptoms too. Good luck.
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  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    I wouldn't panic yet, especially if he's starting to come around. My friend's cat walked like a drunk all evening after his misadventure, but he didn't suffer any permanent damage.

    If Coco did have a seizure due to roundworms, he wouldn't necessarily have had a stroke, but it probably would take him a little while to get back to normal.

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